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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by vicster247

  1. We all loved them but I think you have to puree the shrimp and veggies so they stay together since chopping wasn't fine enough but we ate them and loved them even the company didn't care that they didn't stay together they called it crab scramble. We will definitely will make again.

  2. I choose the sleeve also due to the malabsorption and dumping plus felt this was less evasive. I have lost 65lbs. since 6/19. I feel good and haven't had any problems with the sleeve. I do think it is a personal choice in which one you do. My doctor told me each on is a tool and you have to work it for it to work for you. Good luck on your decision. I did search the web for information and asked question on here and people I know that have both. It is really your decision on what one you think is best for you. Good luck!

  3. I think we can all relate to this. I cried to my husband that I thought I made a mistake and wished I hadn't had it done but I knew that I needed it to be healthier. After about a week things seemed so much better. I never looked so forward to have an egg in my life. I am almost 2 months out and do really good and feel fine. Still struggle with drinking slow enough so I went to eating ice chips but it all gets better with time. Its just nice to know that others felt the same way. Good luck and I think you will be glad you did it.

  4. I was sleeved June 26th and I had a pickle on July 20th it was just two small pieces that didn't have seeds not sure when we are to have them. I was wanting one also and I am not to have seeds that's why I chose the ones with no seed. Probably should ask your nut or doc to be safe. I didn't have any problem with the ones I ate. Keep up the good work.

  5. I haI IiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiI I I had leg cramps last week. Wasn't sure if it was I stand at work or the bike riding but I have started having a banana in my Protein Shake or eat part of one and I haven't had a problem since. Not sure if that is what helped but other than that I haven't changed anything else. Good luck!

  6. Ok I was sleeved on June 26th and I am trying to find recipes that are high in Protein that I can make to eat. I am tired of eggs, tuna, canned chicken, and cottage cheese. Seems all the recipes I find have some kind of bread or rice or other things that my doctor says I can't have. I found some pancake recipes that I thought would be a nice change but the dr. office said that they thought that would be to much like bread ugh. What are some things other than Protein Shakes do others eat. I think today I am just very frustrated and want something that is good to eat...I did look on Emily bites but muffins would also be a no no I guess in my drs. eyes. Thanks for letting me vent and any suggestions would be appreciated.

  7. I was sleeved on June 26th. So far since preop I have lost about 33lbs. I usually get up eat scrambled egg or cottage cheese then I ride my stationary bike for 15 mins. Then drink Water till lunch which I will have tuna or chicken salad on two saltines and go swim for a little bit and for dinner have salamon, cottage cheese or some baked Beans if I haven't gotten all my Protein I will have a Protein Shake but most of the time I have been able to get the amount of protein my doctor wants me to have and then ride my bike again for 15 mins. My doctor had me walking right after surgery for exercise I was to walk 3 10 min. walks a day but I find I enjoy the bike better. The more you move the better you feel. I do have a hard time getting in all my water on some days. Good luck and keep up the good work.

  8. I had a hard time with applesauce I didn't get sick but it was close and I ate slow I thought maybe it was the acid. I haven't tried it since. My doc said some things will bother but maybe in a few weeks it will be fine. Good luck. Eating slow is hard sometimes but it hurts when I don't. I am 3 weeks out so I really new with it also.

  9. I had a hard time with the clear Protein Drinks like special K Protein Water mix, Isopure it would coat my tongue and burn my throat and almost made me vomit so I called the drs. office and they told me to stop drinking it since I would be able to have skim milk and stuff in a few days. They didn't want me vomiting. So you might want to call them about it. I do know that reading on here all doctors are different but I can't imagine throwing up is good for the stomach or the incisions. Good luck. Things do get easier and I am only 3 weeks out.

  10. I chose the sleeve out of lap band, sleeve and by pass because I know someone who did the band and is heavier now than when she did it. I know it is her choices in food since you can eat whatever just smaller amounts same with the sleeve but didn't want something in my body that could cause problems down the road. Plus people that I have talked to that were sleeved had less problems than the ones I know that did the band. It is a personal choice but I felt this one was the best of the three. Good luck with your choice and with your weight loss.

  11. Welcome! I am new to this also just got sleeved last week and not doing to bad. I have questions about the site to and can't figure some of the stuff out. I wanted to know how you did the body ticker and a few other things so I just keep on trying and reading forums and hope I run across the answer. Good luck to you!

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