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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by livvsmum

  1. livvsmum

    Bikini Pics!!!

    I never in a million years thought I would have a "bikini pics" album! This body is far from perfect, but I wear my "scars" of saggy legs proudly to mark the amazing journey of loss that I've been on!
  2. livvsmum

    22 months post op

    From the album: Bikini Pics!!!

  3. livvsmum

    24 months post op

    From the album: Bikini Pics!!!

  4. livvsmum


    From the album: Progress Pictures

  5. livvsmum


    From the album: Progress Pictures

  6. I never really considered the lap band. My only debate was between the sleeve or the rny. Good luck on your journey!
  7. livvsmum

    Very First Weigh-In

    I believe they used my initial weight at the first doctors consultation. But I've heard of others using even the weight at the hospital on the day of surgery. You might want to clarify with your ins co. just so there are no surprises if you are borderline. I was also borderline for having a high enough BMI, but never had an issue. I don't think they even weighed me at the hospital the day of the surgery.
  8. Pre op diet is the worst! Are you allowed to have mints. I sucked on a lot of mints :-) Occupy yourself reading success stories and looking at before/after pictures to mentally focus on why you're doing it rather than how hungry you are.
  9. livvsmum

    Questions for Alcohol Drinkers ONLY!

    1. How long did you go before having your first drink? Probably about 3 months 2. Have you had any MEDICAL complications with your surgery that were attributed to drinking alcohol? No 3. Have you gained back significant weight from drinking alcohol? No. But if I've drank, I do retain Water the next day. Have to drink lots more water to flush it out 4. Have you developed an alcohol addiction post VSG after having been able to control your drinking before? No, though you only know you. I know a lot of people do develop transfer addictions to replace the food. It's something to think about.
  10. livvsmum

    Headaches after exercise?

    I agree, it sounds like you are dehydrated. You should be drinking lots throughout the day leading up to working out, not just during a workout.
  11. For me, this is a complete lifestyle overhaul. You cannot think of it as another "adkins diet" or something or you will fall back into old patterns. But, yes. The way you eat "should" be changed for the rest of your life, otherwise you WILL regain because at a certain point post op you WILL be able to tolerate bascially anything you could tolerate before surgery. So, if you don't adopt the new nutrition guidelines as a forever change, it will be easy to slip back into old habits and regain. It's not to say that once you reach and are maintaining your goal weight that you can never each something off the recommendations, but I will warn you that for some, having just a little now and then is a trigger and opens the flood gates. I am not a "little bit here and there" kind of person. For my I have to just abstain. But honestly after 2.5 years of eating this way, I don't miss it.
  12. livvsmum

    Calories Don't Matter?

    I haven't read them, but what I've found in my entire 2.5 years post op, is that if I stick to my Protein, carb, and Water goals, I've never once had to think about calories. They just kind of fall into place when you are doing those things the way you should. So yeah.... I would probably be prone to agree with what it sounds like the books argue.
  13. livvsmum

    Two months post surgery

    That's awesome! Don't you feel so much better? congrats!
  14. Congrats! That is awesome! I totally remember the first time I was able to buy and confidently wear a bikini (last summer)!! It was a huge deal! Now we are preparing to go to Mexico in a couple months and I literally am out of control buying bikinis! I think I have bought 5 for a 7 day trip! lol. Be careful...it's addictive! :-)
  15. livvsmum

    Three Months Post Op Success

    That is great! Keep up the amazing work! It will pay off
  16. livvsmum

    On The Other Side (Finally)

    Good luck on your journey!
  17. I've had no transfer addiction, but I learned quickly that the old demons are still there. Right around 10 months post op I started going to therapy with an eating disorder therapist and I have gone to her weekly since then and I'm now about 2.5 years post op. She connected me with the writings of Geneen Roth ("When food is Love" & "Women, Food, and God") and the therapy, along with these two books, have literally changed my life. I cannot recommend seeking out therapy or the writings of Roth highly enough!
  18. Great job on getting started! I love running, so I run 3-4 times a week & then I do a barre class 2 nights/week. I really love that for strength training without traditional weights, etc. It's fun!
  19. So my insurance fully covered my panni & abdominoplasty, but they denied my brachioplasty. It makes no sense to me because when I sent in the paperwork, I have the same medical documentation for both my stomach (which they covered) and my arms (which they denied). Anyway, I appealed it and it was denied again. Now at the end of October I appealed it a second time and it is being reviewed by "an outside reviewer". I'm just wondering if anyone had any success getting a 2nd-level appeal approved or getting an appeal reviewed by an outside party approved. Waiting the 30 days is killing me. I'm kind of thinking that if they deny it this time, no one is going to approve it since it's not being reviewed by the insurance company. Sigh...... It's not the end of the world. My main concern was the tummy tuck, but this would definitely be icing on the cake. :-)
  20. livvsmum

    Easter Weight Loss Challenge

    I skipped the last one, but I'd like to get in on this one. I've got a trip to Riviera Maya coming up in May and need to get my butt back in gear! CW 149.6 GW 138
  21. livvsmum

    Running after surgery..

    I have completed half-marathons post-op and am training for a marathon. I didn't have time to read through the responses, so forgive me if someone already said this, but google bariathletes. You'll find lots of people like you and I who do endurance sports after surgery. You just have to be careful to not over-compensate for the calories burned with lots of food. And it can be trickier to find "fuel" that works for you on long runs. I can't do any of the chews or gu or anything like that. It is a tricky balance, but you definitely can do it for sure.
  22. I had an abdominoplasty and panni in April of 2015. I've been super pleased with the results, but do have a tiny "dog ear" on both sides of my incision. I'm going in this afternoon to have them corrected. I'm super nervous!! Has anyone had this done? Any ideas on what to expect? If it will hurt? Etc?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
