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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by livvsmum

  1. livvsmum


    I agree with some others. In the first few months I could not tolerate eggs, meatballs, chili, or basically any red meat. But as the months went on and the internal healing progressed those things quit bothering me. I can now eat pretty much everything I did before (though I don't!!!) without it bothering me. Since you asked for a specific time, I would say by 7 months post op I could eat most anything.
  2. I tried most of what others have said above. I have found that ultimately my skin looks generally better when I am getting lots and lots of Water in and when I totally cut out sugar from my diet. However....skin is skin. It will rebound to a certain extent based on genetics, elasticity, age, etc. So some of it is what it is. In the end, I did have a TT and I am appealing insurance for a brachioplasty. Good luck!
  3. Just take it slowly and listen to your body. It is a learning process for sure, and it's pretty all-consuming in those first weeks and even months. I remember around 6 weeks or so starting to really get my energy back and start to feel like myself again. But in all honesty I don't think I was fully "healed" internally until about 7 months or so. Then I found that foods that bothered me at the beginning stages didn't bother me at all. Hang in there! The first month or so is really about getting by.
  4. livvsmum

    To Tell or Not To Tell?

    I decided as a general rule, not to tell people. When people asked I just told them I completely changed my lifestyle to include lots of running, high Protein, low carb, and lots of Water. None of this is false. I just feel like my medical history is no one's business. However, my family of course knows, and a few select friends who I decided to tell. I will so though that the pressure of everyone watching me didn't seem any less because of not telling people. When they see you losing weight SO rapidly, people will just comment and watch what you eat and don't eat. It's just human nature I suppose, or curiosity, fascination, etc. So I don't think not telling alleviated that at all. Good luck!
  5. livvsmum


    A dose of MOM always works for me. I usually have to go to that option about 1 time a week since surgery. I also use miralax to keep me "regular", but it doesn't help once I'm already constipated. The ONLY time MOM didn't work was after my TT when I was SO terribly constipated from the pain killers that nothing....I mean NOTHING....worked. But for normal everyday issues, it should work like a charm.
  6. livvsmum

    Thoughts on Sugar free ice cream?

    I avoided sugar free ice cream mainly because of the amount of carbs in it. I did try it once fairly early on and it made me terribly sick. After that I stuck to sugar free popsicles or Jello. :-)
  7. If I recall right at the beginning in the first couple weeks after surgery anything liquid counted as Fluid intake as per my surgeon. However, once I started to progress through the stages, fluid for Water intake transitioned to clear, non-calorie fluids. I personally don't count anything with calories or sodium (like broth), but I'm 2 years post op,and that's just how I've done it.
  8. livvsmum

    9 Months Into My Journey (With Picture)

    Amazing! You look fabulous!
  9. livvsmum

    200 lbs down!

    That is awesome and inspiring! Keep up the amazing progress!
  10. livvsmum

    Bingeing after the sleeve

    Hi. After reading your post I bought the book "when Food is Love". I had loving supportive parents, but this book really brings up my feelings and relationship I have with food. I too started to want or craved foods after about 7 months and it scared me to death! The feeling I still have regarding eating food is so much deeper then nutritional value and I continue to realize that this is a life long journey. I love love the book. Thank you! Wonderful! I"m so glad to hear that it helped you! I too don't really have "parent" issues like the author, but what she says can apply to sooo many other situations. Part of the struggle for me was figuring out what events led me to treat myself the way I do/did because I didn't have something obvious like the author. In any case, I'm so glad you like it!
  11. Wow! Those are cool. Very motivating.
  12. livvsmum

    6 week post-op Pic

    Great job! Keep it up! You look so much happier too.
  13. livvsmum

    102 Pounds Gone, Now What?

    Great job so far! That is awesome! For me the goal became very arbitrary. First it was 150, then 145, then 140, etc. I finally was down to about 123 at my lowest weight and I started to feel that in pictures I looked a little "too skinny" or a bit "gaunt." So I put a couple pounds back on and feel that I look and feel best around 130. Could I maintain 120-123? Of course, but it would be through very strict diet control. I feel that resting around 128-130 gives me a more normal way of life for maintenance. I just kind of figured it out based on how I looked, how I felt, and what I thought was reasonable for the long run.
  14. Thank you. I started at 278.4 and am currently holding steady around 130. So I've lost approximately 148 pounds. I'm 2 years post-op and about 4-months post tummy tuck. :-)
  15. livvsmum

    One year (with photos)

    You look amazing! Great work!
  16. Awesome job! You are looking amazing.
  17. livvsmum

    Bingeing after the sleeve

    Thank you! :-) One of the hardest things I've done in my life.....
  18. livvsmum

    Bingeing after the sleeve

    I cannot stress enough how important I think I is is to treat the underlying food issues while on this "sleeve journey." Ultimately there is a deeper reason you are filling a void with over eating. You have to figure out what that is and find healthier ways to cope or you will sabotage your success. I would highly recommend two things: (1) Read "When Food is Love" by Geneen Roth. Don't wait. Run to the bookstore right now. (2) Seek out therapy with an eating disorder therapist. Around 7-8 months post op it was like a switch flipped for me and my desire to binge eat came back. I was scared to death in that moment and immediately sought out therapy with an eating disorder therapist. I have been meeting with her every single week now for over a year and a half and it has made ALL the difference in my long term success. I know for myself for a fact that had I not taken that step I would not be nearly as successful as I've been. It's a work in progress and I still learn something about myself every single week. Good luck!
  19. livvsmum

    Halloween Challenge!

    I'm sorry I'm so late weighing in this week. I was out of town for work. I am the same this week. (134.6) Boo.
  20. Congrats on your long term success.
  21. You look awesome! I had a TT about 4 months ago, and while the recovery has been tough, I'm SO pleased with the result. Good luck to you!
  22. livvsmum

    Finally one year out

    That is amazing! Congrats!
  23. Wonderful progress! Congrats!

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