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Posts posted by miangr

  1. Okay so I'm almost a month out and during this whole time it's been really hard to get my Protein in. I feel like my healing process is going much slower than other ppls. For the past few days I haven't been able to get really any protein in because its hot where I live and I'm sipping Water every chance that I get. Today I was able to eat almost a whole chicken leg so far !!!! That honestly made my day because eating has become more of a hassle than something I enjoy or want to do. Even though I know I need to get my body use to food again it's really hard because I am so thirsty!!! I've already lost 40lbs in 3 weeks, how do you cope with getting your body used to food again ??? Sorry about the rant

  2. I can't do that at seven weeks PO. Just do your best! :)

    Don't force yourself to keep eating if you don't want it, either. liquids are most important right now. Just try to up your Protein a bit every few days. At your stage, I was getting 24-30 of each max, but most days it was one or the other.

    I am still hovering around 40 of each, but my healing has been slower than most. You will get there,

    EXACTLY how I feel. I'll be 3 wks in two days and sometimes I hardly get in 20 g of Protein and I'm full all day long. I try to rotate protein w Water because I'm so thirsty. Glad to know I'm not the only one not getting all 60g each day

  3. I have the exact same problem . I had to do something because I felt like I would end up in the ER for dehydration. I would wake up with an extremely dry tongue and ravaged at ice when I got the chance. I have found that I being only 2 wks out I can't get in both all Proteins and liquids.

    I need to buy Isopure I heard its easier to take down because of the thinness.

    How's the taste? Does it have that after Protein taste?

  4. So I'm 8 days out from my surgery an had my first doc appt. I was healing up fine up until last night . I think I moved wrong and now a part of my stomach feels like its on fire. The doc said if it continues to hurt see him again. Anyways! In 8 days I've lost 25lbs which is a lot! That's insane and really shocking but I'm glad something is happening considering I always hear about a 3rd wk stall, maybe this makes up for it lol. The surgeon also said I can start eating cottage cheese, yogurt, cream of wheat etc. I'm so excited to try to get my Protein from food instead of gross shakes!!

  5. You havent done any damage other than just to much intake. Getting in all your Protein is hard especially in the 1st few months from what I have been told. You are do great. just take each day as a new day and just take that as it comes

    im going on week two and getting protein in is extremely difficult with just shakes, especially since they are thick and gross. I cant wait until i can eat the majority of my protein with good foods.

  6. well i am currently four days out. Im not going to sugar coat anything, surgery is difficult. The first day I was fine in the hospital but by the second day they had to keep me because i could not keep fluids down. By the 3rd i felt a lot better because my body had started to adjust to what happened to it. Today is my 2nd day outside the hospital and at home and today my energy levels are low. Out of the whole surgery the naseua was the worse part, not the pain.

    Right now im focusing on getting my Protein which is harder than i thought because the protein im using is too thick for me. I know im in the very beginning stages of this process but the way Im improving everyday gives me faith it will get easier. The next day has always been better than the last. I hope this is all worth it! Good luck on your journey.

  7. Im having a lot of trouble getting in my Proteins during phase 2. I still cant eat so im on complete liquids, however, the thickness of the Protein Shakes and or powder does not allow me to drink in a timely manner. I can take in Water and thinner liquids a lot easier. Do those Protein Shots work and count for Protein? ? ANy other suggestions??? I only got 10 g of protein in yesterday. :(

  8. So today is my 3 day post op. My surgeon said he would be keeping an extra day because I can't keep anything down. And he doesn't want to send me home only to return to the ER due to dehydration. After the surgery it was non stop vomiting. Especially with the pain meds they were giving me. I have been walking around a lot since day one. But man was I feeling so sick and full of regret. I thought this was going to be easier. I can't even have Water without getting sick. This blows, so I have been on steroids to reduce the swelling inside my abdomen. I know this will get better. But I hate feeling this sick. Has anyone been through the same thing as me ?

    are you feeling better? I was just sent home today from the hospital, I had the same problem i kept trying to puke up everything i swallowed and the medication made it ten times worse. Considering your surgery was a few days before mine, when did you start feeling better?

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