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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by gastricsleever

  1. My 30th bday is in April and I'm having surgery in February. I am not telling my family members about the surgery. My mom and aunts want to make a big deal about my 30th going out for dinner and what not. I'm worried about what I will be able to eat 6 wks out!

    I know everyone is different but I'd love to hear how much u were eating 6 weeks out and what u were eating. Any ideas for what I could eat? Thanks!

  2. My 30th bday is in April and I'm having surgery in February. I am not telling my family members about the surgery. My mom and aunts want to make a big deal about my 30th going out for dinner and what not. I'm worried about what I will be able to eat 6 wks out and trying to keep it private.

    I know everyone is different but I'd love to hear what u were able to eat around 6 weeks out. Any suggestions of what kind of food or restaurant I should go to?

  3. I'm pre-op and having so much trouble drinking my Water and I'm worries about getting dehydrated after surgery. I feel like during the Spring and summer I have no problem drinking water but lately it's been such a battle to drink 8 cups of water a day! Any tricks? How do u remember to drink all your water, especially if u r in the office working all day?! Help!!! Lol

  4. I will be in MX in a little over a month. Can't believe it's coming up so soon! I had a vaca to Disney planned the last week of January plus my surgery "vacation" in February. I Just found out that while I'm doing my 2 week pre-op, I have to go out to Pittsburgh for work for a week. Then I will come back on Sunday, and I leave for the TJ Marriott on Saturday. It's gonna be crazy busy for me. I'll be traveling with my bosses so it will be hard to go out to eat and only drink a Protein Drink :/ I'm debating on just staying in my hotel room instead of going out with them for dinner. The pre-op instructions say we can have leafy greens and balsamic dressing, hopefully that won't be hard to find at a restaurant? Just a plain salad? Idk, trying to decide what to do. Did u guys have any problems or challenges with your pre-op diet?

  5. Yes, I like My Fitness Pal. I got a FitBit for Christmas that tracks my steps and my sleep, and it can track my food too, but the reason I like My Fitness Pal is that it gives me a nutrient summary for the day so I can watch my Protein, sodium, sugars, Fiber etc. So, I use My Fitness Pal for my diet log and FitBit for my exercise and sleep log. BTW my surgery is in 10 days. It is very exciting.

    Awesome! I ordered a fitbit too, should arrive any day. MY fitness pal name is chechelrachel. I'd love for u to add me or I can add u :)

  6. I'm scheduled for 2/17/14. I've begun trying to lose some weight pre-op and use my fitness pal to track my food and exercise. Anyone else scheduled for jan or February surgery or recently had surgery in December? Trying to find people that will be around the same stage as I am when I am post-op. Thanks!

    My user name for MFP is chechelrachel.

  7. You are prepared! I had tons of samples I bought while pre op. I had gotten sample variety packs of Syntrax, Unjury and bariataric choice. Post op, it's really a shot in the dark as far as what you'll tolerate. Myself, I lived off of sugar free popsicles, unjury chicken soup(it's clear stage friendly), and propel zero in the first 3 weeks. I'm 10 weeks and I just placed another order for variety packs and got a 2nd unjury chicken Soup jug. I still can really only tolerate the propel zero for a calorie free beverage. I am still supplementing with the Protein Shakes at least once per day. I wasn't cleared for Protein shakes until week 3..so finding Clear Liquids to keep me hydrated and fully was key early on. Good luck, you'll do great!

    Thanks, I hope so. My date isn't til feb 17 but i will be on vacation and traveling for work quite a bit in January and feb before I'm out for 2 wks and want to make sure this stuff is done before hand and that my kitchen is stocked with whatever I might need.

  8. You sound more prepared than I was! I had only premiers on hand for Protein Shakes afterwards.. I am not a picky eater, never was so I just drank them because I was supposed to and well I kinda liked them! Lots of different broths (I preferred home made) But for me the biggest thing I had on hand those first weeks, was every kind of liquid I could think of.. Powerade zero, Water drops and powders of every kind and lots of different warm teas.

    With the broths and drinks that didn't have protein- did u add unflavored Protein to them? For the first 1-3 weeks, was the main focus getting liquids in, getting protein in or both?

  9. As of right now, I have tasted many Protein shakes. If I have time to mix one and add ice and other things to it, I use powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury. I've used the vanilla and chocolate and don't mind the taste. For on the go, I like the Premier Protein which is already mixed and I really like the taste of those. I also have a case of Isopure ready to drink juices. Ive been reading the things ppl say after surgery, like that they can't stand the Taste of Protein drinks afterwards or that they get sick of the same old Protein Drinks.

    So my question is am I prepared enough?! Should I have more of a variety? I haven't tasted the Unjury chicken Soup or used the Unjury unflavored Protein mix (I have sample packets of those) but I'm wondering if i should buy a container of chicken Soup or unflavored protein to add to my "stock" so I am better prepared?

    Tips or thoughts? What other foods have you bought for post-op? For any of you that are post-op, did you buy any things for post-op that u didn't end up eating?

    Sorry for all the question. Getting nervous as my date approaches lol

  10. Congrats to everyone! I personally am SO excited! I can't wait for my life to BEGIN! I'm going to Mexico alone as a self-pay for my surgery...nervous? a little, about the surgery...excited...absolutely! Some days I have thoughts wondering why am i doing this, and "am i sure i can't lose weight by myself without such a drastic surgery"?...but most days, i just wish my day were here already! As of right now I have 58 days, 6 hours, 20 minutes and 17 seconds till my surgery ;)

  11. You're prepping early and that is so awesome! Good for you! That's going to help you so much when you're post-op.

    I have experienced terrible Constipation since surgery. I'm trying to get it figured out, so it's good you're working on it now. One thing I've been doing wrong is not sticking with a Metamucil or Miralax for long enough. The cycle has been: feel really uncomfortable because I haven't poo'd in a few days, take something for 1-2 days, then I'm able to poo and I stop taking the Metamucil or Miralax.

    I'm going to start taking something every day so I can stay regular.

    Best of luck to you!

    Thanks, McButter, I'm trying to be prepared! I definitely will be adding a lil' somethin-somethin to my diet...cause this not poopin thing is ridiculous! LOL

  12. Hi all-

    I started trying to change my eating habits to prepare for life pre and post op. My surgery is not til February... I started drinking Protein shakes for Breakfast and really aiming for higher Protein in my meals and tracking what I eat. After about 2 weeks, I'm having Constipation issues! Is this because of the added protein in my diet and will I have this problem post op too? Suggestions?

  13. Just wondering.....Did you read about it on a post on here? I saw the post also and have bookmarked the site. I was wondering if anyone has applied and received a response back. I was a little skeptical about it. Please post and let me know what the outcome is. Those Premier Protein shakes are not cheap ($26 at costco for only 20 cartons) I would love to have my insurance pay for it :D .

    I just applied yesterday and got a call today. They said they faxed a script to my dr to fill out and send back and they has a few more questions for me so I need to give them a call back. It would be so nice to get it! Will update u with my results!

  14. When you went to Mexico for surgery, how did you organize your follow up care? I have an appointment scheduled with my PCP before I go to mexico to inform him of what I'm doing. As far as the follow up care, my local hospital has a bariatric program. Do I just get in contact with them after my surgery and tell them I would like to do my follow-up care there, such as the nutritionist appts, any testing, etc? What did you guys do?

    Thanks in advance!

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