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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by FRED1977

  1. Wow are you dealing with any anxiety issues concerning your lifestyle change? At 7 months out I would think by now you may be able to enjoy at least something you like. Hopefully this will improve but if it doesn't you will need to adjust to your new relationship with food. I hope you do improve and pray that you and your family will remain supportive during your time of need.

  2. I ain't gonna lie. I wanted a Baconator so bad, but I didn't give in. I wish I had. I know that sounds terrinle, but after more tham a week with no real food, the memory of that Baconator would be awesome lol.

    If you tried to eat that burger I think you would get one to 2 bites maximum and be all mad that you wasted your money at this point.

  3. I eat smaller meals and I don't feel as if I'm going wild but I decided not to let myself get sucked into the food funeral saga. Food is not dead and I still eat what I want I just don't have a major pig out fest like before. This surgery is not the end of our favorites we just eat less and don't have the guilt of over eating in 1 setting like before. Just take it slow and you will be ok.

  4. I'm almost 8 weeks post op and I'm down 62 lbs, and it honestly just depends on your body. I have hit several stalls and they always seem to last about a week or 2 for me then I see a huge drop sometimes about 5 pounds. It just depends on how your body reacts to the surgery and your current intake of food and Protein. Right now I can see a huge difference because my pants are down 4 sizes and my stomach has shrunk as well. As long as your eating right I think you will be ok and will see some new results soon. 31 LBS lost in a month is not bad by any means. Just be more patient with yourself and your body.

  5. I felt like this during pre op and I just kept drinking fluids and finally I was able to regulate and felt normal. I had a lot of high anxiety during my pre op after a few days I was ok it was so hard to get going though. You have been on a pre op diet for a long time I'm sure its normal due to your body not getting the extra fluids from the food we eat at times. Are you feeling ok otherwise.

  6. My wake up call is when I noticed how hard it was to just do the basic things like walking for long periods and be out of breath, feeling like I couldn't look at my self in the mirror without feeling like I was just to big to be happy with myself. Every time I went to the doctor I was always getting on the scale and the numbers were getting worse every time I went. All my lab work was coming back with border line or diagnosed with this or that ,just couldn't take it any more.

  7. Around $1200. That doesn't include co-insurance for pre-op visits with my PCP and dietician, the pre-op bloodwork, and sleep study. I'd say $1900 total with those things included. It was worth every_damn_penny!

    The hospital bills came to over $56,000 before my insurance company made adjustments. They ended up paying just $17,000. Crazy, huh?

    I forgot about these damn co pays.... lol

  8. The cost of these smoothies are what's scary 6 dollars just about for a 20 oz that may take you all day or 2 just to drink it. I usually get the strawberry banana they have loads of taste because they do use fresh fruit and they can also use frozen or chopped up fruit it just depends on the store you go to. No doubt about it they are good but I believe their calorie count is much higher than 150 calories. I have tried their Lean 1 smoothies with out fruit just using the chocolate flavoring or strawberry and yes they are pretty good,but if you go that route you might as well just buy the Protein Powder and do it yourself at home. The best mix will just depend on your taste bud, I would rather eat strawberry then have it mixed with something. The smoothies are very filling and you will feel good like you just ate a big meal. They are a good once in a while option but the prices are high enough that you probably couldn't afford to eat there every day.

  9. I had surgery July 23 have lost 68 pounds , I started at 367 and now 299 so glad to under 300. I have heartburn all the time and I don't want to eat . Feel tired all the time feel like I wish I hadn't done this, I probably will feel differently after while I hope.

    It gets better with time, I'm 7 weeks out as well I had my sleeve on July 29

  10. Ladies -

    Only you can answer the ultimate question of whether this is right for you or not. Your surgeon can advise you on the risks of surgery. Weigh that factor heavily.

    There is a plethora of information on this site about the trials and tribulations of pre-op and post-op weight loss. While I certainly Celebrate individuality, I see many threads of commonalities in the postings here. Meaning... there are other people just like you. Look for them. You may even want to contact them. Ask what you are really worried about....

    I was sleeved in June of this year. So most of us June sleevers are about 3 months out or a bit less. 99% of us are past the physical issues related to surgery and now dealing with stalls and avoiding old habits again. I would suggest reading the June 2013 sleevers trail of messages where you will see the good bad and ugly as about 100 people went through this process.

    In my humble opinion, the physical repercussions are relatively minor compared to the mental and emotional ones. Each of us has their our own set of challenges but there is a great deal of crossover.

    Build a strong network of people close to you in real life and perhaps a few key supporters online that really "get it" and "get you".

    This is not easy but either was being overweight with no hope in sight. 24+ years of just getting heavier, trying every diet, exercise plan, gaining after pregnancy - I am surprised I am still sane.

    "Did I try hard enough?" That is the self-sabotage question of a lifetime. I asked myself that long enough and was becoming my own worst enemy. Finally, for me, I just said to myself - "The results are in and these people with sleeves are really doing it. I just don't want to live like this anymore and I don't want even more problems when I age." There is a posting about the Straw that Broke the Camels back here. I would suggest you read those postings. VERY compelling statements about what brought people to this point. I suspect you will see yourself in a variety of those postings.

    "Did I try hard enough" can imply that this step is not a hard one. This process/journey is by no means easy. So I suspect when you're on the other side of surgery you will say "Damn right I have!!" Pat yourself on the back for figuring out that this is going to work for you and get ready to work with a tool that you have been looking for all of your life.

    I wish you both the best of luck in your continued journey. Feel free to reach out to me privately too. The best is yet to come.

    This is the best advice I believe you could get. Very nice........

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