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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jenlaur1

  1. (263 when started program)256 day of surgery 10 months none varies, b/w none to 360 4 no cauc. 22 (lost 8 before surgery for a total of 30) Cathy
  2. jenlaur1

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Well, lets see. Hmmmm. If we all knew why we couldn't lose weight then we'd be working on the solution and well, we'd be losing weight. I think alot of things play into why some of us are having such a hard time. For me, it's part genetics (I have family members on both sides of my family who were/are obese), I am hypothyroid and I possibly have other issues such as adrenal gland issues and other hormones that are out of wack. I just saw my new endo today and she seems to think I will always have a hard time losing weight because of my genetics..that I will have to work extra hard at exercising and eating a certain amount of calories. I've just had a blood test for my TSH levels, going to have a 3 hr glucose test and a 24hr urine test...to test for kidney function, cortisol levels and to see what my blood sugar levels are at. Hopefully this will show that there's something out of wack and that can be treated that will help me lose weight better than I have been (well, I haven't lost a single pound since October even though these past two months I've been real dilligent about exercise and calories/fat, etc). It's just the luck of the draw. I seriously do not want to convert to RNY or DS...it just isn't in me. I don't know...maybe a year from now, if I haven't lost any weight, I might change my mind. What you can't do is make such a huge decision on a minority of people who can't lose alot of weight. Look at ALL the pros and cons and make an informed decision. I wish you the best of luck, in whatever surgery you choose. I hope that you are fortunate enough to lose whatever it takes to get to your goal weight. Take care!!! Cathy
  3. jenlaur1

    Turtle Tribe: call to action

    Just a little update. Went to see my new endo. doc today. She seems like a real nice lady. She explained alot to me, unlike my previous endo. I had a blood test and then I am going to have a 24hr urine test and a 3 hr glucose test on April 6th. So, I feel like at least she's trying here. The other doc only tested my blood and felt my throat while I sipped on Water and barely said two words to me while looking at me with complete disdane because I'd not lost any weight. So, hopefully, b/w all these docs I have, I'll be able to come up with better answers. In the meantime, I'm going to be increasing my workouts..going to join the YMCA (family membership) and workout in the mornings or maybe with my girls in tow, so they can do some sort of activities, I'll go in the afternoon. I'd love to see how the rest of you are doing. I know how frustrating and disappointing it is to not lose weight and coming on here to post probably isn't a priority, but it really is a help to see that we aren't alone in our struggles. So, post away folks. Let us know how you are doing!! Cathy
  4. jenlaur1

    Turtle Tribe: call to action

    Don't you feel like saying "It's about friggin time!!"? :whoo: I'm glad for you...it's so good to hear when someone struggles and then finally sees results. :dance: Cathy
  5. jenlaur1

    Turtle Tribe: call to action

    hey vines, I am still not losing any weight, but I'm still exercising and anxious to see what my new endo. doctor has to say. I see her on Monday. I'll be bringing my food logs and exercise logs and hopefully she'll look at the big picture and not just at my thyroid. I just saw something last night as I was cruising around google re: unable to lose weight. There is this website where they say that you can lose weight if you up your calories. Their theory is that if you eat say 900 calories all the time then your body will get used to just burning 900 calories and it won't burn anymore, but if you were to up your calories to say 2000 a day then your body will get used to burning 2000. Then you go down to 1200 for a couple of days and then go up to 2000 for a couple of days to fool your body into burning constantly at 2000 cals. What do you all think? It kinda makes sense. I mean, I've heard of going up and down in calories a day to keep the body from getting used to burning a certain amount of calories but 2000 or more a day? All I know is that I'm so confused about all this. I just want to lose weight for crying out loud. That's all. And I'm trying soooo hard. I'm not perfect, I have my sweets now and then. Today was not a good diet day...I kinda went nuts on the fats side of food, but with my band I can't go hog wild, sooo I probably ate about 1500 calories today. But, this morning I was on the elliptical for 65 mins at an average of 5 mph. So, I figured I didn't do too badly today. Sigghhhhhhh. Well, anyway, I will update with what my new endo doc had to say. I'm hoping that she's a 'lets keep at it till we know for sure what's going on' kind of doc and she doesn't sweep my concerns under the rug. So, enough about me...how are you doing Vinesqueen? How's everyone else doing? Anyone figure out why we can't lose alot of weight? lol Well, I hope you had a wonderful Saturday and you'll have a lovely Sunday. Take care and don't lose hope...we'll get there when we get there, righ? Cathy
  6. jenlaur1

    Turtle Tribe: call to action

    Thanks Angel. I always wonder when one particular website makes any one pill seem like the miracle drug of the century. I will definitely consider all and any scenerios with my doctors assistance. Cathy
  7. jenlaur1

    Turtle Tribe: call to action

    sorry about that. ..I looked over what I typed for the website and I forgot the "h" in thyroid...so you had the right link, luckily it directed you to the correct place. So sorry Cathy
  8. jenlaur1

    Turtle Tribe: call to action

    Hi VQ, Thank you for putting this up. I think it might help other folks...those rascally rabbits, see what it is that we are struggling with every day. I've got that appt with my new endo on March 13. I have a list of questions and I'm hoping against all hope that she isn't closed minded. I looked up on yahoo groups and found a message board that supports those with thyroid/adrenal and hypercortisol type of issues. I found them through a website... www.stopthetyroidmadness.com This led me to finding other websites that have what might be answers to why I/we aren't losing any weight. I started taking B-complex and Calcium,magnesium and zinc as well as my reg. Multivitamin. I'm also going to look into trying Armour, which has all the thyroid hormones in it, not just T4. I haven't exercised today or yesterday because I am battling depression in a big way. I am soooo depressed about this lack of weight loss. If I were to go by what alot of websites suggest then the only way I will lose weight is if I eat 800 or less calories a day!!! How am I suppose to LIVE on that?! On the OH lapband message board there was a debate as to how much a person should eat. Someone actually asked a rep from Inamed about the portion sizes and they say Our booklet "Patient's Guide to Living with the LAP-BAND® System says in the Good food Choices section as a guide helping you to plan what you eat... "1 oz. to 2 oz of meat, fish or poultry or one egg each day. This is a guideline. You can ask your surgeon or their dietitian what quantity of Protein is best for you. Keep in mind that you are only eating about 4 or 5 oz of food at a meal and you need to have fruits and vegetables, grains and calcium too. So, this means we can only have 12 - 15 oz of food all day? How can we LIVE on that?!? It is sooo confusing the amount of different information that is out there. :faint:I'm praying that this doctor will be the wizard of oz and help me find a way to lose this god forsaken weight. I will keep updating about my travels in the hopes that it will help someone else and HOPE being the word here, I will be able to lead other people on the yellow brick road to permanent weight loss!!! I, for one, am no longer content on allowing doctors to make decisions for me. I expect to be communicated with and if not, then I will continue on until I find a doctor who will. So...there you have it!!! I'm exhausted.:tired LOL Have a good night all!! Cathy 263/255/today I was 235, yesterday I was 234, the day before I was 232 and the day before that I was 233..up and down, up and down..I just have to look at anything sweet, fattening or salty and I gain. :mmph: I shouldn't weight myself every day...I VOW not to weight myself again until......Sunday!!! Hah! I think I need to bury my scale. :heh:
  9. jenlaur1

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    No problem Tracy. That's what I, and everyone else are here for. To support one another. I wonder sometimes, with the premise that 'there's a purpose for everything' why I have to deal with a weight issue. With all the psychological issues that goes with being overweight in our society. Why am I having to deal with a slow weight loss instead of being able to lose quickly like some of our fellow bandsters? I still don't have an answer to that, but I'm confident that there is one. It could be a very personal reason...maybe I need to learn something or it'll lead me to a place in my life that will bring me happiness or greater enlightenment or something like that. It could also be that I'm meant, like so many of you here, are meant to help other people in their struggles. That we are part of a greater light...not just a single match in the darkness kind of thing. There are so many things we could be dealing with..I'd hate to have to deal with poverty...I'd love to own a house of my own...I would be lost if I had to deal with my life being taken apart like those who dealt with Katrina or those who lost everthing in those tsunamis or those who dealt with 9/11 on a very personal level or even those who've lost loved ones overseas with the war in Iraq. I'm blessed I guess...and sometimes I forget that when I have to deal with this weight loss stuff. I'm not trying to give a sermon. I'm sorry if anyone believes that. I just read this inspirational thing about a disabled boy who was given the chance to play a simple game of baseball. It was emotional and well, I'm PMS'ing which makes me emotional. But, there are days when my/our struggle to live a life in which we aren't different, where we are accepted for who we are and not what we look like, where we feel healthy and feel completely happy...those days don't seem like they are just a pipe dream. As selfish as that sounds, it is a very real thing in our world. Having this message board thread is a very real light at the end of a dark tunnel. I know, that like many of you, we went into this wl journey completely filled with hope and excitement. That we started a new life and that we will finally be in a place where we are accepted instead of ridiculed and made fun of. I have always had people in my life who love me completely and who support me totally but I've experienced those who judge me as someone who isn't very smart and lazy and I've lost out on jobs because I didn't look the part. I deal with it, but again, this message board was a blessing...I was in a place that was starting to get real dark and I can't say it enough...Thank you all for being her for me!!! Okay...I'll shut up now...you can take your hands off of your ears :lalala: I guess since I'm so emotional I needed to say that whoever started this thread is an angel and "thank you". Night all!! (fyi, I'll try to stay off the soap box from now on, I promise!) Cathy
  10. jenlaur1

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Hey Tracy, I'm sorry it's so frustrating for you. I'd suggest getting another fill. A small one. If you haven't already, then try to really take your time eating. I think one of the hardest things I've learned is to chew the food til it's pulp and since my last fill, on Feb. 23rd, I've had to take my time. With meat, I have to chew, chew, chew and chew some more, but I'm finding, that with a high protein meal, I am not hungry until about 5-6 hours later. If it's light on the protein...say like for oatmeal, I get hungry two to three hours later. So, I'm trying to eat solid protein to help with the hunger issues. The head hunger, now that is another story. I'd gotten back into the habit of eating after supper...around 8 or 9, sometimes as late as 10 p.m. I'm not really hungry, I just have this need to chew on something. I'm struggling with that big time. I've also been battling with my sweet tooth. It's the time of the month which is the biggest time for me to have my sweet tooth. So, instead of trying to fight my way through it, I bought some peppermint patties. They are real sweet, but low in calories and fat. Because I can't eat alot of them without feeling sick, this is perfect for me. I would try eating a piece of fruit, but I've been having a hard time with those going down..especially apples. Also, tonight, for the first time, I had a hot cup of lemon tea (any hot beverage will do I think) and it actually helped me get those first few bites down. You could try that before you start eating your meals. I'd heard about this at some other message boards and it seems to help alot of people. I forget what they call it...oh, maybe, first bite syndrome? Anyway...try that. I hope it works for you and really, I think you need another fill. Best of everything for you Tracy. I'm glad to have come on this board too. I think it's really lifted my spirits, knowing I'm not alone in my struggles. Take care and have a good night. Cathy
  11. jenlaur1

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    You know, I went to see my pcp the first week of Feb. and had asked to have my thyroid levels checked again. I really didn't appreciate the endocronoligist I did have...when I went to see her back in July she was upset that I hadn't lost a lot of weight since I'd seen her six months before. Whenever I went to see her she seemed like she was getting more and more ticked off with me because I just wasn't losing any weight. The last time in July my husband told her off because I'd been speechless. I couldn't believe she was so rude. My husband let her know just how hard I was working at losing weight. Her misconception was that I'd gotten the bypass instead of the band and she thought, wrongly, that you could lose as quickly with the band as well as with the bypass. So, needless to say, I just don't want her as a doctor anymore. When I went to see my pcp I asked to be referred to a new doctor. I have an appt. with this person on the 13th. As for my thyroid levels they were showing that I was at a 4, an underactive thyroid. So, when I go to see my new endo. doc I will have my levels checked again to see if my new meds are working (was brought up to 150 mcg levoxyl). I think I will ask her if she can recommend someone who can test my metabolic rate. You would think if anyone should know it would be an endocronologist, yes? I hope so. Anyway, this is a great thread here. It's like you said Vine, some other message boards aren't supportive for slow losers. It's too bad. I'm glad I found this. After I vented this morning, I was already feeling a little better. I'm sure I'll have my down days, but having the ability to come to this message board is great..it'll help keep me filled with hope. Oh, I don't think I mentioned that my surgeon said that as a last resort I could have a conversion to the bypass. That, quite frankly, scares me to death. I don't want to even think about that. Back in 2002 I had started this process in Worcester, MA through UMass Memorial. Went to the first meeting and was scared out of my wits...I just couldn't conceive having my innards rearranged. God willing I will be able to have some weight loss this year...So all, thank you for 'listening' to me. Have a good night!! Cathy
  12. jenlaur1

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Yeah, it would be nice if I could find a place to do the metabolic testing. I had my surgery at NEMC, does anyone know if they do that there and if they do, who do I contact? Cathy
  13. jenlaur1

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Well, I hope that you all will except me into your slow losers club. I was banded on May 23, 2005. Prior to surgery I lost 8 lbs and then after surgery 21 lbs. I have been up and down the same 5 lbs since October. I just had another fill and I'm up to 3.5 ccs. I have very good restriction. I think I'm just about at my sweet spot. I was so upset about not losing anything that when I went in to see my surgeon for my last fill on Feb. 23rd that I started blubbering.:cry I've been keeping food logs faithfully since Jan 1st. For the six weeks b/w Jan 1 and my appt. on the 23rd of Feb. I was averaging b/w 1200-1700 cals a day w/an a day every other week or so where I went up to about 1900...that's because I allowed myself a treat. My doc didn't seem very upset with me. She told me that 1 out of 4 who have the band fail because their bodies just refuse to give up the wait. Not because they haven't tried. She said that she'll give me the fill, then see me in a month for another fill if need be. I'm to see my nutritionist just a few days before I see her again, at the end of this month. In the meantime I've restricted my cals to 900-1200 a day since last Thursday. And you know what? NOT ONE POUND HAS COME OFF!!! :think I am up and down with depression and frustration about all this. WHY?????? It's real good that you all are hear and I know I'm not unique and alone in this, but WHY? Why do we have such a hard time losing the weight? What did ever do that my body is so reluctant to let go of this blubber of mine? I don't exercise the way I should I guess. It should be more consistent. During the summer of last year, I exercised 6 days a week for as much as an hour a day on the elliptical and the treadmill. Then school started (I was a school bus driver...just quit, now and a hopeful writer/stay at home mom as of Monday) and I found that finding the time to exercise the way I wanted to just wasn't there during the week so I slacked off on that until I just wasn't exercising at all by the time October came around. Once Jan 1st came around I was determined to exercise again and I started off good...walking up to 5 miles a day. But then I hit this wall of frustration because I wasn't losing a single pound which led to rebellion I guess..I stopped exercising again. I guess I was feeling like, I exercised so hard and watch what I eat and eat very little and this is what I get for all my efforts? NOTHING!!! :yell: So, here I am again. Trying real hard but feeling like I'm the last one to the finish line, you know? I've tried to find someone to figure out what my resting metabolic rate is..the only place so far is this gym near Boston that says the only way they'll do that is if I were to join the gym. Uh, yeah,right...NOT!! Why would I do that when it's easily a 40 min drive one way?:censored: There are days when this whole effort is almost more than I can bear...like I don't have any more energy to deal with this and there are days like today where I feel like I have a fire lit under me and I am determined. So, I'm going to get on the exercise machines and start up my exercise routine so that I can prove that non of this is working to my nutritionist and my doctor and see what they have to say. So, what do you all think? Am I doing the right thing even though it seems so futile? How are you coping with all this? I am going to Myrtle Beach in August and I really would like to be down a few sizes...so I have a goal to reach but right now, it seems like I have to climb Mt. Everest to get to it. So, I would love a bit of tlc and wisdom and practical advice right now. Just a note...I think you all are awesome...I've read about 8 pages of the beginning of this thread...and knowing that I'm not alone is an inspiration and knowing that you all go on in spite of the lack of weight loss is a help. Thank you for starting this thread. :cheer2: Cathy 263/255/234/155 so close, yet soooo far!
  14. jenlaur1

    2006 January Chat

    Debbie, I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. I don't really have any answers for you. I just wanted to give you my prayers and support. What have your doctors said about all these problems you are having? Cathy
  15. jenlaur1

    2006 January Chat

    Yep, exercising is the key. I've been trying to stay motivated with that. I have more time now to get on the elliptical or treadmill. So, I have absolutely no excuses for staying off of them. Motivating factor for getting to onderland is that my hubby and I are going to try for a baby this year. I wanted to wait until May though, so that I will have that full year that doctors suggest. And to give me more time to lose more weight so that I'll be healthier and that the pregnancy won't be hard on me. I've just turned 40, so this is it. If I don't get pregnant by the end of this year then that's it, we won't try any more and will take steps for me not to get pregnant. Our last pregnancy, well, we lost the baby at 20 wks, which was tough. We needed to get over that and I needed to get healthier for both the baby and myself before we tried again. I'm hoping, anyway, that by being so much lighter, that it will help ensure a healthy pregnancy. Anyway, it's always very encouraging, seeing what all of you go through..your successes and even your lack of successes. Is there a pregnancy board anywhere, for lapbanders? I haven't really been able to find it. There's a pregnancy board on Obesity Health, but alot of the people there have had RNY, not lapband. Well, looking forward to more of Massachusetts folks posting and seeing what everyone is up to (no pun intended). Hope you all enjoyed the warm weather, even if it's raining...turning to snow. Ugghhh. Take care!! Cathy 263/230/155 :peace:
  16. jenlaur1

    2006 January Chat

    Hi all!! :rockon: I'm from Shrewsbury, just east of Worcester, MA. Was banded back in May and have become what is called a 'slow' loser. :rofl: Not happy with the lack of weight I've lost, but I've taked a vow of commitment on Jan. 1st, determined to get to onederland by my one year anniversary on May 3. That means I have to lose 31 lbs by then. So far, I've lost 33. I'm trying real hard not to get discouraged...that is a daily battle I fight. So, glad to see that there are other MA folks here...Looking forward to hearing more from all of you. Take care and have a lovely day (even if it's raining) :rain: Cathy 263/230/155
  17. jenlaur1

    Plastic surgeons

    I know that I'm definitely going to need plastic surgery...especially in my tummy area and probably some lipo for my butt. Anyway, I am going to ask my surgeon if she has any recommendations. If she doesn't have a clue (which I seriously doubt she wouldn't) then I'll ask my PCP. If no luck there then I'll call my insurance company and ask for them to recommend someone. Going further I'd look up some names on the internet or in the yellow pages...checking them out with (the name escapes me at the moment) that place where you can see if there is any kind of lawsuits against them. Keeping in mind that if there any lawsuits...that doesn't mean they were at fault, it could be someone who's just looking for someone to blame for their problems...however, if there are enough out there, then I'd hesitate to use their services. Once you pick out a surgeon, then you ask their office for recommendations from previous patients (I'm not sure if they can do that now because of the privacy laws) but you can always schedule a consultation; if the surgeon gives you the willies, then you choose another one. This isn't something to be rushed into, considering what the outcome could be if there was negligence...so, take your time finding the right surgeon. You want someone who is completely focused on you and your issues. Who will answer your questions with patience and professionalism. Should you not get that when you meet the first time, high tail it out of that office and don't look back. So, there, I'm off my soapbox now. Good luck and take care!!! Cathy
  18. jenlaur1

    banding in massachusetts

    Hey there, I live in Shrewsbury and I'm going to Tufts New England Medical Center. My first appointment, with the psychologist was on Feb. 22 and I just met with my surgeon yesterday. Very quick, but thorough. It can be quick or you can take as long as like. The staff there, I've found, are really nice people. My surgeon is Dr. Julie Kim. She's very nice, personable and professional. She's conservative but at the same time very aware of what we'll be going through once we are banded. I tried going through UMass Memorial. I called several times and left messages that were never returned. After waiting a couple of weeks I said, 'enough' and went online to check out what other's were doing here in Mass. and Tufts seemed to be a very good choice. I'm very glad that I did choose them. It takes me 45 minutes to and hour on the Pike, even in yesterdays snow storm, I made it through morning rush hour traffic. It's simple enough in directions. Just take the Pike to exit 24 A, take a left off the exit ramp, follow the signs to the parking garage or you can have valet service during the daytime. If you'd like to know more, just respond to this and I'll let you know. Cathy
  19. jenlaur1

    Dr. Saltzman

    I don't know if we've been in the same behav. grp. I started on Feb. 23rd, went to that one but missed the one on March 9th because I couldn't get my youngest daughter back home and then make it into Boston on time. I went to the 3rd one this past week though. It sounds like it's not as big a deal with Dr. Saltzman as I thought it might be. I like that. I'll try not to eat that morning so that I can get my blood work done. Hopefully they will do it that morning if I have time. I'd have to leave by noon for me to get back to work on time for my afternoon run (I'm a school bus driver). Thanks for the tips. I hope you are doing well also. Take care!! Cathy
  20. jenlaur1

    Dr. Saltzman

    I have an appt. with Dr. Saltzman this Monday and I honestly don't know what for. First time I'm seeing him and I know he's a medical doctor but does that mean I'm going to have a physical or just to speak with him? I've already seen Dr. Greenberg, due to see him again at the end of this month. Been to 3 out of 5 bhav mtgs, been to 1 out of 3 physical fitness mtgs and I am going to the orientation meeting this month (weather permitting...have to travel the pike from Shrewsbury). I meet with Dr. Friedman next week. So, what's next? Cathy
  21. jenlaur1


    Good luck with your surgery. I'm very excited that this whole thing isn't too long of a process. Keep in touch, let me/us know how you do. Cathy
  22. jenlaur1


    Just started my whole process at NEMC. Saw Dr. Greenberg last week, had my first behavorial change group meeting, go to orientation, another behav. chng. grp mtg and meet with Dr. Saltzman this week. Every week of March is busy with all these meetings at least twice a week. I have to drive in from Shrewsbury, but I'll manage since it's only for a month. What's amazing to me is how quickly this is happening. I tried UMass a couple of years ago and surgery was 8 mo's to a year out from first meeting. Tried contacting them again, recently, and never got a live voice on the phone and my messages were never returned, so not wanting to waste any more of my time, I turned to NEMC and I'm glad I did. Dr. Greenberg is a real sweetie, Michelle is very helpful and I have a real nice group of people in my Behav. Chg. Group. Looking forward to getting all of this behind me so that I can have the surgery. Cathy

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