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Beach Lover

Pre Op
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Everything posted by Beach Lover

  1. Beach Lover

    Natural Peanut Butter

    Then I say enjoy!!
  2. Beach Lover

    Natural Peanut Butter

    I agree with both comments above. It is high in calories so you have to make sure it is in your quota for the day.
  3. My doctor told me to do liquids for a few days and then move to puree. If I tolerate that then I was to move to mushy foods right after that. I was told to eat only 1 new food at a time though. I have had absolutely no trouble with this. My bougie was a size 36 if yours was smaller that may be why he is so conservative. So you should listen to your doctor. Good luck to you!!
  4. Beach Lover


    That is you losing weight. Just make sure you are keeping hydrated especially if your pee is dark. That means you are dehydrated and so does muscle spasms. Also make sure you are getting the required protein. These are very important.
  5. Sorry, my post didn't show that you went to the hospital and are doing better!! Glad for you!!
  6. Look, if your aunt won't take you then take a taxi at the very least call the doctor's office and get a script for nausea! This would at least allow you to start getting some fluids in on your own. If you continue this way the airline might not even let you on the plane! Pay attention to what has been said to you. This is no joke. Keep us posted!
  7. Beach Lover

    Fell Off Front Porch Steps

    I can't tell you how many times I have lost my balance since the surgery! It is getting better but I feel like I could have changed my name to Grace!
  8. Keep us posted with your blog! Congratulations with your surgery and best of luck!
  9. Beach Lover

    Fell Off Front Porch Steps

    At 4weeks post op I fell on a boat dock pretty hard. My whole midsection basically did a body slam on the deck while the rest of me was trying to slip between the boat and the dock. I ended up with a huge hematoma on the back of my leg and a million other bruises and scratches. I thought maybe I could have done something but I was fine. I think you are probably fine but watch it and if it continues call the doctor.
  10. Beach Lover

    5 weeks out pics

    You look terrific!! Keep up the good work!!
  11. Beach Lover


    I am a firm believer in the Lord speaking to us. Glad you heard the word!! Yes, gatorade is a staple in my frig and I partake of it at least once a day. Hydration is important and it has some important replacements. So if you are dizzy or disoriented and I am sure there are are symptoms then drink the gatorade!! Hope you are feeling better!
  12. Beach Lover

    Who Are You?

    Ok, I guess it is my turn. I am the mother of 3 grown children all with their college degrees.......very proud of them. I run the attendance office in a high school. I am married to a wonderful supportive husband for 32 years. We live by the ocean in Florida so it is my natural prozac............just sitting on the beach is an anxiety relaxer every time. I had my sleeve 5 weeks ago and am so happy that I did it. I just wish I had done it years ago. I am a saved believer in Jesus Christ and love the Lord. Life is short so I want to enjoy every moment especially now that I have 2 beautiful grandsons and 1 more on the way! My interests are simple. I love to go to the gym, bicycle, visit my family and tabulate surf competitions. My youngest daughter is a competitive surfer and very successful with it. I think I have lived one of my greatest loves which is surfing through her. I am looking forward to getting out and surfing myself. She is a surf instructor so I will find some private beach and make a fool of myself with no one else looking! I look forward to looking like the inner person that I am. Who knows what I am going to do next but I am 52 years old and will lean on the Lord and make the most of this life!!
  13. Beach Lover

    My surgery story so far

    Hang in there! Your journey can only get better and better now!! Keep us posted!
  14. Beach Lover

    Pre Op Diet Disaster

    Don't worry about it. I am not condoning it but I also get it! I had a bucket list of restaurants that I went to before I started by liquid diet. This helped me to get through it. I don't think you messed up your surgery date at all. If you are really hungry and need something my surgeon told me an occasional small piece of lean meat with some steamed veggies was just fine. Hang in there!
  15. I drink premier protein drinks they have 30g of protein per drink. They are the best tasting one I have found and seems to be the one most of us drink. You can get it at Sam's or Costco. I had to do 2 weeks of the liquid diet before the surgery. There are several reasons for this liquid diet. The first one is to shrink your liver it stores fat and needs to be shrunk so it isn't in the way as much during the surgery. The 2nd reason is it helps you get a handle on your food addiction. You will get a head start on what your new life is going to be only later you will get food as well! Head hunger is mean and that is what is going on. Once your surgery is done sometimes you will think you are hungry but you are actually experiencing head hunger. It will drive you crazy but it does get easier and easier. I am 5 weeks post op and doing much better with it. This is your time to be very honest with yourself and recognize your food addictions. This is when you will begin to modify your life so that your sleeve will be successful for life. If you don't get a grip on it then you will eventually gain weight back. Believe it or not my typing this is a reaffirmation for myself that I must continually stay on top of this monster and fix my own problems. With all that said my doctor did tell me when I was going nuts and very hungry that I could do a very lean small piece of meat with some steamed vegetables. I did this like every 3rd day for my pre op and it made the world of difference for me. Good luck on your journey...............you got this!
  16. I am 5 weeks post op and so sick of those things I usually want to heave when I drink them. I drink the premier protein drink and it is just about the only one I will tolerate at this point. It gives me 30g with just one shake so I only drink 2 a day. But honestly, I drink that darn thing as fast as I can which is usually within 10 minutes it is done. You will get there but right now your stomach is still to tender but you will notice that drinking will get a lot easier.
  17. You say you are eating but can't do the shakes. Are you getting all your protein in? It could be a combo of protein and liquid definciency. I get the same way if I don't get enough of these in especially the liquids. But I have also noticed it when I don't have enough protein in. You might google the highest protein rich foods and start on those. Another really good fruit for dehydration would be watermelon...........eat the heck out of that stuff! Good luck to you!!
  18. Beach Lover

    Ate too much?

    What everyone said above is dead on. No worries!!!!
  19. Hanging in there! Once you are eating firmer foods you will see the difference. food takes up more space and it doesn't slide through. You are losing weight at a great pace so don't worry!
  20. Beach Lover

    Progress 8 weeks

    You look fabulous!! I am sure your family is so proud of you!! Keep it up!!
  21. I am 5 weeks post op and I had tried a lot of different foods but steak is to scary for me right now. I just don't think my stomach is ready for that one yet. This is a bummer because I absolutely love steak. If you try it in the near future let me know how it went.
  22. Beach Lover

    How many calories to lose weight?

    I try to stay at 700 but my surgeon told me 800. Good luck!
  23. Beach Lover

    Vacation 7 weeks past surgery, can you help?

    I have been eating in restaurants since week 2. They are very accommodating and you should find a lot of foods that you can eat. I am on week 5 and eating everything at this point so I am not sure why you are still on mushy foods. However, listen to your doctor. I am leaving for Key West on Thursday and will do some cooking and plenty of restaurant eating. Have a great trip!!
  24. You will be able to tell when the swelling in your stomach is going down because you will tolerate things much easier. You will find drinking is all of a sudden much easier and you will be able to get more liquids in instead of just a sip. I try new foods 1 at a time and if it didn't go well the first time then I try it again the next week. But honestly I have been very lucky with the food tolerance. I haven't thrown up yet but when I was where you are now I did notice my stomach was tender with a few foods so I didn't push it. I enjoyed eating it until I new I had to stop and dealt with the uncomfortableness (it shouldn't be horrible!) for about 45 minutes and I was good to go. I was just so happy to be able to eat something different but I did not push it........stop and enjoy what you were able to take in. Another good vegetable I was able to tolerate early was sauteed spinach it went great with the fish!! I drink the premier Protein Shakes 1 in the morning and one before bedtime. Otherwise I don't even want to think about them! They are still a necessity and after 7 weeks I tolerate them. Anything else just makes me heave at the thought of them. Your stomach is definitely still healing as is mine (I am 5 weeks post op). I haven't even gone near bread,rice, steak etc. Things that are tougher to digest I have not done yet and will in time but not just yet. My doctor sent me home wanting me to try puree within 7 days and if I tolerated that he wanted me moving on to mushy foods etc. Each doctor is different so make sure you are listening to what yours wants you to do.

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