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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by goirish78

  1. Hey my fellow July sleevers!!

    It's been awhile since I've posted here, but things are going well. Sleeved July 15, 2013 at 370 lbs. (down from 379, highest weight), and this morning I weighed in at 287 lbs. for a total of 92 lbs. lost in 10 months. I still have 127 more to go for my goal of 160, but I know that I'll get there. So many things have changed: I'm doing more, I'm putting me first, and I am excited to shop for new clothes for the first time in my life! My best NSV of this year was custom ordering a wedding dress that got here and still turned out to be too big because I had shrunk :-)

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  2. I have always had regular periods and was on Lo-ogestrel prior to and after surgery. However, a little less than a month after surgery, I literally got a period that was insanely heavy and lasted for 3 weeks. Needless to say, I completely freaked out and went to the OB/GYN to see what the story was. She said that metabolizing so much fat can often increase our hormone levels, which can make our periods go wonky (lovely). After a few more months of weirdness, I decided to take a break from the pills to try and regulate everything naturally. I'm back to having regular and much lighter periods.

  3. Greetings, everyone! Well, after a great December, my January was far from stellar (probably because I didn't participate in January's challenge due to our move, etc). However, I'm back and excited to put up good numbers in February :-)

    My Numbers:
    My surgery was on July 15, and my starting weight was 379 (370 the day of surgery after 2 weeks liquid diet).

    I've lost 76 lbs. total, which I guess qualifies me as a slow loser, but hey, I'll take it! :-) Still have a long way to reach my goal of 160, but I'm sure I'll get there if I don't give up :)

  4. I also have been very fortunate in that I can pretty much eat any type of food; however, this is where choice comes in. I choose not to eat most carbs (mostly just those in veggies or fruit) and I also try to stay away from refined sugar since it makes me exhausted (but that was true before my sleeve, so no change there). I have had steak several times since my surgery with no ill effects, but I prefer sticking to fish, chicken, and turkey. I haven't vomited at all during the process, which is probably because my aversion to it is so strong that I have become Suzy Sloweater (which is just fine by me). The biggest problems I've had are getting in enough Protein and Water.< /p>

  5. I've always been like clockwork, and continued to have normal periods until about a month after surgery, when I suddenly had a very heavy period that came less than a week after my previous period. The worst part? It camped out for 3 weeks :( Finally went to the GYN who said it was probably the release of estrogen from all the fat being metabolized, but sent me for tests to be sure. So many fun little side effects throughout this process lol

  6. By the numbers:

    Starting Weight: 379

    Current Weight: 321.6

    Total Loss: 57

    Long Term Goal: 160

    In general, I feel good about my rate of weight loss and am feeling better. However, I need to work harder at getting in all my Protein, especially since I've added in weight training to my routine at the gym. I just missed my first mini-goal of losing 50 lbs by my birthday (October 15), but made it a few days later. Next mini-goal is 100 lbs lost by February 15...we'll see how I do :)

  7. By the numbers:

    Starting Weight: 379

    Current Weight: 321.6

    Total Loss: 57

    Long Term Goal: 160

    In general, I feel good about my rate of weight loss and am feeling better. However, I need to work harder at getting in all my Protein, especially since I've added in weight training to my routine at the gym. I just missed my first mini-goal of losing 50 lbs by my birthday (October 15), but made it a few days later. Next mini-goal is 100 lbs lost by February 15...we'll see how I do :)

  8. Greetings, all,

    I hit my first 50 lbs. gone this morning, and I wanted to post and say THANK YOU so much to all of you who have supported me through the process thus far. I realized looking over my posts that I most often post when something isn't going well, so I really feel it's important to also post to say thank you when things are going better.

    Aside from my surgery and becoming a healthier me, one of my goals for this year was to become more generous of spirit and to show an attitude of gratitude far more often than I do (which is especially fitting considering the season we're heading into). Feel free to share if you have anything you're happy about or thankful for, as shared joy is multiplied and shared sorrow is lessened.

    Have a great weekend!

    Tara :)

  9. If only this were an exact science...so frustrating when we're doing all the things we need to but we don't see movement where we'd like to see it. You are on the right track and if you give your body some time to heal and right itself, you'll start seeing things move in the right direction. Also, I agree with RJ...I only weigh once a week...I find it too emotionally wracking to do it any more often than that, and I find my biggest losses are the week after I've had a weigh-in where I've maintained or only lost a little (I think it makes me work harder lol).

    Hang in there and remember that you have all of us here to support you!! :)

  10. Hey there,

    For whatever it's worth, I have two thoughts:

    1) Give yourself a bit more time to have everything stabilize - you've really been through the mill lately, and it may just take a little longer to get back on track.

    2) It sounds as though your surgeon isn't going to be a good partner for figuring out the ins and outs of whatever is going on; now that the surgery is finished, could you maybe just meet with the NUT and only see the surgeon for whatever post-ops are absolutely required? Personally, if I had had that interaction, I'd be shopping for a new doc.

    Hang in there - things will get better!! :)

  11. I think everyone needs to make the decision that's right for them, but no matter what you decide, it's important to remember that all of these surgeries are only tools, not magic wands. I've had several co-workers and friends who have had the bypass; 2 have stayed committed to eating right, getting in their Protein and Water, exercising, etc., and the others have not. Guess which ones are still losing or maintaining? ;) I can't say enough about how much of a mental shift this has been for me, and I'm far from perfect at it - we all have our bad days. However, my favorite saying is "persistence, not perfection" because I do believe that gets us through most things in life. Hang in there and know that we're all here to support you as you move along with your journey!

  12. I had my first really awesome NSV today. I had ordered some new school clothes for fall (I'm a teacher) when the catalog was having a great sale, and ordered all my tops in a 3X (my usual size). They arrived today and were huge...not just a little too roomy, but HUGE. I don't think I've ever been so happy to pay return shipping costs in my life. Can't wait until I can shop in cheaper regular stores and not be stuck with ordering online.

  13. I had my first really awesome NSV today. I had ordered some new school clothes for fall (I'm a teacher) when the catalog was having a great sale, and ordered all my tops in a 3X (my usual size). They arrived today and were huge...not just a little too roomy, but HUGE. I don't think I've ever been so happy to pay return shipping costs in my life. Can't wait until I can shop in cheaper regular stores and not be stuck with ordering online.

  14. I agree with the posters who upped their intake/protein and started to see some more movement on the scale. I'm almost 3 months out from surgery and have lost 41 lbs. total, with my biggest losses being in the last few weeks when I've upped my intake to between 900 and 1100 per day. I was trying to be so diligent about keeping my calories down and getting in my Protein, Water, and Vitamins, and wasn't losing much. When I talked to the nut, she suggested I up my intake and see if that made a difference - it did. Lost 6 lbs 2 weeks ago and 3 lbs this past week. I was initially very disappointed I wasn't losing faster, but as many posters have mentioned, you need to look at it over the long haul - I've never lost this much weight before, and I'll take being 41 lbs lighter than I was.

    Hang in there and give yourself a break - do what you can, keep getting in your Water and Protein, and only weigh 1x a week if you can. I was driving myself nuts weighing everyday, and have been much happier weighing only on Fridays. You've got this!

  15. I agree with the posters who upped their intake/protein and started to see some more movement on the scale. I'm almost 3 months out from surgery and have lost 41 lbs. total, with my biggest losses being in the last few weeks when I've upped my intake to between 900 and 1100 per day. I was trying to be so diligent about keeping my calories down and getting in my Protein, Water, and Vitamins, and wasn't losing much. When I talked to the nut, she suggested I up my intake and see if that made a difference - it did. Lost 6 lbs 2 weeks ago and 3 lbs this past week. I was initially very disappointed I wasn't losing faster, but as many posters have mentioned, you need to look at it over the long haul - I've never lost this much weight before, and I'll take being 41 lbs lighter than I was.

    Hang in there and give yourself a break - do what you can, keep getting in your Water and Protein, and only weigh 1x a week if you can. I was driving myself nuts weighing everyday, and have been much happier weighing only on Fridays. You've got this!

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