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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Mel1071

  1. Yeah, that sounds like a plan. It makes me mad when these folks just don't care.

    I am a self payer and I saw some great options in Mexico and Texas (I live in TN). Ultimately I made the decision to pay more but stay close to home. I've got a fab surgeon who I like a lot plus I have 90 days of complication insurance with him. My his fee covers one year of follow up appointments with him, and unlimited access to the nutritionist, dietician, exercise physiologist, and support meetings. I realized all the aftercare was important to me. Plus I really didn't want to travel after surgery. I know folks do it all the time, I just didn't want to.

    Good luck on your journey!

  2. I'm self pay in the US and didn't have to do the Psych consult. I would have as I don't have an issue with it - actually, I'm getting a lot from going to the psychologist-led support meetings my surgeon's office offers.

    I will say this - no way in H E double hockey sticks would I put up with the behavior of that so-called mental health professional you dealt with. I would tell my doc in a heartbeat why I thought they sucked and to either refer me to someone else or I will take my self pay dollars elsewhere. Docs love self-pay patients - they get their money directly, no BS, no insurance hassles. We don't have a lot of advantages as self pay patients - use this one. I know I've seen a lot of folks use Chicago surgeons - ask around on the board. Don't settle for anything you are not comfortable with

  3. Hi Tami j, I am trying to do just that-anything to keep me distracted!! Had an early Thanksgiving dinner her Saturday since we will be gone. We actually have a big family vacation planned for Thanksgiving week to Disney World! The trip is part of why I had to have surgery in Dec. I know things will work out. I have faith & a lot of prayers!

    Love Disney! I used to live in FL and had annual passes, but I haven't been in 4 years. Are you staying on property?

  4. Thanks Mel, so glad to know someone else is feeling this way. Hopefully we can get through this ride together! Do you have to do a liquid diet?

    I'm scheduled for just a 2 day clear liquid diet. However, I'm considering starting something more restrictive on the 2nd - figured it can't hurt. Plus, I've already given up diet soda and I think that's what was making me nervous more than anything. It was like coffee to me - it's how I started my day. But I've been off it now for almost 2 months so I figure I can do anything lol

  5. Surgery Date: 12/2/13

    Question about Vitamins? what is everyone taking after surgery? I have like a million of types to choose from, yet I don't know what will be the best? Any Ideas?

    Does anyone know how to get on the Facebook group? I know you have to be invited, but do I write Ashlie Marie?

    I friended Ashlie and she added me literally within minutes.

    As far as the vitamins go, I'm going to see what they say at my pre-op appointment, In the meantime, I picked up a sample pack from Celebrate Vitamins. Not bad for $3 plus they will send me a coupon for $3 to use on a future purchase https://www.celebratevitamins.com/shop/sample-pack.html

  6. Is there anyone on here who is a lot more savvy than me on creating documents/templates?

    I am trying to get things in order, just in case, and would like a Word 2007 or Excel 2007 template for account name, account number, username, password, and hint columns.

    I'm just not good at that stuff. I looked on microsoft to see if there were any and I didn't see anything already made.

    Anyone will to whip me up one?

    Check your FB messages and let me know if what I sent you works. It is super basic but hopefully it will do what you need!

  7. I have all of my pre-op appointments on 11/25. I wonder if they will change me from a 2 day to a 2 week diet. My BMI is 47 so maybe not.

    Have I mentioned lately how I cannot wait to get out of the morbidly obese category? From morbidly obese to obese to overweight to normal. Normal here I come! (probably the only time you will ever hear that from me lol)

  8. My cash pay price is $18,032 for everything - $3500 surgeon fees, $1500 anesthesiologist, and $13,032 for the hospital fees. This covers all pre-op testing, surgeon visits for the next year, lifetime access to the nutritionist, exercise physiologist, an support groups. Your amount seems really high - did you get everything in writing beforehand?

  9. That sucks :(. When I first mentioned having the surgery to my hubby he was, well, less than enthusiastic. I asked him wha was up and apparently the only thing he could think of was how he knew someone who had a cousin who had gastric bypass 15 years ago and all of the problems she had.

    I told him WLS has changed a lot in 15 years lol. Plus, this is a totally different procedure. He came with me to the seminar and my surgeon consult. Both things helped relieve his worries immensely. Now he's 100% on board.

    I don't understand how anyone can truly consider this an easy way out :(. I hope he changes his mind on that. Regardless, good on you for putting you first!

  10. December 9th is my date. I canceled my first surgery date in August due to an unsupportive husband and that has not changed but I have! I am super excited to start my new life! I start my preop diet on Nov. 25th so no Thanksgiving for me but I am not upset about that. It is about being thankful and not about the food! I have to get use to saying that.

    Welcome aboard! Sorry your hubby is not being supportive :(. Is he just scared if you having the surgery or is it something else?

  11. Well, looks like one of my last (and huge!) obstacles has been taken care of. Being self pay I k we it was going to be tough to get the 18K in such a short period of time. Yes, we could obliterate our savings but I really didn't want to do that. Long story short, got approved for a loan that we should hopefully have paid off ASAP - especially if we can count the surgery in our taxes.

    I think not knowing how everything was going to be paid for has kept me quiet - too afraid I was going to get excited about everything and then find out I couldn't pay for it :(

  12. I'm scheduled for surgery on 12/16. I feel pretty comfortable with everything but there's something just eating at me (no pun intended).

    I've been overweight/obese since puberty. The smallest size I remember being is a 16. I have no idea what I look like at a "normal" weight and quite frankly it's a little scary. And for some reason it's bothering me more the closer I get to surgery. The rational side of me says what you're doing is sooooo good - help with health issues, have more energy, etc. but I almost feel like I'm losing a sense if self if that makes any sense,

    Just wondering if other folks felt like this

  13. I'm with you Blondiee - my pre-op appointment is on the 25th. My surgeon is only having me do a 2 day pre-op clear liquid diet and told me he just doesn't want me to gain between the time he and I met (early Sept) and the date of surgery. Right now I think I am one pound up over what I weighed then but that could be just Water. Ideally my goal is to take a few pounds off between now and surgery just to get myself on the right track.

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