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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lark60

  1. Even though I am farther out than most who have replied, I figured I would chime in as well. Initially I could not get in any more than 3 oz (even the Protein shakes were a problem so I concentrated them into a 20 gm protein pudding of 3 oz 3 times a day) I am now 7 months out (31 weeks to be exact) and have been able to drink an 8 oz protein shake (takes about an hour to get down) and 1/2 "food" for lunch (20-25 gm protein usually meat and a veggy). I still get that full feeling after 2-3 bites of solid food. Then I wait a few minutes and am able to eat a few more bites. If I haven't finished the "meal" in 45 minutes or my stomach starts to give me that feeling like I just finished aThanksgiving meal, I stop eating. I have had to add an afternoon snack just to get the calorie count over 800 cal. I usually will have a 1 oz cheese stick or a 2 oz cottage cheese/greek yogurt snack. My weight loss has been very slow for the past 3 months but I am still loosing about 1.5 lbs a week so I am sticking with this routine.
  2. lark60

    Onederland New Year

    I had not known what onederland was until I started reading the posts on this site. I too am happy to ring in the New Year under 200 lbs!
  3. lark60

    First NSV - Hands!

    I noticed my hands, wrists and feet were getting smaller after I started loosing the weight. For Christmas I went through my closet and had to take out all the shoes that no longer fit. I gave them to my 14 year old grand daughter since she is now wearing an 8.5 and my feet shrunk to a size 7!
  4. lark60

    taste buds changing?

    I noticed the same thing since getting the sleeve. Right after the surgery I could drink the clear Protein drinks without any problem but after a month I can't drink anything sweet without getting nauseated. I have started diluting all the Vitamin waters (which helps to get the daily Water requirement!) because they are too sweet also. I used to eat tapioca pudding before the surgery but since the surgery, I can't tolerate the taste. I haven't noticed any change in the taste of meat but I haven't eaten much variety yet, mainly chicken, turkey and ham. Beef is hard to digest for me so I don't try it too often.
  5. lark60

    fluctuations in blood sugar

    I was taken off all diabetic medications the day before my surgery and at my 3 month follow up my HbA1c was 5.7 (normal non-diabetic reading) so I was ecstatic about the testing. I had been checking my sugar randomly and didn't have any readings over 140 and most of the fasting readings were 80-90. Then I started adding the one meal a day (at lunch) and my sugars starting spiking. Even though my meals were Soup or sliced meat and cheese (no carbs). So I started taking my metformin again. My 6 month HbA1c was 6.3 (with the medication). I am happy my diabetes is controlled but sad that I have to take pills again. I am having a Protein shake for Breakfast and dinner. I have a "meal" for lunch which varies day to day but has 25 gm protein and less than 15 gm carbs (and usually is about 1/2 cup of food). I try to choose the protein then a veggie and rarely find that I can eat a bite or 2 of fruit before I am full. (I usually get fruit in the day by adding fruit puree to the protein shakes) I do add a protein snack at about 3pm so my calorie count is over 800 for the day (usually 2 oz of a mixture of cottage cheese with greek yogurt or a 1 oz cheese stick) Maybe when I get to my goal weight I won't need medication. I know some diabetics are able to stop the medication when the weight is off but I know others that are still on some medication. Besides, no one ever said that WLS was a cure for diabetes.
  6. lark60

    How many calories?

    most surgeons seem to focus on the grams of Protein taken in on average and not calories. Sounds like your on target. Good luck
  7. lark60

    The one thing I "hate" as a post op.....

    I too have enjoyed being able to cross my legs! I can even wrap my foot around to hook behind my calf now! When I was putting lotion on the other day I realized how thin my legs are finally getting and never thought about how much fat was actually on my legs. I just figured "it was muscle". Boy was I fooling myself back then.
  8. I mix the mango-pinapple isopure powder with V8 fusion juice (3 oz juice and 3 oz water) then serve over ice. I usually have to sip this over a few hours so the ice keeps it cold and the dilution by the end seems to cut the flavor so no after taste. I also love the coconut (still have to dilute it with Water though)
  9. lark60

    Not losing weight!

    The key is to look at the positive. You are loosing and not gaining weight. I have been in the same situation and am currently 29 weeks post sleeve (tomorrow). My weight loss has slowed to about 1 lb a week for the past 2 months. I have tried several different things (less calories, more calories, more Water, more Protein, more exercise) but the weight just doesn't seem to budge. I will loose 2 lbs in one day then gain 1 lb the next day. I have tried not checking my weight daily (sometimes AM and PM when I am obsessing about weight. The only thing this does is cause me more stress and that in turn slows weight loss. So.... I chant to myself that I am loosing weight slowly so the weight will stay off. When I am tempted (friends never understand the sabotage they offer to my goal at this time of year with all the goodies they bake) I tell myself that by sticking to my goals now, I will enjoy the holidays next year in a smaller body. Hang in there (what else can you do...have them put back the excised stomach?!?)
  10. lark60

    multivitamins not helpful?

    Before my surgery I would have agreed that supplements are a waste of money. (and I have told many a patient not to waste the money on excess supplements) At 3 months my labs were terrible (every Vitamin level was low) I started taking double Multivitamin, extra vit A-B12-C-D, Calcium, zinc, Iron, magnesium and prescription Potassium chloride. My Breakfast seems to be a "pill feast" with the Protein shake to wash them down. I just had my 6 month labs and all my vitamin levels are within the normal range! So..... I would answer the question about the worth of Vitamins after VSG as a definite YES they are important.
  11. I had the sleeve at the end of May, started having "hand full" of hair falling out at about 4 months post sleeve. Now my hair is very thin (but still covers my scalp) and there is all kinds of short new hair growth so I am hopeful the loss is done and the new growth will replace what I lost. I was glad to read that 7 months seems to be the end point to the hair loss! As for vitamins…. I take so many supplements now I don't think I could have tolerated another pill. I just hope all the ones I take now will take care of things. (the 3 month labs were terrible and I had to double most of my Vitamins plus add prescription strength potassium, zinc, mag and Vit A&D. I just had my 6 month labs and all Vitamin levels were actually within the normal range so I will continue to choke down the hand full of pills each meal time)
  12. I had the same problem and was actually "starving" because I could not eat enough. My weight loss stalled because of this and so I decided I had to get creative. First I found if I used less liquid to make the Protein shakes (especially the chocolate ones) they became a pudding. More protein in smaller quantity of food! I also found I could cut the sweetness by adding tart fruit puree (that added fruit back into my diet too) I would mix a vanilla shake with mango or peach puree (I would use about 2 oz of puree to an 8 oz shake) At six weeks I was still only able to take in 3 oz at a sitting so the one shake would take all day to get down. Next I would mix cottage cheese and greek yogurt (the kind that has 2x protein) I would have this as an afternoon snack (yes my doctor said no snacking but if I didn't get my calorie count up I was going to end up back in the hospital) Even though I would mix the 2 dairy products they worked well together. The greek yogurt is tart and the cottage cheese is bland but together I found a nice treat (again I ate 2 oz of the mix once a day) As the time has gone by I am able to drink 6 oz of Protein Shake for Breakfast and dinner. My lunch is either Soup (with extra protein added usually meat) or a salad or 1/2 a sandwich using the flat bread that is high protein. I still have 2 oz of yogurt/cottage cheese as an afternoon snack. I have also used string cheese sticks as a snack in the afternoons. My shakes are a mix of several different types of protein to keep the boredom down. I use low sugar Fruit drinks (like V8 fusion) in place of half the Water to make a shake and use either the vanilla, strawberry or Mango Protein powder. I still mix up the chocolate as a pudding and have even frozen the mix to make popsicles. The best combo for this is the adkin's premixed chocolate shake with a scoop of whey based chocolate protein powder (no extra liquid added) I think the fat in the adkin's shake is what makes this the best for pudding. I have even added a spoonful of whipped cream for a treat.
  13. I feel the same about how I look. My coworkers and family say they see the difference. I know I am in a smaller size (was wearing a size 26 pre-op and now wear size 14) but I see the same person in the mirror except for the changes from starving for 6 months: my hair falling out (over 1/2 thus far and my pony tail is almost non-existent), large floppy arms, flabby stomach and bum. I do not see a slimmer person in the mirror. I had my 6 month check up today at the doctors and after I started crying, he prescribed antidepressants. I know I am under stress (work, personal and legal stuff) but body image is not helping. Not sure antidepressants will help either but I am going to give them a chance.
  14. Hello I had my sleeve procedure (and my gall bladder out at the same time) with the spider procedure. I had a single incision through the belly button (the cut started below and to the right side, extended through the belly button and goes about an inch above) the only other "hole" is a puncture site for a probe used to lift the liver for the gall bladder surgery. I am very happy with the results and the recovery was less pain than I expected.
  15. you will be able to enjoy food again, just not in the quantity you were consuming before the surgery (I had the same worries). I am 5 months out from the sleeve procedure and I had my first slice of pepperoni pizza today (my birthday celebration at work) I was able to eat the entire slice (the most food I have eaten in 5 months) and though I was worried about weight gain, I wanted the pizza and allowed myself to enjoy the party. You will have days when you doubt the decision, and worry you will never enjoy a meal again. The time after the surgery is short considering the rest of your life at a normal weight. Hang in there. List the pros and cons to the surgery. If you still have doubts, postpone the surgery till you feel it is right, but don't let this be the sabotage that keeps you from meeting your goal to get down to a healthy weight.
  16. Ok, so I will add my "confession". I hit a plateau and after the surgeon told me I was "starving myself" and needed more calories, I gave in to my parents taunts and eat chips when I go to their house. They have the single serving regular lays chips. And I sometime have a hand full of peanut M&M's. Though I feel this is "cheating" and empty calories (ok I consider chocolate a food group and peanuts have "good fat" right?!?) I started loosing weight after I added this to my weekly routine. (actually 3-4 times a week) Now I have to go to my parents
  17. I thought the information was presented well and I like your humor! The shaker sound did garble your presentation a few times but otherwise kudos to you!
  18. I have just started to notice the hair loss (my brush is full of long hairs that is double what I usually find after brushing my hair) but also have TONS of new hair growth that is 2-3 inches long. I think the current hair loss will not be that much of an issue since there is new growth.
  19. lark60

    Big Incision

    My surgery was through the single incision through the belly button (not hidden like they advertised) and weeped for about 6 weeks from the base of my belly button. The cut measures an inch below and another 1.5 inches above. The total length is about 4 inches because of the way the cut dips into my belly button. I am not complaining about the incision, I am glad I agreed to the single incision (just didn't realized I was the first the surgeon tried this on and the line is not exactly straight. Anyway, the answer to you concern, yes I had a long healing but now at 16 weeks post op the incision is healed and smaller than right after the surgery.
  20. lark60

    moving on

    Just curious but why did you have a picc line? I wasn't able to tolerate anything more than cottage cheese and yogurt at 4 weeks post sleeve. as for runny eggs, not a fav for me but I was able to eat them scrambled. Soft food stage:( Protein items) cottage cheese, yogurt, string cheese, refried Beans (water them down the first time or they will come back up) There are other soft foods but stick with the protein ones to start so you don't slow your weight loss with the carbs. I am 14 weeks out and still drink Protein shakes for my main protein consumption. I eat 1 meal a day that is usually a Soup with high protein count (since I can only eat 1/2 cup at that meal before I am full I add deli meat to increase the protein count) so I get protein and veggies at that meal. To add fruit to my diet, I mix the fruit into the protein shakes. Wish you the best and yes I still feel afraid to add foods to my diet.
  21. Hello all I am new to this site and happy I have found others who are in the medical profession and have an interest in the vertical sleeve. I hope to meet others and learn as I go on this journey to the new me!
  22. lark60

    How many incisions?

    I just joined this site. As for your first question: how many incisions? I had the single incision procedure (though the incision extended just above and below the belly button so it is NOT hidden in the belly button). It took about 6 weeks for the incision to completely heal. The base of my belly button seemed to ooze for weeks but the surgeon was "happy" with the healing. I just packed my belly button with guaze to absorb the ooze and keep my clothing clean. Now my scar is small and healed. I am glad I only have the one incision.
  23. I was googling for support groups and came upon this site.
  24. Might want to have your surgeon check your labs, sometimes low energy is related to low potassium

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