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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by macman

  1. macman


    I was told that I would have to take an antacid forever. Thee Surgeon wrote me a 12 month script for prescription qualit Zantac.
  2. macman

    lowest prices?

    The time before surgery is a great time to begin experimenting with sources of Protein to determine what you like. There is an unbelievable amount of choices. It seems that everyone sells a protein powder. I think whey is the first choice, but many folks also use soy or rice based protein. If you do some searches there have been posts about where to get samples of protein to help you make some choices. Personally I like unjury chocolate Splendor and strawberry Sorbet. They advertise as medical quality protein. I like the taste and the quality is excellent. It does appear to be a little more expensive. I also use Syntrax Nectars Fuzzy Navel. I purchased this on Amazon and got it because I can mix it with Water, so it has the consistency of a light drink.
  3. macman

    Are you COLD?

    I am the guy who always turned the heat down. Or was asking my wife if she moved the thermostat? Since my sleeve surgery on 12/23 I am the one who is freezing! Seems the tables have turned.
  4. macman

    January fitness challenge

    I will not be cleared to exercise again until mid month, but I should be able to start working on cardio at that point. I am going to set a goal of 50 miles on the recumbent bike.
  5. Congratulations you look great! It's nice to see the end state from someone that was committed.
  6. macman

    7 weeks out and a fruit addict...

    I love fruit as well, but pineapple is on my list of foods to avoid. I think because of both sugar and acidity
  7. I am now 8 days out. My surgeon suggested Miralax twice a day for the next few days. If nothing happens, a Fleet Enema available at your drug store is next
  8. macman


    There are more issues involved than insurance approval. Patients that have sleep apnea are a serious risk for complications with anesthesia. I have severe apnea and use my CPAP every night. I had to bring it with me to the hospital and used it the night I was there. In addition, they connected an oxygen line to it via an adapter. I felt that I received special attention because of the apnea. I spoke with the Surgeon about 15 minutes before the procedure. He wanted to assure me that the team was confident they had done the proper prep and that I would spend some time in the Surgical ICU during recovery because of the apnea
  9. Isn't it comforting to know that you made a great choice and can live your life with a supportive, caring spouse as interested in your well being as his own. Having a life long connection is meaningful. And I can feel the happiness in your words. I can relate. My wife of 34 years is perfect for me. Congratulations to both of you!
  10. macman


    I am down 11 pounds after being sleeved on 12/23. I feel lucky that things have gone better than expected and that I have not had to deal with some of the issues people are talking about the first two weeks
  11. Surgery Date: 12/23 HW. 362 SW: 320 CW: 311 Total lost, 51 pounds, 9 this week!
  12. macman

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Surgeon told me I would be taking sublingual B12 forever
  13. macman

    How bad is the nausea?

    I am five days out from surgery and felt nauseous for about an hour after recovery. I think it was probably due to anesthesia. No problem since
  14. macman

    Sleep Study Requirement?

    A diagnosis of sleep apnea is also a consideration during surgery, especially for the Anestegiologist. I know that I got a lot of extra attention because I have severe obstructive apnea. My blood oxygen levels were constantly monitored before, during and after surgery
  15. sleep apnea is one of the comorbidities that qualified me for the surgery. I was diagnosed about two years ago with severe obstructive apnea. I have religously worn the mask on a nightly basis since. Even taking it with me to travel The anesthesiologist was very interested in this issue. I am not sure of the particulars but it was obvious they paid special attention because of it. They kept me in surgical ICU during recovery because of the apnea and I wore an oxygen line during my first day. I had to wear my CPAP the night I spent in the Hospital and they hooked an oxygen line to the CPAP overnight. They also closely monitored oxygen levels the entire time I was there. Surgeon told me I should continue to use the CPAP for awhile until I could be tested after some significant weight loss.
  16. macman

    BCBS of IL

    I have BCBS of ILL, PPO. They required a six month managed plan for approval. My BMI at start was 45, with 2 comorbidities. At submittal I had a BMI of 40. They approved me in 15 days. I think any WLS that is included in a medical plan is because it is deemed medically necessary. I am not sure if you will get immediate approval. Check with the provider, see what they say. Does not hurt to ask.
  17. You are right about temperature. Unjury recommends that you keep temps below 140 degrees to not break down the protein. I have also heated the Unjury Chocolate Splendor with skim milk to make a terrific hot chocolate
  18. macman

    Is the ball rolling?

    Naomijane Thanks for the good wishes. I am feeling good for four days post op. I stopped pain meds two days ago and have been able to get in Protein and fluids. I do feel fortunate that everything has gone well. In fact I am amazed. I expected the worst. Some people have had real difficulty with the surgery. So far, all is progressing well
  19. macman

    Is the ball rolling?

    In my opinion, I think it is too early for two shakes and one meal a day. It does not seem like a long term, sustainable plan. Once the hospital knew I had to have a six month supervised plan, they spread things out for me. In month two I met with the NUT who put me on a 2000 calorie a day diet. She wanted me to show I could lose weight. In month three I met with the exercise physiologist and started a regular cardio program. At the NUT followup, I had lost twenty pounds. Throughout the rest of the program, I reduced calories, increased exercise and continued right up until surgery date. My surgeon did not require a pre op diet. Only liquids only the day before surgery, and no liquids two hours before surgery. I have heard of the 2 shakes and one meal as a pre op diet. But every surgeon has a program that works for them and you should follow the recommendations. I think the six months is a great time to learn about eating better, experiment with foods like Protein shakes, get a regular exercise plan in place and learn about your ability to stay with the program. Hope this helps
  20. macman

    Bariatric clear liquid

    I was sleeved on the 23rd and have been surprised at how smooth this has gone. I was off pain meds day two. I have been able to get in my protein and about 64 ounces of fluid, which is what is recommended to me right now. After hearing some of the stories on this forum, I do consider myself lucky
  21. macman

    Protein Absorbtion?

    I think you need to use whey isolate Protein. There are many varieties and There are many producers of it on the market. It does make sense to me that there would be a rating of protein powders. From listening to others on this forum, I use the unjury and Syntrax nectar Proteins. Unjury was also recommended by my program. Unjury seems a bit more expensive. They do advertise that it is medical quality and has no ingredients from China.( a big problem with some supplements). I enjoy the taste, all flavors, and have had no issues since surgery, so I will continue to use it. I like the Syntrax Nectars Fuzzy Navel. It tastes great and mixes well with Water, so it is the consistency of juice
  22. macman

    Is the ball rolling?

    My insurance required a six month managed diet plan, but did not require I lose a specific amount. I did lose 42 pounds before surgery. My surgeon did not require a pre op diet since the purpose of the six months was to learn the plan, commit to it and show I could follow and maintain a long term approach. He said I had been shrinking my liver for six months. You will learn a lot along the way. I thought the six months was about two months too long, but I was glad I did it. I am only 4 days post op but I was well prepared and ready for the surgery. Good Luck!
  23. What about Unjury Chicken Soup flavored whey protein. I had 1/2 scoop mixed with warm (140 degree) water an hour ago. Hit the spot for me! 4 days out
  24. My premiums have increased each of the last three years as the insurance company has complied with mandates of the Obamacare plan. In my opinion the real monetary impact will be felt next year, when employers have to comply with the insurance mandate. Employers will have to decide to insure workers or not. This will likely depend on the cost of insurance available to the employer vs. paying fines for not offering insurance. Larger employers are self insured, so it is not a big issue for them. However smaller employers depend on what plans are available to them in the state where they do business. If the employer decides to offer insurance, the employee can pay up to 9.5% of their income towards the premium cost and be considered affordable. If the employer offers a qualified, affordable plan; the employee has to take it. Employees will not be able to go to an exchange where premium costs may or may not be lower. If my employer decides to charge me 9.5% of my income in premium costs, my cost of insurance premiums will triple on an annual basis.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
