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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Band07

  1. There are lots of people here who love their sleeve and have done well revising from one to the other, I sadly am not one of them, but look at it this way, if you're not happy now and not losing then what do you have to lose by revising ?
  2. I'm sure they did a leak test the day after your surgery ? You can request a copy of your X-rays and see for yourself what your new stomach looks like. This is how I knew for sure that mine was not the ideal sleeve. My band left behind a nicely dilated esophagus, I also had an xray at one year post op where I saw that my sleeve had stretched way more than it should have, I requested my op notes and found that my surgeon used a larger size Bougie and probably went very liberal with my sleeve size since I was a lower BMI patient to begin with. I wouldn't accept that the sleeve "doesn't work for everyone." If it doesn't, there is a reason.
  3. Band07

    Sleeve Plication ?

    Queen of Crop - The plication has been around for a long time though the long term weight loss wasn't great. They just fold the stomach in on itself and sew it up more less to reduce the size. Even though I know it hasn't worked well on full size stomachs, I'm not sure how it would work with a sleeved stomach. Michigan Chic - Yes I've done well though my profile isn't correct since I've been gaining lately. I lost over 100 lbs with lapband and maintained pretty good for almost 7 years. When I had my sleeve surgery I weighed 169 and today I'm 177 so no, I haven't lost anything with the sleeve.
  4. Band07

    Sleeve Plication ?

    I'm looking into a revision of my sleeve, resleeving is an option but Iv recently heard plication of the sleeve has also been successful, anyone have experience with this ?
  5. Band07

    Sleeve Plication ?

    Well, first of all, Iv never had any restriction following surgery and I never lost any hunger/appetite but confirming that is the X-rays Iv had done and reviewed by 3 different surgeons.
  6. Band07

    Sleeve Plication ?

    The plication has been around a long time actually though I think maybe you are misunderstanding ? I have already been sleeved. He uses plication to tighten a loose sleeve as mine is too big.
  7. Band07

    Sleeve Plication ?

    Apparently this is the method that Dr. Oritz prefers for sleeve revision to tighten a loose sleeve. Yes I'm having a hard time finding much on it though I do know that the original plications (non sleevers) showed very little success long term.
  8. Band07

    US vs Mexico sleeve size ?

    Interesting article though it is 2 years old and somewhat questionable I would say as it makes it sound like it's almost impossible to stretch your stomach (which was believed to be the case early on ) and we now know that's not true at all.
  9. I'm one of those that you have read about and worry about. Iv never felt any restriction with the sleeve and never lost any physical hunger. For me removing the band was like opening the flood gates and I weigh almost 10 lbs more today than i did when I had my surgery. You are right to have concerns, there are no guarantees, it's just a chance you take but that being said, if you're not happy now or like me have fears about living the rest of your life with the band, then it's prob worth taking a chance.
  10. Lose the weight, find a new husband.
  11. Band07

    Extremely dilated esophagus

    I went from band to sleeve same day with not even an unfill. After 7 years of living tight with the band, my esophagus had also dilated so when you look at my xrays you see a nice size pouch on top of what is supposed to be my "sleeve." I was told this shouldn't impact my weight loss but I have never ever felt like a "sleeved" patient. I have no restriction and I've actually gained 9 lbs since my surgery 16 months ago I don't really feel like it stores food though, I don't ever have any reflux or heart burn which I did have before surgery almost daily so I guess that is one of the few positives that came from my revision. I also don't get stuck or throw up anymore but I'm more less fighting a battle without a tool and believe me it sucks! I'm 28lbs from my goal weight but that is only because of the success from my band and my own hard work and dedication to keeping it off, honestly the sleeve has never done one thing to assist in my weight loss.
  12. Band07

    Band to sleeve failure HELP PLEASE

    I requested a copy of my X-rays that I had taken at my one year follow up, I just got them Tuesday and what I have in no way looks anything like a "sleeve." I'm not sure why that is though at my apt I was told that everything was good. It's definitely easy to see why I feel like I didn't even have surgery though. I'm looking into what my options are for resleeving.
  13. For me it was a couple of things. One was fear of what could come. I'm only in my thirties and there is no way to tell what could come of another 30 or more years with the band. Also honestly even though I lost my weight I lived very tight and I was sick of feeling stuck all the time. Everyone said such great things about the sleeve, who wouldn't want just feeling full ? No more sliming ? No more PB ? Actually feeling full ? So i went for it. As for not hearing of anyone else experiencing this, let me assure you there are plenty of us, of coarse if you are doing well and not searching for these specific problems then you may not come across them but I am and I have and I'm sure when I see others out there wondering why they never felt any restriction at all they prob have it too, they just didn't see their xrays.
  14. Oh and btw, not to be the food police but you definitely should NOT be eating pizza 7 weeks out, you should still be eating soft food as you are still healing.
  15. I'm guessing at some point you had a dilated pouch with your band? That round baseball is what was left over when they removed your band unfortunately. I have the same thing. They say it shouldn't technically inhibit your weight loss but it does. I've never had any real restriction and I never lost one bit of my hunger. I loved my band and had amazing results. I've struggled everyday since my sleeve surgery and in fact sitting here today I weigh almost 10lbs more than I did on the day I had my surgery.
  16. All great questions but I haven't asked any of them honestly. I did discuss what I saw on the x-ray and was told that was definitely the result of my prior band but also that it shouldn't necessarily impact weight loss. Also, I requested an x-ray at my one year follow up and was told by the x-ray tech my stomach appeared to be about 50 % the size of what he would consider a "normal" person size.
  17. I agree gaining on so few calories would be terrible, I sometimes feel like that's all it takes for me too though I know that's not true lol It's definitely harder to stay motivated in the winter and I know we all face struggles for lots of reasons though I also know that we are all here because we couldn't do it alone and right now, I'm doing it alone and I'm failing miserably.
  18. Band07

    Band to sleeve failure HELP PLEASE

    I know this is an older post but I'm wondering if there are any updates? I'm in the same situation. Did AMAZING with my band and LOVED it! I honestly don't even have a good reason for having it removed other than I was just uncertain of what the future would hold with it and I was sick of feeling stuck oh and of coarse everyone said such GREAT things about the sleeve! I had band to sleeve surgery at 169 lbs and today (1 yr 4 months later) I'm 177. I don't want to hear anything about my calories or my exercise, I maintained 150 lbs (which is perfect for me!) for over 5 years with my band so I know what to do and how to do it, I just want to know if anyone is having any experiences with being resleeved because I saw for myself my x-ray post sleeve and my "sleeve" did not look like it was supposed too due to my band and the scar tissue. I've NEVER had restriction and never lost any hunger, in fact I'm 10x more hungry than I ever was with my band and removing the band was honestly like opening the door to eat much more than I ever could before.
  19. Is there seriously no one else out there who this didn't work for ? I believe completely that it's because my history of dilated pouches with the band left the top of my stomach too stretched out for the sleeve to work for me. Does this make sense to anyone else ? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  20. Band07

    at goal weight band to sleeve

    For me there is no comparison, with the band it would scream at me! Don't eat another bite or it will come back up !! The sleeve is more of a whisper for me and I'm not even always sure it is talking to me at all lol, I'm not the best example, I haven't been happy with my experience though many, many are. I think my portion size is large due to my history of dilations with the band. I saw for myself that my sleeve has a larger pouch at the top left over from by band being removed. I also never lost my feeling of hunger, I was much less hungry with a tight band than I am now. There are some good things though, I'm no longer afraid of pills or eating too late nor do I ever have heartburn anymore, I can eat healthier foods and I don't ever slime or PB anymore either so there is that
  21. Band07

    at goal weight band to sleeve

    I was 169 day of surgery, my goal is anywhere between 145/155. I actually worried about losing too much weight lol what a joke that is now. Six months after surgery and I still weight 168. The sleeve is a totally different experience. I lost 11 lbs the first 6 weeks but have slowly gained it back since thanksgiving. It's different for everyone though, and yes I got some weird looks saying I was there for weight loss surgery, but I was afraid to try to keep it off on my own.
  22. I had a lot of heartburn/reflux with the band and have not had one bit with the sleeve.
  23. Band07

    Am I really the only one ?

    Thanks cowgirl ! I think I definitely fall into category 2, what really sucks though is that Iv been down to 140 and maintained that well for quote awhile and now I'm fighting hard to get back to 155, I'm pretty happy there. I'm ready to step it up though, starting the 3 day juice cleanse tomorrow. I just get down sometimes wishing that it was easier, especially after investing all that money!
  24. Band07

    Am I really the only one ?

    Seela, what you are saying makes sense and I'm definitely not afraid of the work, most days I just accept the fact that the rest is up to me, however there are days like yesterday and today where I get upset at the fact that I'm $28K in to this and feel like I'm not getting any help from my tool at all. I'm slowly gaining and of coarse that scares me. I'm going to do a 3 day juice cleanse this week to try to jump start my loss again and I will continue adding miles to my run, I would love to do a half marathon in the fall.
  25. Band07

    Am I really the only one ?

    I lost that and kept it off with my band. I weighed 169 day of sleeve surgery and today (6 months and 3 days later ) I weight the same. I lost down to 158 ish on the liquids/softs after surgery between September and November and have been slowly climbing ever since.

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