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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    SmilinNC got a reaction from Mommyg22 in VSG Surgery was June 27th for me!   
    Thank you. I enjoy reading each person's experiences. It just keeps surgery date in perspective. I'm scheduled 8/14.
  2. Like
    SmilinNC reacted to Phoenix79 in Quick question....   
    I don't think I'll feel up to it for a few weeks- just had surgery 2 days ago. But that doesn't mean that my husband and I can't do other things together! . I also use a "personal electronic device" for the early days- for me, the big O helps me naturally treat my pain levels and helps a lot! Always has- I also have chronic arthritis since I was 17 years old. Try mixing things up if you're not up to the full meal deal yet!
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    SmilinNC reacted to moonlitestarbrite in No artifical sweeteners or processed products   
    melissa, too much food is too much food! i have issues with Portion Control, along with depression and emotional eaing, and hormone imbalances.
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    SmilinNC reacted to moonlitestarbrite in No artifical sweeteners or processed products   
    we dont eat any artifical sweeteners or flavorings or dyes in our home. i am concerned that so much stuff on my first post op diet plan are "sugar free" processed products. i have bought hemp Protein powder... its pretty minimally processed. i plan on making and storing homemade Bone Broth (chicken and beef). we get milk right from the farmer, and i have found a brand of plain greek yogurt i like. i also plan on juicing cucumber, romaine, apples, pears, etc. anything low sugar.
    i think i will be fine but keep worrying.
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    SmilinNC reacted to VSGKirk in Week #25 Progress Pic   
    Glad I bought one of these t-shirts in my partner's size 6 months ago - now it's mine!

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    SmilinNC reacted to kari61 in Time off work for surgery   
    I only put in for a week off at work but it will be without pay because I don't have enough vacation time saved up..I thought with FMLA you had to be out of work for 6 weeks or more to apply? Cause if that's the case that I could possibly get paid for it or if I need more time, I may have to look into this..Does this apply in NY as well do you know? thanks.
  7. Like
    SmilinNC reacted to bethxxx in 5 Months and 94 pounds down (caution, underwear pic)   
    Wow amazing progress! I was sleeved 5 months ago an have lost the same amount. I was reluctant to post my underwear pic too but I don't think people mind, iTs easier to see the difference
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    SmilinNC reacted to mom2five in 5 Months and 94 pounds down (caution, underwear pic)   
    First of all, thank you all for all the compliments. It really blew me away to see all the comments on this post! I want to say that I don't think I have done anything more/different than anyone else. If you look at percentages, I probably haven't lost any faster than anyone else.
    600 calories do fill me up...actually about 400 calories will fill me up but if I have a Protein shake, I get about 600 calories... it's hard for me to choke those things down though.. yuck. I try to make them taste better, but even then, I feel so full before I'm done with it... But it is getting easier. I'm not keeping my calories that low on purpose. I just cannot eat much at a time. Sometimes I will get out a portion of food thinking I will eat it all but I never can. Even if I try.
    I love to do Leslie Sansone's workout videos. She has the "Walk Away the Pounds" series. That's all I do. When the doctor cleared me for exercise, I started doing the One Mile walk. It was hard at first because I wasn't used to moving around that much, but slowly I worked my way up, and now I do the 4 Mile fast walk. There are 2 4 Mile workouts that I do. One uses weights and the other one doesn't but it has intervals where you jog. The first time I did the workout that has jogging intervals, I was in tears because I would've never thought I'd ever be able to jog! It is so exciting to experience the changes that are taking place!
    I still can't wrap my brain around all these changes... Losing 94 pounds in 5 months is mind blowing! But, for all of you pre-ops or new post-ops, remember, I was YOU just 5 months ago... looking at pics and wondering if I'll ever lose the weight... hoping I'll be successful... and if I can do it, you definitely can! You just have to follow your doctor's advice.
    I'm working on my food issues in my head. I think that is the biggest part. Before surgery, we eat for all sorts of reasons, and rarely do we eat because of real hunger (because we don't allow ourselves to get empty). But we have to learn to think of food as fuel, not fun. (I think I borrowed that line from Banded Wendy on YouTube) Something I have been battling is late night eating. That has always been my worst thing. Eating just because I'm watching TV or whatever. But, I do fight it and for the most part, I am doing pretty good with it. Another thing is emotional eating! When I was about 2 months out, my husband and I had an argument and I went in the kitchen and got a bag of chips, a candy bar, and a coke!! I took it to my bed and I ate 3 chips, one bite of the candy bar and I took a drink of that coke! I felt like I was going to die...or puke... I didn't puke but I really regretted trying to eat my feelings! I was so frustrated that I couldn't do that anymore! It was a dumb thing to do, but I was working through my mental battle with food. I have not eaten chips, candy bars, or tried a sip of coke since then. Believe me, the carbonation was not friendly to my sleeve. Plus the fact that I was eating and drinking at the same time. UGH! Anyway, we have to learn to stop turning to food for comfort, or something to do when we are bored. And if we keep working on this mental battle, I think we can all be successful at losing and keeping off the weight.
    I think something else that really keeps me motivated is watching YouTube videos on weight loss surgery. There is a whole community of people on there who have had various weight loss surgeries and they post videos weekly. It really helps to watch others and see the struggles and successes they go through. It helps prepare me and inspire me! I highly recommend that, if you aren't already doing it. Just go to YouTube and search Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, or VSG, or WLS... I learn a lot of stuff even from people who've been banded or had the bypass. We have differences, but a lot of it is the same.
    Again, I appreciate all the comments, compliments, and questions. Thank you all!
    Oh yeah, yep I really do have 5 kids. They are all my biological kids too... as you can see from the before picture, I gained a lot of weight during pregnancy and after my kids were born. I'm working on losing 20 years worth of baby weight! LOL
  9. Like
    SmilinNC reacted to ajeeprider in I'm Just Saying.......   
    7.5 weeks out, 37 lbs down and 2.5 lbs from onderland....this is f'ing awesome! I feel great...I walk faster, my confidence, is back, I can wear my size 16 jeans, my depression has lifted....the world feels brighter....I feel like I GOT THIS! My sexy is back as once again....I am snapping necks when I am out and about........got my mojo back!
    So....why did I in one day consume 1300 calories when in all the days prior, I could only get in 700! WTF! In my old life prior to my sleeve..,,this was my cycle....lose weight, get my mojo back, gain weight, get depressed, go in to hiding, shut the world out. I woke up this morning....acknowledged that the old self is still lurking and that alter ego has got to be control. I have to be on my game at all times....otherwise, she is coming back.
    I'm just saying.....she's being checked and called out. I ain't NEVER going back again. I used my fat self as my crutch for many things......now it's time to stand strong and work to be all I can be! What an amazing journey I have just embarked on.....I am running on to see what the end will be....so glad I took the chance....went through the pain....cause it made me stronger, wiser and more self aware! High five and two snaps.....I got this!
    Sent from my iPad: Sleeved 4/24/2013 by Dr. Farrell @ UNC Hospital---Started: 239lbs--Goal: 150lbs--Current: 203.5 lbs
  10. Like
    SmilinNC reacted to SheWins1 in Anyone on Friday June 28   
    I will say a prayer for you & the rest of todays sleevers.
    Dear Jesus, please watch over todays sleevers as they begin their new journey. Watch over their surgeons , & give each person the strength and comfort needed during & after this surgery. Please take the worry away with the faith they have in you, this I ask in your name, Amen.
    I hope this gives you all a peace of calm. Also be sure to ask for a "cocktail" before you go under. It helps so much. Sending {{{hugs}}}- She Wins 1
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    SmilinNC reacted to Living4Me in Anyone else getting sleeved in August?   
    I finally have my surgery date (8/14) and I am beyond excited. Looking for some sleeve buddies to go through this process with. I have been making changes already and so far so good. I have increased my activity level and stopped drinking Diet Dr Pepper, which was a huge change for me. What is everyone else doing to prepare? Does anyone who is post op have any helpful tips for things to have on hand after surgery?
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    SmilinNC reacted to hunny79 in Anyone else getting sleeved in August?   
    Oooh pick me pick meeeeeee!!! 8/14 is my day toooooooo
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    SmilinNC reacted to Rachel in Having Issue With VST IOS app   
    I have the app for my iPhone, but when I use it and try to use the chat room, the LapBand Talk chat room comes up.
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    SmilinNC reacted to Living4Me in August 2013 Roll Call   
    August 14th for me!!!!!
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    SmilinNC reacted to MaddieJ in I feel weak ;( dry mouth, throwing up.   
    I'm a nurse and they are all right... get to the ER for some fluids. You could cause kidney damage, blood clots, altered mental status, arrhythmias.... well you're already scared enough. Get some fluids in you, ASAP! How much are you able to keep down? Measure your intake. Keep a log of it, and note your output too, then tell your doc when you go to the ER! Are you having any muscle cramps yet?
  16. Like
    SmilinNC reacted to LI Gemini NY in for those of us who've never been not fat..   
    I don't know anyone who is overweight and looks like the "before" image, they need to add some rolls, stretch marks, cellulite and a pouch Plus...her thighs don't even touch. If I looked like the before pic. I'd be naked all the time! Lol
  17. Like
    SmilinNC reacted to LilMissDiva Irene in Bariatric Surgery Do's And Don'ts   
    WLS Do’s and Don’ts

    DO remove the word ONLY from your vocabulary. Ex: I’ve ONLY lost 10 Lbs in 2 weeks… Now let’s look at this again without the word ONLY: I’ve lost 10 Lbs in 2 weeks!! See what I mean? Perception is reality folks!!

    DON’T assume you’ll never eat all of your favorite foods again. This is just an excuse your brain has designed to allow you to indulge. You WILL eat all your favorites again someday, just much less but find it to me more enjoyable. Which leads directly into the next:

    DON’T do the “last meal” syndrome. You will only sabotage your weight loss you might have pre-surgery or set you back further from your ultimate goal post-op. This surgery is very serious and is for the serious minded. Use this time wisely to get the feeling of how life might be like post op.

    DO learn all of the rules pre-op that you will endure post-op. Such as, no drinking with meals, using smaller utensils and plates, engaging in some type of workout routine, limiting your sugar and sodium intake, joining as many WLS support groups as you can.

    DO Celebrate every single pound lost! Imagine one pound of butter. Yeah… that’s gone from your body forever. It is noteworthy and worth every bit of a pat on the back as any others that may go along with it.

    DON’T compare your successes and losses to others. Chances are very high that you will only come out on the short end and only find yourself disappointed. Everyone’s journeys are their own…

    DO keep track of your losses in many different ways than just the scale! Examples:

    DO keep one set of your largest clothes you’ve ever worn. Make it a point to try them on, especially when you’re having a down moment. You will find this will really pick up your spirits! This is a real rollercoaster of a ride, and anything that will keep you positive is what you should do!

    DON'T keep any other fat clothes around. Get rid of them ASAP. You're never going to fit them again, right? So... off to donations they go.

    DO take photos of yourself just before your surgery. Keep them close. Again, having a bad day? Look at them and compare them. As a matter of fact, take photos of yourself often. You will also find that the more you lose, the more you will want to take pictures. Nothing wrong with that!!! That goes with celebrating your losses.

    DO take measurements of yourself often. Keeping track of all your inches lost will really keep you on the right track when your scale is being stubborn!!

    DO reward yourself every time you hit a mini goal. Make some more worthy than others. I like to go shopping when I hit a goal, it is my favorite thing to do now.

    DON’T let the scale define you. Great majority of us will endure many fluctuations and stalls in this journey. It is what it is… patience is the key here. Meditate and envision yourself months down the road at your goal. Smile, then move on!!

    DO find out about measuring body fat! It’s more than just weight loss, FAT LOSS is the real goal here. Keep in mind that the BMI scale is greatly inaccurate and most Health Studies do prove this. According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE) our body fat % ranges should be average: 25-31% for Women and 18-24% for men. Any higher is considered obese. However it does go more in depth, according to ages and more. Everyone has different genetic make ups, frame sizes and fitness levels... even a different ethnicity can post differences.

    DO have many goals in sight. Having only one, especially a simple weight goal you will find can be difficult. Have many MINI goals along your journey, and more than just ones that involve the scale. Such as, clothing size goals, body fat% goals, fitness or workout goals, dietary goals, etc…

    DO challenge yourself always!! Whether it’s a global challenge with others, or personal challenges... It will keep you motivated and always willing to go further than you ever thought you could!

    DO have a mentor! Find someone that you can trust and confide in, and that you know has “been there”. Preferably someone you know in person. You will find many folks in your life who have been there, for obesity is worldwide now and there are so many who have been able to defeat this demon. It’s not easy! It quite literally is the toughest feat I’ve ever had to endure. I can say this too, my job will never be done. This is for life!
    DON'T believe the myth that your tool has an expiration date. Yes, it's true you will lose the most weight in the first year and it's also true that the further out you are and the closer you are to goal, the harder it is to lose. However, as long as you keep up with your healthy eating and fitness routines you will continue to lose weight and / or keep it off in the many years post op. It all boils down to calories in vs. calories out.
    DON'T believe the myth that having WLS will keep the weight off forever. That is our individual responsibility.

    And finally…

    DON’T ever beat yourself up! We all make mistakes, and dare I say not one person on this Earth is perfect. I try hard to be, no doubt! I always admit that I’m a perfectionist – but I’m far from perfect. I just try to be… The only thing you can do is pick yourself up, give yourself a pep talk, perhaps contact your mentor for reassurance and move on!!! Again, this is for life. Every day you wake up is a second chance.

    DO look for solutions to your problems. Otherwise they will just become excuses.

    DON’T EVER GIVE UP! I don’t think any explanation is necessary here.

    DON'T expect the scale to post a loss every single day. As a matter of fact, don't expect it to move that much even weekly! Just keep doing all the right things and the scale will move in the right direction when it needs to.

    DO expect to see fluctuations on the scale, both down AND up. DON'T lose your head over it either. This isn't a miracle cure and the weight isn't going to magically disappear in a few weeks. You have to keep pushing with healthy eating, some type of workout and getting plenty of Fluid.

    DON'T let the scale define your journey when there are so many pieces to that puzzle!!!

    Good luck to all of you. This journey is a tough one, but if you are here, then you believed in yourself enough to give yourself the life you’ve always dreamed of. YOU WILL BE successful. Always keep that in mind.

    Add-ons by other experienced sleevers:

    DO keep a list of NSV (Non scale victories) to reflect on when times are getting hard. Can you walk up 2 extra flights of stairs before getting winded? Cross your legs?" and

    "DO NOT be afraid to change things if they aren't working. Stalls happen even gains happen. If you are on a long stall look at your eating and decided if changes need to be made. Utilize your tool!" -- Southern Sleever

    DO: Keep a food diary of what you eat and drink. This is a great learning tool as to which foods have what amounts of fat, Protein and carbs that add up to your daily intake goals. There are many ways to diary your food - from old fashioned pen and notebook to many options via smartphone apps. Keeping one is the important thing - however is right for you. I use mine now to look back for meal ideas when I hit a blank as to what to prepare for a day or a week.

    DO: Realize this is not a diet to be followed for a while then set aside. This is a permanent lifestyle change. Yes, the amount of food you eat will increase as time passes, but your relationship with food will be forever altered. How you Celebrate your joys, successes and holidays will be different. How you mourn your sorrows will be different. Some people need outside help to get through the sometimes overwhelming mental changes this process brings. If you need help with this part of the deal- reach out and get it. -- SKCUNNINGHAM

    DO roll with the punches!! -- fern
  18. Like
    SmilinNC reacted to danyelleb in For Distance Runners   
    Hello and Happy Fathers Day to those of u that r papas! I returned from an action packed 4 day stay at the local reservoir! My son and I participated in the Recon Run- a 5k obstacle course. The events were okay- I expected more challenging obstacles, but we had a blast nevertheless. There were two huge walls- one with a drop, some barbed wire, a mud pit, some mid sized walls to hop over, and a swim. Swimming in tennis shoes is TOUGH! We had lots of fun. We also kayaked and kayaked and kayaked some more. Lol! Best part was watching the sunset while out on the lake in relatively calm waters. I'm loving being fit. Camping is so much more fun! Love it! Here's a pic of my youngest and I after the run.

  19. Like
    SmilinNC got a reaction from DeezJeanz in August 2013 Roll Call   
  20. Like
    SmilinNC reacted to DeezJeanz in August 2013 Roll Call   
    My bday, and I'm sending one of my bday wishes for a speedy recovery for you, grats to u and all!!
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    SmilinNC reacted to NiqueJ in August 2013 Roll Call   
    August sleevers, there are ONLY TWO main things you need to take to the hospital with you...... Your cell phone......AND some CHAPSTICK!!!!! Omg!!! And you will reach for the Chapstick before you reach for your phone!!! My aunt had to bring me some, It felt like HEAVEN gliding across my lips.... Just a lil FYI
  22. Like
    SmilinNC reacted to jc2008 in August 2013 Roll Call   
    August 3rd for me! Thanks for starting this thread. Go team August lol.
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    SmilinNC reacted to Molly Sleeved in Having second thoughts! Help!   
    It's so normal to have second thoughts. I look back on my YouTube videos from right before my surgery and I'm so glad I didn't let those thoughts stop me. This is the best decision I've ever made for myself. If you've done your research you probably know in your gut if this is the right decision for you or not. I think my biggest second thought was the thought of complications -- but eventually I decided I'd rather have to deal with a complication from sleeve now rather than a heart surgery after a heart attack 10 years from now.
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    SmilinNC reacted to PainInTheGlass in first day on pre op liquid diet and I have a really bad headache   
    I had a headache the first day on the pre-op diet too. I just figured it was due to no cola's, carbs, caffeine, etc. Funny side note...I got the same headache when I went on the Atkins diet--except it lasted 3 days! Stranger yet--I suffer from chronic Migraines, but I haven't had one since the sleeve surgery. Now I'm wondering if it was something I'd been eating that was causing the headaches.
    Anyway, once the headache passes, you'll be well on your way to the new you!
  25. Like
    SmilinNC reacted to Melixxa in first day on pre op liquid diet and I have a really bad headache   
    Oh man...that's music to my ears!!!

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