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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by swimbikerun

  1. I'm also one of the few who has lost more weight than expected. I had several medical issues that led to it, before the weight. So now that those are fixed, I'm healthier. The avg is 50%, lot less, and a lot slower. Don't go by us exceptions. I still have minor issues but it wasn't what it was.
  2. swimbikerun

    5 years out not losing weight

    Can't get everything but in converting to ounces: 2.25 seafood stick 200 calories? 1.5 mozzarella 175 calories 3.7 breast 200 calories .05 pepper 30 calories 1.35 shrooms 30 calories 1.76 onion 18 calories So right there over 600 calories, 2x a day is 1200 calories. Add the eggs in and that's over 1300 calories. Depending on what your calorie needs are for a day, there is your food. I'd tend to agree with folks on getting rid of the mozzarella and seafood sticks. The chicken (or turkey, fresh fish but not salmon which is high calorie/fat) would be better. If you wanted to substitute fresh veggies that were mentioned before, that would be better as you're not getting in really any fiber or greens. As I dropped weight my caloric needs went down. I'm sure you've gotten that, but upping the calorie expenditure is another thing. If your body is used to a mile walk, walking at a faster pace or jogging or doing 1.5 or 2 miles would be next suggestion. You also don't detail what you drink. That is a huge factor. Pulling for you!
  3. swimbikerun

    5 years out not losing weight

    I have reactive hypoglycemia also. It is true that each surgeon/office will have their own ways of doing things. You're comment: "portion sice and calories ect and there reply was as long as I stick to the bariactric place then calories and portion size will never be an issue" - I submit there will be an issue. You can pile that plate and still are getting too many ounces of food. I can say right now, we have veggies only rather than fruit (carbs) and veggies and salad. Carbs, we don't have that, we have fruit. There's one issue I can see. The only carbs we get are in the fruit and we are to go for low calorie fruit (meaning not bananas or grapes). Berries are what they discuss.
  4. swimbikerun

    5 years out not losing weight

    This is true on body types, but snacks are what encourage grazing and not eating properly at meals. My 'snack' if you want to call it that are cucumber, broccoli, or at most a measured portion of 2 ounces or less of chicken/turkey/low fat, low carb fish. That's it. Bananas are high carb. I had suggested the weight/measure of food and drinks earlier. That's a hidden way of getting in calories. Total agreement on greens. Fiber ditto that also. Fruit we are warned on, we can have an ounce now (7 months out) but that's it. 2x a day, 2 ounces and only low calorie like berry type of things. The program is pretty tight but very very successful.
  5. swimbikerun

    5 years out not losing weight

    We have zero snacks. Zero. There is no potato, so there's where some extra was coming from.
  6. swimbikerun

    5 years out not losing weight

    Mine never would. None of those are as good as broccoli or cauliflower, cucumbers, when it comes to nutrition. The amount of protein, the reason why I said measure it is because you'd see a lot of calories in there. The chicken isn't plain, so there's calories in what it is cooked in. Mozzarella is never ever recommended for us because its a lot of fat. That's another reason why I said measure in 1 ounce cups. You need 60-70 grams of protein a day. 2 eggs in the am is 14 grams. 1 ounce chicken is 47 calories if boneless, skinless. 8 grams protein. 3 ounces or even 4 ounces is about 150-200 calories and 24 grams of protein. 30 at the most at one time. So there's where your calories are coming from. That doesn't include anything else on the plate. This is why I said measure your food. The calories are coming in there and I bet those sticks are also contributing to potential fat and the like. I have carbmaster yogurt. Don't see that and it is 3-5 grams fat, lots of protein, w/no carbs. That's another low calorie option - 70 calories that works too.
  7. swimbikerun

    5 years out not losing weight

    That isn't measuring the amount of food so you know the breakdown of the calories in it. I still don't see where the veggies on this plate are. My dietician wouldn't go for this. Too much protein, too much cheese, and not the nutritious veggies. Even then, there is no 1 ounce of fruit or so on here.
  8. swimbikerun

    5 years out not losing weight

    I would remove the cheese and mushroom. The onion and mushrooms aren't helping. Where are the ounce cups? How much is 1/2 a steamed breast? Pepper = peper? That's also not really nutrious. Can you try broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber? What are you drinking?
  9. swimbikerun

    Bodybuilding after surgery

    I'm 7 months or so out. I do weights, but you'd have to watch the eating style. 2 or maybe 3 protein shakes can give you up to 90 grams of protein. That would be in addition to what you eat.
  10. swimbikerun


    Decaf coffee is all we drink.
  11. swimbikerun

    “Just Exercise More”

    Problem is, do you have an inherited risk of obesity or how many kids do you see that are thin with overweight parents? Is the problem culture of food eating patterns? Or are we talking some of the Asian populations that do have this problem - and don't have the problem with rice that other cultures do? They also didn't note anything about the food patterns in the studies. Or I missed it.
  12. swimbikerun


    Premier Protein. Chocolate. Vanilla in coffee.
  13. swimbikerun

    One year out and hungry all the time

    I didn't say that.
  14. swimbikerun

    One year out and hungry all the time

    How do you know you are hungry? There are lots of veggies that are good: broccoli (no cheese or sauces), cauliflower, cucumbers. What is your new weight? If you go online, what does it say you should be taking and exercising? How much water are you getting in a day? Are you sure its not head hunger vs real hunger?
  15. swimbikerun

    Protein shakes

    Not to me, but everyone has different tastes before and after the surgery. I used to love their birthday cake, then before the surgery on a more strict diet, it was too sweet for me. So its very individual.
  16. swimbikerun

    Protein shakes

    Premier Protein for me.
  17. swimbikerun

    Beach Volleyball!

  18. I'm a sleeve to bypass conversion. I had a hernia, that complicated matters. I'm over a decade out from the horror of that sleeve. I'm just over 3 months out with the bypass. The hernia caused issues and the longer healing time was due to it. If I have any pull or ache, its in that area. For 3 months gone, the reflux (was like yours, actually worse, I had carafate to eat anything) is gone. I've had 1 time where some stuff came up like reflux. A mild little one for the 2nd time it happened. That's it. I control how much food goes in. When I dont, I throw up. I've had a bean get stuck (wow was that painful), couple of times I've swallowed 3x instead of 2 for liquids and it was too much. I've thrown up but nothing like before. If I'm really really careful, watch the time and amount of food at one time frame, I'm good. Stay at 2 swallows, I'm good. After the misery of before, this is great! That having been said, I dropped to malnutrition level because of some other medical problems. As of end of last week, I am 8 pounds from being overweight for my BMI. 36 pounds from being normal weight. So I don't think I'll be dropping it like I did my sleeve. I dropped 27 pounds the first month, and that was 27% of the excess body weight.
  19. swimbikerun

    Premier Potein question

    In some, means not the majority. The problem would probably be more of lack of fiber in the diet.
  20. swimbikerun

    Premier Potein question

    Why would a liquid that doesn't have iron be a cause of constipation?
  21. swimbikerun

    How many calories

    Between 400-500 at 2 months out.
  22. swimbikerun

    When did everyone start ?

    I had 6 weeks, and no I didn't. I had a hernia repair on top of a revision due to medical problems, so no. Just sit and recoup. You don't know what else is going on with the body and it does need to adjust.
  23. I am 1 day less than 2 weeks out of a para esophageal sliding hernia repair and Sleeve to RNY revision. My reflux, BAM is gone. I'm not vomiting or feeling like yuck. My surgeon could do a DS and has. I'm not having problems and while it doesn't mean I will or won't later, at least I'm free of the medical issues and the like I had before. I'm also down about 35 pounds in the little over 2 months since I got sick. Really happy as the medical issues were outweighing the weight, especially at the end.
  24. I just had a repair and revise. He's correct - I had been given the same thing. You already have a sleeve that is going back and forth, the chances are greater, if you leave it and just do the hernia repair, that it will return. There's already diaphragm weakness.
  25. swimbikerun

    Possible to be anorexic after gastric bypass?? Help...

    Slow stomach emptying.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
