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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pandagirl

  1. Hi, I know there are a couple of Sacramento threads going on, but I was wondering if there were those who had thier band done by Dr. Laura Machado or who are planning to go through her?
  2. How much weight were you asked to lose before having your band done? How long did it take you? Was it more difficult as time went on? By the time all is said and done I will have lost a total of 85 pounds since my first official weigh-in with my Surgeon. If I include my weight the day I started my supervised diet it will have been 97. I will have been on some form of a liquid diet since September 2007 and on some kind of diet since January 2007. I'm losing and I'm proud, but I'm kind of frustrated because now I've been asked to do a full on liquid diet after I went in for my band on the 6th and they were unable to do it. (There's a thread called "unfinished band? " if you're interested.) Fat or not, 7-8 months on a liquid diet would be hard for anybody. Right now, it seems very hard.
  3. pandagirl

    OK... it's October now, what's happening?

    I lost a lot of wieght before surgery so I think that's why my wieght isn't coming off.
  4. pandagirl

    OK... it's October now, what's happening?

    I healed really, really well. Havne't had a fill yet. I gained 2 pounds. But that's mainly because most of my mushies have been carbs. That's my fault. My main issue though it not knowing when to eat. Most days I'm not really hungry so I end up force feeding myself when I've gone 4 to 6 hours without eating. It's a little confusing to do this because I've spent the last 18 months training myself not to eat until I feel hungry. Also, I don't feel the "restriction". Since I feel full most of the time, I never know when I've hit my full point. I don't know. My communication with my body is totally off and I really don't know what to do. I'll be seeing my Doc tomorrow, a week late because of a severe cold I had. I don't think I'm rehudrated from that either....but all that is just training me into my new belly. Otherwise I'm peaches!!!!
  5. pandagirl

    New Blog Entry

    Morbidly What? This is where I keep my blog. I just posted a few minutes ago, not all entries are public, but some are.
  6. pandagirl

    New Blog Entry

    I haven't updated here in a while. Let's see, had the surgery on the 15th, doing well, haven't lost any weight. Joined www.thedailyplate.com today to track my food. I think that will help becuase it's what helped me lose 50 pounds on my own before I even considered the Band. Unfortunately, I gained that weight back the following year, thus my quest for the band. Anyway, I need to go back to those principles, track my food, exercise, pay attention to what I'm putting in my body, feel good about it and don't give up just because the weight isn't coming off like I want it to. Simple right? That would be nice. Simple or not, I'll do it.
  7. My burping has slowed a bit. I still burp after eating, but usually just one long man burp. I think the key was eating more slowly and healing. I also had my first PB. It wasn't so bad and I knew immediatley that something was wrong. I felt the bit of food get stuck in my chest and there was some pain, but not excrutiating. Then liquid came up and once that was done, the food went down. It was my fault for taking too big a bite, lesson learned. :thumbdown:
  8. I'm feeling like a little kid again! I've got my super snazzy baby spoons (they make it too fun to eat, actually) and I burp after every meal and every time I drink "large" amounts. Am I eating too fast? Am I supposed to be burping every time? And what is the burping cue? Again, am I supposed to feel this pressure or does the pressure mean I've gone too far? I'm feeling okay otherwise. I'm 8 days post-op and haven't vommitted, PB'ed or had anything to complain about accept my massive, deep throated monster burps and a little soreness around my port incision. I guess this is a good thing. :confused:
  9. Do you have a sense of restriction now? Did you before the fill? I get full quickly and have no complaints about feeling hungry and wondering how much less hungry I'll feel after the fill. If you don't feel restriction, how long do you have to wait for your next fill?
  10. pandagirl

    Dec 07 & May 08

    From the album: Progress

  11. Face them, face the guilt, face it all. You need to do what's best for you and running from it only brings you more anxiety. I think if you just went and got it over with you'd be free to move on and do better. Whatever you do, don't use this as an excuse to fail. We're not perfect and we're not going to lose the weight perfectly. We can only do our best and keep trying.
  12. I haven't had the PB experience yet, but I know that when I eat to fast or take too large a swallow or bite of food I get a tight feeling in the middle of my chest. If this is caused by liquid I just sit it out, it doesn't last too long. If it's caused by food, I take a deep, deep breath and hold it and I can feel the food go down. I'm not really supposed to be on real food yet, but I experimented the other day with some mushies. Anyway, whether or not I feel this pain I burp like mad. When I experience PBing I'll let you know but I'm sure you'll get plenty of answers before I get to it. :confused:
  13. pandagirl

    July 2008- After

    You are a very lovely girl and what a smile!!! Keep at it, you're already pretty, but you're going to be stunning!!!
  14. pandagirl

    June 9th, 2008

    From the album: Progress

  15. pandagirl

    June 9th, 2008

    LOL, I pay 50 bucks for my hair cuts and tip 10. A girls gotta do what she's gotta do!! Oh, there is that whole lose wieght thing!
  16. pandagirl

    July 2008

    Thanks so much. *blushes*
  17. pandagirl

    July 2008

    From the album: Progress

  18. That's simple enough, lol!!!
  19. I tried searching the term dry swallowing and the best I could come up with is that it has something to do with air intake. I'm not sure. I just know I'm a burping queen and by the end of the week I may reach god status. :confused:
  20. I would add g/b to that list. G/b is gall bladder. It should be included since so many of us have issues with it. (Or had).
  21. pandagirl

    Crushing Meds

    I cut my allergy pills in half and take them 2 hours a part. I crushed them last night though and it was much, much easier. I just mixed it with Crystal light and honey. I know honey is a no, no, but the pills are nasty. Oh,I based the size on my birth control pills, the Doc said those are so small I needn't worry about it and yeah, listen to those who mentioned making sure you can cut your pils. My brother did this with his bi-polar meds and it was not a good thing.
  22. pandagirl


  23. pandagirl

    Inexpensive Bras, A Simple Tip

    Smaller breasts get cuter bras!!! I've always noticed that and now I'm getting into C cups and I already have more choices. You will, too!
  24. Hey there, just a tip for the girls. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p> </o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Yesterday I was at Big Lots (Yes, Big Lots) looking for a few inexpensive bras. I normally pay about 6 dollars for brands like Vasserette, Delta Burke, and others there. I’ve been lucky in the past to find some exactly in my size, but this time I didn’t. I was looking at a few sizes smaller than what I’m wearing now. I told myself I will need these as I lose weight, but it’d be a waste to buy them now. But then….they were so cute and there are no guarantees that they will be here when I need them. Then it hit me. <o:p> </o:p> BRA EXTENDERS. <o:p> </o:p> It’s so simple really. I’ve done it before for this super awesome bra that was perfect for an outfit. I don’t know why it never occurred to me again until now. <o:p> </o:p> So, I walked out of Big Lots with three frilly bras normally priced at $28.00. I spent $18 there and $.088 a piece for extenders at Wal-Mart. So, I spent a total of $20.64 for three bras when I would have normally paid $28-36 for a single bra at Lane Bryant. When you get down to it, it was even cheaper than buying three JMS bras at Wal-Mart ($11.00 each). Anywho, I figure as I lose weight I can remove the extenders when the bras I just bought fit right. I can then reuse the extenders for the next size down and so forth. <o:p> </o:p> Hey, if you’ve got the cash to pay 28 bucks for a bra you’re only going to wear for a short while then have at it, but if you’re like me, this is the way to go. ~Panda
  25. Hey everyone!!! Had my band put in Monday. All went well, doing fine, at home and the clear liquid diet is doing well. Hope everyone is doing well with their bands and thier pre-op experiences!!!!!

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