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BigDog Bryan

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by BigDog Bryan

  1. I too have hit a plateau. I am considering all of my options - and some version of DS is very high on the list. The dietary changes from the VSG have been very positive, to be sure, but there is still about 75 pounds of work to be done.

    The VSG removed some foods from my diet because I no longer want or desire them, would DS surgery expand that list? Aside from the changes to the Vitamin regimen, what else could I expect? Does the absorption change affect medications that I might need in future years (my 70's and afterwards)?

    Thanks for your help

  2. I chose the sleeve as the right choice for me. This is a VERY personal choice, and you need to look at what are the important things to YOU. The sleeve and RNY will both get you to within sniffing distance of your goal weight, but the difference in this aspect is time to goal. The RNY is faster to goal, the Sleeve will still get you there - one takes 1-2 years, the other 1.5-4 in most cases.

    The RNY reroutes your digestive tract, so there will be malabsorption that can cause problems with certain medications and supplements. The Sleeve leaves your digestive tract in place and in use, so there is less of an issue on this front. This was the main reason that I chose the Sleeve - it was what I Wanted to do. I have lost a substantial amount (from a 5X to a 2X shirt, from a 53 to a 37 waist) in the last 2 years (Surgiversary is 10/21) and I am making the additional changes to finish the job (XL shirt and a 34 waist is the Goal). I am VERY happy with my decision, and You need to be Happy with yours!!!

  3. I did the Liquid pre-op (except for the Wedding Reception 4 days before) and could not think about eating for days after Surgery. I was not hungry at all, but I did miss chewing something in the worst way. The advice concerning Acid levels and Ketosis are also VERY well stated - and checking these is a request that it seems you should consider.

    Remember that your journey is Just Starting. Your head can wander in all sorts of directions, so keep your eyes on the prize! It's not the changes in the next week, but the next year that truly matter. NEVER GIVE UP ON YOURSELF!!! You had the courage to go through with the surgery, so you DO have the courage to go through the recovery!

  4. Great topic for me to observe, since I may be at the point of a "clean up on aisle 5" with the belly bag and such. I am starting to research this subject, and I do agree that the full Tummy Tuck is the way to go for me, with some Lipo on the new man-boobs as well (might as well look good AND feel good).

    Thanks to all of you for the honest info and feedback.

  5. One of the crazy things that can happen during a Stall (Absolutely my experience Each time) is that your body will shrink, even if the scale is frozen. I had a 5-week stall happen at about 4 months, but dropped 2 pant sizes over that time. As my loss has naturally slowed down, I continue to lose inches (waistline moved from a 52 in September, 2015 to a 36 as of August of 2017).

    Embrace the Stall, for sure. Also - Look for your Other Victories along the way.

    God Bless

  6. I chose the Sleeve for the desire to "leave all the plumbing in place". I was prepared to lose weight a bit slower (I am Beyond Happy with my progress so far!!!) for the sake of not worrying about the malabsorption issues that might accompany an RNY down the road.

    Any thoughts of the Band were pushed to the side when I sat in the office of my surgeon and heard multiple patients talking about going fro the Band to the Sleeve because they were so dissatisfied with the Band procedure.

  7. I have lost the equivalent of a fully grown man since my surgery 20 months ago.

    • My waist size does NOT begin with a 5 OR a 4
    • My scale is no longer an Industrial Version that can show 400+ pounds
    • I am NO LONGER a Diabetic
    • Walking is something that simply happens, not a carefully thought out plan
    • I can buy my clothes at Old Navy instead of a Big & Tall shop
    • I can play Golf again
    • My daughter said "I got my Dad back"

  8. Your attitude going in can affect your outcome in a HUGE way. Be positive about your surgery and your New Life to come. Look forward to the New You - I have lost the equivalent of my 21 year old son in 18+ months.

    As I went in for surgery, my focus was on my success, NEVER about any complications that might occur. It's not the whole trick to a smooth outcome, but it certainly helps!

  9. I have said this in another thread - and it still holds true. Tell people to Inform them, NOT to Affirm you. This is an individual choice and an individual journey. Courage should be embraced and admired - as many testimonials on this site can attest.

    The people who don't want you to be happier and healthier are people that you don't need in the long run anyway. If it wasn't your surgery, it would be something else that would have caused them to move on. Either way, You are the better for the decision You have made - BRAVO!!

  10. I went in with both of these issues, yes. Within DAYS of the surgery, I was OFF of the Diabetic meds and Water pills. Additionally, the Atorvastatin and Losartan were reduced to the lowest available doses.

    It's been 19 months and I've lost 1 full grown man. I am still on the last 2 meds, yes. The BP med should be gone in another 25-30 pounds. The Cholesterol meds will be re-evaluated in that same window. I honestly believe that they will be with me until I can stay under 220 (preferably closer to 200).

    I still consider the decision to have the surgery a Life Saving move - my only "regret" is that I had it in 2015 instead of earlier in my life.

  11. I began my journey (2015) where you are now - 5'9" and 400+ lbs. I had the sleeve because I wanted to keep all of my plumbing in place and functioning. I have lost 1 full-grown man so far, and I do not regret my choice AT ALL. While a full bypass would have gotten me to my ultimate goal (for me, about 185) faster, I am SO MUCH healthier even now that the pace of the last 75 pounds is a bit easier to take on.

    It seems that I am near the point that I need to exercise to accelerate my weight loss further - not a bad thing at all. If you are comfortable with the idea of the Sleeve, don't let ANYONE change your mind!! The doctors are the "experts", but this is YOUR BODY, not theirs. This is YOUR LIFE, not theirs. As a result, this is Their Advice, but it is YOUR Decision!!!

    Take control of your future and be comfortable with the decision that You make.

    God Bless,


  12. Yes, it does improve over time. Everyone is different, to be sure, but there will be things that will NEVER taste good to you again.

    I have developed a real sensitivity to oils when foods are prepared. chicken Sausage has to be on a raised rib grill instead of a flat pan. Even PAM has an aftertaste that makes me nuts now.

    However, the flavors and seasonings used are far more prominent to me now. This means that I can actually enjoy preparing and cooking foods now. Previously, it was all about the volume. Now, it's all about the flavors!

  13. I am about 18 months out and the weight loss has slowed down considerably. Not to work, I am EXTATIC to have lost a full size man, even as I have a ways to go before my goal. The Victory I am writing about is this - My 21 Year Old Son (College Lacrosse Player with about 5% body fat) borrowed a pair of shorts from me AND THEY FIT HIM!!!!!

    There are many victories on the Weight Loss Journey, and the scale in only one of them!

  14. I did the "Last Meal" thing as well. My thought at the time was "I will NEVER have a sandwich again....". I went to my favorite Bagel & Deli for a Taylor Ham & cheese. I Did savor the meal, yes. I say all of that to disclose this - now I can NOT Stand the taste of Taylor Ham. I do still stop by the Deli occasionally, but the scooped out Bagel with chicken salad will last a full day or more.

    WLS has taught me to enjoy the TASTE without requiring the VOLUME. It has freed me to actually enjoy the flavors that are in foods, and make better choices (Salmon -v- Hamburger), and be HAPPY with removing some foods from my diet forever (Rice, Processed Deli meats, greasy meats, etc.) without looking back in regret or "showing willpower". Change has been VERY VERY GOOD to me.

    Don't Stress, be excited for your New Life Journey

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