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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Mel1071

  1. Hi Mainexplorer! I'm right there with you. My surgery is 12/16 - I've never had surgery before either and the unknown always freaks me out :) This is a great place to get info from folks who have been there, done that.

    There is a whole forum for us December sleevers http://www.bariatricpal.com/forum/679-decmber-2013-sleevers/

    including a very active main thread


    There is also info on how to join our secret Facebook group if you're interested. Where are you having surgery?

  2. 17g of sugar is crazy high for a "protein shake" I can't believe that's what your doc recommends. It's like he's self sabotaging your efforts.

    That was exactly my thought. It seems to me as if some doctors are putting $$$$ ahead of patients' best interests - which is why I had the suspicion he was having her buy the shakes from his practice. 17g of sugar, IMHO, is just way too much.

  3. My surgeon's office said the Only possible way I had a chance of getting around the exclusion clause is if my insurance is self funded - then I might be able to fight it. We,, it wasn't :(. Our insurance had an exclusion and it was not self-funded so I went the self-pay route. Self pay can run from 4-5K (Mexico) to 20K+ (in the states).

  4. I have anxiety issues too and this is my first ever surgery so I'm thinking it won't be a bad idea to have him along for the ride :) I figure day 1 I'm going to be pretty out of it, but I would appreciate seeing a familiar face when I come to. Not sure how Day 2 goes...

    Candyland86 - hello sleeve sister! Have you joined the December sleevers thread yet? Lots of us over there plus we have a Facebook group (it's private so the whole world doesn't need to know your business ;)

  5. Oh , trust me I don't feel like having to deal with people but hubby is my rock :). I'm scheduled for surgery at 8am on the 16th and should be released on the 18th. He was talking about taking off the 16th and 17th to be with me, working half a day on Wednesday and then taking that afternoon off to pick me up. He has to work some that week as his office will be closing for the rest of the year starting the following week.

    I'm getting the feeling that my hubby is starting to stress about me having surgery. I think he wants to be there as much as possible and while I don't think I'll mind him being there I don't want him going crazy either.

    Thanks for the input!

  6. I'm having surgery on 12/16. I'm trying to figure out if I should have my husband stay with me. In my info booklet I got from my surgeon it says I should have someone stay with me the first night. But at pre-op class yesterday the nurse said it's really not necessary.

    I'll have a private room so that's good. But I don't want to put him through the joys of staying in a hospital.

    Just wondering what other folks did.

  7. Tomorrow is my crazy long day of VSG fun! Upper GI at 9 at one hospital, Pre-op class at 11 at my surgeon's office, and then I head to the hospital where I'm having surgery. Not sure how long everything is supposed to last but I suspect it's going to be a long day. The one good thing is even though I have to go to 3 different places, they are all on the same campus and within walking distance from each other.

    I'm looking forward to tomorrow but part of me is also like, what if they find something wrong? But I guess that's why they're doing it 3 weeks before surgery - so if something like h. pylori shows up I have time to treat it.

  8. I just got a copy of the bill to my ins. And it was upward of $45k

    Keep in mind, there is a big difference between self-pay prices and insurance paid prices.

    I'm paying $18,032 in TN - surgeon fee, hospital fee, anesthesiologist fee, also includes complication insurance, pre-op support groups, lifetime of unlimited access to nutritionist, exercise physiologist, post-op support groups, and follow up visits with my surgeon - 1 week, 6 week, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year.

  9. I'm not telling people ahead of time and I'm not ashamed of the surgery. My reason for not telling people is, quite frankly, I don't feel like hearing everyone's horror stories of knowing someone who knew someone who had WLS who had all of these horrible complications. Don't need to hear that right now. Plus, I'm not one to tell people a lot about my personal (especially medical) life anyway.

    After the surgery I plan on being much more open about things, but not beforehand.

  10. I'm sure that you will follow your doctor's orders but, I believe it's a bunch of bull and just your doctor's preference. There are some of us (me included) who do not have to do a liquid pre-op diet.

    I got that feeling from my doctor as well. Now, understand, my doctor is, how to I say it? A little on the very confident side (and has the results to back it up). Anyway, when I met with him at the initial consult I asked him two questions that had popped into my head after reading the forum. One was about the pre-op diet. I assumed it would be for 2 weeks. He said, nah, 2 days beforehand as a bowel prep will be fine. I was like, oh, but I keep seeing everyone post about having to shrink their liver and he stopped me and laughed and said something to the effect of (and I'm paraphrasing here) hey, you're hiring a pro and quite frankly, 2 weeks isn't going to do all that much for the liver.

    I also asked him about what I could do about the shoulder/gas pain after surgery. He was almost offended by this lol He said um, I am not leaving you full of gas to the point you're going to feel pain afterwards. If a surgeon does that to his patients he's just being lazy and not taking the time to get it out.

    I've talked to a number of his patients and they've confirmed their gas pain was minimal to non-existent. There are 3 doctors in my doc's office and they all take turn doing the info seminars. A lot of people are turned off by my doc and his very straight to the point manner and say after seeing him at the seminar they don't want him. I like his cockiness and his no BS attitude. The best compliment I heard about him was from some nurses saying he's the doc you want to trust with your life. He may piss you off personally, but as a medical professional he's the best out there.

  11. You may not have a throat scope done. My doc is having me do an upper GI - just involves swallowing some barium and having X-rays taken of your stomach and, well, upper GI area.

    Every doc is different it seems :)

    I went to an info seminar, met with my surgeon a week later and scheduled surgery the same day. I pretty much had my choice of time but wanted to wait until after this semester was done. My surgery coordinator told me it was a good thing I was booking early as their December times book quickly. Not only do they have a lot of folks who want to use their vacation time at the holidays to recover, but they also have folks who want to get everything done before the first of the year. Add that to the fact that it seems like a lot of surgeons are taking the week of Christmas off (at least a lot of the ones in my area are) and you have fewer days to book in December.

  12. So many people have so many different experiences...some have incredible support and love, and others just get negativity and judgment. This is OUR time...this is OUR journey! (I feel like I should have "The Eye of the Tiger" playing in the background)

    Ok, this cracked me up lol. Love it!

    I cannot believe by this time in 4 weeks I'll most likely be recovering in my hospital room. Wow. People weren't kidding when they said the time would fly by.

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