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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LindafromFlorida

  1. LindafromFlorida

    Sleeved on June 16th, having some issues

    You should call your doctor immediately. Please always trust your gut instinct and seek medical help. We are not experts. Best of luck and I hope you feel better!
  2. LindafromFlorida

    Emotionally struggling

    You may be feeling emotional because of the surgery, I know that I have been. Just try to relax, be good to yourself, and stay away from negative people. Best of luck, the best is yet to be!
  3. LindafromFlorida

    How's your arthritus?

    Can you order something online? If someone you know is traveling can they find you some supplements? My worry is that the gout seems to come back. Also, there is a med called Allpurinol that is supposed to be taken daily to keep the gout from returning. Please check and see if it is available. Best of luck to you!
  4. Wow Tonya! Good luck, you will be running around like crazy! Good for you feeding them healthy!
  5. I have shoulder length very light blonde hair, fine and thin, and with good care I always make it look good. Five months post op it was coming out daily. Now at 7 months it is still coming out. Around my face especially, but completely all over. I have taken Biotin religiously. I slowed down the hair coloring and shampooing (I have dry hair so can go a week without shampooing). The texture has changed, I slept one night and had a knot in the back the next day. Bottom line I had to cut the big knot out. I broke down and went and bought two nice short blonde wigs for my 7 day cruse. I honestly recommend finding a wig just in case. You can always save it for emergencies if you don't need it. The wigs are saving my sanity right now. I really hope you do not need one like I did.
  6. Wow Tonya that will be tough. But maybe you can keep bread in the freezer and microwave it for them so it won't be at arm's reach. Little things help. Buy sweet potatoes not white. You won't be able to eat a lot at first. Get them eating healthier too. Puree veggies into your foods for them. Always eat something before you go grocery shopping. My number one rule!
  7. Keep it simple. Boiled egg, tuna fish salad, chicken salad, yogurt, refried beans, crockpot slow cooked chicken, sauteed or broiled fish, smoked salmon, FF soups, soft steamed vegetables, cottage cheese with SF Polaner jam, the possibilities are endless. You can add protein powder to some of these dishes. I never cook anymore, I just keep the fridge stocked with certain things. Loving that it is summertime. I remember my first favorite food after surgery was homemade turkey chili for Christmas lol! We never counted calories. My husband has lost 90 lbs since sleeving 12/2. At 7 months post sleeve we still share a filet mignon and small salad, or share one lowfat hamburger patty, no bread whatsoever. Best of luck!
  8. LindafromFlorida


    LOL Odesa, My panties are not nearly as stuffed these days!!! Love that sense of humor!
  9. LindafromFlorida


    Darby, we were all nervous here, I can tell you! My husband has so many health problems I was TERRIFIED but I felt we would die from the asthma, HBP, diabetes, heart problem, sleep apnea, neuropathy (not counting all the medicines we were taking for all these problems), if we did not have the sleeve. So there was fear either way. This is the best decision we ever made for ourselves and our health and we are looking and feeling great. Never even felt like I had surgery (I thought they pretended lol). It was 10 times easier than anticipated. Relax and go for it! Linda
  10. LindafromFlorida


    Keep your life simple. When you go to work you can live on 1 shake, water, and maybe a yogurt, or 1/2 to 1 boiled egg, if you need it for awhile. I have cases of shakes I overbought, dozens of soups I stocked up on, etc. etc. Your tastes will change, eating is so simple. Never heard of the boxes. My panty is stuffed with things I thought I might need. Good luck!
  11. LindafromFlorida

    Taking meds after surgery.

    My husband and I were both taken off Metformin before we left the hospital, and Naproxyn. We both were taken off a blood pressure med and only take one each. We were off several meds a week prior to surgery, including aspirin. I believe we were off Vitamins a week after surgery. I went to a good liquid Multivitamin after surgery as the Bariatric Advantage multi was too huge for me. My husband has a pill crusher and one that cuts the pill in half. Some pills you are not supposed to crush but your doctor will tell you that. My husband no longer takes insulin in the morning, only a small dose at night because he eats light, and no carbs. He no longer has to eat a snack or big bowl of fruit at night as his blood sugar no longer bottoms out at with his diabetes. The doctors are monitoring him he will be coming off more meds. His A1C has dropped from about 12 to 6.7 I believe. Mine dropped from 7 to 5. I take Prilosec capsules emptied into applesauce daily, he takes none. I was on Zanax 5 mg. each night, and my surgeon allowed me to take it right up to surgery. We have no problem swallowing pills slowly since surgery, but definitely took it slow and easy (still do). Best wishes! Linda
  12. LindafromFlorida

    FL - Jacksonville

    Welcome, please email Mandy, our coordinator, at bariatricpaljacksonvillefl@gmail.com so she can add you to our group. We should enjoy the fun! Linda
  13. I re-read my post too LOL. However, having lived in a horrible previous abusive 4 year marriage I could have easily spouted off. Sometimes we ask for opinions here and everyone is different with advice. I am glad you are doing well. Being sleeved and other WLS is scary, probably more so for some men. Cheers to health and happiness and more fun with him in your life! Linda
  14. LindafromFlorida

    Burping all the time :(

    We are 7 months post sleeve and still burping. Tells you when you are full. I love it!
  15. You are newly sleeved. I cannot eat half a Quest Bar since sleeving in November. It is just too dense for me. I can eat 1/2 a banana for breakfast and be full. I really enjoy yogurt and it fills me up. My husband eats 1 meal a day. We barely eat eggs anymore but I did eat a couple as soon as we could have them. We are living and learning a new way and it isn't all perfection. I like eating 1/2 of anything and seeing if I am satisfied. We all need to make sure we have our healthy options on hand, otherwise we might grab something else. Best of luck!
  16. LindafromFlorida

    Hunger pangs

    Hubby and I were both sleeved. There is definitely the honeymoon stage after surgery where you will not be hungry and need to really pay attention to what you eat since that is when you will get the greatest weight loss IMO. It is harder to lose without some real work after that. We are 7 months post op and can eat anything in moderation now, but we are filling up on salads most nights, and healthy foods. I do not keep bread or snacks in the house, I do not cook pasta or such. Dinner for both of us might be sharing a small filet mignon and a small salad. Your tastes will change, and you will be satisfied quickly by eating a lowfat tuna salad, maybe 1/2 cup. Always remember to eat before you go to the grocery store to keep from buying junk food! I can honestly say we are hardly hungry. We try to limit going out to eat, and if we do, we share a salad. Please follow your surgeon's plan and keep up with the posts here for lots of guidance! Best of luck!
  17. LindafromFlorida

    Spouse in need of support

    My husband and I were both sleeved. I definitely have become more emotional. He is sweeter and happier. You can be supportive but don't be her whipping boy. You are welcome here to post anything you do not understand about her surgery and as you can see, we are quick to offer suggestions and opinions. Best wishes.
  18. We saw our surgeon 3 weeks after surgery (for 10 minutes), 3 months (for 10 minutes), and now set 1 year out. I cannot see why you would have to be off much. We saw the NUT once after surgery, and cancelled tomorrow's visit because we get everything we need from our group on Bariatric Pal. You can do that during a 1 hour lunch period. We both had hernias repaired with our surgery. A lot of people just say they are having hernia surgery which is true. Good luck.
  19. DCN, my husband and I researched every WLS for 15 years and until the sleeve came along we would not consider any other. I wish you the best with your decision. The sleeve has changed our lives and we are happy and healthier. Linda (60 and 90 lbs down for each of us since 11/18 and 12/2)
  20. LindafromFlorida

    How's your arthritus?

    I was told to go on a fruit and veggie diet for 2 weeks which I did, plus the following. Thank God it worked and my pain is gone. Good luck! I was sleeved November 18, 2013 and the gout attack hit me December 30 like a freight train. Back and forth, both big toe joints. Went to the ER at New Years, called my surgeon's office (was told the Indomethacin will EAT your sleeve, but gout was not their problem or specialty). Raw cherries and juice did not help. My primary doctor put me on Indomethacin and Colcrys anyway which scared me to death. Then I was given Allpurinol, 100 mg. then 300 mg. when that did not help. Through it all I suffered. In March I was out of town and ended up in the hospital after vomiting 8 hours from the meds Indomethacin and Colcrys. I was so dehydrated I was admitted 24 hours. Horrible. There is HOPE. I found a compound pharmacist who put me on a regimen the past 40 days and I am finally pain free for 38 days following this regimen of herbal items purchases from his pharmacy (or online at vitacost, or healthfood store):Solaray Triple Strength Tart Cherry capsules (2 in the am, 2 in the pm); Curamin capsules (1 am, 1 pm)(for pain); Omega 3 fish oil, 1000 mg (2 capsules, 3 times a day) (inflammation fighter); Celery Seed capsules 505 mg capsules (1 capsule 4 times a day); Tumeric spice (sprinkle on food, salads, etc. - he said use this like pepper/salt); Celery - eat as much fresh celery as possible a day. Put in ice Water in fridge for freshness; Eat fruits and veggies for 2 weeks during a flare up. I am a BELIEVER. I used a cane to get to the compound pharmacist after I picked up a 2nd round of steroids (which I did not use). I left the next day for a road trip from Florida to Kansas, and in less than 2 days I was completely pain free and still am today, June 18. I went back to the pharmacist when I returned, and he told me I could cut down the dosage of the supplements. I cut the dose in half now but I will not stop them as I never want to experience gout again.<br /><br />I will never take Indomethacin or Colcrys again. I don't drink alcohol, I never ate the foods they say cause gout. It has to be the protein/weight loss that caused it.All these supplements are herbal. Best Wishes. I feel your pain. Linda
  21. LindafromFlorida

    My poor hair. Buy a wig.

    The good news is you may not lose hair, but if you do there are affordable wigs that look real. I found a place that sells gorgeous black wigs for $39 but I am too fair skinned. I ended up paying $125 for a beautiful wig that looks like my hair. Just start checking them out when you get a chance.
  22. LindafromFlorida

    My poor hair. Buy a wig.

    I bought some Toppik which was recommended but since I lost hair around my face it doesn't work for me. You might try extensions if your hair is long like the picture. You have about 4-5 months after surgery so no urgency. You might luck out and not lose. I will take the weight loss any way I can get it! Best of luck!
  23. LindafromFlorida

    Gout, A side effect from getting sleeved?

    I was sleeved November 18, 2013 and the gout attack hit me December 30 like a freight train. Back and forth, both big toe joints. Went to the ER at New Years, called my surgeon's office (was told the Indomethacin will EAT your sleeve, but gout was not their problem or specialty). Raw cherries and juice did not help. My primary doctor put me on Indomethacin and Colcrys anyway which scared me to death. Then I was given Allpurinol, 100 mg. then 300 mg. when that did not help. Through it all I suffered. In March I was out of town and ended up in the hospital after vomiting 8 hours from the meds Indomethacin and Colcrys. I was so dehydrated I was admitted 24 hours. Horrible. There is HOPE. I found a compound pharmacist who put me on a regimen the past 40 days and I am finally pain free for 38 days following this regimen of herbal items purchases from his pharmacy (or online at Vitacost, or healthfood store):<br />Solaray Triple Strength Tart Cherry capsules (2 in the am, 2 in the pm)<br />Curamin capsules (1 am, 1 pm)(for pain)<br />Omega 3 fish oil, 1000 mg (2 capsules, 3 times a day) (inflammation fighter)<br />Celery Seed capsules 505 mg capsules (1 capsule 4 times a day)<br />Tumeric spice (sprinkle on food, salads, etc. - he said use this like pepper/salt)<br />Celery - eat as much fresh celery as possible a day. Put in ice water in fridge for freshness.<br />Eat fruits and veggies for 2 weeks during a flare up.<br /><br />I am a BELIEVER. I used a cane to get to the compound pharmacist after I picked up a 2nd round of steroids (which I did not use). I left the next day for a road trip from Florida to Kansas, and in less than 2 days I was completely pain free and still am today, June 18. I went back to the pharmacist when I returned, and he told me I could cut down the dosage of the supplements. I cut the dose in half now but I will not stop them as I never want to experience gout again.<br /><br />I will never take Indomethacin or Colcrys again. I don't drink alcohol, I never ate the foods they say cause gout. It has to be the protein/weight loss that caused it.<br /><br />All these supplements are herbal. Best Wishes. I feel your pain. Linda<br />
  24. My husband decided it was his business and he did not want me sharing. We were both sleeved. I read one post where the HR person told someone and it spread in an office. This is so WRONG but it happens. People love to talk about other people. Thank God I do not have to discuss my surgery thanks to my husband. The weight loss is slow and not dramatic so you tell the truth, you changed your eating habits. So much less stress to deal with.
  25. LindafromFlorida


    Just go in and exude confidence. If it is meant to be it will be. I will promise you that the best is to come, and having the sleeve will be the best thing you ever did for yourself. Your phone is a material thing, but I am so sorry. I feel that pain. Hunt up some replacement pictures you shared with others or on FB. Also that phone may turn up so be sure and retrace your steps before you order another phone! Good luck for everything to come!

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