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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by valzie

  1. valzie

    pouch streathching

    Do you take calcium also?
  2. valzie

    pouch streathching

    I have not been banded yet and am getting a little nervous about all of these problems that have been posted. I mean it is good to know that all is not roses but maybe this is going to be more difficult then first expected.
  3. valzie


    You really don't know what you would do in a situation unless you really go through it and since we are individuals have various beliefs it is hard to say if anyone is right or wrong.
  4. valzie

    Help me interpret this- BCBS of GA

    I just read someone else on this site got approved within two days of submitting to bc/bs so it all depends on the bc/bs company.
  5. Danny good luck to you. I am having my surgery also in August but local for me in South Jersey. Keep in touch and let me know how your doing.
  6. I would love to go kayacking (dont think I spelled that right) and horseback riding, just looking forward to being more active and leading an active life and having the energy to do it.
  7. valzie

    I have a date!!!

    jpayton congratulations on your date for the band. I imagine you are excitied and nervous at the same time. Your right about your boss he will get over it. This is something that you are doing for you! Good Luck
  8. valzie

    slipped band picture

    How many of the surgeons usually use stitches to stitch the stomach around the band to prevent slippage? Would that have prevented the slip from occuring? And is that normal proceedure?
  9. Hi Benna- You have come to the right place to help make your decision. I am not banded yet. I am hoping for a surgery date in August. But if you look around on this site you will find both good and bad experiences with the lap band. It will also help you to have realistic expectations. I read the book by Kahlah Ali and her lap band experience. It is a great book and also includes exerpts from the doctor that performed the surger in New York. The book is called Fighting Weight. Hope this helps. Gook luck to you!
  10. I know I saw someone had posted a great list of things that you need before having your surgery. I looked through past boards and couldn't find it. If anyone has it please post it for me.
  11. Thank you for the great information. I want to try to get some of this stuff together. I hope to hear when my date will be the second week of July after insurance clearence!
  12. Jackie that is sooooo exciting! What insurance do you have that it only took three day? I hope my approval and everything goes just as smoothly as yours!
  13. It is only 8:43 in the morning and I am already discussed! Since I have made the decision to get banded everyone seems to be an expert on weight loss and band failures. My father started by saying that I dont need surgery I just need to push myself away from the table. Great advice from someone who has never had a weight problem. My husband's Aunt, who is like a mother to me since my mother passed away, says she knows someone who had it done and hasn't lost hardly anything. He says it doesn't work and joined Weight Watchers and lost 20 lbs. I asked her who his surgeon was and that I would love to talk to him if I could have email address or phone number. She never gave me either one. My brother told my Aunt and Uncle the other day, I wish he hadn't, and he told me they said that they are very concerned about me because no one should have surgery if they don't need it. They too know someone who got banded and it didnt do anything. They are just as heavy as before they got it. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I shouldn't have told anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry :faint: :help:
  14. valzie

    Family Support Problems

    Thank you all so much. I am so glad that this site is available. I have never met such nice people and caring too. I just needed to let out a little frustration. I do feel better. I am doing what I believe is best for me. I realize that their feelings are their own and I am sure that they are all concerned. I thank you all for your support!
  15. In Josephine's defense I think that what it comes down to is we have an addiction to food and most of us have probably never have known what real hunger is. We eat when were sad, happy, lonely, ect.. and we need to replace alot of that emotional eating with other activities. In that sense it is mind over matter. The band is a tool that will help in doing this but if you are not in the right mind set the tool will not work for you. Now that being said it is great that she was able to do this on her own without a fill. Personally I dont think that I could do it on my own which is why I have opted to get the band. Hang in there pjrugby you are among friends here. I would call the doctors office and speak to the nurse about your feelings and perhaps they will give you another fill soon. In the mean time try to not to dwell on it and keep yourself busy. Meditation and prayer has always helped me and maybe it could help you also. Good Luck to you and Welcome!
  16. I asked my doctor that same question because I had heard that some doctors will remove the gb at the same time. He said no because the band is sterile and the gall bladder can be messy removal and cause infection.
  17. valzie

    Has anyone seen this article regarding WLS?

    There is always risk in surgery. I know a guy who went in for a hip replacement and was ready to go home and died of a blood clot. Things happen. However more patients die from gastric bipass than lapband. The risks and complications are few. Everyone is entitiled to thier opinion and each one of us have to make our own dicisions. It is up to each of us to do our homework and feel comfortable with what we decide.
  18. <p>Thanks for the link and how to do the glitter signature. I love it!</p> <p>[img=http://10.UploadMirror.com/uploaded/1/114/glitter_maker_06_25_2007_09_27_55_95671.gif</p>
  19. Hi ccb, welcome and congrats on being banded. I have not actually been banded yet, hope to in August, but I have found the information fantastic and everyone is so nice and helpful! Good luck on the mushies!!
  20. Stick with it and remember what it is you are trying to achieve. My doctor only has one day as liquid diet. But I have been doing a lot of reading and have found out that the reason behind the 2 week liquid diet before surgery is to shrink the liver so it can easily be moved away during the stomach banding. If the liver is enlarged it can be bruised while being moved and cause more pain during the post op recovery. I am actually thinking of doing this even though it is not madated. Good luck to you!!
  21. valzie

    I have a date with Destiny

    Good luck to you and congrats on your date! I also hope to get my surgery in August.
  22. The only advice I can give you is to have a talk with your primary physician about how important is to you to get banded. I would also explain that you are seeing a new dr. on the third to get the issue with your thyroid straitened out and you are not going to avoid these issures because of the surgery. I am so sorry that this is happening when you are soooo close. But maybe if you explain it to the dr. he will give his approval. The only reason I can think of that he wants you to wait is that he might believe that your weight loss problems are do to the thyroid condition and banding might not help that.
  23. Good luck to you. And good for you for sticking to the preop diet! Let us know how you make out.
  24. valzie


    I just saw your posting about LOST my favorite show. I love Jack but you are right he is very complex. Sawyer is the ultimate bad boy we all secretly love to be with. The third season was awesome and I can't believe we have to wait until February now. I will be banded by then which is a good thing because I just ate and ate through the whole show. Im very sad that they killed Charlie off. I really liked his character!
  25. Hi edie I just wanted to say that if they were there for you throughout your hole journey with the band than they should know that the good outweighs the bad. However they are responsible for them and you for you. You cannot make them do anything. I am sure that they will hit a point and when they do just be there for them. The serenity prayer is a great prayer: God grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can and the strength and the wisdom to know the difference. Hope this helps.

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