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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LosingItForMe2011

  1. LosingItForMe2011

    Pre Op Shopping

    Oh and liquid protein options for your week after surgery.
  2. LosingItForMe2011

    Pre Op Shopping

    dstollery - when is your surgery? Did you pick up all your vitamins you'll need beside the multi? What about B12, D3, Calcium?
  3. LosingItForMe2011

    How Long Until Doing Housework?

    Oooo perfect age for helping mama I bet they'd love to help you out jenneliza!
  4. LosingItForMe2011

    How Long Until Doing Housework?

    I say great time to teach the kids how to do laundry and make sandwiches. I can bet they'd love to help. Well depending on their ages that is Otherwise I wouldn't recommend picking up laundry. I believe we're not suppose to pick up anything over 10 pounds or so for the first few weeks. Give your surgeon a call to see what their limits are.
  5. LosingItForMe2011

    Hello To All!

    welcome new posters Glad you decided to post. We can all help each other and there is plenty of information here to share. If you need something and can't find it, post it and we'll be sure to answer!
  6. LosingItForMe2011

    No Pre-Op Diet?

    no pre-op diet was given to me and that means right up to surgery date. I was told nothing to eat or drink after midnight the day before surgery. I thought it was odd too because when I had my lapband I was given a pre-op but, this bariatric group does not. The PA I saw said she's trying to change that with this group. She thinks they should have one. I'm going to do one anyway just because I want my liver to shrink as much as possible so the surgeon can move it out of the way and not run into issues. My date is 7/11 so starting tomorrow I'm doing 2 shakes and one small meal for Sunday and Monday and for Tuesday the day before my surgery all liquids.
  7. LosingItForMe2011


    How are you doing? You're on the losing side now...Congrats!
  8. LosingItForMe2011

    Protein/food/enough Calories

    Pure Protein chocolate is my favorite but, I also have Pure Protein in vanilla and Cookies and cream. Syntrax Mint chocolate cookie is also a favorite. Try mixing things into the shakes to get rid of the aftertaste in some shakes. I for one don't care for vanilla shakes but, if you add 1 tablespoon of PB2 into it it's not so bad. PB2 is Peanut Butter with the fat taken out of it so it's powder. Google it! I got it on Amazon and love it when I'm in the mood for a thicker, richer shake. It add protein too without too much sugar or fat. I also use capella drops - sugar free, calorie free but, adds nice flavor. I like Toasted Almond and Coconut flavors in my chocolate shake Keep trying...you'll find what you like and can tolerate.
  9. LosingItForMe2011

    Had My 2 Week Check Up!

    congrats Rhon!
  10. LosingItForMe2011

    5 Day Pouch Test

    Princess - Folks that had the lapband used to do it. I remember hearing about it when I had mine. It got folks back on track.
  11. LosingItForMe2011

    Massachusetts, Usa

    Congrats Law....sounds like you had a great day!
  12. LosingItForMe2011


    Exactly Kookieto...that's a great way to think! Another thing people replace eating with is shopping. That can be pretty scary too but, what's worse is we'll have to shop because we'll be shrinking out of our clothes. I guess from what my therapist told me some get excessive with it. I guess it will always be a battle in one form or another but, I have to say I'd prefer a battle with shopping versus a battle of the bulge.
  13. LosingItForMe2011


    They say after RNY people can become alcoholics because of displacement. Meaning...now that a person can't eat anything they want or doesn't have food to sooth oneself they choose alcohol because they can drink liquids. Then of course because of the re-arranged anatomy RNY folks get drunk on very little and also sober up rather quickly. So they drink more. Pretty scary stuff. All the more to get our heads right before having the surgery so we know what to do with ourselves once we can't eat our way through emotions or boredom etc. Seems to be the big thing going around tv and the internet at the moment.
  14. LosingItForMe2011

    Submitting To Insurance !

    Good luck and I hope you get your approval the first go-round!
  15. LosingItForMe2011

    Insurace Question

    melonpie05 - have you completed the 5 months or was it a week short etc? My insurance wanted a 3 months supervision stint after having already approved the time frame the first time when my surgeon submitted the paperwork. They denied me the first time because they wanted weights for the past 4 years. Then when they were given that they denied because of the 3 months supervision they said was short by a few weeks. My surgeon fought that stating they approved it the first time. So we won that battle but, then it came down to my PCP's letter not stating the exact wording of "medical release for surgery". Turns out my PCP was on vacation so my surgery had to be delayed. I saw my PCP and was then approved after she wrote yet another letter stating the medical release. It's amazing what some insurances make us do but, folks are right...your surgeon's office knows what needs to be done. Talk with them and don't be afraid to call your insurance company yourself. I do medical billing for a living and tell my patients that all the time. Sometimes a patient calling gets things moved along faster and some denials approved. Call your insurance and ask them straight out what those words mean and what needs to be done to correct it and get the approval. You'd be surprised how much further a patient can get than their doctor sometimes. Good luck! I was denied twice and finally have my date...so it possible!
  16. LosingItForMe2011

    Mile Swim

    Great news there Minsi! Congrats! You should be proud and heck if you enjoy swimming keep it going because you're right...it's one of the best exercises!
  17. LosingItForMe2011

    Process For Revision

    jen_g so sorry to hear all you've gone through. I too will be a lapband to rny patient. My band was taken out in 2010 so I'm now praying the scarring isn't too bad and I can have the RNY. My surgeon isn't the surgeon who did my band. She did say if she goes in and there is too much scarring she may have to come right back out. Sucks but, I'm willing to try. She said for most of her revision patients she's been able to do the surgery but, their pouch had to be a little bigger to accomodate for the flap they sew to hold the band in place. She said she's try to take that down but, if she couldn't she'd have to cut below it. I just pray it works out. Again so sorry you had to go through all that! I wish you the best.
  18. LosingItForMe2011

    Getting Nervous

    walking is the best thing for it Dani. Some say gasX works but, I'm not quite sure about that considering the gas is in your abdomin versus in your stomach. Maybe other folks can have some input with that again. Glad you're home! congrats!
  19. LosingItForMe2011

    Sugar Substitute Concerns

    EEsMom...glad you're going to talk to your nutritionist. I can't imagine you'll be the first patient that she/he has heard can't have sugar substitues. I"m sure they'll find something for you. Even if you have to make your own Protein shakes out of plain Protein powder. For me Sugar Alcohol sets me off and I haven't even had the surgery yet. Too much of that stuff...errr...is not a good thing for me. Good luck!
  20. LosingItForMe2011

    Helpful Tools That Help You With Your Rny Routines?

    I haven't tried the double dark chocolate because I don't care for dark chocolate. I usually just put the coconut and toasted almond into my Pure Protein. I use the powdered version of the Pure protein. Target online had the frosty chocolate and Cookies and cream on a special price of $15.99 a tub. I stocked up on the chocolate. I know the cookies and cream went back to regular price but, the chocolate may still be on special...haven't looked recently. So this morning for breakfast I tried the vanilla pure protein again this time adding 1 tablespoon of the PB2 w/chocolate. It actually cut the aftertaste of the whey which was great! I hate vanilla by itself but, this was good for a change.
  21. It's been quite a process but, I've finally been given a date for my revision surgery! June 6th they told me today. Zoiks, saw the nutritionist at 8am this morning and within hours after her telling me she gives her approval I got the call. June 6th is the date so far, just need to get a medical surgery approval letter from my PCP and approval from the insurance company. Preop work May 21st and off I go. I'm excited and nervous which I know is natural. Still a scary thought having my inner works re-worked but, I know it's the best choice for me. I did well with my lapband until the dang thing slipped TWICE! So I know I can do this and the proper way to eat etc. I'm so looking forward to losing these extra love handles and getting to a healthier me. Thank you for your support and friendship here and I look forward to our continued journies together. Crossing my fingers for all the paperwork to go as it has to
  22. LosingItForMe2011

    Received My Revision Date Today - June 6Th

    OH I'm sure I'll be talking to myself until they stick me and make me sleep LOL
  23. LosingItForMe2011

    Telling People About The Surgery

    janec...I"m with you as well. I've told a few folks but, mainly the ones that have to cover for me while I"m out of work. So many people pass judgement that right now I don't want to hear it so I tell who's close to me. Most folks worry because it is major surgery but, they've all, so far, been very supportive and truly know I wouldn't make this decision lightly. I will say though I've heard folks at work judge some of the woman who have had it. To me....I've lived their life in the struggle to lose weight so I "get" why they've done it. Some have done well...others have not. Those who have followed the correct way to eat, have been the ones who have done well. So...that just tells me DO what my bariatric center says to do!
  24. LosingItForMe2011

    Omg! Supporting Hubby

    My husband told me whatever makes me happy we will manage to obtain. So if my insurance won't pay for the "apron" removal we'll be figuring out what needs to be done so I can have that done. I already know I'm going to need to have it removed because of the way my body is now. While I'm going in for that I'm planning on getting a boob lift as well. Not so sure on the arm surgery yet...but, I'm not saying no to it yet. I hear that arm one is the most painful because they rub against your body but, I've heard some surgeons are doing it a different way now instead of slicing down the inside of your arm for the length of your biceps they are going across and pulling the skin up........need to research that a bit more though. So I'll be in the same boat with the plastics after. I think quite a few folks are.
  25. Hi Vicki, Welcome to the boards. My bariatric therapist actually told me the medical field is considering RNY even for healthy weight folks who have diabetes because it helps so much in reversing it. I wish you the best with your journey!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
