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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Seela

  1. Seela

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    you look amazing!
  2. Seela

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    I've been wanting to post a picture here for a year and a half!
  3. hi, sorry, I'm not on here very much anymore. .. I hope you're doing well, it gets easier, I promise! It's been 14 months and I'm doing great... very healthy and all my labs are good... I lost 95 lbs and one of these days I'll kick my ass* into gear and lose the last 15 lbs, lol... it's definitely harder now because I have to really watch my diet and make good choices, but I keep up on it daily. I moved to Florida so I'm not in Chico anymore, but I hope your experience with Simchuck was as great as mine.♡
  4. Happy new year everyone! I'm still down 95 lbs... did NOT gain over this holiday season... yay me! Really looking forward to 2015 ♡
  5. Seela

    Happy New Year!

    Thanks everyone. .. happy new year!
  6. I was totally addicted to diet pepsi pre surgery. .. I am happy to say I have not had ANY soda of any kind for over a year and since I tend to get addicted to things quickly and easily, soda is something I will honestly never have again. Moderation is not kind to me... all or nothing... but not being a size 20 makes me not miss soda at all!
  7. that's awesome! Ok, so sometimes I went down a size after just a couple of weeks! Once you get down to about a size 14 you will drop a size about every 10 lbs... so... if you have a really good week you could potentially drop a size on even just one week...CRAZY!
  8. Seela

    1 year today!

    Thanks, you too! Wild ride, hu? Lol...
  9. Hi all! It's been awhile since I've been here, but I had my surgery one year ago today and I wouldn't have been able to get through it without all of the support I received here. I started out a year ago at 250 lbs, size 20 and a year after VSG I am 155 lbs and a size 6!
  10. Seela

    1 year today!

    well, if I had the money, I would have plastics, my skin isn't as good as I'd hoped for but far better than most, I am very lucky to have good, elastic skin. When I can I will at the least get my boobs done, they drive me nuts... the rest of it is what it is... since I did this to myself I can't really complain and I can't keep beating myself up over it... I will never walk around in a string bikini but I look damn good in a one piece! Also, my skin seems to get better with time
  11. I am one year out today (yay me) and have gone from a size 20 to a size 6 and yet according to my BMI I am still overweight... My original goal was 140 lbs, but at this point I think I would actually look too skinny, so I am altering my, as yet reached, goal to a normal BMI range. If I was in the middle of my normal range I think I would look emaciated, so I'll settle for just reaching the normal range.
  12. Size 6 isn't what it used to be... I was a size 6 in high school and I was a lot smaller than I am now, but I was in much better shape too... I'm about 5'5 tall and I would just really love to have something in my life declare me "NORMAL"... lol
  13. Seela

    1 year today!

    Hey, hey! Good to "see" you too... In a nutshell, I sold my business in california, filed for divorce after a lengthy separation, and moved across country to florida, all in a span of 30 days!.... so yeah, lots of stress and now struggling with all this vsg stuff, but it's my 1 year aniversary and the perfect time to get back on track!
  14. I definitely need to do that...
  15. Seela

    Labor day Challenge

    Forgot to log on Monday... Monday's weight 151.6. I driving cross country from California to Florida starting Thursday and may still be on the road next Monday. I'll post again when I can. Things are really hard right now, eating out every single meal due to moving... I really can't wait to get settled and back to a normal and healthy routine.
  16. Sounds like maybe constipation. I've started adding benefiber to my water daily... really help and you don't notice it at all
  17. Seela

    Is this Dehydration?

    I had this happen to me once when my son was in the emergency room and I didn't eat all day. Low blood sugar, as soon as I ate something I was better. Be careful in the early months when you don't feel hungry, it's easy to forget to eat.
  18. I'm moving to the Daytona Beach area next week, I'd love some occasional support once I get there
  19. Seela

    Labor day Challenge

    Sw 159.2 Week 1- 156.9 CW 153.6
  20. Sleeved 10/21/13 5'5, sw250, cw155 I was stuck for almost 3 months where I only went down a lb here and there. I thought I was done but all of a sudden I dropped 12 lbs practically overnight! I haven't changed anything or done anything different. I figure, if you're still eating limited calories your weight will eventually catch up... it's a mathematical certainty. Just stay on the program, if you consume less than you burn your weight will go down.
  21. Seela

    Labor day Challenge

    Tiny loss, but I'll take it! 155.6
  22. Sweetie, you're only a few days out and your stomach is doing some serious healing. I promise this will go away. A couple months from now it will be a distant memory. Hang in there.
  23. I had a client who is a bariatric sergeon and he would just randomly start telling me how I would never be able to lose weight and keep it off on my own. This was unsolicited, so I thought he was a jerk. Turns out, while he has poor social skills, he was a gift from God. It took me 4 years, but I finally gave in and had my vsg with him in October last year and at almost 9 months out I'm down 95 lbs. You just never know what forms special gifts will come in.
  24. Hi, it's been a while since I've posted. I'm doing great at just about 9 months out and about 93 lbs lost. I'm going through some serious personal crap right now, divorce, etc and in the past I always turned to food. I don't think I've ever lost my apatite in my life. But for the last few weeks I just do not want to eat, to the point of feeling hungry... I never actually feel hungry anymore so this is a foreign feeling for me now. I literally have to force myself to eat. I have absolutely no idea how to manage this. I just don't want food of any kind. I have been losing at a rate of 2-4 lbs a month for the last 2-3months but I've lost about 8 lbs in the last 3 weeks. I havent seen loss like that since the first 5 months out but I'm afraid when my apatite returns I'll gain it back. I feel so trapped in this backwards food cycle, uncharted territory for me. Has this happened to any of you, and how did you deal with it? Thanks

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