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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ArnoldS

  1. I just opened a new support room. You can voice talk on a mic or type in the window. It's on paltalk.com. The name of the room is "vertical sleeve." Look under "health" then "peer support." Right now I'm the only one in it. It will be open whenever I open it. B/c since it's new, I'm the only one in it. lol. Hope to see you there. Hugs.
  2. It's 4:30 am here on the east coast. One thing leads into the other. To start off with, I am seeing the smoking cessation lady at the hospital to get off cigarettes. I did well on the Nicotrol Inhaler. Then when I went off of it, I started smoking again. Then I tried cold turkey. I lasted a day and a half. Now, I'm smoking again. I'm going to talk to her about going back on the Nicotrol Inhaler and weening off of it slowly. Now, that affects my surgery date. My surgery date being pushed back doesn't really upset me any longer. I have to follow a healthy eating plan weather I get the surgery or not. I've been walking 30 min. a day. My front thigh muscles were like jelly to the point that I couldn't raise my legs to put my pants on. In the short time that I've been exercising them, I can now lift my legs to put my pants on and get in and out of a van. I got a call from my son-in-law, who is like a son to me. I'm kind of angry about my family support system. When I wanted the surgery before, everybody was against it. No matter what I said, they thought it was a ridiculous idea. Now that my ex has gotten it done, and is doing so well, they all want me to get it. I'm feeling pressure from them to have this surgery. My dilemma is that I don't know if I can quit smoking and stay on my plan at the same time. It's been darn hard trying to do both. I feel pressure from them now to get this surgery. Because of their input, I can't figure out any more if I want it for me or if I am doing it to keep them happy. The decision has to be mine and mine alone. Either way, I know that I have to keep on this road of a healthy lifestyle that I've started. It does feel good to feel my muscle tone coming back. It does feel good to be eating properly. Now, I do want to quit smoking. Not because it's a requirement of the surgery, but because when I was on the NRTs, it felt good not to smoke. However, I don't know if I can stay quit without the Nicotrol Inhaler. I am so mixed up right now that any input, advice, comments, anything is welcome. Thanks for reading and your help.
  3. ArnoldS

    pre-op - need to talk - Long

    Thanks, Bonnie. Your post really helped.
  4. ArnoldS

    pre-op - need to talk - Long

    It's 4:30 am here on the east coast. One thing leads into the other. To start off with, I am seeing the smoking cessation lady at the hospital to get off cigarettes. I did well on the Nicotrol Inhaler. Then when I went off of it, I started smoking again. Then I tried cold turkey. I lasted a day and a half. Now, I'm smoking again. I'm going to talk to her about going back on the Nicotrol Inhaler and weening off of it slowly. Now, that affects my surgery date. My surgery date being pushed back doesn't really upset me any longer. I have to follow a healthy eating plan weather I get the surgery or not. I've been walking 30 min. a day. My front thigh muscles were like jelly to the point that I couldn't raise my legs to put my pants on. In the short time that I've been exercising them, I can now lift my legs to put my pants on and get in and out of a van. I got a call from my son-in-law, who is like a son to me. I'm kind of angry about my family support system. When I wanted the surgery before, everybody was against it. No matter what I said, they thought it was a ridiculous idea. Now that my ex has gotten it done, and is doing so well, they all want me to get it. I'm feeling pressure from them to have this surgery. My dilemma is that I don't know if I can quit smoking and stay on my plan at the same time. It's been darn hard trying to do both. I feel pressure from them now to get this surgery. Because of their input, I can't figure out any more if I want it for me or if I am doing it to keep them happy. The decision has to be mine and mine alone. Either way, I know that I have to keep on this road of a healthy lifestyle that I've started. It does feel good to feel my muscle tone coming back. It does feel good to be eating properly. Now, I do want to quit smoking. Not because it's a requirement of the surgery, but because when I was on the NRTs, it felt good not to smoke. However, I don't know if I can stay quit without the Nicotrol Inhaler. I am so mixed up right now that any input, advice, comments, anything is welcome. Thanks for reading and your help.
  5. November 14 was to be my surgery date. I've been seeing a smoking cessation lady at the hospital. I was doing really well. Then I went off the NRT, namely Nicotrol Inhaler. I immediately wanted to smoke. The urge got so great that I didn't call anybody b/c I didn't want anyone to talk me out of it. I've been smoking ever since. At my last appt. w the lady, I registered a 3 on the nicotine inhaler, which is very good. She suggested that I go off the NRT and do it with a nicotine lozenge. I said, "I'm good. I don't need the lozenge." There I go again trying to run the show. I felt so bad that I decided to give up on this program, the all or nothing thinking. Throwing the baby out w the bath Water. I started eating more than I should, even though it was the right food. I wasn't drinking my water. Then something kicked in and I realized that just b/c I started smoking, all is not lost. The worst that will happen is that my surgery date will be pushed back. I don't like that, but I can deal w it. So, I'm back on program. I see the lady today. I even started walking three days ago. Now, I will follow her advice. This is one vice that I really enjoy. It is one that I really don't want to part with. It's darn hard. I even joined an open mic 12 step group for nicotine addiction. Just venting, I guess. Any comments or advice is welcomed. Thanks for reading.
  6. ArnoldS

    Sabotaged myself w smoking.

    I don't know if I did this quote thing right. Mokee, I am so sorry about your husband. I hope and pray his surgery goes well. I know that I stay in denial about cancer, especially lung cancer. My brother who has smoked like me, is dying right now of lung cancer. The way that I deal with it is to stay in denial. Just typing this, I can feel myself going numb. I remained nicotine free today. Wishing only the best for you and your husband.
  7. ArnoldS

    Sabotaged myself w smoking.

    1SuperBonBon, Haha. I haven't killed anyone yet. But, I do feel angry and on edge. My insurance requires a 2 month period for being off nicotine. Let's see what happens.
  8. ArnoldS


    That is sooo sweet. Bet that made your day.
  9. ArnoldS

    Sabotaged myself w smoking.

    Thank you all for your support. I saw the smoking cessation lady at the hospital yesterday. She wants me to do this jornaling of when I use the Nicotrol Inhaler, how many puffs I take. Then she wants to go through this process of weaning me off of the Inhaler. Ugh! I've had it w this preoccupation with cigarettes. I smoked my last one this morning. I'm just going to go through what I have to go through and be done w them.
  10. I tend to fall back into old habits, too. My thing was that I started smoking again. Then I got into the "all or nothing" mindset. So, I started to overeat. Fortunately, I live alone. So, I don't have any sugar in the house. Phew! I don't like this pre-op program pressure. Every time I do something or eat something, I feel like there's someone who is going to eventually say that I can't have the surgery because.....
  11. Wow, Fabsfluff......after reading your post, it made me realize that my original post on this thread was insensitive and lacking in compassion. For that, I am truly sorry. You know what you described (and you are so good at putting those feelings into words) is a fear that I have myself which I keep stuffing down. Like I said, I'm pre-op. However, I've already been on the thread about plastic surgery. This is truly an issue w me already. And, yes, there is discomfort in being fat. But, at least i'm comfortable with it mentally. This is who I am. This is what I am. This is how people know me. This is how I know me. I'm glad that you brought up this discussion. Now, my head is reeling.lol
  12. My surgery is scheduled for November 14. However, it might be postponed b/c I'm having trouble getting off of cigarettes. I smoked my last one today (again.)
  13. ArnoldS

    Hit Onederland Today!

    Awesome. I've been chasing onderland for years now. Wtg!
  14. ArnoldS

    3 mos yesterday

    Wow. You look good. Awesome.
  15. A few days ago, I told my oldest daughter that I changed my mind and didn't want the surgery. She really wants me to get it. She said that she is worried about my health. I am 61. No major health problems yet except for edema in the lower extremities. She pointed out how I have to struggle to get out of a chair and into the car. I did decide to go back to my original decision to have the surgery. Not because of her. I realize that this is a decision that I must make one way or the other for me. In this life, everybody has an opinion about what is right for everybody else. In the end, I have to make up my own mind about what is best for me.
  16. ArnoldS

    Sabotaged myself w smoking.

    That's a great idea, seriously. I think that as I'm asking myself that question, I'll write down the answer. That way I can read it without forgetting what my answer is.
  17. ArnoldS

    Sabotaged myself w smoking.

    Thank you, Lori. I am so happy for your mom and for you to still have her in your life. I didn't mention that my brother, who is 59, has lung cancer. Ugh, he still is smoking. I don't get that. Well, I guess I kinda understand it. Sort of??? As a smoker, and having taken care of so many smoking-related sick patients in my life, I've always carried the delusion that it won't happen to me. I guess that's the nature of the beast. I need to remember that the reason they want me to quit is b/c they told me that smoking interferes with the healing process. They even want me off cigarettes three months after the surgery.
  18. This post reminds me of other post-ops that I've read on here. They say that they felt depressed after the surgery. Then they go on to say that the feeling left them and that if they had to do the surgery all over again, that they would. I'm still pre-op. But, I keep reading and taking this all in, just in case I go through it. I hope this helps. And, thank you for posting. Let us all know how you are doing further on down the road. Hugs.
  19. I am a shy person, age 61. I am concerned about weather I'll receive more attention from men after surgery. What is your experience?
  20. I read a post on another thread about her dating life changing. But, I was wondering about those of us over 60. Has any of your lives changed in this area? I'm very shy. Do you find that more men pay attention to you? Or, is it about the same?
  21. I thought I finally wanted this surgery. I've been following the pre-op eating plan, quit smoking Aug. 20. Today I mentioned something, I don't remember what, to my neighbor while we were sitting outside. It was something about the operation. He said to me, "What are you afraid of?" At first I was indignant. However, that question has been on my mind all day. I went and bought a pk. of cigarettes. I smoked one and it was disgusting. I lit up another on and took a drag, and that was disgusting. I put it out and now I'm posting. I'm still on my eating plan. I realized that I'm afraid of giving up control. After the surgery, the weight will start coming off rapidly, I expect. What if I want to slow things down? What if I don't like being thin? I'm just not used to being thin any more. I was thin years ago. But, I've spent many years until the present time as "the fat lady." The people in my life who I care about have been very nice and accepting of me as fat. My head is spinning. What is up w me? I don't know what's going on. Any comments, suggestions, insights, or just plain ole help is appreciated. Thank you
  22. ArnoldS

    3 month post op pic

    Awesome. You look great. Thanks for posting.

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