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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by laraestokes

  1. laraestokes


    More of an update since Sept. I still have been suffering with heartburn. I finally got into my surgeon (not sure why it took so long this time) Anyway he did take a look under fluro this time and he thinks I may have a prolapse stomach. He put me on Prevacid solutabs and wants to see me again in 2 weeks. After the Holidays. It is looking like another trip into the OR to fix this. I have had the band for almost a year now, but trouble with it for the past 5-6 months. I am half tempted to tell him while he is in there to just do by-pass (which I said I would never do) Well never say never-I guess I am a little fustrated and needed to vent. I can't afford another suregery, time off of work. But I hate having heartburn too!
  2. laraestokes

    Dr. Peter O'Brien in Sioux Falls??

    I don't know much about O'Brien, but I had Dr. David Strand in Sioux Falls with surgical Associates and couldn't ask for a better doc. He has great bed side manor, really works with you when you are having to go in for adjustments and I can't say enough about his nurse! Both my husband and I used him! Great DOC!
  3. laraestokes


    Welcome Spunky-Where abouts near Watertown do you live? I am in BRUCE-don't blink-you might miss it sorta town-But I love it here!
  4. laraestokes

    More SD Surgeons

    Both my hubby and I had Dr. David Strand with Surgical Institute in Sioux Falls SD- I can not say enough on how wonderful they have been to work with!
  5. I had it all last week-9 months after surgery-Had some of my fill out Friday-Fine ever since! Doc said it just needs to rest a bit!
  6. laraestokes

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    I forget to check into this! down -2!!! only 18 to go
  7. laraestokes


    Well it is done-and already the difference is unbelievable. After burping everything for the past week, I can actually drink water. He only could find .5 cc, when he put in 1cc in Feb, but just that has helped. I am on liquids for the rest of today then can go back and try food again. I am so tired of mush! He told me to give it a few weeks then both the DH and I are going to have an adjustment. But his time I insisted on FLoro after the time I went through yesterday just finding the port. My GOd am I bruised! Good thing I'm not a belly dancer! Thanks for the support!
  8. laraestokes

    UNDERWEAR Fun Thread

    Ok-this is sad and I just told the DH I need to go shopping. I have on white granny panties that practically fall off of me as I haven't bought anything new after I started losing weight. And To match a boring white cotton bra too! Is that exciting or what!
  9. I would do by-pass-since tha band I am no longer considered insulin resistant which was a huge relief to me. There is a long history of diabetes in my family and my mom is one of them . She had a kidney transplant just over a year ago and is doing great, but is having a hard time keeping weight off, he nepherologist suggeted GB and she is looking into the band, but they are thinking Medicare will not pay for it. My brother-in-law had GB and is doing well although he has had a few complications (hernias). My husband wishes he would have chosen GB instead of the band as his just doesn't seem to be working for him, the way mine is? WHo really knows?
  10. laraestokes

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    I need some motivation - so I'm in-I'm at 224-I want 20# in 10 weeks, but 24 would be even better! I will add a picture later!
  11. laraestokes

    Iowa Ladies

    I'm not from Iowa-SD-up by Brookings- but I had Dr. Strand in Mckenan from Surgical institue in S.F. Wonderful!!! My sister's friend had Dr. O'brien-and Loved him! Best of luck!
  12. laraestokes

    Insulin resistance

    I was dx with Insulin resistance a little over a year ago. One of the reasons I decided to have the band was to lose weight and get this under control as diabetes runs in my family and my mother had a kidney transplant due to diabetes. I am very happy to say I had my yearly ob-gyn check and they did a fasting lab on me. All my bad labs, glucose, triglycerides (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol) were all bad last year at this time. This year they are all normal to excellent with a little over 50# weight lost. I love my band and am no longer considered insulin resistance, but was told to keep an eye on it!!!!
  13. laraestokes


    I was on Topomax for Migraines and loved the appetitie surpressant. I was also taking Lexapro for depressions, so that could be why I tolerated it better then some.
  14. laraestokes


    Pam-You are doing great! I also got your post from about Dakotacare-they are great. Watch how your surgeon code your fills-if they code them as obesity-Dakotacare may not pay them-just depends on your plan. Mine and the DH doesn't cover for obesity, but will for other medical conditions, which I constantly have to have our surgeon resend in our claims. I have still only had one fill and down 53 pounds since Dec. The Dh has had 2 fills that have went in and he is down around 30-I think he needs to go in again-but he is a man and stubborn. I love Mithcell-my neice got married there last summer and another neice goes to Dakota Weslyan. Best wishes on the rest of your new life-I would not change my banding for anything!
  15. laraestokes


    I just need to share some news on South Dakota insurance company. We have Dakotacare for our insurance. Both my husband and I were banded in Dec. We had already met our deductable for our insurance. Anyway we had to put up $570 up fron to our surgeon as the insurance company estimated they would pay all but $1140 -so we would pay half the rest set up in payments. Well to make a long story short the hospital put their billing in first so the $1140 was what was left for our out of pocket and then when the surgeon billed his services the insurance company paid for the whole thing. And we get the $570 back from them to apply to the hos. Our docs office was also very good about getting all the ducks in a row before sending in to get approved. Both of us were approved in about 7 days. Dakotacare was great to work with and have paid well. I know we are a few of the lucky ones who have insurance that will pay for this procedure. We know it is rare!
  16. laraestokes

    Do you eat breakfast???

    My stomach has always been that way. If i eat breakfast I am hungry all day long! Since the band I maybe eat something b4 work 2-3 times a week-and then it is a small bowl of cheerios and skim milk! Other wise it will be lunch b4 I eat!
  17. laraestokes

    How Long Do YOU....

    Ours ask that we do liquids the rest of that day-and back to normal food the next.
  18. laraestokes

    pizza? gotta know

    I haven't been able to tolerate any bread product since my fill or just eating the toppings off the pizza still makes me sick. But my DH can? WHo knows-He needs another fill!!! HE can eat most foods yet without a problem!
  19. laraestokes

    weekly scale challenge

    ok-but I only weigh on Thursdays! Thats is just my good day and only day I weigh!! mine last week was 230#
  20. OMG! How I miss a good burger! thanks I will have to try that one!
  21. laraestokes

    My Dr.s Advice for a Happy Hour/Beer Girl

    I still drink my beer at Happy Hour-No Problems!!
  22. laraestokes

    No Bread?????

    I could eat bread when I first got my band, but not even a whole slice. Since my fill-NO bread at all!
  23. laraestokes

    FUMING MAD!! Need to vent!!

    Well my best friend has a weight problem-bigger then mine, plus a whole host of medical problems to go with it and she thinks this was my "easy way" to lose weight. I also got the portion control speech, and I have seen her portions and that is why she isn't losing-but me and my band keep me in check, so there is no cheating! She seems happy for me and my weight loss-but still doesn't think people should do that to their bodies? And she has told many of her docs that she sees for her medical problems have all told her she would be a candidate for WLS. I guess I want to see my children graduate and get married and start their own families, and I knew if I didn't do something with my weight I wouldn't be here as long.
  24. laraestokes

    Will it slip off?

    I have thrown up a few times a week! Mine hasn't slipped that I know of. I still have restriction! But it is better to try to avoid it at all cost. I hate throwing up!
  25. laraestokes

    I am confused about telling....

    I'm a blabber mouth-I tell everyone who will listen! I work in a medical Clinic and being down almost 40 pounds is great to hear the compliments from my co-workers. And I have actually had some docs ask who I went to to refer their own patients!

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