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Posts posted by BowlingHooker

  1. Figured out why I'm so uncomfortable. ITS GAS!!!!!!! Can't believe all I've been reading about everybody else's experiences with gas and I totally overlooked it and was laying around starting to be miserable because I just didnt know why I felt so uncomfortable. My husband asked me to described what I was feeling and I said I feel like I want to belch but it wont come up. Then he gave me a Gas X strip and I've been belching ever since. My stomach feels lighter!!! I no longer have that "uncomfortable feeling". Its even easier to drink Water. Maybe thats why I couldnt really eat my mashed potatoes and gravy last night.

    Its just GAS!!!!!

  2. I got Actigall but its just too big and I'm afraid to take it! I really hate giving myself shots in the belly 2X a time for 2 weeks (Lovenox). The Lortab works almost instantly once its swallowed. I really needed it! I got a prescription for Nexium even though I've been taking Prilosec for almost 15 years!

  3. Home from the hospital today. Stomach sore. I realized I cant drink Water too fast. It turned into a painful experience. Soon as I got home, my bowels released themselves! yeah!!!!! I felt so good in the hospital but I see now it was all the pain medication they gave me. Now its worn off, I'm waiting on my prescriptions to get filled and I'm hurting like hell!!!!!!!

    I dont see how I can get enough Water in by all these darn baby sips!!!!! If I drink more, I feel a pain. I really need my pain medication. I think I'll feel a little better.

    What I'm NOT looking forward to are the louvenox injections! I do not like needles and getting shot twice a day for 2 weeks really creeps me out!!!! I pray these 2 weeks go by really fast!

  4. I would have been fine with my surgery if getting an IV put in wasnt so difficult. They ended up putting one in my neck and that hurts. Shortly after that I got the "happy juice" and when I woke up, I was in recovery. That was tuesday. Should be going home today. Feeling good, no nausea, minimal pain. Doesnt feel like I had major surgery!!!!! Very pleased so far.


    I finally got some uninterrupted sleep. Woke up and took a stroll down the hall. I can now have pureed food. Ooh Yummy! I'm having baked chicken, mashed potatoes n gravy and broccoli, I said to please include salt n pepper!!!!!

    I have a litle medicine cup of milk of magnesia to sip on. Still feeling decent. Took a dose of Lortab at 5pm, last fir 3 hrs so soon I will need more.


    Its 3:00pm a day after surgery. They took the IV out of my neck, took out the catheter, stopped the morphine, gave me Lortab, stopped high blood pressure medication. I've been walking around, sitting in a chair, ate some Jello, drank hot tea, it didnt come back up. Doctor said to have pureed dinner and if my pureed Breakfast stays down, I can go home.

    The nurse taught me how to inject myself with the Louvenox. It took me forever to do cause I was terrified to stick myself but once I did it, I hardly felt it.

    Doctor explained more about the surgery. I told you about the scar tissue from my hysterectomy in 2007. He had to pry apart and pull away scar tissue for the first 75 cm of small intestine but he really wanted me to have 150 cm. He was not comfortable messing with anymore because one little nick or tear and I could die. So he left it at 75cm. He said I won't lose as much weight as I wanted (150 lbs.) as easily but it can still be done. He said to think of it as a car that I'm driving automatic but now its manual. I'll get there but the work will be on me doubly hard because I will have less problems of dumping, it will be easier to overeat so I have to pretend I have 150cm of small intestine and prepare and eat my meals accordingly and I will lose the weight.

    Honestly, I dont feel like I had surgery at all. Other than some stomach swelling and 5 cuts in my stomach, I feel fine. Guess I'll be going home tomorrow.

  7. Surgery done! This hospital is unbeliably beautiful! Would u believe the rooms are all singles, wireless keyboard, can get on internet, monitor is my 36 inch flatscreen tv!!!!! This is great!!!

    Surgery started at 2:45pm, got to recovery at 6:00pm, in my room at 9:00pm. A little problem during surgery. Scar tissue on small intestines from a 2007 hysteroctomy had many inches bunched up and the dr. spent 45 minutes untangling it. He told my husband this will prevent me from losing alot of weight but I will talk to him today to find out the details and exactly what this will mean. My hiatal hernia was so small, he decided not to remove it. I will find out why.

    The only pain I'm having is chest pain sice I woke up from recovery. The morphine pump takes care of that!!! I didnt need drainage tubes at all!

    Another problem I had, my veins were so bad, they couldnt start an IV until I got to surgery and they put it in my neck it didnt work, they had to try the other side and that worked ,and that hurt like hell and they intubated me while I was loopy from the happy juice but I still felt it and it hurt. But luckily that didnt last long cause when I opened my eyes again, I was in recovery.

    I will get up to walk today


    Clear liquids today, surgery tomorrow at 1:30pm. I'm not angry anymore. I'm looking forward to the surgery. Anxiously awaiting the blossoming of my new body! I had a beauty shop appointment, mani and pedi today. I feel good!!! I'm no longer depressed. I am happy!

    I talk to you all tomorrow night!!!!!!!

  9. Surgery is Tuesday, July 16. I have not been exercising regularly but started back again yesterday.

    Sat, 7/13 - exercise bike for 2 miles

    Sun 7/14 - exercise bike for 2 miles

    Mon 7/15 - will try to use the treadmill, plus exercise bike for 2 miles.

    I use the exercise bike exclusively because I had knee replacement in one knee and need the other one replaced and exercise bike is good for my knees in addition to helping getting the weight off.

    Arthritis in my lower back prohibits me from doing a lot of walking. Thats why I havent use the treadmill much but hopefully, after the surgery and I lose some more weight, I will be able to fit in an MRI machine and they can see exactly where to give me a cortisone shot in my lower back and hopefully I will be able to walk a distance and use a treadmill for a distance.

  10. Cool. I feel the same way about my "safe" life occasionally, and then I look at my kids and remember to be grateful.

    As messy as my life is with the weight and the health problems associated with it, the absolutely best thing in the world are my children. that I did really good!!!!

  11. How is everyone doing with their preop diets? It's day 7 of my preop diet. So happy to be halfway through it! It's been tough but I feel I have turned a corner.

    I'm on day 8. Have cheated a bit. Havent lost a lot of weight but am losing. Surgery is Tuesday (7/16). Not excited about it anymore. Nervous. Second guessing my decision to have the surgery. I'm sure its normal - just nerves. I'll be okay. Just want to get this over with. I'm pissed at myself for overeating and getting fat. I'm pissed that the food I love to eat I cant anymore or can't eat the volume that I'm used to. I hate I'm in this position in needing surgery because I couldnt control what I put in my mouth. I'm just pissed right now.

    I'll be alright. I'm just having a massive pity party. I go on Clear Liquids tomorrow (day before surgery). I went to the gym this morning and will go tomorrow morning. Not much else to do but try to change my attitude.

    Have a good day all. I'll be okay.

  12. I had a meltdown at the gym early this morning (Saturday). I'm on the treadmill listening to music and all of a sudden I started thinking about the surgery on Tuesday and I got so emotional and started crying on the treadmill. I immediately left the gym, drove across the street to this restaurant, ordered a coffee with sweet n low, a cup of grits, 1 bacon and english muffins and I ate it all. Then I went to the grocery store to finish buying all the foods I need for after I come home from the hospital and the liquids I need for the day before surgery.

    My 10 day pre-op diet consists of 2 Protein shakes, 2 fruits, tons of Water and 2 healthy choice/smart ones/weight watcher meals per day.

    I hope I didnt mess myself up by eating that piece of bacon and the english muffins. I stopped crying once I ate that food. I wonder why did that happen to me like that. It happened so suddenly.

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