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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    dropdeadweightdiva reacted to Sleevarilla in I have having sleeve surgery on weds and I cheated last night   
    Regret is a ridiculous emotion. You did it, now you have to own it. Call your surgeon's office and let them know. I'm betting that they will tell you everything will be ok, but to be sure to follow the diet recommendations strictly for the rest of the time.
  2. Like
    dropdeadweightdiva reacted to Jordan861 in Question (:   
    Don't move until your doctor tells you. You may have been ok this time, but the passage through your stomach is small if food does not digest and backs up you can get a blockage and rupture your suture line.
    Get low fat cream of chicken Soup and put it through a strainer (no chicken pieces allowed)... that is what I made it through on. Good luck.
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    dropdeadweightdiva reacted to Jordan861 in Am I eating enough to lose weight?   
    Just how the doctor explained it to me - It is in and out - Calories in vs calories out (burned). Your body will attempt to restore glycogen or glycerin stores (liver process that is energy)(body will just use less) they are used up during the first weeks of the body getting use to lower calorie intake. Once your body has restored the glycerin/glycogen (don't remember which it was) stores you will start loosing. Are you gaining? When I went into the stall for 5 days I didn't gain, just didn't lose.
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    dropdeadweightdiva reacted to JamieLogical in Am I eating enough to lose weight?   
    Are you tracking your calorie intake? If so can you tell us how many calories you are eating as well as what your activity level is like?
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    dropdeadweightdiva reacted to gidget42683 in In hospital   
    I will for sure thank you much going in thirty min I'm excited
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    dropdeadweightdiva reacted to mbrinmn in Almost 1 yr post op-willing to mentor :)   
    I was exactly like you. I obsessed about food all day long. I could get it out of my head. I was ALWAYS hungry; relay voraciously hungry. That is in part why I chose the surgery. I can tell you the I, personally, do feel hunger every know and then, but it's not that horrible black hole of hunger that needs to be filled with large amounts of anything and everything. I think I'm actually feeling what normal hunger must feel like I don't obsess about food any more. I don't even have cravings for my old vices...coffee, donuts, diet coke, cake, hamburgers with extra cheese. Thinking about them doesn't make me sad I can chosen not to eat them, or make me want them even more. It makes me think about what my stomach can handle. It really is a big partnership between your head and your stomach. The body is an amazing piece of equipment!! It will tell you almost everything if you listen to it. Your new stomach will tell you what it can and can't really take and your head doesn't have to feel bad your not getting those things you thought you would never in your life give up. Also, this will help your family eat healthy. Make the same smart choices for them as you would make for yourself.
    I think of my sleeved stomach as a nice little coin purse. Do I want to fill it with pennies or quarters. Which brings me the best return on this investment I've made on myself and my health? Pennies?...the old crappy foods I used to eat. Or quarters?...the good nutritional choices I make to fill up that little space.
    Also, I recommend two movies wholeheartedly. "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" and "Food Inc." One is a motivational way to look at vegetables and fruit, the other is a look at how broken our food delivery chain really is and why Americans are more obese in bigger numbers than ever before.
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    dropdeadweightdiva reacted to sweetcheeks709 in Almost 1 yr post op-willing to mentor :)   
    I would love to have a mentor on here. My MIL had rny about 10+ years ago so some of the things she can't help me with. I just turned 28 and I have 2 kids, my surgery date is 10/20/14, so I am starting to get really nervous about everything. How did you deal with it? I cant start my liquid 2 week diet until 10/5, and am so not looking forward to it as I dont do well with being really hungry. That being said, I'm afraid I'm not going to do as well as I want to with this. Ive seen some people say that they are hungry all the time and honestly I was relying on the surgery to make that go away, at least for a while. Im the type of person that once I start thinking about food, like a specific item, thats all I can think about until I have it. I've been getting better on not doing that, but I'm afraid that 6 months out I'll be back to old habits and undo everything that i've went through. Any advice?? Thanks so much
  8. Like
    dropdeadweightdiva got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in Almost 1 yr post op-willing to mentor :)   
    I started at 287 lbs. I focused the first 6 weeks on drinking and healing. I started taking Calcium citrate, Vitamin D and a prenatal Vitamin daily once I was allowed to do so. Recently I stopped taking the Calcium as my nutritionist and I decided that I consume a fair amount of calcium naturally on a daily basis so the extra is just not necessary for me. As far as boosting the weight loss...Initially to get my Protein in I used the typical shakes, bought skim milk powder and unflavoured Protein Powder to add to things. But worry less about Protein for the first little while and more about getting in fluids because if you don't you'll find yourself dizzy, ditzy and the headaches are pretty unpleasant and will linger if you don't sip sip sip. lol I live in Canada so my access to some brands is more limited... I started out just walking on a daily basis and just increased the time and intensity week by week. Now, for me, walking is more of a nature thing as it doesn't bring my heart rate up enough to be effective the way I want it to be. But to start walking is a great way, just fill your ipod with music you love and that makes you feel good, and has an upbeat tempo to help keep you paced. Considering how early you are in this stage of your journey, right now worry less about the scale and more about healing and adjusting to your new diet.
  9. Like
    dropdeadweightdiva got a reaction from Luvin_Life125 in Almost 1 yr post op-willing to mentor :)   
    I will happily answer any questions and try to help you the best that I can in your journey. 40 year old female, 3 kids, 143 pounds gone. It is a hard and trying process but the best decision I ever made!!!
  10. Like
    dropdeadweightdiva got a reaction from Aribay1 in Need support?   
    Just remember to advocate for yourself. This road is anything but easy from approval to post op. You are far from alone in this journey. I hope you get the news you want, but in case you don't just remember a lot of people now post op were told no throughout their journey too.
  11. Like
    dropdeadweightdiva reacted to LipstickLady in I am so angry at myself   
    Good for you for being honest with yourself, that's a huge step towards having great success with this surgery.
    I think you need to ask yourself why you are self sabotaging. I, too, am an over achiever and am very competitive with myself. I knew I was ready for this surgery when I started my pre op 1 month before I had to and stuck to it 100%. I finally realized I had hit rock bottom with myself and was no longer willing to compromise my health and my happiness over a few platefuls of food.
    I hate that your doctor's office made you feel bad, but I do wonder if that was truly them or you. I know I am one to beat myself down when I make bad choices and I often project my feelings onto others when they give me constructive criticism.
    Do what you need to do today. Make great choices and spend some time really figuring out your whys. When you do, you will find the strength you need to be successful, I have no doubt.
  12. Like
    dropdeadweightdiva reacted to BarnGirlWK in All the Alberta girls   
    I leave for Mexico tomorrow morning! Only Clear liquids today on the menu.
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    dropdeadweightdiva reacted to Happygoomom in All the Alberta girls   
    Hi! I'm from Calgary, although I just had sleeve surgery a week ago in Medicine Hat. I'd love to cultivate a good support group, online or in person.
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    dropdeadweightdiva reacted to Shastasmom in Alberta girl question: Why go to Mexico?   
    So glad to see these posts! Last night while I was falling asleep I had convinced myself that I could do this on my own.
    I have failed every diet I have ever been I and honestly I have spent well over the $4400.00 cost of my surgery in weight loss program and supplements.
    I know i don't carry as much weight as others but my struggle is the same.
    My knees are swollen and painful, bending over to pick something off the floor is tough, I have a difficult time doing my toenails, I snore horribly, sleep is difficult at times.
    I'm tired of feeling tired. I'm pretty healthy otherwise but know If I don't arrest this weight problem I will soon start to suffer worse!
    My last reason I want to lose weight is really vain but honestly, I want to feel sexy again! My self esteem is really low right now and though he doesn't say anything, I'm sure he's wondering if I'll ever want sex again!
    Start my pre op Aug 21st. I'm already doing most of it except still enjoying a glass of wine. That goes in a few days:( lord give me strength!
  15. Like
    dropdeadweightdiva got a reaction from mbrinmn in Almost 1 yr post op-willing to mentor :)   
    I make a point of drinking all day long.. so when I am eating I don't crave fluids. My suggestion would be to have a decent sized drink about half an hour before you usually eat. Also if you find yourself craving fluids while you eat maybe have a yogurt or something that consistency during your meal so you kind of feel that texture but it will fill you up at the same time. I know for me I have learned that when I fall off the wagon onto the carb express I can eat a huge amount of food, especially chips and crackers..As much as this surgery is a tool it's not a cure and we still have to fight the head games. Also when I overdo carbs my head hunger jumps into full effect and I find myself drinking less than I do when I am focusing on Protein. So as much as I am not one of those 'no carbs' sleever.. I am aware that carbs are the devil, lol So just be aware of the carbs in the form of breads, Pasta, crackers.. i don't count carbs in yogurt, shakes etc as a rule in my daily intake.. I do still have a shake every morning for Breakfast and I add a scoop of Fiber to it and you will be surprised how much heavier that sits to help tide you over for the morning.. I also drink a butt load of nestea green tea zero and Powerade zero.. Agree with your doctor to move more but the thing people tend to forget about is weight training.. cpl days a week .. i can set you up with a program that takes 20minutes.. muscle burns fat so it really is an essential part of the process while you are trying to lose.. Also try to stay off the scale and take your measurements instead.. much more reliable tell as the scale will stay still but the inches will move..
  16. Like
    dropdeadweightdiva got a reaction from mbrinmn in Almost 1 yr post op-willing to mentor :)   
    A lot of people stall out for 2-3 weeks at about 3-4 weeks out. It is very annoying but as long as you keep doing all the right things it will move. Calcium is 12-1500mg/day but you the body will only absorb 500 at a time. Vitamin D for me is 2-3 pills a day, but initially mine was low so presurgury I was taking 7/day to get to where I needed to be. I also take a prenatal Vitamin literally before I shut my eyes as they make me nauseaus, so wait til my eyelids can't stay open and down it or it will keep me up as the room spins..I recently decided with my nutritionist that I am taking in enough calcium through milk, cheese, and yogurt that I don't need to supplement anymore. But that's me, so I advise you to talk to your nutritionist.. I am on a manditory 66grams/daily of Protein since day one post op. I have a scale of appropriate amounts from my nutritionist if you want me to find yours, but again that is a conversation to have with your nutritionist..
    Again besides the obvious eat well and exercise.. Add Fiber powder to a shake per day also drink like a fish and I don't recommend chewing gum if you every were a swallower.. then stay far away..and you are too early out for this option now anyway but i do chew gum now and it is a huge help for cravings.. I know it can create additional gas for some but it doesn't for me so that is a personal experience.. and like I said don't even consider it until you are 4-5 months out if you think it may help.. some drop their cheese intake and definitely drop off on your carbs when your are stalled.. good luck! just don't get too frustrated as your body adjusts to the new schedule and calorie intake which for the first while I was told should be between 650-900/day if you can do that much, just work your way up..
  17. Like
    dropdeadweightdiva got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in Almost 1 yr post op-willing to mentor :)   
    Thank you Ann,
    No worries and there is no such thing as a stupid question and there is such a thing as a stupid answer but I will try not to give you any It is one heck of a ride!
    Dropdeadweightdiva ... love the post, love your name, love the picture.
    I'm all ears for anything you have to say.
    It's so cool when vets stick around. Mostly, it's so helpful.
    Thank you for caring.
  18. Like
    dropdeadweightdiva reacted to mbrinmn in Almost 1 yr post op-willing to mentor :)   
    Hello, glad I found this forum. I just had my surgery August 27 and I seem to be really stuck at the same weight, which I lost in the first two weeks, when I was just on the broth post-surgery diet.
    Are there any tips, besides exercise, that might help me? What did all of your doctors tell you your Protein intake should be in the months after surgery...and for how many months? Maybe that's my issue; not getting enough. I just started walking since I'm at my almost-4-week mark and okayed for light exercise.
    Also, what should my Calcium and Vitamin D intake be? I'm worried I'm not getting enough calcium at age 50.
    Thank you,
  19. Like
    dropdeadweightdiva reacted to Odyco in Almost 1 yr post op-willing to mentor :)   
    Help I am a year and a half post op and can't loose weight
    I know I am doing some things wrong but all my doctor says is move more
    I lost 25 lbs in the 1 st month and haven't really changed since
    I have a problem drinking while eating and I have read that basically washes the food down
    How do you eat without drinking anything.
  20. Like
    dropdeadweightdiva reacted to shmeyers in Almost 1 yr post op-willing to mentor :)   
    Pre-admission. Auto correct
  21. Like
    dropdeadweightdiva reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Almost 1 yr post op-willing to mentor :)   
    Dropdeadweightdiva ... love the post, love your name, love the picture.
    I'm all ears for anything you have to say.
    It's so cool when vets stick around. Mostly, it's so helpful.
    Thank you for caring.
  22. Like
    dropdeadweightdiva reacted to shmeyers in Almost 1 yr post op-willing to mentor :)   
    Wow, you look great! My surgery is set for October 14th. I am 48 and have 3 kids. I have my pre-designed testing next Thursday. I am nervous and excited. I hope I can do as well as you.
  23. Like
    dropdeadweightdiva got a reaction from Luvin_Life125 in Almost 1 yr post op-willing to mentor :)   
    I will happily answer any questions and try to help you the best that I can in your journey. 40 year old female, 3 kids, 143 pounds gone. It is a hard and trying process but the best decision I ever made!!!
  24. Like
    dropdeadweightdiva got a reaction from Luvin_Life125 in Almost 1 yr post op-willing to mentor :)   
    I will happily answer any questions and try to help you the best that I can in your journey. 40 year old female, 3 kids, 143 pounds gone. It is a hard and trying process but the best decision I ever made!!!
  25. Like
    dropdeadweightdiva got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in Almost 1 yr post op-willing to mentor :)   
    I started at 287 lbs. I focused the first 6 weeks on drinking and healing. I started taking Calcium citrate, Vitamin D and a prenatal Vitamin daily once I was allowed to do so. Recently I stopped taking the Calcium as my nutritionist and I decided that I consume a fair amount of calcium naturally on a daily basis so the extra is just not necessary for me. As far as boosting the weight loss...Initially to get my Protein in I used the typical shakes, bought skim milk powder and unflavoured Protein Powder to add to things. But worry less about Protein for the first little while and more about getting in fluids because if you don't you'll find yourself dizzy, ditzy and the headaches are pretty unpleasant and will linger if you don't sip sip sip. lol I live in Canada so my access to some brands is more limited... I started out just walking on a daily basis and just increased the time and intensity week by week. Now, for me, walking is more of a nature thing as it doesn't bring my heart rate up enough to be effective the way I want it to be. But to start walking is a great way, just fill your ipod with music you love and that makes you feel good, and has an upbeat tempo to help keep you paced. Considering how early you are in this stage of your journey, right now worry less about the scale and more about healing and adjusting to your new diet.

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