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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by macman

  1. I agree with the comments above about talking to your nUt. I was on clear liquids for a day and full liquids for five weeks ( instead of three) due to being re-hospitalized. It can get very boring. I was very excited to move on to puréed foods when able
  2. Fantastic Job!! Congratulations
  3. HW. 362 SW. 322 CW. 289 73 pounds lost total, 33 since surgery on 12/23.
  4. macman

    Tuna salad HELP

    I added some cannellini beans to the tuna fish and mayo. Excellent!
  5. macman

    Dropped 3 pants size in 2 months

    At surgery I was a 56 waist. Four weeks later, I just bought a pair of slacks with 50 inch waist. And I won't be wearing them long!
  6. Surgery Date 12/23/13 HW: 362 SW: 322 CW: 294 Spent 10 days in the hospital, been home for 4 days. Nutrition has not been a high priority. Just starting to get back into my proper diet. Still on liquids, hoping to make a change to pureed after my nutritional consult later this week.
  7. macman

    January fitness challenge

    Hello everyone. I am back after having surgery 2 weeks ago. All in all everything went very well. I stopped pain meds after two days and have been able to get in my protein and water on a regular basis. I am on full liquids until the 15th but am getting around well. I met with the surgeon yesterday and he cleared me to do whatever cardio I felt that I could handle. So today was my first day back on the recumbent bike. I started at 20 minutes and completed 3.5 miles. I can not lift more than 20 pounds for another four weeks so it will have to be cardio for now. For this month I'll set a goal of 50 miles. It feels good to begin some activity again
  8. Jenny you look absolutely amazing! Congratulations on you success
  9. Lipstick Lady we are in the same boat. Before my sleeve ( two weeks ago) i was never cold. In fact I was always the one checking the thermostat to make sure my wife did not turn it up on me. But since the operation I am freezing. It doesn't help that it is cold outside, but I have spent my last two weeks wearing my thermals all day! I sure hope this gets better
  10. macman

    10 weeks out today!

    Water, Fruit2 O, Propel, Vitamin Water Zero, Crystal Light, Snapple Diet Iced Tea, Diet Green Tea are all on my list of approved liquids. You can also add sugar free flavorings to water; crystal light, mio, etc
  11. Yes for me, all liquid counts toward the liquid total
  12. I've had a lot of congestion, cough and sneezing for the past week, which is week 2 post surgery. I was worried about upsetting stitches with all the coughing. My surgeon recommended Robitussin for the cough, and any nasal spray that I wanted to use. I did not have to take anything stronger but they also said I could use Zyrtec D.
  13. My insurance required a six month managed plan so every time I checked in I was weighed. All they required was to show I could lose weight, not a specific amount. I have heard many posters on this forum say that Surgeons would not perform the surgery unless the patient could show they could stick to a plan and lose weight
  14. macman


    My surgery lasted about an hour so they never put one in
  15. macman

    6'4? did you lose 100lbs?

    Sorry I misread your question. I thought you asked about pre op diets. Every surgeon has their own set of guidelines. I would still suggest that you speak with a NUT that is affiliated with the surgeon to see what they recommend. I had surgery December 23. I am still on a liquid diet util January 15.
  16. macman

    6'4? did you lose 100lbs?

    Tank Are you talking with a NUT about pre op diets? How long before your surgery? Many surgeons have a team of people that are there to help with a plan. It would be helpful to know where you are in the process? I was in a six month program My NUT suggested I track calories with MyFitness Pal on a daily basis. It helped me track food I was eating and I learned about nutritional content. Then she put me on a 2000 calorie per day diet. Over time I reduced the calories to 1800, 1600, and eventually 1400 per day. A month later I started a cardio program, starting at 20 minutes per day on the recumbent bike. I eventually got to 45 minutes 4-5 times per week. Over a four month period I lost 42 pounds before surgery. I had the time to do this before surgery because of insurance requirements.
  17. This weeks stats: HW. 362 SW. 320 CW 303 Total weight lost 59 lbs, 19 since surgery on 12/23. Still on liquids for another 10 days
  18. macman

    Tell me about upper GI

    I had an upper GI test as part of my required surgical pre testing. The test was performed in a hospital Radiology Department. It involved standing behind an xray mchine, drinking a barium solution and taking pictures as the fluid mpved through my system. I did this a second time while laying on the table and turning 360 degrees, twice. The Radiology Dr said they were trying to seee all aspects of the digestive system, including trying to check for potential hernias. It took about 30 minutes oin total. The worst part was drinking the bariem fluid. The taste was not bad, but it was very heavy. Conssistency of Milk of Magnesia.
  19. Thanks for posting! Good information. Initially I had the most problem with not drinking at meals. I was a huge drinker. I'm sure it has been part of the reason I weigh what I do. I have worked on this during my pre op period with relatively good results. I am currently on a liquid diet so I have not put into play since surgery.
  20. macman

    Your favorite PROTEIN BARS?

    I agree with most here, Quest Bars have been my preference. White chocolate raspberry and mixed berry bliss are favorites
  21. Congratulations on your success so far! Continue to stay after it!
  22. macman

    Isopure or Unjury?

    I prefer the Unjury powder of any that I have tried
  23. macman

    WLS = making bad decisions?

    Hello You will probably hear this from many people on this board, WLS is a tool to help with managing your weight. it is only one piece of the puzzle, albeit a big one. I think you have to address the whole person because problems or issues in an individual that contributed to the pre weight loss situations will still be there. Anxieties or addictions that contributed to an individual's current situation will only be a barrier to success if not addressed as part of the preperation for surgery.. A psych eval was part of my scheduled pre work, and I think should be part of every individuals decision logic to get this surgery. Getting a handle on my issues with food before the surgery can only help me later.
  24. Hi Mirabb Congratulations on your commitment to following the six month plan. It is not easy but it is a terrific pre cursor to what needs to happen after the surgery. I too had to have a six month managed plan. Although I was ready with a couple months to go, I learned a lot about myself and my ability to stick with the plan. And lost 42 pounds along the way. For me, it was about a month from my first meeting with the surgeon to the actual surgery. In that time I had to wait about 15 days for insurance approval, some required pre op testing, upper GI & Chest Xray and a pre surgical physical. I am 10 days post op and doing well. I feel terrific. I was off pain meds day two, left the hospital with no blood pressure meds and have lost 15 pounds.All in all, I am happy with what has happened.
  25. macman

    Awesome Protein Food List!

    Thanks for posting. Good information to have for reference

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
