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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Photo925

  1. I've been reading through this thread and have a question. Im having revision surgery next week. Went from sleeve to MGB and now to RNY because i have horrible reflux. I had excessive weight gain in the years of trying to get to a solution, so I'd love to lose some weight with this as well, but it is not the reason Im having surgery. I see a lot of people asking for stories of success and mostly Im reading that "it's just not as fast" or "I miss my sleeve" but you guys still lost weight right? Just took longer, so had success, but not as fast as you wanted?

  2. I originally had a sleeve that I was told was done incorrectly. That info has still been upheld with current scans. The original surgeon did not cut enough of my stomach away to have enough effective weight loss. A couple of years later, I approached a surgeon in MX for a revision and they talked me into a MGB as opposed to the full bypass. So now I have two problems, one, my stomach is still too large and the bile duct is "basically dumping bile into my stomach" (dr's words, not mine). Only 2 months after the MGB, I started having reflux issues, but was just told to take medicine and it would pass. I saw Dr's while living in CA for almost 2 years before deciding to move to WA to be closer to family because I was in such bad shape over this and the CA surgeons were shady as hell and trying to just immediately push me into a revision without insurance approval. It still took almost a year for diagnosis and surgery scheduling in WA, but I have a huge amount of faith in the dr's I have here. It's been a long road and I definitely didn't want another weight loss surgery after the first two, but I've been assured that this will fix the issue and even help me shed some of the weight gain that I experienced. I did gain over the last couple of years because consistently eating food was the only thing that kept the acid at bay.

  3. I'm scheduled for my 3rd surgery in one week due to extreme bile reflux. Im supposed to be on a pre-op diet that includes 2 shakes a day and one sensible meal. Since dealing with this the last couple of years, the only thing that helps to keep pain and vomiting down is scheduled eating that included carbs in order to absorb some of the acid and bile, so I suspected that the pre-op diet would be tough. I saw my surgeon on Monday and she told me just to do the best I can, but not to do anything that was going to make me sicker leading up to surgery. Im trying my best to follow the protocol, but the last two days, I'm vomiting twice a day. Does anyone have any suggestions? Has anyone not done a pre-op diet and everything went fine? I feel obligated to follow the pre-op diet to get the best results, and the surgeon basically said I didn't need to follow it 100%.

  4. I think this has to be a personal decision, but I had a sleeve first then was advised to have a revision to MGB. Since I struggle with the worst reflux of my life. Dr's just referred me for a secondary revision to RNY and said that is what I should have done in the first place. After my sleeve, reflux was marginal, but after MGB its intolerable. I've had 5 EGD's and 2 Bravo tests and a countless number of different meds to get to the point they would refer me for the RNY and I've wasted years feeling horrible (mind you some of the problems I've experienced had more to do with the California health care system).

    So I know different things work for different people, but that was just my experience.

  5. I originally had a sleeve and a few years back had it revised to the mini bypass. I have the worst reflux ever now and have gained back even more weight than before the MGB and am just miserable. Is it possible to have a second revision to a full bypass? I saw a digestive specialist and he suggested that was the route I go, but ran into trouble actually finding a surgeon that would perform it, So if anyone has an insight or suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it

  6. I had the sleeve and did the revision to the mini and if I could go back and not do the revision I would. I have gained back everything I lost and more, I have consistent reflux and vomit bile almost daily. I recently had a surgeon tell me that the mini was the worst choice for me and the surgeon who performed it, never should have. Not saying this is the same situation for you, but this was just my personal experience

  7. I had a sleeve revision to MGB a couple of years ago. Im almost back to my original weight. The reflux has put me in a really bad place and just had 3 tests done to figure out what is going on. I found out today that when my MGB was done that the pouch created was almost the size of a regular stomach, so my best advice is to do your research when it comes to your doctor and know their process and success rate. If they have 98 amazing outcomes and 2 bad....don't dismiss the 2 bad ones....Im one of those and Im miserable.

  8. Had my third test today, an endoscopy. I was in a twilight sleep, but very aware of what was being said during it (it's always fun when you hear several people in the room saw "WOW"). The doctors were in awe. They said that the pouch that was created to be my new stomach was not made nearly as small as it needed to be. It was basically almost the same size as a normal stomach and because of the locations where they decided to cut, that by body was basically mass producing acid and bile and it caused a large series of ulcers. Once they treat the ulcers, they need to revise the surgery again because this will just keep happening. Hindsight is always 20/20 but the MGB was definitely a mistake for me personally

  9. I'd rather not say who did my surgeries. Im getting worried just even about having to do the tests that they have planned for me. The only thing that keeps the bile from building up and keeps me even somewhat comfortable is having food in my stomach. I have to fast for all the tests and I just know Im going to start vomiting before they even get to the test. Plus my understanding is that for the first one I have to drink something funky....I feel like it's just going to be rough going forward, but it's the only path to make it better overall

  10. I had a sleeve to MGB revision a few years ago and have had nothing but problems with severe reflux ever since. Does anyone else experience this? It started about 3 or 4 months after with just general reflux in my gut that was remedied with over the counter medicine. It's now so bad that Im seeing a specialist and have to have a series of tests to figure out if they want to perform a new surgery. I basically have reflux so bad that I vomit bile on an almost daily basis and if Im not eating constantly, it just gets worse and worse. I knew reflux was a potential side effect, but had I known it would get so bad that I need another surgery, I don't think I would have ever done this. A couple years later and Im just as overweight as I was and in severe pain on a daily basis. Please understand Im not trying to discourage anyone from surgery, just trying to see if Im the only one. I know these surgeries have great success for so many people

  11. Hi all

    I am just about 2 months post op and have lost 45 lbs total (20 pre-op and 25 in the 5 weeks that followed surgery). At week 5 post op, I started working out (Pilates 5 days a week, walking 2-3 days in addition) and since I started working out, I haven't lost a single pound. I understand that there are stalls and your body needs time to adjust, but I've read some posts about working out too much and of course Im not hungry so it seems odd to me to increase my calories (I take in roughly 700-800 a day). I get in my Protein, Vitamins and Water without issue, but I was just wandering if I should change anything? Add in more cardio? Or just ride out the stall?

  12. I had a sleeve a few years back and took two weeks off. I just had my revision to a mini gastric bypass (I recognize that the recovery might be different for the mini option) on June 13th and was back to work the following Monday. I have a mostly desk job and noticed that I was a little tired, but felt fine other than that. I was actually surprised how much easier it was the second time around.

  13. I totally agree!! I've come to completely scroll past what certain long term posters write because of the excessive negativity and just plain rudeness they display. Its sad that even on some of the the informational posts, where someone is just asking about a certain food or brand, people have to make sarcastic comments or jokes. Im all for good fun, but it just gets annoying when you are actually interested in a topic and some of the the long time users turn the thread into a joke with sarcastic or even sexual comments. It really devalues the board completely. I get that certain long term users seem to know everything about everything (mind you Im only speaking of a few, some of the long term posters are fantastic), but Im tires of newbies getting scolded for asking questions, when everyone here was a newbie at some point!!

  14. @@lauraaza I promise, it gets so much easier. My diet is liquids only and I was having a hard time the first few days. Last night I was actually surprised that I couldn't even finish my Soup for dinner!! I threw half of it out! Im actually thankful that they require this preop diet as I feel it has helped to prep me for after surgery. It's put me in a better head space already where Im not thinking about food so much, more about the things I can do and need to get done!! Only 3 more days for me!! I can't wait!!

  15. I'm still pre-op and having surgery next week. I've actually been put on a liquid diet for the two weeks prior to surgery. Now I wouldn't suggest doing a full liquid diet because it would be hard to maintain, but I agree with the person that said to sub a Protein shake for Breakfast. I drink a premier Protein Shake for breakfast and lunch and it's a great kick start for weight loss. And, like everyone else said, don't stress!!! They are likely just trying to put a little fear into you too. My nutritionist did the same thing and everything worked out fine

  16. I am just starting week 2 of my 2 week plan. Surgery is next Monday 6/13. I have lost 13 lbs since I started last week. Im also surprised by how much I've lost. I expected a little the first two or three days, but I expected it to taper off as the week went on...hopefully it just keeps going this week and onto post op!!

  17. Hi All, I just started week 2 of my 2 week pre-op diet. It is really interesting to read the differences between what everyone has to do. I am on a liquid only diet. I have 2 premier shakes a day and the bariatric pal Protein Soup for dinner. Days 3-5 were a little rough for me, but now I feel good and really excited for my surgery next week. I should also say that this is a revision surgery for me. I was sleeved in 2013. The first time I didn't have to do any kind of pre-op diet and now being close to round 2 and on a pre-op diet, I really wish they would have. Not that I believe that the results would have been different, but I really think it helps get you in the right head space for life after surgery. Good luck to everyone!!

  18. I've scheduled my sleeve to MGB revision for next month and am trying to gather as much info concerning post op nutrition and the stages as I can, but notice that there is not quite as much info about MGB out there. Is the closest reference the standard bypass? I know my doctor and nutritionist will give me tons of info, but I can't help it and overly research as I wait for my surgery date. I just want to make sure I have everything I need at my house before I leave for surgery. Thanks for any info you can provide

  19. Hi All,

    I'm six months post op and like many have struggled with Constipation. I feel like I have tried everything, Milk of magnesia, laxatives, Smooth Move tea, even colonics. I actually had a series of three colonics about 4 months post op and it was insane the amount of crap that came out of me!! My issue now is this, everything that I have tried has offered only temporary relief. I can't seem to get my body on track to be properly regular and while some of the above listed items do offer temporary relief, I'm curious if anyone has had any success with a more natural remedy to make myself more regular.

    My sister also had surgery a couple of years ago and suggested Miralax. Apparently she took it for awhile and then slowly lessened the amount over time and after a month or so she was all good. I have been putting that in my Protein Shake for five days now and still nothing!! For the last few weeks, I'm lucky if I go once a week and that just can't be healthy!!!

    Please let me know if anyone has experienced anything like this before? I see my surgeon for a follow up next week, but Im just looking for ideas here.

    Thanks in advance!!

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