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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by gastricsleever


    Thanks, Hoosier, I'm trying. Today was a hard first day! I have a headache now because I didn't drink enough water! And when I went out to dinner tonight, I ordered a side of steamed broccoli and a mixed greens salad with fresh sliced tomatoes. But since I didn't have my calorie free dressing I used 1 teaspoon of balsamic vinaigrette So tomorrow I will try better not to have extras that I'm not supposed to have. How did you do on your pre-op when you did it? Did you stick perfectly? How much did you use in your pre-op?.

    While I didn't do Enspira shakes, I did two shakes a day and the chicken/fish with veggies for dinner. I didn't vary at all from the program because I was determined to meet the requirements for surgery. I lost 12 lbs in two weeks. Was I hungry? Yes. It was a meal by meal decision to stick to the plan.


    There was a gal on my surgery day at OCC to have the poi cation. She hadn't lost the recommended sight and she was ultimately allowed to have surgery, but almost didn't! Scared me! Lol

    Ahh, you are lucky, your pre op diet included chicken or fish?! I would kill for a piece of chicken right now LOL Mine is just 2-3 shakes a day and leafy greens or other green vegetables and fresh tomatoes. Probably cause my starting weight is higher than yours. My goal is to lose 13lbs on my pre-up, so my surgery weight will be 260.

  2. I'm traveling for work all week so trying to find things to eat when we go out. Had a plain salad today bc I left my calorie free dressing at home :'( so i will look on the menus tonight for steamed broccoli!

    Yes! Play the pre-op diet game! You are making this work and will definitely hit your pre-op weight loss goal. Way to go...cannot wait to watch you kick butt with your sleeve!

    Thanks, Hoosier, I'm trying. Today was a hard first day! I have a headache now because I didn't drink enough water! And when I went out to dinner tonight, I ordered a side of steamed broccoli and a mixed greens salad with fresh sliced tomatoes. But since I didn't have my calorie free dressing I used 1 teaspoon of balsamic vinaigrette So tomorrow I will try better not to have extras that I'm not supposed to have. How did you do on your pre-op when you did it? Did you stick perfectly? How much did you use in your pre-op?.

  3. My sister arrived the day before me and she said the wifi worked the day before at the Marriott but wasn't working the morning I arrived. It also wasn't working at OCC that morning. Apparently it was a widespread outage. But it started working later that day and we had wifi at both places for the duration of my stay. You need a different code for each device at the Marriott and you get that just by calling the front desk. If you really want to call and text I would suggest checking with AT&T and finding out what international plans are available because your charges will rack up fast and furious without it. I turned my phone to airplane mode so no texts or calls would sneak through. If you have an iPhone, iMessages work over wifi and don't go towards data. My sister and I were able to FaceTime the night I was at OCC at no charge. I think Skype would work over the wifi as well. The rest of my communications with the States was done via email.

    Good suggestion putting the phone into airplane mode. I might turn the airplane mode off once a day to respond to texts and then put it back on. I do have an iPhone- can u iMessage people while your phone is in airplane mode?

  4. 1st congrats on what you have lost. I'm 2 months out sw 230, cw 195. I have fears that is will stop losing too. Have you talked to your NUT? Maybe changing your routine will help. Change up your foods & exercise. I'd def talk to your NUT. Are you journaling?

    Journaling is definitely good-I use myfitness pal. Also I've always heard when u exercise the same and eat the same, your body can get into a rut. R u in contact with your surgeon and nutritionist? If you've been stalled this long I would definitely get in contact with them.

  5. Hey guys- wondering about the wi-fi and phone service at the TJ Marriott. So I have AT&T, I am assuming the charges will be more expensive for texting and calling from Mexico? But I can limit my texting and use email on wi-fi instead to contact people. What did you guys do when you were there and if you used your cell phone, were the fees extravagant!?

  6. In 25 days I will have my new sleeve done by Dr. Ariel Ortiz on 2/17/14. I'm getting so excited. The further it was, the more nervous I was. The closer it gets the more excited I get. I think I'm prepared and ready. I got this! :D

    They told me pre-op diet 2 wks before but I want to make sure I lose my 10% weight so I think I may start my pre-op diet next week, even though I will be on vacation in Disneyworld and Key West next week.

  7. I had lettuce with flavored vinegar as a dressing (found garlic and raspberry) Lots of spinach. Either plain, with Unjury Protein cheese sauce or mixed in with beef broth and Unjury unflavored powder for a very yummy "hamburger" Soup. I also steamed green Beans and mushrooms. I dipped sliced zucchini, red peppers (I know, not a green veggie) and broccoli in the Unjury cheese sauce and had the same veggies steamed in a little chicken broth one day. Take advantage of the veggies you can eat now, because you won't be able to for a long time! I had both the Unjury and Syntrax unflavored powders. They were about equal... The Unjury maybe mixed a little better. Key to mixing is make sure your liquid isn't too hot and I used a Blender Bottle with a wire whisk ball and never had clumping issues. Available on Amazon. I have an individual smoothie blender, but the blender bottle mixed just as well and easier cleanup. I mixed it with chicken broth, beef broth, Mexican tortilla soup base and Hot and Sour soup base for a break from the shakes. Any of the RTD shakes were too thick and sweet for me. I always added Water to thin them up. Also mixed the vanilla protein with 16-20 oz of water instead of 8. I.d have a huge cup of coffee in the morning, consisting of 1 Premier Protein vanilla shake and 8-12 oz Decaf coffee. Oh yeah, and PB2 was great. I mix 1-2 tablespoons with my vanilla Matrix powder and 20 oz of water. Very yummy. Also good mixed with a chocolate RTD shake. Variety was the key for me. I couldn't have just drank vanilla or chocolate shakes everyday. I must have been OK with my preop choices because I lost 22 pounds in 16 days. (I was supposed to lose 12 in 14 days, but was paranoid and excited so I started 2 days early.). Good Luck!

    Thanks for all the helpful info! I never thought to mix coffee with the protein shakes! Also, I def need to re-order Unjury before surgery and when I'm post-op. I can't order till Friday when I get paid so hopefully it arrives in a few days! Lol what is Matrix powder, another Protein Powder?

    Wow 22 lbs?! I'd love just to lose 15 to meet my 10% goal :/ What was your starting weight, if u don't mind me askin?

  8. I'm staying at the Marriott as well. I'm getting the gastric bypass so I'll be in the hospital 3 nights so I won't be back at the Marriott till 21st. You'll probably be leaving that day. Darn, we could have had chicken broth together. Lol hopefully I'll see you coming or going.. Can you believe we are a month away? Sadly I already started a Protein diet. I was just doing strictly protein but now I've started the 2 shakes plus a dinner. Plus, I'm still having a couple of additional protein Snacks. I start the real deal 2 wk pre op diet on Feb. 4 no protein snacks :( I think what I'm dreading the most is the three day liquid diet before surgery. I'll be at a horse show with my daughter for those three days. I don't know how I'm going to do it. But I know I will. I have no choice. We must stay in touch... Are you getting the sleeve?

    Yep I'm getting the sleeve (you're in the sleeve forum ;) I think I check out of the Marriott on 2/20 but who knows we may bump into each other :)

  9. Hey all you OCC post-op-ers- I have a question about pre-op. If I've asked this before I apologize! I'm starting my pre-op on 2/1 and it says I'm allowed to have leafy greens and those spray dressings. I haven't been able to find any of those in the stores- if did the pre-op diet with eating leafy greens what did u eat and what dressing did u use? I'm not sure if I'm looking for fat free dressings or calorie free/ lo-cal dressings or both??

  10. Sleeve sister, love it! Lol. Silver Cross Hospital in New Lenox, IL. It's a suburb of Chicago. How about you?

    I'm in Philly, havin surgery in Mexico tho. My insurance has an exclusions policy for anything relates to weight loss/obesity including surgery :( so I did tons of research and it's off to MX I go. NEVER thought I'd want to lose weight enough to have surgery, much less in Mexico but here I go in 27 days!!

  11. My countdown has been going for a while now...but it's getting real! 28 days til my surgery at the OCC. I will be going alone but I found a friend on here who is going to another dr having the sleeve done on the same day and she will be staying at the TJ Marriott as well which is nice. I need to lose 10% which is 28lbs. I'm a little because even though I've been trying hard, ice only lost 13lbs so far. Hoping the liquid diet that I start on feb 3 helps me lose the additional weight. In starting to get nervous!!

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