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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by 4202004

  1. 4202004

    Rny Or Lap-Band

    I am 5'6" and no that is not a bad goal at all however i would make smaller goals in intervals. The weight loss takes time it is not overnight even though the numbers do fall off in the beginning the weight loss does have stops and starts. The main thing is to think about how much healthier you are becomming and the progress you have made so far not what you havent lost yet. I lost around 60 lbs the first 6 mths and was down 100 lbs by my year appt. the last 20 plus came off over the next year . To tell you the truth i actually stoped weighing my self all the time for it was no longer a thought i just live now and enjoy each day. I know alot of people who have had the surgery gain some weight back and thats because they never really excepted the life change and wanted to still eat they way they use to so they would forse the food it causing vomitting which can cause you stomach to stretch. As for the extra skin you i have it and alot of in around my stomach and legs but it doesnt really bother me i am healthier and have more energy to chase and keep up with my children i feel normal. Just remember there is more then just the prize of weight loss there is the enjoyment you will feel when you relize you are no longer thinking about weight but what outfit you want to ware cause now u will be able to go to the store grab size 8/10 and go home without trying it on . All time time saved will be spend enjoy walks and vacation ect...
  2. 4202004

    New Beginning In 2012

    Good luck and i am hoping for speedy recovery
  3. 4202004

    New Beginning In 2012

    Hi every one my name is jackie and i am 8 years yes years post op and dont regret it at all. It is life changing but worth it. Pre op i was 270 ils and am now had have been 148 for a few years i even had my 2 child 4years out of surgery and stayed healthy during the pregnacy and was able to loose the extra weight which i am not gona lie scared me. I now enjoy getting dressed up and going to parties not to mention vacations but most of all i now enjoy my life and no longer obsess on how heavy i am. I wish you all much success and congrats on getting approved. Ps there will be days in the beginning that you may say why did i do this but stick threw it that part is only temporary. And the long term is so worth it.
  4. 4202004

    Rny Or Lap-Band

    Sorry it was suppose to be u cant absorb as many cal as u eat
  5. 4202004

    Rny Or Lap-Band

    I had gbp 8 years ago and have maintained my weight loss so far i was in my 20's when i had it and was 270 on the day of surgery i am now 148 and have had a child post op. The ryb not only make you stomach small but also doesnt allow ur body to asorb all the calories u eat which is why the weight loss is quicker and last longer. It changes your whole was of living esp if you really enjoy large meals with family. Doing the research is key to being a sucess. They are some long term issues that can occur such as iron def and so on. Remeber that you that fact that you can asorb as many caleries as you eat is great but part of that is you protein, vit and so on. You can lose and alot of weight but also lose hair. You can also restrech ur pouch if you drink soda to soon or force food in. It is life changing but worth it.
  6. 4202004

    Rny Or Lap-Band

    Good luck and the band gives less results bacause it is only shrinking ur stomach where as the gastric is actually changing the way ur body will absorb the food.
  7. 4202004

    Tgif Weigh-In 04/27

    In the beginning for me it came off slow but once i got moving around more i was losing it much faster so wether it is one lb or non for a week or so done beat urself up it will come off.
  8. 4202004

    Know I Want This Done But So On Edge

    I had gastric bypass 8 years ago when my first daughter was two and i dont regret it in any way. My heath has improved and my life. I have the energy to keep up with my kids. I now live my life insted of never wanting to go out . Also i use to have depression but for some reason looseing the weight has resolved that issue. Prior to surgery i weighed 270 ils and now i am 148 ils. 3 years ago ihad my second child and was so scared of the weight gain and if the baby would get enough nutrients to grow but she is fine and the weight came off. I am not gona lie the first year was the hardest with the life style changes but if you have the surgery to become healthyer you will see it is all worth it.
  9. Ok so this happens in the beginning the first 6 mths post op are the hardest believe me i had the sugery 8 years ago on the 20th on this mth. I was 270 the day i had it and know weigh 147. In 2008 i had my second child and was so worried about gaining to much but i gained 38 and lost it within 1 year or so. Ifound that denty more beef stew was my saving grace it has a fair amt or protein. Dont drink anything while u eat this will give u that stuck feeling and cause vomiting. Also make sure you chew very well and eat slow esp chicken which i still have a problem with if i mix it with any type of bread. First start with not worry about ur protein consumption and concentrate on what food ur body will accept that will not cause u to become sick. Protein is very important but so is keeping the food down. Jackie

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