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Everything posted by McButterpants

  1. McButterpants

    Liquids Post Op 5 Days

    Be patient, Gelica. It will get better. This is the toughest time for you, but better days are right around the corner. (I had serious 2nd thoughts for the first 3-4 days, too.) I had real issues getting plain bottled Water down - it was gross and made me gag. I turned to Vitamin Water Zero for help and wow, what a difference. My doc also suggested Propel Zero or Gatorade Zero. I allowed myself to get dehydrated, which made me feel worse. sugar free popsicles may help as well - I had one or two the first couple of days. I wish you well!
  2. McButterpants

    I'm Having A Minor Melt-Down

    I'm one week post op today and we are heading home tomorrow from Las Vegas. I told my husband that there are 3 pairs of pants I can leave here because they no longer fit. I'm not even looking back!!!!! LOL. I can't wait to get home and clean even more things out of my closet. I will, in no way, shape or form be able to compete with you! Good God that's a lot of clothes! But know that someone else is getting a bounty when you give them! Your good deed.
  3. McButterpants

    No Sex Drive....help!

    How are you feeling about yourself physically? Sometimes we are hard on how we look, yes, even after losing 127 pounds - sometimes that old fat girl comes back and plays tricks on your mind. I would also talk to your doc about the hormones. There's a lot of changes the body is coping with since losing an entire person! I wish you luck, sweetie.
  4. Hey, Fluff. You're further along than I am, but I have that same fear about eating too much too quickly, when I'm eventually allowed (I hope puree stage is OK'd on Wednesday). Right now, I can feel that sensation that says, "Whoa, what the hell are you doing?" if I drink too quickly. It's like someone is squeezing my tummy. I think I felt full after my 2 tablespoons of egg last night - I looked at the next bite and just said, "that isn't happening", but I can't say that it was a feeling of full coming from my stomach. Enjoy your trip and have a great Thanksgiving!
  5. McButterpants


    I am wearing my Fitbit Flex right now - I love it. I also had the fitbit one and was equally impressed. I will purchase a Force probably next year maybe after they introduce the new sensor. My only complaint is while bike riding - it will log steps if you're wearing it or even if it's off and in a bad. I leave it home while bike riding, then manually enter the ride. That's not a deal breaker. I love the sleep function - it tracks your sleep efficiency. I had a Body Bug and I liked it, I just didn't like how visible it was. I didn't purchase the scale...am tempted, however.
  6. McButterpants


    I agree with the above - I think the preference is get your protein from food and not shakes
  7. My doctor allowed scrambled egg right away (along with no sugar added applesauce, sugar free Jello and pudding). He OK'd introducing very small quantities (only 2 T of one of the choices daily) immediately after surgery - like the day after. Scrambled egg is awesome - I even added a little shredded cheese yesterday (I'm one week post-op). It was great and I have had no issues - it fills me up. I've also read a lot about refried Beans with some shredded low-fat cheese - I'm actually looking forward to that. Your comment about pureed cheeseburger made me laugh. I had a friend in high school that was on a liquid diet because her jaw was broken. She DID puree a McDonalds cheeseburger and actually ate quite a bit of it!!!!! It can be done - I'm a witness. Best of luck to you!
  8. McButterpants

    Coffee Question.,,

    One complaint I have about drinking coffee right now...IT GETS COLD BEFORE I CAN FINISH IT!!!!! Currently it takes me about an hour to get down 8 ounces! LOL I'm getting faster, but will probably have to purchase an insulated cup for the future.
  9. McButterpants

    November fitness challenge

    I kind of crapped out on my fitness challenge prior to surgery (11/14). But I'm going to finish November strong...I will walk a minimum of 2 miles each day for the rest of the month for a total of 20 miles.
  10. McButterpants

    Hot Doctor........

    Not my VSG surgeon, but it reminds me of the new doc at the OB/GYN's office when I was very pregnant with my son. He was a beautiful man with an awesome Southern accent. I had to go in because my hands and feet were swollen...He wheeled his little chair over and gently picked up my foot so he could look at it. I said, "Uh, those aren't my ankles. Just so you know. Oh and there is no way I'm having my baby when you're on call."
  11. McButterpants

    NSV sort of

    See if there is a way to discretely remove it from the room and put it in your car! :-)
  12. McButterpants

    05/20/13..6 Months Today! Pics!

    Beautiful! Congrats on your success. Wishing you the best as you continue your journey.
  13. My surgery date is 11/14/13 and I start my two-week liquid diet on 10/31/13. I’m feeling particularly emotional lately and more so today. I don’t know why and I guess it doesn’t matter why I’m more emotional today than I was yesterday or 20 minutes ago. I’m having difficulty sleeping; I’ve been having weird dreams the past few nights. In my dreams, I look really different than what I assume I’ll look a year down the road (funny, in my dreams, my breasts get bigger and perkier, my hair changes color and it’s think and long – the hubby likes that). I’ve been moody; some things my husband says just set me off (more than usual – the hubby doesn’t like that). I think about food more than I did a couple of weeks ago. And I’m worried about the two-week liquid diet I will start in ten days. I’m cutting back on caffeine and refined sugars and trying to watch my portion sizes (it’s great, I haven’t lost a pound – note sarcasm). I have thoughts like: “Can I really do this?” “What if I fail at this like every other attempt to lose weight?” “What if I’m not strong enough to do this?” I’m not having second thoughts on the surgery, I am committed to this and my rational brain tells me that everything will be OK. But that little voice in the back of my head that has berated me for so long, that bully that laughs at me every time I get on the scale and it doesn’t move continues to mock me and calls me disgusting. There’s that lingering self-doubt. I lack confidence that I will be successful at losing weight when I’ve been such a failure before. Will I ever get rid of that little b***h in the back of my head? How do I snuff her out? How do I take away her power over me? Why am I giving that abusive voice so much power? I assume at least some of you post-oppers felt like this before your surgery. I know I need to buck up and think of this as a new beginning. I am blessed to have this opportunity to turn things around. I just don’t know how to get over this funk I am in. Any suggestions?
  14. McButterpants

    Craving Pizza? Low Carb Flatout Pizza

    Thanks for posting! I'm 5 days out, so I can't make this for a while...but, believe me, I'll be making it!!!!!
  15. Thank you for sharing your story. It's heartbreaking to say the least. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. I wish you the best.
  16. Wow - what a powerful story. Good for you for taking control of your life and health. You were a success story before you started this journey and now look at you - more successes are heading your way. I wish you continued success and send much love your way. Thanks for sharing your story with us.
  17. I got dehydrated on Day 3 post op - I tried a Vitamin Water Zero and that did the trick. Plain water makes me gag right now (pre-op, I drank plain, room temp water all day long). I'm on Day 5 and have not gotten in my water goal or my Protein goal - I just do what I can. Once I started drinking the Vitamin Water Zero, I felt better immediately - within hours. I talked to my doc and he said if that's the way you can get fluids in, then do it. (they originally said, 80% plain water and 20% flavored sugar free water). He also approves of Coconut Water - I just made a chocolate shake made with 4 oz of Coconut Water and 4 ounces of plain water. That did the trick for me - it's easier to get the shake down. Best of luck to you!
  18. McButterpants

    Coffee Question.,,

    I am 5 days post op and just had my first cup of decaf today. I enjoy a cup, even if it's decaff. I mixed mine about 1/2 and 1/2 with a Protein shake - not my favorite, but it did in a pinch. I drank about 1/2 of it (you can't mix hot stuff with the shake mix) If you like 1/2 and 1/2, So Delicious makes a Coconut Milk creamer - it's not exactly like 1/2 and 1/2, but it's close and, after a year of using it, I hardly notice the different. Calories are good and 20 calls per 2 T.
  19. McButterpants

    How Many Days/nights In Hospital?

    I know - a lot of people are shocked that it was done outpatient. My doc uses a local injection to numb the abdomen and it's on time release (I have no idea how it works). I didn't have to have a pain pill until day 3 and that was just to help with sleep. I also had a patch behind my ear for nausea, so I didn't have to deal with that. Knock on wood - I have been very fortunate in my recovery. I'm on day 5 right now and almost feeling normal again.
  20. McButterpants

    Support From Spouses

    I agree with Lynda (Isereno)...Nagging isn't going to make anything better. I had a frank conversation with my husband about 2 weeks before surgery. He bluntly said, "Please don't become one of those people that tries to make everyone eat healthier just because all of a sudden you are." He wasn't nasty, we were just having an open dialogue. And he is right. Since then, I can see subtle changes in what he is doing - he still eats 1/2 bag of Cheetos in a sitting, but he also is drinking more Water, walking with me, and making better choices. I try to remember, he never ever tried to change me, even when I was at my heaviest. I can only control my behavior and my reaction to his behavior. Good luck to you. This isn't easy, I know. You will find your way.
  21. McButterpants

    How Many Days/nights In Hospital?

    Mine was done on outpatient - believe it or not, surgery was at 8:00 am, was out of surgery at 8:50. I left the hospital just before noon that same day. Slept comfortably in bed the most of that day.
  22. McButterpants

    New Photos...before And After So Far.....

    Beautiful! You have been thru so much and you have such a great outlook on things - I admire you; you are one tough lady! Thanks for sharing your pictures today. Most of all thanks for sharing your journey with us - you are a true inspiration!
  23. McButterpants

    Left Shoulder Pain

    Walking, Gas-X, walking, Gas-X. Then repeat! :-) Walking probably helped me more than anything. I'm 5 days post-op and still have a little discomfort, but not as much as yesterday or the day before. Good luck!
  24. McButterpants

    Ladies And Gents

    Best of luck, Linda. Know the first few days are going to be hard. But muscle your way through. It will get easier as the days pass. For me, the pre-op diet was probably the hardest thing I have done, but now 5 days post-op, I can truly say, it's worth it. Keep your eye on the prize, sweetie. You got this!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
