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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by FRED1977

  1. I couldn't take it anymore.. I had surgery on Tuesday and had to have it ( twice) yesterday.. If I would have had it my way I would have done it Thursday night after being released from the hospital.. I feel bad for those that don't have a drive anymore..

    I think this is an advantage women have as a man I was not even able to think about it tHE night I was released I was in extreme pain. My drive is back in full force at week 5. LOL

  2. You WILL get through this, and I hope, for your sake you get the help you need getting off your meds. You didn't really specify if it was hell coming off them because you are still in pain or if it was bad because you have developed a physical dependence, but either way its not your fault, and if you need help please let your doctor know.

    The good news is that everything you are talking about sounds like it will get better with time. Leaks happen, and it can really set things back, but when you come out of that and into normal sleeved life I think you will feel differently.

    I agree, I hope C,finds this useful,and gets well soon.

  3. I had a leak which is, we pray, is closed, since they decided it was closed I've been going through the hell of trying to wean off of the MASS amount of pain meds I was on and to top it off I have thrush so bad this week I've eaten 4 times since Monday.

    Even when I feel "ok" I can't eat more than 2 bites, less than an ounce, and I am so full I am in horrible pain because my stomach shrunk even more due to not being able to eat because of the leak. I can't eat so I have no energy, my body is in constant pain. And just for fun my hair is falling out in handfuls if you touch it.

    My heart goes out to you but in time wounds do heal and you will be just fine. You have made it this far and your still breathing even through the hard times. Don't let your setbacks determine your future. I'm praying for you and I know you will be back on your feet in no time....

  4. I would recommend you leave the Protein Shakes alone at least until week 2 that alone will upset your new sleeve. Your pain sounds pretty normal to me because I went through this stage and iI was just miserable. My symptoms were at there worst in week 2 up till week 3. You may want to call your dr's office just to check with he or she to determine your pain level, but for me I had to deal with it,and it did get better in week 3. I know it seems like a long time from now but it does get better. You can try some Gas x chewables until you can make it . Gas X really helped me with feeling no gas symptoms.

  5. Hey yall! Does anyone know who long one should wait to have a glass of wine?

    My nut told me 6 weeks was ok. I'm on week 5 and to be honest in week 3 I did drink a couple of beers and it was not a great experience I think because my stomach was not ready for beer,and I can't stand the way wine taste. If you are post op past 4 weeks I don't think a couple glasses of alcohol will hurt you,but its full of all the bad calories. To be honest I'm off until Sunday and I may have a couple of small 8 0z beers tonight and see what happens, :ph34r: .......

  6. I feel the same way,but I'm not a woman. A fat man yes I am,lol.... When I lost a total of 94lbs I could really see a different me but I was still a fat bear so I didn't really pay any attention to the comments people gave me because I felt as if I was still that 300 pound man. Now that I'm sleeved I'm hoping to get down to 200 as a realistic goal weight but I would love to be 180. I think I would see myself in a different light. As of right now I don't see it but I do feel it because my clothes are smaller. Good luck to you.

  7. I just noticed today that every time I'm sitting in a chair and stretch backwards like towards the back of the chair I can feel my sleeve, its weird because before your stomach would just poke out and I really never felt anything. I can feel it ,it feels really small,and I can really tell that my insides have been altered. Has anyone else noticed this weird feeling when you stretch?

  8. I have my days even at 5 weeks out now that I just feel like either I'm so tired sometimes in minor pain and other times I get outright upset for minor reasons. Its just a new lifestyle change and will take a while to get used to. My wife on the other hand is having the time of her life now,and that makes me happy. She was infested with health problems prior now its just like she took a magic pill she looks and feels better everyday.

  9. Are you weighing your self a lot cause I was doing that and I was barley losing so I asked my dr and he said don't worry about the scale you are losing inches right now try on your old cloths then go to the store and try some new ones on & look at the size and you will see a difference I did and I started out a size 32 in women's jeans I could only get at like lane Bryant or Catherine's I had surgery on June 7th of this year and I'm a size 18-20 now I'm so happy that I tried what he said cause I was only focusing on the scale now I don't worry about what it says cause I see it in my cloths .

    Awesome, that'

    s what its all about...

  10. I guess that's just the way he does things. I guess I was so eager to just get it done and over with I didn't notice that my surgeon or anyone there really told me what to expect before or after surgery. I have learned most of what is normal, what to watch for and such on here.

    I did OK coming home the next day but felt like I wasn't set up properly to know what to do or how the first week is. I didn't realize how hard it would be to keep hydrated or the pain in my stomach or the gas!!!!

    I feel better everyday but I just feel icky. I don't know how to explain exactly how I feel... Nervous, scared sometimes I regret I did it... But I am trying to learn what works. I walk/pace my living room about 5 to 6 times a day. Usually when I take my meds because they are nasty. I try to drink at least 1 Protein shake a day but failing miserably and trying to drink at least a bottle of Water and a sf Popsicle.

    My aunt bought me a shaved ice machine so I am going to try to mix unflavored Protein powder in with my Powerade zero and see if I can get more Protein in that way. I am barely taking in 200 calories right now.

    I never gained weight in the hospital. My starting weight was 307, day of surgery 296, and as of this morning ,284. I feel so fatigued and tired that I just wanna sleep but have a hard time sleeping...

    Sorry for such a long post.. I just need feedback!!

    Wow me and you were on the same page... I couldn't wait to get out of there I was just so ready to leave that hospital, then when I got home I didn't know what to do....

  11. I have so much going through my head right now. I'd like to share some of them in hope for some feed back... One of things that scares me is sipping Water, I have NO problem drinking water.. But I drink it fast especially after a good work out and then the saggy skin .. I just turned 50 in July and my skin is already sagging . Ive been working out with a trainer since april and its still sagging ... however i do know that working out doesn't tighten the Skin... but it was worth a shot.. Then the happy thoughts .. I can't wait to have this new tool to help me with my weight loss Journey.. I've already lost 30 pd since I started my option classes in April and I feel soooo much better already and really looking forward to taking off 60 + more...

    Good luck to everyone

    Congrats I know you will do just fine.....

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