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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Band07

  1. I've been doing a lot of research and I feel that I've really narrowed it down to what I feel are the best surgoens in Mexico, however I can't seem to find much in regards to sleeve revisions or resleeving. The surgeons I've consulted with say they do them and have said that I'm a good candidate given my situation but I would love to hear form other patients who have had this done...are there any out there and if so, what surgeon did you choose?
  2. Iv been obsessive about it for a couple months now. I'm really impressed by what I'm reading about the MGB ! Thanks, I will watch for her updates! He is one of my top runners !
  3. I revised to the sleeve and it has never worked for me at all, I however had great success with the band. I'm now seeing a lot of information that says because of the damage the band can do to the stomach and because a lot of band patients are already adapted to reduced calorie lifestyles that the mini gastric bypass may be a better option. I'm considering revising to this myself. I'm reading great things about it!
  4. Thanks so much !! I have been in contact with each one you've mentioned but I'm now looking into the MGB as an option as well.
  5. Band07

    Sleeve to MGB Low BMI

    CarrieJess, did they do anything to your stomach during the procedure ?and also who did your surgery ? Thanks !
  6. Band07

    Sleeve to MGB Low BMI

    These are very good points! I may reconsider this...
  7. So I've been to Mexico numerous times to vacation and I always tip even at all inclusive resorts where they say it isn't "necessary" but I have no idea how this works at the hospitals in Mexico and I even read that it's appropriate to tip your coordinator. Can someone help me out with what is the norm? Thanks!
  8. I'm not sure yet, end of April or first May maybe. That's great to have a "buddy" ! I can't wait to hear how it goes !
  9. Iv been consulting with his coordinator !! Please let me know how it goes !! Best wishes sent your way !!
  10. Have you picked a surgeon? I'm right now researching this as a revision from sleeve.
  11. Band07


    I agree it would be weird as well but as some of you mentioned I know the rate of pay there can be quite low and I just wanted to make sure I was appropriate. What about tipping the coordinators ?
  12. Band07

    Sleeve to MGB Low BMI

    Sorry for all the questions but how does it compare to your expereince with the band?
  13. Band07

    Sleeve to MGB Low BMI

    This is very interesting, thanks so much for sharing! How do you feel now (actually full) ? What are your portions like? Are you physically hungry ?
  14. Band07

    Sleeve to MGB Low BMI

    I had never thought of this but it makes sense, I know over the six years with my band there were a lot of times where I prob was only eating 500/800 calories a day. I always felt like removing the band was almost like opening the flood gates after feeling so restricted for so long. Have you had any issues at all? Did you talk with any others who had went the same route since before you had it done? I had major reflux with the band as well but I haven't had a bit of it since.
  15. I was told it was permanent (US) and then I continued to work for my surgeon for six years and always told everyone it was permanent but reversible.
  16. Band07

    Sleeve to MGB Low BMI

    My surgeon used a size 42 bougie on me and went liberal at that because on the day of surgery I weighted 169 lbs (150 is about perfect for me) Because of this and also some damage done by my band my stomach easily stretched out more than it should have at this point. I'm right now obsessively researching the possibility of being "resleeved" I've talked to a couple of surgeons who think I'm a candidate so that's the route I want to go. I've ruled out all other surgeries (MGB/DS ect) and I'm just trying to get okay with the idea of a third surgery and the risks associated with it. I'm right now bouncing between 177-180 even though I'm doing Crossfit 2 or 3x a week and yoga on Sundays and I even rollerbladed 2 miles on Monday. I'm scared to death of another surgery, but I'm more afraid of gaining it all back!
  17. Yes absolutely !! I had great success with the band and I have struggled everyday since having it removed. Today I actually weigh 10lbs more than when I revised. I feel like I don't even have a "sleeve."
  18. Band07

    2015 Crossfit Open

    Love Crossfit, wasn't ready for the open and seeing what they threw up for tonight's 15.3 I'm glad I didn't !! Seriously !?! Who can do that ?? Lol best of luck to you !!
  19. So I've decided to go with one of the higher priced surgeons, I've saved about half what I need but being impatient as I am and hoping to schedule sooner rather than later I'm considering financing the rest. Has anyone used Fund My Dr or Citerra? What was your experience? Is the payments/interest rate outrageous? Thanks in advance!
  20. Band07

    What would you do ?

    There is no making the current sleeve work, I've been trying that for 18 months, I have a very large "sleeve" that easily holds more than it should, much more. I know 10 lbs isn't that much but what about 10 more or the 10 after that? My current weight is fluctuating between 175-180 and the DS isn't an option, I won't even consider that, I just can't decided if I want to risk a third surgery.
  21. Band07

    April/May sleevers!

    I'm being resleeved, I plan to schedule in late April early May I'm about 90% sure I'm going with Dr. Wilhelmy for my revision but I'm still looking into a couple of things.
  22. Band07

    Sleeve to MGB Low BMI

    Dr. Ortiz was on my list and I was very interested in his program however, per his coordinator he resleeves using the plication method which I am not a fan of. I agree Rocky1, I'm moving into that phase this week.
  23. Band07

    Sleeve to MGB Low BMI

    At this point, I'm sure I don't want to go the route of the MGB, I was just looking into it since Dr. Rodriguez is a fan of this however per his coordinator he may decide resleeving is the route for me as typically he is dealing with patients with a greater BMI than 30. I'm waiting to hear back from him. So far Dr. Wilhelmy and Dr. Ungson have impressed me most with their information and history of resleeving but wow, you were right Rocky1, they are by far the most expensive I've talked to so far ! I'm still waiting to talk with Dr. R Kelly before making my final decision but right now I'm set on resleeving and it's between Dr. Corvala/Wihelmy/Kelly. (And Rodriguez if he will do it instead of the MGB) Thank you both !
  24. Band07

    Sleeve to MGB Low BMI

    I started with lapband 2007 lost over 100 lbs, maintained well, did great but decided to revise to sleeve September 2013, Since then Iv struggled everyday ! I weigh 10 lbs more today than I did the day of surgery. Yes I can eat as much as I want, I have little to no restriction and I have xray pics showing a very large sleeve.

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