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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Nursebarbie

  1. Saw my surgeon yesterday. Suggested 1 oz pickle juice twice a day. No more frothing or heart burn and zero nausea! She also scheduled upper GI to check for strictures.

    I bought Syntrax Nectar today lemon tea flavor. Can be mixed directly in 2 to 4 oz of Water and taken as a shot. I was able to tolerate that amazingly well. Will definately buy the lemonade flavor next. Being able to get Protein in basically a "shooter" is a godsend for me. I get super full on 2 oz of anything including liquid.

    Surgeon was concerned because I am in starvation mode and dehydrated again. Just so nauseated and full all the time. With the addition of Pickle Juice or even sucking on a pickle has made all the difference in the world. I didn't even bother with any nausea meds or reglan today.

    Today is my birthday and I weighed in at 197. So I made my goal. Very happy about that. I bought size 16 shorts! Was in a 22 before. Amazing! Best gift to myself ever!

  2. You personally attacked me out of all the posters who felt the same way as me. To me that does not demostrate someone who has a very well rounded education. Especially a doctorate of philosophy which balances its points of view with reason and deep thought. I hate to tell you this but its just a gastric surgery not a quadruple bypass or massive traumatic brain surgery. Many people have their stomach removed for other reasons than weight loss and go on with their lives. I find you to be rude to single out one poster in this thread when many others echoed my point of view. I shared something very personal with the other members. By doing what you have done you have demostrated zero compassion and zero common sense.

  3. You are right and I bow down to you. Infact let's fire all the doctors too since most cardiologists have never had a hear attack so what do they know? And those male ob gyns too! Imagine them knowing how to deal with being pregnant! When I go back to work in a week I will be sure to tell all the other nurses and doctors that we are idiots who cannot advise anyone of health issues unless we have the same medical problems. And we better find shrinks who are crazy too right? After it takes one to know one right?

    You deserve the blue ribbon for this line of thought. Thanks for a laugh.

  4. My hubby and I have been trying for almost a year. A few months ago we went to the specialist and was told I would need help as I had low ovarian reserve. So we were planning on starting artifical insemination but then my lap band slipped and ended up getting revised to the sleeve. Heard this surgery helps with fertility. I have one 12 yr old daughter from previous marriage. I'm 38 and my hubby is 40. Anyone have success with similiar situation?

  5. I think your mind is made up so don't let anyone here sway you other than your team of medical professionals. My only concern is it being out of the country and trying to find follow up. I don't agree with you letting her wait another 5 or 10 years until she is really fat and has diabetes and other conditions. Its not like she's 20 pounds overweight. Once you reach 100 pounds overweight the rate for diet modification longterm success is about 2 percent. Listen to your mothers instinct. You will know what to do.

  6. Omg. Come on you guys. This is what I'm talking about. Vst addict is 100 posts plus. Then it changes to something else every 100 posts. God, people can find anything to pick each other apart about not matter how ridiculous. Are we all hormonally imbalanced post op or some new sleeve induced psychosis?????? Sheesh!

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