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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by KarenB

  1. Rene, now I know what you mean. Burping is my biggest. The hiccups were embarrasing at work for a while, but they went away. Regarding reflux, mine went away totally within a month of banding. I was able to stop Nexium. I also have a feeling that was due to not eating at night anymore--it is highly recommended that we don't cause the food just sits there.

  2. Lisa, you truly are an inspiration. I am totally in awe of your success. Personally, more than one pint of ice cream is not out of the question on a really bad day, and it doesn't even taste good at the end. It's "just" my food addiction. The bag, the box, the whole thing. That's how I ate & would eat if I didn't have this band. I was unfilled for 12 days & I gained almost 5 lbs. So 8lbs. from 60? That's amazing! Thank you for this thread.

  3. Kare, your experience was very different from mine & my daughter's. No unknown injections. I've been in some of the "best" New York hospitals and one Dr. couldn't find a vein for a blood transfusion. When he wanted to use my groin, I said "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE & GET ME SOMEONE FROM ANESTHESIA! They did, and she got it in. I also had terrible experiences w/aides/nurses who were supposed to empty my many drains (double mastectomy w/tram-flap reconstruction). They were so dumb/uninterested, whatever, that I had to show them how to do it. And yes, the nurse in TJ didn't speak English too well, but she took such good care of my daughter and also there was a doctor in the clinic all night who spoke perfect english & was available for translations.

    I've had blown up hands from IV's here too. In TJ, that didn't happen to me. Also, I really liked the anestheseoligt (sp??) & I think he was very professional & qualified.

    So, while some things about TJ weren't perfect, overall my experience there was better than mine in 3 different hospitals here! Also, I think the staff @ the Lucerna were very nice & the hotel, while not 5 star, was clean & nice.

    I know everyone has had different experiences--I am very happy with mine & my daughter's as well.

    Oh yes, I also saw someone turned away from being banded by Dr. Ortiz & her money refunded. He didn't like something about her blood work & sent her home. She was begging for the banding, and he kept saying "better to be safe than sorry...if you can get this cleared up I'll be happy to band you. Please have your doctor call me so we can discuss your condition" He didn't tell her this in front of anyone, she was telling everyone in the waiting room!

  4. Hi all, congratulations to all the new bandsters. "In my head, I know this is dumb since that habit is what got me where I am but I feel like I've lost a friend" Nita, that is not dumb. In some ways we all feel like we lost our best friend. food soothes our anger, frustration, rage, depression, and helps us Celebrate special occasions. I promise that as you get further out & start losing, you will get a better "high" from your success/momentum than you got from food!

    A suggestion for when you start eating--ALWAYS start your meal with Protein...eggs, tuna, chicken, chile is a favorite... The carbs you eat should always be complex: veggies, fruit. Any crackers, toast, etc. should be whole wheat. Mind you these are just suggestions, but they were/are the food "orders" I got from my doctor. The reason for this is that carbs crave carbs and Protein satisfies hunger for a longer period of time.

    And Laura, you're absolutely right. With friends like that, who needs enemies.

    Good luck guys, you'll do great!

  5. If I get addicted to E-bay, it's all you guy's fault! The first & only thing I ever bid on (and won) is a bottle of Xango. It came today & I'm waiting for it to chill. Lisa & Michelle, how much should I start taking??

    Also, Michelle, do the other, cheaper juices which you were nice enough to post links to, work as well--have you tried them?


  6. Ha Ha, I too told everyone I was in SD. Then when I took my daughter I told them the same thing! How are you feeling? Also, were you in TJ when DateLine was filming? I hear they filmed Dr. Ortiz replacing the port on that girl from The View & New York magazine. Apparently, when she was banded it was a larger port, now they use "mini-ports" & that's what she got. They also followed her during major plastic surg. in Mexico.

    sorry for digressing so much...how are you feeling?

  7. You're right, I did ask for it. I really hope you cut & pasted that. Can you order it on line, or do you need a distributor/rep to sell it to you?


  8. O.K., guys, my computer's not letting me go to the link. How about a synoposis. Since my hubby's been real sick, I'm VERY curious.

    Thanks. Lisa, are you getting a new port???

  9. Here Here! I couldn't agree more. Someone who is PB'ing/sliming more than 1-2x per week has a problem! The band was not designed for us to exist on a liquid diet.

    I was partialy unfilled once (My own fault) and totally unfilled last week. I must add here it was not a problem w/my doctor but a tremendous amount of stress in my life, and I was constant contact w/my doctor the week before I got unfilled. I'm counting the moments till I can get re-filled @ a little less level of restriction(MONDAY-HURRAY), but I did these things twice because I DID NOT WANT TO RISK LOSING MY BAND!

    Another thing that really bugs me is that people get banded, have a problem & come here & other places to get advice. CALL YOUR DOCTOR! Everyone's body and everyone's doctor's protocal is different. It's one thing to ask for suggestions, such as morning restriction, swallowing pills, what are frequent PB foods, what do successful bandsters eat in a day, etc. But we are not doctors, and I would hate to ever give anyone advice that would damage their band.

  10. Hi Karen. My doc told me that it doesn't matter what time of day I take it, as long as it's around the same time each day. I can usually get pills down by 11:00 a.m. or so. When I was TOO tight, I had to get a different one that could be crushed. Is yours coated? If not coated, it can be crushed. But I would try the 11 - 12:00 first.

  11. Michelle, I can think of a lot worse people to have an "affair" with. He is georgous & kind, and I think Dr. Martinez is too. My daughter fell in love with that little Spanish-speaking nurse--the nurse kept kissing & hugging Hanna & calling her "my baby". The nurses here barely give you the time of day...as you know my hubby is in the hospital & believe me, they are a mean bunch!

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