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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Chase30

  1. Chase30

    10/02/2014 - 10 days post op

    From the album: ME

  2. sleeved 09/24/2013 HW 320 SW 310 CW 245 lost a total of over 20 inches off my chest, hips, and waist girls have taken notice
  3. Chase30

    6 months post-op

    sleeved 1 month after you on 09/24, im down over 60 lbs, no exercise, all diet. I eat way less than 1000 calories because im never hungry. i usually do 2 eggs in the morn, Water, 1/2 chicken breast for lunch, more water, 2 more eggs for dinner, more water, a small snack b4 bed. 4 eggs = 320 cal 1/2 chk breast = 250 approx. im usually around 600-750 cal per day and its working. starvation mode or not, i dont really care because im dropping weight and im just gonna keep doing what works.
  4. Chase30

    pain after workouts?

    I feel better waiting this long to start working out. 3 months is how long I have waited.
  5. Chase30

    Muscle Loss Sucks

    im eating maybe 500 calories per day, i have 2 scrambled eggs 2x per day which fills me up perfect, 1/2 chicken breast, Water, and an occasional zero cal vitawater or gatorade post workout. 100% of my food intake is protien based. dropping weight fast.
  6. Chase30

    I am unaproachable now?

    So if you are pregnant why are you asking why no one is approaching? it's obvious.
  7. Chase30

    I am unaproachable now?

    you just need a REAL man that's going to step up and approach you is all. I'll be ready in 75 more lbs.
  8. Chase30

    Hair Loss

    what is your diet? might not be getting enough protein or another essential.
  9. potatos really? stay away from those starchy carbs, bad sleever.
  10. Water goes right thru. Just wait until you eat some chicken, you will fill up super quick.
  11. Chase30

    Muscle Loss Sucks

    well you guys lost strength, not muscle, those are still there. The question is would you rather bench 400lbs or look like you can bench 400 lbs?
  12. I live in Dallas but I did Self-Pay Surgery in Tijuana, MX. $4700 for the surgery, how much is Dr. Nick self pay? I have no regrets, everything is going great.
  13. Chase30

    Crossfit And My Sleeve

    2 weeks post op, do you feel any pain doing CF? I have been afraid of ruining my sleeve due to the intensity.
  14. Chase30

    Does Anyone Else Feel Like This..?

    Whatever you do do not weigh yourself everyday, you will go crazy. Your water weight will fluctuate so don't worry about it. I weighed myself once per week for my first 6 weeks, now I just weight in and take measurements of my chest, hips, and waist monthly.
  15. Chase30

    2 months post op

    I had a slice of pizza for the first time in 10 weeks. It was heaven. Ate everything except the crust. Filled my pouch up perfectly, this could be a slippery slope for me. I kind of reverted back to my pre op diet, I am doing a Protein shake for Breakfast and lunch and fish for dinner. 12g carbs 100g protein
  16. Chase30

    7 weeks post-op

    It's probably psychological, you must be screwed up in the head if you crave veggies
  17. Chase30

    4th Week Eating

    OJ is supposed to be really bad early on because of the high acidity. I would research that a little more. What foods are you eating that cause the air bubble? Whatever it is you should stop eating it for about 1 week and then try it again.
  18. Chase30

    Chewing and bite sizes

    If you swallow bigger bites it may be a little rough and painful. Also eating too fast or too much will do this as well. I would go slow, see what speed/consistency works for you. I am 8 weeks post op and those bite sizes are just right. I do not chew as much as I probably should but it's all good.
  19. Chase30

    Have to do a 50 Carbs per day dier

    eggs fish, and low to no carb protein drinks. My pre op diet was a meal replacement protein shake for breakfast and lunch, and then I ate 3-4oz. tilapia fillets for dinner. Did this for 10 days, lost 12lbs. Drink water in between meals to reduce cravings and hunger. Also drinking ice water burns more calories then room temp water.
  20. Chase30


    dizziness is also a sign you are not drinking enough Water.
  21. Chase30


    I keep my fish pretty basic. So that I do not spoil expensive fresh fish, I buy frozen bags of salmon and tilapia at the grocery store. I buy the highest quality of olive oil I can get too (why not, I'm saving so much $ on food anyways might as well get good s**t) How I cook my fish: Pan fried Olive Oil Real Butter Mrs. Dash - Lemon Pepper or Garlic Blend Salt Pepper Cooks in about 10 min or less Tip: Thaw the frozen fish by running it under warm/hot Water for 2min before cooking in the pan, cooks and thaws much faster. easy, simple, delicious
  22. Chase30

    Deli Flat

    no one can tell you whether it is "okay" or not. Are you counting calories? Protein? Carbs? Does this meal fit into your diet? Do whatever you feel is right, are you still trying to lose or just maintain? My notion is that if you exercise you can probably eat whatever you want with the sleeve. Just limit your portions. If you can eat the whole thing and it;s not 1200 calories, then do it. If you don't think you should, then split it.
  23. Chase30

    Does Anyone Else Feel Like This..?

    On average your weight loss will probably go something like this: Month 1: 25lbs Month 2: 15lbs Month 3: 10lbs Month 4: 7lbs Month 5: 7lbs So don't get discouraged if you lost 25 or 30 lbs in the first month, that's great! It takes time, I was feeling the same thing, Impatient, wanting to already be at or near my goal weight after just a month. Just remember you shouldn't compare yourself or your weight loss to others, everyone's journey is different. Just do the best you can and everything will fall into place.
  24. could you also post a face pic before and after so we can see the change there as well?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
