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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by gastricsleever

  1. Hi all, I was sleeved on 12/16/13 and I'm currently looking for charts and spreadsheets to use to track weight, Fluid intake, Protein intake. medicines, etc. All of the beginning stuff that a recently sleeved person would need. I've found one chart in the topic of Measures, Measures, Measures but my computer doesn't seem to like it and wont let me do some of the necessary changes. Is there a way that I can find charts and spread sheets people have already set up? I'd hate to make a new one and have it be so-so (my excel is a bit rusty) then to have one that wors really well that someone has already made. Thanks! Krys

    I'm using a website called my fitness pal.

  2. I found Premier Protein shakes at my local dollar tree so I stocked up. Problem is I'm pre op & I will not have a long pre op diet. The sale by date is before I will be on regular liquids. Does anyone know if they can be frozen? Or if they are good after the sale by date?

    Wow, at dollar tree??? I will have to try the dollar tree near me. When is your surgery? Maybe try contacting premier Protein the company and see if it's able to be frozen?

  3. If you're talking about the rtd drinks not the powder i mix them with 100% fruit juice. I mix the apple melon with 1/2 cup of apple juice and it tastes really good. I mix alpine punch with pom juice, orange flavor with pineapple juice etc. I swear by the Isopure ready-to-drink bottles.< /p>

    I've heard such good reviews about the isopure ready-to-drink bottles, I went and ordered some...I do hope they r good cause wow, they were pricey! Lol

  4. Ok...I paid my deposit, and now I've booked my flight. I will be traveling alone to the OCC for my surgery. I'm going to stay an extra day at the Marriott to give my self the time to heal more. then my friend is flying out and we will stay in San Diego for a few days before flying home to Philly. She wasn't able to come the whole time, so I figured I'd rather have someone fly home with me. Now I'm freaking out a bit thinking about it all and wondering if I'm crazy flying down to mexico alone to have bariatric surgery, If my surgery is 2 months from now and I'm getting nervous, I can only imagine what my thoughts will be in the coming days! Can't wait to hear more success stories from you guys to keep me calm :)

    Remind me again - i may have asked this, but I can't remember. If any of you traveled alone, when you were in the hospital that night, who watched your purse/luggage? was it locked up somewhere while you were in surgery and recovery?

    I apologize for the silly questions when I am still over 2 months from being sleeved...just nervous! :)

  5. How long after your surgery were you allowed to drive? I am hoping it's not that long, because I'll go crazy!

    I'm wondering that too. I hope my body will cooperate with me and not be in too much pain to drive. My surgery is on a Monday and I was hoping to feel good enough by Sunday to make The drive from San Diego to LA. (Surgery in Mexico and I just wanted to go on a tour bus around LA since I've never been there before).

  6. Thank you so much for this idea! We just made it with a little leftover green tea and cucumber essential oil and it is soooo good! I tried the plain coconut oil the other day. Best. Moisturizer. EVER!! But the little lumps in it make it hard to spread. Once I was sure I'd like the way it felt, I harassed my husband until he made it (I'm not allowed to use the kitchen aid. Apparently I might break it) :P

    I started using coconut oil- I sit the jar in a bowl of warm Water while I'm in the shower and when I come out of the shower, the coconut oil is liquid form and I just pour on my hand and rub it on my skin and there's no lumps. But that only works for before I go to bed- I'd love to make the moisturizer the oil. So u just buy essential oils and mix it with coconut oil??!

  7. I have the Blendtec which I also got from costco, it's on the same level as the Vitamix, meaning that it costs about $300+. Yeah, I know that sounds like a lot of money for a blender, but it has been SO worth it. I'm only pre-op but I'm experimenting with Protein powders...yesterday I made a protein "ice cream" with 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder, 8 oz. of 1% milk, a dash of vanilla, and a HUGE handful of frozen strawberries. My blender ground them right up and made the most delicious, smoothest frozen dessert I have ever tasted. A cheaper blender would have left chunks behind, IMHO. I like my Protein Drinks "slushy" so I needed a blender that was good at breaking up ice. I plan to make more of these "protein ice creams" once I'm sleeved. The Blendtec is also good at making "green smoothies" which is whole juice veggies and fruits. Hope this helps! :)

    I just made a delish shake- vanilla protein powder, homemade applesauce with no sugar, and some cinnamon- yummmmmm! Tastes like apple pie and ice cream :)

  8. broth and popsicles. My kinda vacation party...not

    I don't go on vacation to eat, I go on vacation to travel and visit places I've never been to before, so I'm ok with broth and Popsicles while doing my Medical Tourism :) Vacations are always what you make of them, I will make this one fun...after all, it is the beginning of the rest of my life!

  9. Yeah I know we're only supposed to post before and after pics to inspire people but we got dressed up for our thanksgiving dinner and I want to share those pics so I'm starting a thread :) (I mean, I could make up some BS reason but really the truth is I felt good in my dress and I want to share it. and i love my kids. and my husband looked great). So feel free to add your "we're all dressed up" pics to this thread!

    GG, you look fantastic!

  10. I just got back and I was alone. First, you will have someone with you at all times. If you email Janese she will get you in touch with others that are going to be there. I made a couple of life long friends! In the hospital you will have nurses taking care of you. They bring you ice, juice, or Gatorade whenever you need it. You will have a nurse for every 4 patients so they are always available. Abraham will take you on outings to a few shops and show you the town. There are dozens of patients at The Marriott and most of them want to talk and compare notes! The hotel has free broth and Popsicles 24/7 and will bring them to your room. If you want to go to Wal Mart it is a safe walk or the hotel will get you a taxi. It's only $3. I am glad I went by myself so I could rest. But I always had ppl to do things with. When Abraham planes his outings there are usually 6 or so ppl on the van. So that's a good time to meet ppl as well. I never felt like I needed somebody. Alighterme takes really good care of you! Now if someone has trouble getting up and down bc of their weight or health issues then you might need somebody.

    Thanks for sharing!! I'm excited for my surgery and the experience, and if someone comes with me I would love it but I not longer feel like I must have someone with me, I'm ok going alone :)

  11. My surgery is in two months. I have shared with two "non-judgemental' friends and for now, that's it. I still heard, "Are you sure there's no other way?" I'll exercise with you" People can't understand the fighting arguing and disgust in my head. They can't know how it feels to want to be invisible in a room. I missed a good friend's wedding as I couldn't stand to be me in a room of beautiful successful people. For now, I opt to keep my decision private. Problem: I can't disappear for a week unnoticed. People will ask questions and I will fold under pressure. :( I am healthy with no history of stomach issues, other than 2 c-sections. No hernia or ulcer history, nothing. Looking for a believable story that requires only the briefest of explanations story. I have virtually no medical knowledge so I'm not able to do any improvision. Tks all.

    Thankfully I'm goin to Mexico for my surgery, so I'm telling people That I'm going on vacation to California and I'm gonna spend a few days out there afterwards enjoying my recovery in the sun and warmth rather than back on the east coat where it will be cold and gloomy :)

  12. This is tough for me and it has happened several time recently. I have just started a new job and had an office luncheon today and it was very obvious that I only ate about 1/4 of my food. At least five people at the table commented on how little I ate. Obviously having known these people for one week, I don't really want to divulge my full medical history. How do you handle these awkward eating out situations?

    I always tell people when they make comments like that That I'm trying to lose weight. I'm not telling anyone about the surgery tho.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
