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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by macman

  1. I am on soft proteins, 8 weeks out. My NUT said to stop eating after 30 minutes no matter how much you have ingested.
  2. The total cost for mine was approximately $25,500. I had to pay 10% or $2,500
  3. HW. 362 SW. 320 CW. 275 87 pounds lost total, 45 since surgery on 12/23.
  4. macman

    nothing makes me puke

    In 7 weeks I have vomited once. That was a couple weeks ago when I chewed my Bariatric vitamins without something in my stomach . Otherwise I have tolerated everything I have tried
  5. >my follow up appt was yesterday and I told the P.A that most ppl on here eat anywhere from 600-800 cals a day and she said... no good... maybe right out the gate but she said you should be working toward 1000-1200 cals cuz 600-800 calories puts you in starvation mode. That is probably what is happening. What is this breathing tool? I want to use it!</p> Every surgeon has a plan that works based on their history with the wls programs they run. That means there is a difference what foods each patient can eat and when. Calories and protein are driven by what a patient can eat. While on a liquid diet, I got my 60 grams of protein but only 450 calories. I am now on soft proteins and was told to keep the calorie amount at 600-800. As I add vegetable and fruit at week 10, calories go to 800. At that point I will be at stage 5 and the target is 800-1000 calories, 70-80 grams of protein through the first year before making the needed adjustments for exercise. So far listening to the NUT and surgeon has worked very well. In 7 weeks I have lost 44 pounds.
  6. Absolutely stunning! You have done a great job!
  7. macman

    Just MY crazy mind?

    nsabino, I think you are on to something. Do it if it makes you feel better. I went into the surgery knowing about complications but thinking it would not happen to me. To make a long story short, two weeks after surgery I developed blood clots and one turned into a pulmonary embolism. I dodged a bullet and was very lucky that I survived. I know my wife and sons know how much they are loved, but there is so much more that I want to tell my adult sons about life I wish I had thought about the letter beforehand just in case I needed it.
  8. macman

    When did you stop?

    I am on;y 7weeks out but do a shake most every morning. My NUT was ok with me doing that since I try to exercise before getting out the door in the morning and can drink the shake on my commute in the car. I too like Unjury Chocolate Splendor, PB2 or Banana, with ice and skim milk
  9. macman


    Indecision, I only hope I can match some of your success! Great job! Just out of curiosity, how tall are you? I am 6'3" and have set a goal for myself of 225 pounds.
  10. macman


    Hello muppie91 I started at 362. My surgery weight on 12/23 was 322. Currently I am at 276, down 86 pounds so far.
  11. macman

    weight loss with sleeve

    I lost 42 pounds on the pre surgical diet and was sleeved on December 23rd. Since then I have lost an additional 43 for a total of 85 pounds. My decision to do the sleeve vs another option was simple in my mind. I eliminated the band right away. As you mentioned there are a lot of complications. The rate of a future revision is high and my Center of Excellence discouraged me from doing it. With RNY I was concerned about the absorption issues and all the rerouting of my digestive system, which seemed unnatural to me. So when the Surgeon recommended the VSG, I said thank you very much. Very happy with the decision so far.
  12. macman

    Breakfast suggestions

    Most every morning I start with a shake. unjury chocolate Splendor, skim milk and ice in a blender. I vary it by adding PB2, or a banana. I just purchased Chike coffee Protein powder and mix a 1/2 scoop with 1/2 scoop of the unjury for a great mocha taste. Syntrax Nectars Fuzzy Navel and Water taste like OJ. Today I had a scrambled egg with 1/2 a chicken sausage on a sunday morning
  13. HW. 362 SW. 320 CW. 282 80 pounds lost total, 38 since surgery on 12/23. It's tough to compare weight loss since everyone is so different. If you are staying with your Surgeons instructions and managing to get some exercise, you will do very well!! Good Luck to you!
  14. HW. 362 SW. 320 CW. 279 83 pounds lost total, 41 since surgery on 12/23.
  15. macman

    February 2014 Fitness Challeng

    Hello All, I managed to exercise 5 times this week. That's also my total for the month, 17.5 miles
  16. Indecision, what a great job with your weight loss. And for all the right reasons! You look great!
  17. macman


    My program recommended Atkins RTD shakes, they come in a lot of flavors. Syntrax Nectar Protein Powder in Fuzzy Navel tastes like orange juice when mixed with water. I am six weeks out and like to start my day with Unjury Chocolate Splendor, PB2 Protein powder, ice and skim milk. Tastes great and about 34 grams of protein I have not tried it but heard others talk about adding milk powder to skim milk or almond milk and get 15 grams of protein
  18. I had a six month plan also and did a food funeral. I had always wanted to travel for great BBQ, so my wife and I spent a week eating BBQ in Kansas City, St Louis and Memphis. It was a great trip and probably something I will not be able to do now that I am sleeved. I will still eat BBQ, but not 3-4 restaurants a day!!!
  19. macman


    I am six weeks out and had shrimp for the first time today. I cut up 3 oz of cooked shrimp with some cocktail sauce. I had to make sure I chewed it well but it went down easy.
  20. Are you tracking everything you eat? If not something like My Fitness Pal may help
  21. There are lots of previous threads on this, might be the most popular topic. That being said my favorite is unjury chocolate Splendor, PB2 Peanut Butter Protein, skim milk and ice in a blender. Today I used Chike coffee protein (1/2 scoop) with the chocolate Splendor for a Mocha shake that was excellent. I like the Unjury products: strawberry Sorbet (with lemonade), French vanilla and unflavored. For RTD I use Premier Protein (choc or vanilla) or Atkins shakes.
  22. I am on soft proteins and measure three ounces each meal. I do it for habit and to learn the right portion size. I am six weeks out and have not been hungry, I really eat on schedule every 3-4 hours
  23. macman

    Vacation Blues...HELP

    I am traveling in a couple weeks. I am currently on soft proteins but at that point will be at stage 5, adding veggies and fruit. I plan on taking my protein powder, because I still like to start the day with a great tasting shake, and protein bars for an emergency snack or lunch. Since I can eat any other protein at that point I should be ok.
  24. I did not have a drain or catheter. Surgeon did not use since the operation was only an hour. I would ask about pain medications, both in the hospital and at home afterwards. I would also ask about the rate of complications such as blood clots and leaks Good luck!
  25. macman


    Hi Kelly, welcome to the forum! My insurance required a six month managed plan. I began last June and had my sleeve surgery on 12/23. I did not have to prove or log my diet rather I had to show that I could loose weight over a longer timeframe. So the hospital mixed in monthly meetings with the NUT, exercise physiologist and the psych interview. I lost 42 pounds before surgery. There is no doubt that the six months dragged on at times. I was ready in month four! But I learned a lot about my issues with food, committing to a structured diet and understanding what it would take to be successful. I tried many Protein powers in an attempt to find what I liked and established a lot of routines that I use today. Some of the best advice I received from my surgeon was to improve my cardiovascular fitness before surgery. It turned out to be life saving for me and I would highly recommend some exercise while you are getting ready Good luck on your journey! there is lots of great advice on this forum

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