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Beach Lover

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Everything posted by Beach Lover

  1. Beach Lover


    Did you do the happy dance!! Because if you didn't you should!! I am very happy for you!!
  2. Beach Lover

    Onderland barely lol

    Congratulations!! I am excited for you!! I look forward to the day that I get there! I have 51 pounds to go so it will still be some time fore me. It took some hard work and determination to get there! I am happy for you!!
  3. Such a good idea! Especially since we can only eat so little. So why not head straight for the best part first!! Eating the best part last has always been my mo. Thanks for the great idea!! I will now enjoy the best part when I start eating so I can enjoy it without feeling like a took a bite when I knew I was full. Something I have been trying to stop doing!
  4. Beach Lover

    Drinking fluids post op

    Yes, if you have a Publix there store brand of sf tea is pretty good. My favorite though is tea you brew at home. I can't stand the instant stuff.
  5. Beach Lover

    Can you drink gatorade post op?

    I too drink G2 when it is needed but I have also started drinking Smart water because it has the electrolytes in it. Better than dumb water!!
  6. Beach Lover

    Am i screwed?

    Not to far from me I am in Palm Coast....definitely good water!
  7. Beach Lover

    Fecal Impaction... tmi... HELP!

    The scale will probably go down also!! So glad things are moving for you!
  8. Beach Lover


    I lived there until I was 42 and we had the opportunity to change our lives and ran with it. My parents moved down here and my sister already did so we took the chance and did it. We have now been here for 11 years and it was the best thing we ever did! Maybe sometime in your life you can do the same! Best of luck with your sleeve!!
  9. Beach Lover

    Whole Foods Market

    And it is yummy!!!
  10. Beach Lover


    I am originally from St. Louis and had 2 of my children at DePaul. I have heard that Wash U also has a good bariatric program. I love living in Florida but I do miss St. Louis. I used to live in Florissant.
  11. Beach Lover

    Fecal Impaction... tmi... HELP!

    I wish I could have seen her face!! If this doesn't do the trick I don't know what to tell you!! Just don't try them all at once!!
  12. Beach Lover

    hot dog

    Don't be scared about trying anything your stomach will not react the same way as others. It is an adventure and the only way you will expand your food choices is to try! My first salad went just fine. I felt a little full but it was fine. You see people say no to buns, bread, rice, Pasta, crackers etc. because they are carbs and they slow the weight loss down and you don't want to do that. In addition I think they wake the carb monster up and he has to stay in hibernation! Hang in there and try a new foods!!
  13. Beach Lover

    Am i screwed?

    LOL what part of Florida do you live in?
  14. Beach Lover

    Frederick Flintstones new life

    Congratulations!! You have made a great decision and your life is going to turn around in a way that is totally uplifting and very satisfying. Remember it is a life time journey and you will do great!!
  15. Beach Lover

    Am i screwed?

    No you are not screwed for surgery! You will be just fine and I don't blame you for eating them!! This shouldn't even come close to stopping your surgery. Just pick yourself up and move on. Don't do it again but you should be just fine!
  16. Beach Lover

    hot dog

    I eat them without the bun. I love the Boars Head spicy mustard. I just cut them in small bites and dip the darn thing! Yummy!!
  17. Beach Lover

    anyone else felt the way I do

    Yes, I think we all pretty much feel that way! It's like our eyes have opened and we see things so differently. I can't imagine eating that much anymore and yet I used to out eat most of the people who eat around me. It's funny because I was afraid people would watch what I put in my mouth and yet it is the other way around!
  18. In my town we have a thing called Swip Swap where you sell things on FB it is a group that you join. Many people sell clothes on there. Search FB for your area and see if you have one. It is great because you usually will get more for your stuff than a consignment shop. I too have been hitting up the clearance rack. I don't want to spend a lot of clothes I won't wear for a 2nd season. Good luck!
  19. Beach Lover

    What am i doing wrong?

    Thank you! I learned something today also!
  20. Beach Lover

    Drinking fluids post op

    You can make some tea using the bottled water with electrolytes or just drink premade tea. This was a big help for me because I can't stand crystal lite any more. The fruit drinks just gag me. I can tolerate the G2 if I am in a pinch.
  21. Have you tried scallops, shrimp or grilled fish? These all go down wonderfully for me. They are a main staple in my diet. I also found sauteed spinach to go easily in the early days. If you have a Whole Foods around you they have some terrific soups my favorite is the tortilla chicken. If you scoop it right you can get quite a bit of savory moist chicken. I find cheese stick and cubed cheese to be good along with deli meat. Hope this helps!
  22. Beach Lover

    Anesthesia Cost

    So damn true!!!
  23. Beach Lover

    Anesthesia Cost

    I agree 100% If the anesthesiologist was out of network this should have been disclosed to you and it wasn't. You were not informed to make your own decision about this. They spent your money without consulting you. I hope this works out for you! Don't be afraid to be an advocate for yourself!
  24. Beach Lover

    Habits are hard to break!

    Maybe he likes seeing the new you! I love shopping now and I am trying not to go overboard with getting new clothes. It's just so liberating to be able to go into shops I have only longed to go in. I have a daughter who is a size 0 a very successful surfing competitor and beautiful. I don't understand how I could give birth to her and still be me!! I am so proud of her and yet it has saddened me for so long to buy her beautiful clothes and me go to the same crap they always peddle in the stores. Now I can shop with her and buy at the same store this is wonderful but I have to be careful about buying because I know it will end up being a waste of money. So I buy carefully for what I need right now and look forward to the next time I need smaller.

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