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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by homersmomma

  1. I was questioning myself right up to them putting the mask over my face in the or. Do I really need or want this? Well that was May 1 st. Here on Sept 9 th I just lost my 85 th pound this am. I have given up 4 pills for type 2 and if my blood test is good next month I will give up 3 more! I look better but the real point is I feel better. I will not die because of food. I have kick the wall of fat away. You will question but 1 month from the recovery room you will be thanking any higher power you believe in that you did it.

    Like you I wanted to back out up until I went under. One week later I feel much better and I am glad that I didn't jump off the table and run off.

  2. I have worked in the health care field for many years. WLS is not covered under my group plan and I felt I had no other options but to go to Mexico for my surgery. I did look into cash pay in the states, but I just could not pay what they were asking. I chose to go to Jerusalem Hospital purely based on a financial stand point. I prepared myself mentally and emotionally and I took the plunge. This is what I had to do in order to improve the quality of my life, and perhaps the quantity. It was a gamble I was willing to take. Seriously, If I allowed fear to take over I would still be sitting at home feeling like crap wishing I could have this and dreaming of the future I could be having instead of living it.

  3. I had my surgery on the 3rd in Tijuana Mexico and I returned home to Oklahoma Friday night. I had a couple of NSV's just starting my trip out to San Diego. I was really concerned about taking a flight since I have never been on a large plane before. My father had a little Cessna when I was a little girl. 1) I was scared that the seat belt would not fit me and 2) I was afraid I would be air sick. I was so relieved that the set belt buckled on the first try and then I took to the air like a pro. I turned out being so comfy flying through the air above the clouds. I am so glad to be back home getting to know my new stomach and learning what it can tolerate. I am learning to take sips. Why is that such a challenge? I am taking this new life one day at a time. Was it worth it? Yes, Absolutely!

  4. I returned home Friday night from San Diego. Yesterday was difficult practicing on taking small sips. Why is this such a challenge? Today I am missing my pool. What I wouldn't give to get into the Water. It looks so inviting today. My family is enjoying it, however. Took a small outing to do a bit of walking. I have to honestly say that I am feeling better little by little. Next time I go for an elective surgery, it will, in future, be AFTER the pool is closed down for the season.

  5. Communication. I had not considered communication before my trip. But, since my cell phone was not on an international plan that was an issue. I did bring my tablet and at the hotel WIFI is available, but I did not have any connection at the clinic. There may usually be one but not at the time I was there. Make sure that your family outside of Mexico has the direct line to the clinic to check up on you and there is a line you can call the states from in the rooms. I would also like to point out that there are little lockers for you to lock up your cell phone and wallet that only you will have the key to on your person. If you are alone and paranoid like me that is a good thing. Please keep in mind here this is my story and my impressions about my experience. I am not endorsing any Doctor, Clinic, Surgery center, coordinator, or anything else.

  6. Now for the fun part. People ask me how much money they will need for the trip. I am not a shopper so I stayed close to the hotel or the clinic most of the time. However, I will tell you that they will offer you medicines, compression stockings and a suture removal kit for a price. You will know up front about the price for a copy of your x-ray. Also there is the fee for the fast track across the border. Think about what you really need. The Doctor will recommend B12 shots that you can purchase from them. Everything on the list excluding the x-ray come to about 225.00 message me for specifics.

  7. Well, I am back home from my trip to Mexico. I am going to try and give an honest review of my experience there and my thoughts about Having the Gastric Sleeve in Tijuana. I Arrived and called the coordinator about being picked up at the airport. I was picked up by the driver in a large black Cadillac Limo. Isn't that the way to go....Fancy. No wet bar, however. Joking. He took me directly to the clinic to do my EKG and get blood work. My first impressions, yes this is Tijuana, yes this is a strip mall with a porno shop and office max, and yes it is small. These are things I knew going in. Following the clinic I was told my pre surgery instructions my pick up time and taken to the Hotel in down town. It is a nicer upscale place. I will come back to that later. After a rough nights sleep due to jitters and all I got up showered and started waiting. I decided to go down to the lobby early to wait for my ride and I met another patient and her companion. I traveled alone, and I will say more about that later. We headed out to the clinic and got prepped for our surgeries . I got to be second that day. Honestly, I was scared and I nearly backed out up until the very end. But, if I wasn't worried and scared about something like this no matter where I was I would be crazy. Just think about it. I woke up in recovery feeling sore and groggy and knowing after this it would be all down hill. I was taken to my room to rest. Which I did with intervals of sitting up, coughing, gagging, walking and so on. Word to the wise here. having worked in a hospital, coughing is really important to help clear your lungs following sedation. Hold a pillow to your abdomen while coughing, vomiting, sneezing ect.. to avoid popping your stitches or staples. Besides your abdominal muscles are weakened. Do this at home also. I ended up staying an extra day as there were no surgeries scheduled so we got an extra day of IV fluids and This whole thing can go well in my honest opinion if you can advocate for yourself. Ask questions, Ask questions, ask questions. What is in my IV, what medicine are you giving me. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Now the clinic......it is clean, they are cleaning all the time. Have you ever heard of a cleaner called Fabuloso? You may want to familiarize yourself with that smell as they use that to clean. Some people are not affected by smells but once you have a gastric surgery you might be. There is an air freshener they use that can also bother you. Prepare for this. Most of the nurses are male there is one nurse, her name is Lupita and she is great she drew my blood with one stick and I admit that I am a hard stick. She started my IV with one try too. I hate being poked. However, most of the people taking care of you will be male. Learn a few useful phrases in Spanish it will be valuable to you n the long run. I and my group where taken to the hotel and shown to our rooms and I will tell you my one fear. I was afraid to eat or drink anything in Mexico because I did not want to get sick. I have heard of people getting sick from something in the Water. I did bring bottled American water to brush my teeth with and drink. Maybe that's just me. The restaurant is adjacent to the lobby of the hotel and I could not stand the smell. There is a nurses station with a direct line and you can call them with whatever you need. Such as changing your dressings after you take a shower or if you need pain medication or if you have any questions. I almost forgot the leak test. They give you this tasty blue Fluid to drink and then off to the radiology center where they hand you a cup of barium to drink, that stuff was terrible. But no leaks.

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