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Posts posted by Mrs.FullerRN

  1. Ill be starting my liquid preop diet in the next few weeks. I decided to give up caffeine/carbonation first so it wasn't all at once. Yesterday was my first full day without caffeine..I felt tired and cranky at work and then at the end of my work day had the worst headache ever..came home felt like I had the flu or was withdrawing from heroin..body aches, sweating, shivering..basically slept from 6 pm to 5 this morning. Now I feel fine. Is it possible the detox took 24 hours and now it's over? I've always heard stories of caffeine taking a week to get over. Any insight?

  2. I am new here! I didn't know where to begin with this whole process! I called the bariatric center 8/21 and asked them if I could just 'stop by' to get weighed and measured. I figured I needed to know how close I was to meeting the requirements for bc/bs il before I got all excited. They said to come right in! So' date=' I did. I just made the 40 bmi ! They scheduled an appointment for me to meet the surgeon for 9/19. got home, called a recommended pcp and got appointment for the next next 8/22. They weighed and measured ( actually just asked for my height), gave me the ekg,and confirmed the bmi! So relieved! They gave me the orders for the lab work and I will go Monday 8/25 to have blood drawn. I am not sure what happens next, actually, but I will call the center to find out. Nutritionist? Psych eval? Whatever! The ball is rolling and I am hopeful that bcbsil is as good to me as they seem to have been with so many of you! Wow. I had more to say than I even knew. Pardon.[/quote']

    My process was super fast too. Started in the end of June. Now just waiting on the shrink to submit my paperwork and ill have a date within a week. Good luck to u!

  3. Dont give up! Just go to another shrink and explain your situation' date=' Im sure they will understand. But make sure this ones goin to do the paperwork. Good luck to you I hope you get a date soon.[/quote']

    Thanks. A different shrink is really not an option, my insurance won't pay for another evaluation and its over $500 if I paid out of pocket :(

  4. Feeling like my surgery is never going to happen. Had psych 5 weeks ago, she said I passed but hasn't done the paperwork..won't return phone calls to me or the bariatric center. The girl I started this process with is getting sleeved Monday. It's so discouraging. I want to make an appointment with the shrink and be like ok here's a free hour, put my paperwork through. But then she might think I'm crazy. I feel like giving up and like my surgery will never happen :(

  5. You've already checked out of this relationship and it appears you are trying to blame him to justify your already decided mind. Btw 170 on a 5'10 man is not fat. Do him the favor and leave him so he can be with someone that will love him for him. Also' date=' take your time in your next relationship before having another kid. They are the ones who suffer.[/quote']

    Meh you must have misread. I was saying

    he is unhappy with his appearance yet will not make a single change to better it. I'm actually very physically attracted to him, we have three children together, I'm not checked out or else I would just divorce him, and your attempt to be hurtful was moot. I posted this because I wanted to know if these feelings are normal as you go through the process. I think someone having a stagnant personality would be a problem for many. I'm not some horrible, superficial b****. I just know that the post wls divorce rate is higher than the general population and I wanted to know if this is why.

  6. Well this divorce you really can't "blame" on surgery and losing weight since it sounds like you are done already and you haven't even had the surgery yet!

    Yes divorces happen but I truly believe its because of major problems that existed BEFORE the surgery' date=' like in your case.

    Healthy loving relationships survive fat and thin.[/quote']

    I'm not really blaming it on surgery, but making the decision to go ahead with surgery really opened my eyes to how I would literally do anything to be the best mom and wife and person I can be. So how come I work so hard and try and try again but he's just comfortable exactly the way things are?

  7. Is it just me or does the divorce rate of post extreme weight loss people seem high? I find myself thinking about divorce as I go through this process because I am constantly on the grind to better myself for my family...psychically, mentally, educationally...this man is not. He's perfectly happy with his high school diploma and man tits...blah

  8. I'm super excitednot to have the belly bumper problem anymore. It's like it could go in deeper but the belly blocks properly joining

    Ugh. So ready to be thin. My job has a plastic surgery fund so not worried about skin or boobs. Though the hubby prefers to cover it in corset and no implants I voted to lop it off & get the girls fixed. Where am I gonna put my cell phone if they're sad.

    Lmao my boobies hold my phone too

  9. Well I finally "came out" on FB and asked for no negative comments. I actually said in my post "if you have any negative comments, kindly shove them up your a**". This was followed by an overwhelming amount of supportive, positive messages. And then this beyotch. She had to go and say "my friends mom died from complications of dumping syndrome and now her children are motherless." Go ahead and shove that one up your ass lady.

  10. I had the surgery and then 5 days later I went septic because of a leak...Returned to the hospital and had surgery right away to clean out the infection...I had a temp of 104 and it would not go down..They induced a coma and I was in it for 19 days...They discovered I had sleep apnea while I was on life support and so they did a trackia ( spelled wrong) When I woke up I had lost all my muscle tone and could not walk' date=' talk or even lift my hands....I had tubes all over my stomach where they were draining the abscesses....

    Soon I was moved out of ICU and then I had a stent put in to heal the leak...6 weeks went by and it did not work..So they put another one in on top of the first and I waited another six weeks and it did not work....

    Stents are very painful and several times a day they changed the bandages and my skin became raw and broke open....

    Next they decided to put clamps in to close the leak....It did not work either. I bled a lot and could hardly swallow for days after that attempt.... At this point they were trying to teach me to walk again and the trackia was healed and so I could talk again...The first time I stood up I thought my back had broken in 2...The pain was horrific. I could not use a bathroom and relied on the nurses to look after that.....

    I was basically confined to a bed for 5 months.....Next the surgeon came in and told me they would have to do a combo of the sleeve and bypass.. So that happened next....From there back to ICU and then back to the floor I had been on before for 3 more weeks.....The head nurse took a dislike to me and was very cruel and mean to me..I do not know why!

    By this time the rehab was able to get me to the point where I could use a walker and could do several steps, while at the hospital I was so weak and sore and tired I was sure I would never get better.....

    By this time I had only one more job to do..I needed to be able to walk up 2 flights of stairs and walk down.....In rehab they taught me to do that..it took 3 weeks...

    When I was in the coma I got an ulcer on my butt and that has been with me up until this day..A nurse comes and changes the dressing daily......I lost all my hair and did not know how bad it was until I got home... :(

    My pick lines kept clogging and I had to have them changed 3 times while in the hospital.....I was fed through IV and got addicted to the pain meds which they brought in a detox doc to help me deal with that...oh what fun that was......

    I finally left the hospital and was extremely ill at home for several months..But I believe that coming home actually sped up the healing process. I had a sitter for almost 3 months and I hated that because I could not walk far enough to get myself a glass of water.....

    10 months out I am still healing...10 surgeries later..I am still here.....Would I do it all over again...In a flash!!!!!! Even with all the trouble I went through I feel like a new person now....I was headed for death before the surgery and almost died during. But now I am a different person...I am active and can do things like cross my legs.. and I even drive my own car now.......

    This is just an overview of the experience I faced...A lot more happened but that would take a book to write.... :mellow:[/quote']

    Wow! Even after all that u would still do it again? That's encouraging

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