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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LindafromFlorida

  1. LindafromFlorida

    What do you do instead of "Going out to dinner"?

    An old fashioned picnic date even with the kids would be fun in a park. Take the blanket, and whatever food you can eat. Once you can eat a little better, roll up turkey and cheese with mustard condiment, have a little salad or fruit, and your kids would eat this too.I really love eating out and enjoy a small salad, or soup for a nice brunch lunch, or quiche. My husband and I can split a hamburger without the bun, or any other healthy food, sharing it as we were both sleeved. You can share with one of the kids. Rent a camper and go to a lake for the weekend. Enjoy that outdoors with your children while you can!
  2. LindafromFlorida


    This is about you, so don't worry about what people say. This is your life and you can always make new friends. Good luck, I am thankful to have finally had this surgery and feel good about myself.
  3. LindafromFlorida

    FL - Jacksonville

    I would be curious to know how many people you have, and if it would be feasible to meet nearby in Avondale at a restaurant for brunch or in the early afternoon when it is not busy, or somewhere else. That being said, I will come to St. Vincent's if that is where you plan it. Linda
  4. LindafromFlorida

    Quick Question About The Pain

    Yes, do not lift! I picked up something a few days after surgery because I felt so great, kind of scared me so I just rested that day. Just got uncomfortable aching.
  5. LindafromFlorida

    a spoonful of ? helps the medicine go down

    It would have to be a slider food. I would say call the nurse or NUT because there has to be something. Heck, I am even thinking put it in a small tsp of mild salsa.... Or if you drink it in something it would go down fast. V-8 or tomato juice? Good luck!
  6. Salad 3 months<br />Refried beans, mushy stage, about 4-5 weeks<br />Avocado 2 months<br />Nuts, 6 months<br /><br />The rest we don't go there. No bread and pasta in our house and no sweets. A few bites of something you might be okay but a bagel would stick in your chest like lead. I make ground beef/turkey and add taco season but no shell or tortillas. You might get by with something a time or two, a few bites, and feel like it would be okay, and the next time maybe not so lucky. I had a small piece of soft chicken get stuck in my chest at 5 weeks and learned a lesson I won't soon forget. Felt like a heart attack. Good luck and here's to healthier living!
  7. LindafromFlorida

    Quick Question About The Pain

    Personally just want to say one night in the hospital and home, I did not feel I even had surgery except for the small places with glue on my belly. I took it easy, but wondered if they really sleeved me. I could eat, and swallow, no problem. Was at the store in 2 days, and shopped at the mall 5 days later. TEN times easier, the surgery and recovery, than we expected. Still doing fantastic. I took one pain med the night I came home and none since, neither has my husband. Good luck!
  8. LindafromFlorida

    a spoonful of ? helps the medicine go down

    Is this the Omeprazole/Prilosec? I empty the capsule in yogurt or applesauce and swallow with no taste then take a second small bite to get it down, then a sip of water. I never taste anything. Maybe it stays in your mouth too long??
  9. LindafromFlorida

    11 Months out 185 down

    My husband has very similar problems, with a heart stent. We are 67, 68. Thank God you have added years to your life! I think the vascular problems will improve. My husband had terrible cellulitis at times, and terrible ankle swelling. We just drove from Florida to Kansas, and his ankles did not swell like balloons. Got to see your Oklahoma!
  10. LindafromFlorida

    Gaining weight

    I hit the like button on your post by mistake. I hope you make a decision for your health sake to get off that junk train. You know you are sacrificing your health, and you don't need us to tell you that. I hope you love yourself enough to go back on the food plan, eating wonderful healthy food that tastes good. It makes me very sad for you and I wish I could sit down with you and say, how can I help you? Em, I am almost 68, and I want you to have a healthier life than I have ended up with, with no HBP, no diabetes, no asthma, no joint replacement, no heart problems. Good luck. I wish you a change of heart and a better life. Linda
  11. LindafromFlorida

    Getting Started

    Pretty much the Bariatric Group takes care of everything when you attend a seminar, and they tell you what you need to know to get the ball rolling. Free and informative! Best wishes!
  12. LindafromFlorida

    Conference food?

    Honestly you may run into this more than once so I would not use the "sickly feeling" line. I would make sure I had a shake or food prior to the meeting, and say I am on a healthy eating plan with a NUT if anyone questions you. You might find something you can eat, but if not, have a nice glass of refreshing water with lemon and enjoy yourself!
  13. LindafromFlorida

    11 Months out 185 down

    Mark, congratulations! You will inspire many people here so please stay connected and share your successes for everyone here also. So many people need to hear about the success to have a better, longer, and happier life ahead. I am sure you had many health problems and I can only imagine what a better life you have now. I just read your post to my husband. He is 6'1", weighed 320, and is now 240, having lost 90 lbs. He wants to lose some more, so your story will inspire him. Go forth and have a wonderful new life!!!! Linda
  14. LindafromFlorida

    Need your help! Thanks in advance.

    I just wanted to say good luck. As an older person we have a nearby hospital that offers this, but it is a great idea in your community.<br />
  15. I am not able to exercise except to walk in the stores and I keep myself busy doing that. My sleeve was 11/18 and I have lost 60 lbs. I was afraid to try salads for about 3 months, and thank goodness now we are able to eat a lot of vegetables. My husband has many heath problems and walks with a cane, and he has lost 90 lbs since November. Eating according to your plan is the best advice I can give. I also recommend never going to the grocery store without having a snack. Do not buy bread, pasta and sweets because they are too tempting to try if they are in your house. If you have kids, buy them fruit. Good luck!
  16. LindafromFlorida

    At the end of my rope...

    it is definitely the DNA lol. You guys are awesome joining this conversation! You are definitely keepers!
  17. I too stocked way too much and darn, I was back in the grocery store 2 days after the sleeve! I am loaded with protein powders, puddings, soups, refried beans, Unjury soups and other things I do not like. Keep it simple. If you have a family to feed the crockpot is great. I have all this protein powder and 3 months post op I was told by the NUT to stop eating so much protein. Just remember you will be able to shop and you can order on Amazon and get it delivered in 3 days. You won't be down and out for long. Best of luck!
  18. LindafromFlorida

    At the end of my rope...

    What is funny is our men see us in a different light than we see ourselves. I bought an extra airline seat to keep from embarrassing my sweet husband, scared he could not fit in the seat (he did). He is still begging me after 23 years (I will be 68 in a month) to get a bikini. Think that will ever happen if it hasn't happened yet? NO! Even overweight he begged me to buy sexy clothes LOL. I think men who try to get you on the rides have no conception of our body weight and feelings about ourselves. Counting the blessings.....
  19. LindafromFlorida

    Gaining weight

    Almost 7 months out, and I have nothing in my house to tempt me, no bread, pasta, sweets. I will not go to a fast food place. If it isn't around me I can cope. Make sure you don't bring stuff into your house. Eat before you leave home, and eat well before you go grocery shopping. Good luck. Honestly we all know we can easily go back to eating bad food, but we have been through too much to get healthy. I love the new me way better than a taco!!!!!
  20. LindafromFlorida

    At the end of my rope...

    Good luck! Everything you want to know is here, and at the WL seminars. Every time my surgeon's staff "didn't know", someone helped me here.
  21. LindafromFlorida

    3 Days Post Op And Hungry

    I felt great after surgery but I really had restriction swallowing. Remember to SIP sip sip!! You can test that new stomach but you will be sorry if you eat something you shouldn't, I promise. Keep yourself busy, follow the eating plan of your doctor, and you won't have to worry about vomiting, swelling, nausea and God knows what else. At 5 weeks post op I had a small piece of very soft chicken, did not chew it well enough, and it lodged mid chest. I honestly thought I was having a heart attack but I could not talk to call 911. It passed in 2 minutes but that pain is something I won't forget. The advice you get here from many people is great, so I am glad you are talking it out with us. This sleeve will work for you. Don't sabotage yourself. My husband is down 90 lbs. since his sleeve 12/2/13. Best wishes!
  22. LindafromFlorida

    NTAF (Never trust a fart)

    Thanks James, I have every kind of laxative known to man in this house. None of them worked. I just bought apples. I know what I will eat tonight! Congratulations on your progress!!!
  23. LindafromFlorida

    Spouse not on board with WLS

    You have to let him read the posts here, the success stories. I swear it will change his mind. My husband and I did the sleeve together. Best decision ever made. Good luck.
  24. 5-7 months and the hair keeps coming out. My husband said quit brushing it LOL! I let it grow long and twist up the back, but it is worse at the front hairline. I am still counting my blessings!
  25. LindafromFlorida

    NTAF (Never trust a fart)

    Timmo I so needed a chuckle today and love the "franken-liner". Thank you. I have exhausted my supply of pads with the same problem, and no longer have these issues so I am here to tell you it does get better. The biggest problem for me has been constipation so that Immodium might be another problem. I used to think someone should invent a "cork" for this problem. You will get past this I promise. Women are known to be great at improvising and I know that you will come up with something good. I wish you the best!

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