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Posts posted by Mel1071

  1. Also, after talking with me, my surgeon waived my psych consult requirement. As far as other things like nutritional counseling - I was given a super thorough "owner's manual" and also set up with a pre-op class with the nutritionist about 3 weeks before surgery. I asked him about losing weight ahead of time and he said he wasn't so much concerned about losing weight ahead of time but that at about six weeks prior I should really be thinking of trying to focus on not gaining anything and that any loss would just be a bonus.

    Who are you going with?

  2. I am self pay and had my consult on Tuesday at 10am. By 11:30 my surgery and pre-op work dates and times had been scheduled. I requested a surgery date in December but I was told I pretty much could get in whenever I wanted. I guess that's the only advantage of going self pay :)

  3. Thanks guys. Yesterday was not easy - yes, I left the office feeling pretty darned elated. I mean, I not only have a surgery date (12/16), I already have a time (8am). And overall the process of getting to that point was pretty painless

    But man, when I got home, I was thinking WTH did I just do? Can't I just try to lose weight on my own again? But then I realized, uh, we'll. that hasn't exactly worked out considering I've never lost more than 42 pounds - didn't keep that off either. And what's to say I won't just keep putting on weight? So then I had a good cry snuggled up with my pups, and then had another one when hubby got home. Slept like crap last night. Woke up today feeling still a bit worn out but overall I am feeling a little better about my decision.

    I imagine the next few months are going to be a crazy roller coaster of emotions. In one way I wish I could schedule the surgery earlier and not obsess about it for months. But in another way I'm kind of glad I have time to process everything and start gearing up for my new lifestyle.

    Weight loss surgery right before Christmas - what kind of a masochist am I? Lol

  4. So as of Monday I was torn between 2 doctors and really wasn't sure if I was going to stay close to home or travel to Dallas to save some $$$. And no answer was imminent as I didn't have my surgical consult with the local doc until Sept. 9.

    Well, late Monday I got a call from the local doc saying there was a cancellation and could I come in Tuesday so of course I jumped on it.

    Fast forward to now. I am officially excited/overwhelmed/scared. The consult went great. Love my surgeon and his office manager. I am having surgery on December 16 @ 8am, my pre-op stuff has been scheduled, I've attended a support group meeting already...I mean yesterday was a crazy busy day!

    Of course right now I'm having a heckuva time sleeping. Every emotion possible is going through my head. I can't even imagine how things will be closer to my surgery date.

    I'm sure I will have more to add but I just wanted to get this out there. And also say thanks to so many folks who have been so welcoming here. This is a huge decision and it's so good to talk to folks who are where I am now and also where I want to be.

  5. I've been on contact with a few folks who have used this doctor. They were great about answering questions. Love the support on this board!

    Only one negative - not sure if my hubby is going to be able to make the appointment on this short of a notice :( And of course, now I've forgotten everything I wanted to ask lol But I know everything will work out for the best :)

  6. Last week after attending an informational seminar, I decided to go ahead an set up a consult with the surgeon. Earliest I could get in to see him was September 9 - which today it hits me, dang, that's 4 weeks away! So I called his office today to see if any cancellations come up. They said none had, but they would call me if any did.

    Lo and behold - they called me a few minutes ago - a cancellation came in and I can see him at 10 tomorrow!

    Must sit down and write out all the questions I thought I had plenty of time to do! Must also remember to breathe :unsure::D

  7. I, too, have insurance that have WLS as an exclusion. I talked to my surgeon's office to see if there was any hope of getting it approved despite the exclusion. The woman I talked to said the only way they have had any success is if the insurance policy is "self-funded." So find out from your HR folks if it's a self-funded policy and see if you have any luck that way.

    Mine was, alas, not self funded :(.

  8. I am in the process of debating the pros and cons of two surgeons - Dr. Nicholson in Dallas and Dr. Houston in Nashville. I live just outside of Nashville so it seems like the logical choice would be to go with Dr. Houston. But, since I'm going the self-pay route, I have to factor price in my decision. Here's my pros and cons list thus far:



    Great reputation, including bedside manner

    Price $12,200

    Pretty much guaranteed I could get in for surgery in December


    Won't get to meet him or have pre-op work done until day before surgery

    Have to travel almost 11 hours - kinda worried about that on the ride home

    If post-op complications pop up, I am on my own - and insurance may very well not cover any of that care

    Only aftercare will be phone calls to his office



    Great reputation

    90 days of post-op complications covered

    Office 25 minutes from my house

    Plenty of support pre and post op


    Probably $18,800 when all is said and done

    Not sure if I could have surgery in December with him. Two reasons - not sure if I will have enough $$$ saved by then and he's out of the office for 2 weeks in December. Will know more after my consult with him.

    I'm torn - now that I've made up my mind to have the surgery, I want it done ASAP. December would be great because I teach and my classes end December 11 and don't restart until January, uh, 19th maybe? Plus my husband has off 2 weeks in December and can take care of me.

    If I don't have surgery in December, the earliest I could have surgery would be the end of the Spring semester - some time in May. I could save more $$$ but I'm like, man, that's 6 months from December. If I had surgery in December, I could be down some significant poundage in six months.

    I think I am leaning toward going with Houston. I think I'm just worried if something goes wrong, for peace of mind and wallet, staying close to home just makes more sense than traveling anywhere. Plus with Houston, I get access to their nutritionist, exercise physiologist, support groups, etc.

    I know a lot of folks here have traveled to get the surgery - do you feel like you missed having the aftercare?

    Thanks for letting me think this issue "out loud."


  9. Hi Shauna,

    Still in the pre-op stage myself. I see you are a fellow TN gal :) I understand what you're going through. I go from thinking, man, this is the best decision ever to what the heck am I thinking? lol I'm looking at going to Centennial - insurance won't cover it so I have to go self pay. I have my consult on Sept 9 so I'll be asking about possible surgery dates and the first time I would look at is December (and that's if I can come up with a good chunk of the $$$ before then).

    Let me know if you need someone to talk to or just to obsess over things with lol


  10. Well, I was leanly heavily toward going to Dallas and have Dr. Nicholson do it. But I went to a seminar at a local place (I live in TN) and am rethinking leaving home to have it done. I just need to see if it's worth almost 6K more to stay close to home (12,200 vs 18,000-something). As I'm trying to limit the amount I finance, if I go to Dr. Nick I can have it done this year - staying close to home I may have to wait until next year.

  11. Hello everyone!

    I have been checking out this site for a few weeks and figured it was time I introduced myself. My name is Melissa (41, 252 lbs, 5'1") and I've been overweight/obese most of my life. You know, it's kind of weird - I remember my 5th grade class picture and I was little and cute. Everything from there on out through middle school I have vague memories of some crap happening then but now I just remember putting on the pounds. I graduated high school at 160 and well, just never really stopped.

    My mom passes away out of the blue one day of sudden cardiac death and when then happened it really shook me to my core. After that happened I, in no particular order, divorced my first husband (something that should have been done long before I did), quit my long time job of academic advising, moved to TN, married a new wonderful man who treats me like a queen, started culinary school, graduated, started my own personal chef business and will also be teaching culinary arts at a local culinary school this fall. This has all happened in the last four years!

    I've tried Weight Watchers more times that I can remember - was only really successful once and even then it was going from 229 to 187. I've done other diets, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, went to the gym, saw a nutritionist, tried hypnosis, yeah, I am a diet veteran for sure. But they never worked. And it wore on me because I'd always say to myself "What is your problem - you know what to do - just do it!" But I never could.

    Heard a lot of negative stuff about WLS - thought smugly to myself that I'd never take the "easy way out." Everyone knows people just gain the weight back - and don't even get me started about all the complications people have. And besides, I'm a chef - I can't do something where it's going to automatically cause dumping anytime I take a bite of anything.

    Another thing keeping me from pursuing surgery was the fact that for most of my life I had relatively few complications. In 2009 I started meds for high cholesterol. This May I started meds for high blood pressure, depression, and was told I was prediabetic. Hmmm....I guess when they say once you hit 40 everything starts going downhill was true ;) But I still wasn't thinking surgery.

    But then I saw Graham Elliot had VSG - he's a fab chef from Chicago (you may have seen him on Masterchef). Hmm, here's a fellow chef getting this surgery done - surely he won't do it if it's going to cripple his livelihood. So I did some research. Heck, who am I kidding? I did a ton of research. And I realized it's not the easy way out. Any one who says that just doesn't know what all is involved. But I also realized it may very well be a very viable option for me.

    The bad news is my insurance has an exclusion and won't cover it and at first my husband was a bit reluctant to get on board. Every time I'd mention it he'd change the subject. Fortunately, we have a pretty awesome relationship and I finally said hey, what gives - why do you keep changing the subject when I bring this up? Turns out on of his ex's family members had WLS 15 years ago and had a boatload of complications. Once I explained to him that #1 I wasn't looking at having gastric bypass and #2 a whole lot has changed in the past 15 years in WLS he was onboard.

    Realizing my health is very much in a perilous spot, I've decided it's time to do something. My husband loves to be active, and well, right now, I don't. He never complains, but I want to do more things with him. And yeah, not going to lie, I would love to be able to shop in a regular size store for the first time in, ohhhh.....probably over 30 years.

    While there are a number of surgeons nearby who perform the surgery - the going self-pay rate is about 20K. However, with help from folks here I have found a doc in Texas who has a much more reasonable self pay rate. We will still need to finance some of it, but it seems much more reasonable now and financing under 10K sounds so much better than financing 20K.

    I look forward to learning more from all of you and hopefully contributing a lot too! :D


    This site has been a huge help to me so thank you all

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