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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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I found out about this site after I had the surgery. I was overweight since I was about 13. I always said that surgery was the easy way out. I now know this is wrong. Last April, I was at an impasse. I was fully ready to let the weight kill me slowly. Something changed, to this day I couldn't tell you what it was. But two different people told me about over eaters anonymous. At the same time, a coworker, noticed how bad I was getting and kept countering any con I could think of about weight loss surgery. Another coworker also had lap band surgery and discussed how the process progressed. So I then decided to pursue the surgery. 6 months later, I had the surgery and off I went. As of this morning, I have she'd 62 pounds forever. This was the best thing I have ever done for myself.

Height: 5 feet 7 inches
Starting Weight: 375 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery: 353 lbs
Current Weight: 314 lbs
Goal Weight: 165 lbs
Weight Lost: 61 lbs
BMI: 49.2
Surgery: Gastric Sleeve
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 10/01/2013
Surgery Date: 10/08/2013
Hospital Stay: 1 Day
Surgery Funding: Insurance
Insurance Outcome: 1st Letter Approval

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