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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Nykee

  1. I was all set to do the gastric bypass... I went to a seminar and the doctor was gung ho on lapbands but said GB might be right for some.. I thought 'she isnt gonna talk me into the band' and thought I needed the drasticness and strictness of the GB cuz the band seemed IFFY. So I wasnt able to get a hold of my Mexico bypass shop for days and no numbers worked and it freaked me out, so I just called a random number and it was Ortiz.. I was told he only does lapbands.. and then she sold me on it. She told me about the band it a way i felt in love... and so lucky I had called and been shown the better option... I was gave a surgery date that day for two months later and I just went with it. She said it was safer.. alot.. It was for life. The complications were nill loss is slower but forever.. GB gains it back in 5 years The band was a tool that restricted food not cutting your tummy out and no dumping (I was affraid of that) Well............. I didnt think of all the things that make the band not ideal for me.. I dont know why.. it all seems so obvious now. All I really heard was its a band that restricts food intake and well that would make anyone lose weight... Duh IMO The band is not ideal for people who eat small items of food like corndogs, little burgers, cheese sticks, (fast food) and do not eat meals and snack alot on junk food like chips, Cookies, icecream as their regualar eating habits. (CUZ... If your the kind of person who eats two slices of pizza usually and now the band allows one slice...or your still able to chew your small hamburger well enough to get it all in and the junk food crunches down easily then HOW are you gonna lose weight...?? Very slow or go on a diet.) Its not ideal for anyone addicted to pop or juice or milk or any other sugar or high calorie drink. (Cuz.. the band will not make this addiction go away and unless your very sure you will stop, you wont.) Its not ideal if your a seriously out of control eater, obsessed with food so bad you have less than proud moments, or have a major binging habit. (cuz... you will eat too much, way too often and have PB's and other side effects too often and choose the food over the pains cuz they arent so bad,,,,,the band and body wont tolerate all the stres cuz it wasnt made to handle so much.....and you will lose it or have complications. Over and over. Its not ideal if your living in poverty, Cuz...it cost alot to maintain.
  2. wow all of you are amazing.. good job! I hope I can do it.
  3. Nykee

    My band hurts - why?

    Glad you feel better, good luck on the referral I CAN imagine how different skinny life is... its them who cant fathom what our lives are like.
  4. Nykee

    My band hurts - why?

    No Port?.... that sucks... you been struggling a long time huh... gosh I wish we had a billionare amongst our mist who understood and gave us money! lol I would use mine to get a bypass..maybe (seems my band may be unable to work down the road if I cant figure out how to get uninflmaed in the a.m.) Oh yeah and plastic surgery for all.. I see no way I will ever be able to get that and It seems so gross to have all that hanging flab skin... HOW ARE YOU delarla? Are you better? I am still scared to get the flu or anything that would swell me... Megan mentioned some meds for inflamation but that wont work for me.. I take prednisone daily already... I would need like an IV full every 6 hours to take the swelling down I wake up with..
  5. Nykee

    My band hurts - why?

    I dont know much about the band (I admit) but, one thing I do know is when I was choking and gagging on my own saliva (like it seems your begining to describe).... he made me get an unfill.. (stat) he said not to wait for it to go away, he said in EVERY CASE, he has seen the person lose their band when they let this do on too long and waited for it to get better... I would have to guess that would mean if you got sick too.. mine lasted over 30 hours and he was acting like that was EMERGENCY too long.. My emergency room did an unfill.. they had never done one before.. but ortiz said "she will lose her stomach! DO IT" and well they treated it like a real real real emergency.. IT was an ordeal and it was embarrassing and it (if you dont have insurence) will cost alot.. but mine was covered.. First they used this spinal needle and poked around, then they got the flouro machine (hugest one I ever seen) and just stabbed it in and sucked it out.. (I swear.. I COULD give and take.. fills.. lol) anyway.... that would suck.. cuz you have to get another fill and so on and so on.. I am just telling you that when my doctor said "I have seen it happen in EVERY case that the person loosing their band down the road when they have let this continue"... well, THAT scared me to death!!!! I am tight... I sure hope I dont get the flu or a cold or something.... Cuz then I will be in your shoes... and I certainly feel for you!!! I need a flu shot... STAT~! I am gonna go call my doctor now! thanks loves
  6. 1. Does the lapband slow down your metabolism. I've read that it holds food for longer... >>>>>>DUNNO 2. What can I expect to be able to eat after the surgery? Will I forever be eating soup and what not or will I be able to eat normally again? >>>>>>>I like soup.. lol.........I think mostly anything but bready stuff. 3. What is the best thing about the Lap Band? >>>>Loosing weight. 4. What is the worst? >>>>The constant fear of losing it to slippage and all that. and the cost. 5. What do you wish you would have known before getting into this? >>>>its not ideal for those who are addicted to liquids (vs. food) Anything else you might have to say would be very helpful...Thanks >>>>>>BEST OF LUCK!! <!-- / message -->
  7. Nykee

    My daily food intake

    your funny.. JQ... welcome!~ October 9th 9am:......an ounce of 1/2 the sugar OJ 11:45.....1/2 cup tomatoe soup 12:15-....10 ounces root beer (didnt pick any toppings..lol) .............one tiny peice of frosting and a peice of the middle goo. (1/2 tsp) 4pm.......1 cup tomatoe soup, 1tbs parm cheese, 6 ounces 1% milk. 9:45.......6 ounce quiche, 1/2 cup diced potatoes, 3tbs mayo, 2tbs, ketsup. later: ,....30 OUNCES 1% milk (approx.).7 ginger snaps .............8 ounces grape juice. .............10 ounces banana icecream. October 10th 2pm..........4 ounces 1/2 the sugar OJ 7pm..........3/4 cup fajita chicken corn chowder (no chicken and spit alot) ................6 ounces 2% milk, 4-6 gingersnps. 8 or so:........6 to 8 nacho chips, 1-2 ounces cheese sauce, 12 oz. milk 11pm ........Life cerial and milk.. Approx..3 cups of cerial...3 cups milk? ................6-12 ounces 1/2 the sugar OJ
  8. very interesting.. I do (or did) the same thing for like the first month after my fill.. Before I knew when to stop exactly,,.. I would take a bite too many and get this feeling that could only go away by putting my finger in my throat to releive it.. Sometimes saliva or slime came up or some of the liquid I drank (like a tsp of it) Its hard to explain.. I HAD to do it.. like you describe.. and its funy too cuz I could never burp as a child either..and rarely did on my own.. its been a known fact in my family,. now.. i STOP drinking or eating before I get to that feeling.... I learned when that was in about 3 weeks.. I am sorry your so hungry though.. I surely WANTED to eat or drink more, but that feeling SUCKS... lol (I call it 'pain' even though its not)
  9. Nykee

    My band hurts - why?

    this thread scares me this is why I am scared.. BEST OF LUCK AND I KNOW YOU"LL BE BETTER SOON DeLARLA!
  10. Nykee

    Name Your Band

    Nykee - what is it that your talking about that means so much but you can't kill it? I'm confused there ........... sorry, I was thinking of a name and I named it Nike and then I regretted it cuz I killed (or feel guilty of killing) a beloved pet I still havent gotton over at all.. and his name was nike... and I have been calling everything nike or nykee ever since even myself (like happy good things) and when I called my band Nike, I wondered if I would regret it cuz if It "died" I would feel guilty for killing it for what ever reasons (I am a guily monger).. I dont know if that sounded more understandable or not.. I will just hope it all turns out well.. and I didnt name something thats gonna be a bad experience NIKE but something thats gonna be the best experience of my life.
  11. My stupid band! Stomach. Whatever! I am especially restricted in the morning and then after 9pm or so, I am way way way less restricted. I know some people feel somewhat tighter in the morning.. BUT this is so extreme...... I have to find a way to fix it. or i AM SOL. ............... I have to get a fill to get better restriction at night time, I am NOT loosing weight! BUT I cant get a fill... cuz in the morning I cannot even take a swallow of juice without sliming in out at leaste half the time. If I get some more fill, I will be choking in my saliva in the mornings. Cant do that or I will be abusing my band and put it at risk. ......................... I am wondering if there is anything I can do to make my band be less extreme in its tightness from morning to night.. ????????????? IS there some kind of antiinflamitory I can take at night....ya know.. Is there a certain way I can seep? There MUST be something! ------------------------- Making better choices and being more responsible with my nighttime eating IS NOT possible. (trust me) I need MY BAND to work right... (cuz I dont)
  12. Nykee

    My daily food intake

    I think I will use this as a small or big? diary area too,.. I go to a pizza party for my neice today at noon, (not possible to have pizza at this point) there will be like her grandma there and stuff like that.. So its really my first time going out and eating when I cant eat.. My plan is to put a slice on my plate and pick at it.. so no one thinks like I am not eating on purpose (or pretending like I dont eat) I hate pop and beer... I wonder if they will have milk or juice? I cant really drink that much milk and juice at noon, well sometimes I can.. It would be cool if they had tomatoe soup..lol Then I would look like a dork and make my banding like all obvious its not a secret but EVERYONE is watching to see if I have lost weight.. Plus I am gonna go through my clothes and see what shows my weightloss... cuz my regular clothes sure dont. luckily I aint very sociable.. usually (cept with boys.. they dont count)
  13. Nykee

    My daily food intake

    anwyn, hey thanks... I aint showing this food intake to anyone.. lol Of course I will if and when I need to, like if I get sick or ya know.. I am asked for it.. right now its too embarrassing. I already know whats wrong with it and what to do to make it better.. Its just actually doing it thats the problem. Tonight.. I am gonna try not to be such a hog
  14. Nykee

    My daily food intake

    thanks for the support. I will go research Protein needs .. does it need to come from a certain source? I had 150 grams of protein on Friday I had maybe 60 on saturday. I drink alot of milk (its 10 grams per 8 ounces) and yes I drink at least 6 of those a day. I have been told to have less protein by a nutritionalist.
  15. Nykee

    will I gain?

    I dont think so How big are you.. that kinda matters.. If you dont mind.. If I ate that little I would loose like 20 pounds in a month I bet.. lol GOOD LUCK DONT WORRY Your gonna be GREAT!
  16. Nykee

    True Confessions Of A LapBander

    This thread rocks! I dont eat nutritional foods...or Protein, veggies, carbs.. in that order I eat too much junk food like cheetos, hard candy and Cookies and LITE sherbert at nighttime. I drink way way way too much 1% milk and half the sugar grape and OJ juice. I drink with my meals sometimes.. Sometimes I cant, it hurts.
  17. Nykee

    Mouth Saliva: Wierd Question

    I totALLY notice.. but its always when I eat.. or drink.. (in the day) as soon as I am producing too much saliva.. I stop and dont eat or drink it really creeps me out.. best of luck with it.. I think its one of those band things.. not cool..lol
  18. Nykee

    Yelling did Help

    Its so great that you listened to them though .. The ones who said it was so great that you didnt gain the weight back.. as I was struggling I was told that over and over (I didnt and arent gaining the 41 pounds I lost back) (I did gain 5 at one point though) But all I heard was "blah blah.. when can I lose more weight... I am so glad your on the right track now!!!!!
  19. I am in awe reading this thread. I have to say that I am one of the first people to think positive and wish well to others with support or what ever else they may need to help them through a tough time. girl) good for you.. I am real glad your that way.. I am so sorry I cant keep ya on that roll.. THIS IS ME THIS IS HOW I FEEL I guess If its not the RIGHT way, than I have no right to discuss it. What I can not believe is how much positive advice and support that has been giving to Nykee only to find that she has pretty much had an excuse or has shot down any suggestions that have been sent her way. I am inclined to think that she might find this amusing or even entertaining. girl) OK.. thats rude .. I do not find it amusing or entertaining and I am closing the thread cuz you said that.. and I just cant stand anyone thinking like wise. How many times can one say that you need an unfill and how many times is Nykee going to say I WONT have an unfill? >>>>AS MANY TIMES AS THATS HOW I FEEEEEEEEEL (ya know, just to save my life thats all) How many times can one say you need to have better food choices and eat more Protein? >>>>>today I had ummmm lets guess...200 grams of protein.. my daily intake is prolly around 100. How many times does Nykee say she loves the food she is eating & she gets plenty of protein from her milk and juice? >>The milk.. There is no protein in juice. DUH THERE Is 10 grams in 8 ounces of milk.. I drank a guestimated 150 ounces today.. No more entertaining for me, I'm exhausted just reading the posts that people are given Nykee with love and support, only to find that she is so wrapped up in not getting a unfill or even trying to eat healthy. >I try everyday.. I will never say otherwise cuz its not true. The main thing is Nykee's health seems to be at risk, more importantly, I feel, that she really needs to go see her doctor and a Reg. nutritionist. >>>loosing the 65 pounds is gonna help me more than anything soon I will be at 100, where I am allowed my surgeries.. THE WEIGHT LOSS is what I need right now. (and all I can manage.. sorry thats not what you like to hear) Nykee I hope and pray that you come around and get this situation taken care of, I don't want to see anything horrible happen to you. GIRL) me too Please don't take this post as a bashing session, but I just feel that you are not getting it and no matter what advice is given, you will not except it and you'll just throw yet another excuse our way. I'm with Megan and some others.. all done with this thread. <!-- / message --><!-- sig --> girl) thanks to all and ME to (DONE)
  20. This thread is going no where. Nykee is not listening to the most important message here. Her band is too tight. TOO TIGHT TOO TIGHT TOO TIGHT TOO TIGHT! me) listen to what I ate today.. 1:00.....3 ounces OJ 3:45......whole can tomatoe soup (with milk) and 6 ounces of milk 6pm.....6 ounces OJ 11pm .........prolly 20 nacho chips with 3 ounces of cheese sause and prolly about 1/4 cup of layered dip... 6 ounces of milk A slice of rasberry cheesecake... and 6 ounces of milk 1/2 cup lime sherbert 12 ounces OJ 2:45am....3 fish fillets and my guess is 10 to 15 cups (6 ounces of milk) I AM NOT TOO TIGHT I EAT PLENTY She doesnt want to hear the truth so all of you are wasting your time including me!!! She says it is cost prohibitive to get a partial unfill, she can't afford itl,but doesn't she realize that losing her band is more than cost prohibitive? I just dont get it... ME) I AM NOT LOSING MY BAND I NEVER HURT IT SO HOW AM I LOOSING I? First she says she is not losing and now shes lost 30 lbs in 60 days on the juice and soup and nugget diet. girl) I really hope you dont think I am lying.. I didnt think I was cuz none of my close fit difrerently I lost 31 pounds in 33 days..after my fill Geeze, why didnt I think of that? I 've been busy eating my Protein, veggies and healthy carbs losing 4-8 pounds a month. I could have lost 15 or more a month if I just drank juice and sucked down soup and ate nuggets all day. So she doesnt need our help. girl) so sorry.. my goodness.. I wont make any excuses.. I just Wish I could be you Nykee, an educated person would really hear what we are saying. girl) are you calling me a liar..?? I hope not Honey, use that degree in psychology to understand how illogical your statement s are. girl) ALREADY HAVE AWKNOWLWDGED THAT! Thats why the band is the thinking persons surgery. If you dont listen to advice and only listen selectively, you have missed the whole point and you are wasting others valuable time. girl) dont post to me.. and anyone else who feels the same.. This is really sad and what a disappointment. You may get to goal this way, but you will always be fighting demons and inevitably you will gain your weight back. If Atkins was so easy, then why get a lapband? You were doing just fine without it. girl) its easy for a month or two.. I am lost 60 pounds in a month before.. Its yoyo I may always be fighting demans but I wont be knocking on heavens door. Can we close this thread before it gets nasty? Cause I am feeling really mean at the moment and it takes a lot to provoke me.... girl) That wasnt so bad. Babs in TX 334/180 -154 Babs in TX
  21. pnp) Has anyone suggested this yet??? What kind of daily exercise are you doing? girl) I went grocery shopping.. my daughter drove and dropped me at the doors.. I used the motorized cart for an hour and 15 minutes, I got ill.. I cried for 15 minutes on the way home I was in so much pain. I took crushed pain pills and waited.. Thats as active as I can get I was going to the ymca for aqua aerbics.. but havent in over a month cuz of my situation... I got no insurence cuz my income fell by 75% and I live in a camper and the YMCA just isnt doable right now... I kept the membership and I wont let the dues lapse! I just cant work it now, I can barely keep me and my kids housed.. everyone running 24/7 for eachother around here.. plus I cant take my pain pills.. (only at night) I used to take 6 vicodan a day.. now I take maybe 6 a week.. (i am a hurting) crushing them doesnt work when your unable to take a drink to get them down, Two vicodan crush to the size of a large spoon (its ick) I have three herniated discs in back sciatica in leg and it dibilitates me
  22. I bought a pair of jeans before I went... I hadnt had any since I was like 22 yrs old.. but I wanted a pair to show off how much I lost.. I did wear them lots of times.. but not this summer.. HUmmmm great jobs!
  23. Nykee

    i DID lose weight

    Thanks guys! Thanks chicigirl!~ I love my new ticker! And I have a new goal.. Once I am at 335# I will be where I had my daughter at, 14 yrs ago!!
  24. so, I didnt think I was and I did.. I was 380 two months ago and now I am 349!!!!!! I cant feel it, I cant see it..... so I guess I am one of those freaks. lol I been having issues about my band being too tight and wanting it tighter and all freaked out.... and this has alleiviated some of that stress. I WONT GET A FILL.. (secret was I was going to have one at the end of October and see what happened) But, I aint getting an unfil either.. I went food shopping and the changes I made were, I bought some fish, some 7% lean burger for meatloaf, quiche (I know its high in fat but it has nutrients), diet lean cuisines of lasangue and such.. (THESE are for NIGHT TIme.... ) and I only bought one junky food and that was nacho chips and cheesey sauce but once my kids and I eat some tonight, it'll be gone. I know this wont cure the cheetos and Cookies habit cuz I live right by a 7-11... But I am really gonna try.. AGAIN I feel kinda ashamed.. posting here.. and I thought about it alot last night and cried alot and I feel like a fool.. and although I WONT get an unfill, I can at leaste try to do some of the other things I need to do...like eat more healthier food at night and not that crap. thanks again for your support.. I am reposting this at that other place. I gotta fix my ticker also.. its so emotional.. I just cant beleive I weigh 349.. I cant stop crying over it... I mean I have yo yo dieted and been to that... But this is slow steady (kinda) and its gone for good (ya know, more than yoyo dieting) and This was my history December... got my lapband date Feb.15th #415 (no couseling, no nothing..sure you can tell) January to feb. 14th.....lost 4o pounds on a low carb diet (almost easy but hardest thing i ever did) cuz they told me I HAD TO. #374 Feb. .... banded... only 2-3 weeks restriction till I ate normally April... got a 1.1 fill........it made NO difference in restriciton #375 June.... got a 2.4 fill.....had a 9 hour PB on pills, and vomited my own saliva for 30 more hours until Ortiz forced me to the ER and they took it out. (all) Aug...got a 1.6 fill... Knew it was tight.. for 2-3 weeks ALMOST went for an unfil INSTEAD I adapeted to NOT eating (JUST fine) #380 Oct. 7th... weighed at my doctors #349!!! so thats where I am now.. the fill is tight.. and I NEED IT THAT WAY! I am not starving.. I am not malnurashed, And I DO NOT MISTREAT MY BAND! I dont pb, or choke or get golf balls and I STOP as soon as I get a tad bit of weird feeling in the chest.. ok.. so Thanks for listning I wanna come here more and support you guys but I live in a camper now due to a huge loss.... and its at a kitchen table and I am disabled and one to two hours at the table is all I can handle.. (I used to be at a easy chair at a desk) loves
  25. DONALI 1. You are NOT hungry - hunger is not the problem for you. You have NOT been hungry since surgery. girl) well I get hunger pains at times.. but I have never cared about them much at all in my life.. I have gone days without eating in the past and just dont care.... Its just a little weird thing about me. 2. Your sole purpose in getting the band was so that you would not be able to eat - ANYTHING, period. Because if you can eat, you will - hunger or not. girl) NO.. smaller amounts of food.. but it doesnt work that way. but yes, I will eat whether I am hungry or not. 3. Whether you can eat or not, there is absolutely no hope whatsoever that you will make healthier, more nutritious choices. IF you can eat, you will eat more cheetos, more Cookies, more chicken nuggets, more milk, more juice, more soup. If you CAN'T eat, you will subsist on less milk, less juice, less soup, less cheetos, and less cookies. girl) yes I KNOW, There IS 'help' what so ever".. but I am not willing to keep trying when I have been trying for so long.. trying everything and with 100% effort. and failing.. WHY WHY WHY keep doing that.. I BUT KNOW I STILL DO IT!!!! I HAVE NOT GAVE UP>> I STILL TRY DAILY.. I just have no hope.. or tiny bit I will ever be able to do itt 4. You have already had so much therapy regarding your head issues with food that you "have a degree" in it. girl) I have a bachelore degree in psychology.. Thats what I meant. I said that just to show I have a tad more experience in the mentallity of it all than usual. 5. Prior to banding, you lost 48 pounds. girl) 41, yes 6. You want more consistent/stable restriction so that you can have liquids/cheetos/cookies throughout the day, not just at night. girl) lol... I guess so... I dont see it was want.. I flipping HATE them.. lol Its OUT OF CONTROL. I tell everyone to NOT to allow the crap, I write it on my grocery list "NO CHEETO"S".. I tell my kids they can never go buy any for me no matter how much I beg.. ect.. I TRY! Just out of curisosity, how did you lose the 48 pounds? girl) Low carb.. under 20 carbs a day.. its eAsy. Do you really have absolutely no intention of migrating yourself to a more healthful way of eating? I have EVERY intention.. I want to be a vegetarian too.. I want to cut WAY down on milk products mostly.. (I joined peta)...I do I do I do. Do you really intend on subsisting on milk, juice, cheetos, soup, cookies and chicken nuggets for the rest of your life? No.. I hope and I will try to get UNDER CONTROL.. as I lose weight and I get surgery I need and my life becomes "easier", I really think as I can get fit and my life together that will include the eating and diet as well.... we'll see.. I believe once upon a time you said you were a nurse - am I remembering that correctly? Are you supplementing your daily intake with a good multivitamin like Alex hopes? lol, nope.. my17 yr old daughter is a sophmore in college trying to get into nursing school. I take a flintstone chewable.. maybe theres more I need though. I do understand about eating when you are not hungry. I do understand about eating as much as possible, as often as possible, stopping only because I am out of food or because there is literally not room for even one more bite. I dont do that.. I never have... I mean I have pigged out.. but it wasnt common for me to do. Like For lunch I would have a 99cent plain cheese burger or a small KFC snacker and tons to drink. and be full. I just drank like gallons a day. What I don't understand is your inability/unwillingness to include more healthful/nutritious choices in your menu.I'm not talking about cutting out any of your current choices altogether - I'm talking about choosing to eat lean Proteins and veggies first, and then (if it's physically possible), indulging in the less nutritious stuff. ..not unwilling.. I am trying... see my first post.. I have NEVER ate meals and I just cant seem to want to or get any discpline to do so. I honestly don't know what to tell you - everything I know about banding success hinges on people being able to modify their habits at least somewhat. This is something you wouldn't have to do all at once - make the changes one at a time, in a gradual way. I think its modifying that I dont cram food into my mouth or try to eat whe my band says no.. or dozens of other things. If you are able to be successful going about this "your" way then I am happy for you. But it doesn't seem to be working for you too much at the moment. I lost 30 pounds this last two months so all the crying about not losing weight was for nothing.. I did.. AND YET I am not all fine and dandy.. INFACT I am MORE motivated to NOT eat the crap at night and try to do it better. If you had nothing but healthfood foods in the house, you wouldn't eat them? Even if there wasn't anything else? It is not your children's responsibility to resist your pleas to bring home junk food - I cannot lay the blame at their feet. And they dont.. I try to tell them but ultimately they do as I say. and or I get it my self. They help as much as possible.. All the blame is mine.. Throughout my life I have often wished I could be locked in a room for a year or so where the exact amount/quality of food I needed to be my perfect weight was slid under the door - nothing more, nothing less. That I didn't even get to see or interact with people - the sole purpose was to have my diet managed for me. It sounds like you might benefit from that kind of fantasy situation. for sure..lol, I still wish I had like a cook who could cook delious food that was low in fat and sugar so I didnt notice It was "yucky"..lol Unfortunately, I am unaware of any place like that (I still wish there was one for me!). I have only myself to rely on for my choices. When I choose well my life swings towards health - when I don't, my life swings towards sickness. Sometimes I'm healthy, sometimes I'm not. But I try and make it easier on myself by limiting what I have available at home, so that my choices are a little easier, at least in that one place in my life. I know.. I do limit what I have at home.. its too easy to go out to fast food or the corner store, that "whats in the house" means nothing... I buy all decent stuff when I grocery shop.. I have made sure my kids NEVER got fat.. (thats the biggest reason) Hoping you can make a place in your life where making more nutritious choices is a little easier, and that once you make that place, that it grows throughout your life until you come out on the other side a more healthy, nourished soul - inside and out. ((hugs)) THANKS SO MUCH... you really did listen VERY WELL!!! Good advice too!! (as always

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