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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by RoxFC

  1. My surgery was on 7/22. I have lost 23 lbs. I don't think I've really lost anything over the past week. I just started myfitnesspal and I'm tracking everything that I eat more closely. I can eat a few more ounces at a time now so I think I'm going to stick to my 3 meals (about 3-4oz each) and maybe one snack at night. Prior to this, I have been eating 2oz every 3 hours. Myfitnesspal showed me that maybe I'm eating too many carbs. So, I'm going to cut back on the carbs (such as the fruit at the bottom of my yogurt) and I'm going to do at least 40 minutes of cardio five times/week. I had lost 6lbs post op so my total loss is 29lbs. I'm happy with it I guess. I just want to make sure that I lose at least 3lbs/week.

  2. I also haven't gotten sick from anything and my sleeve tolerates everything that I've put into it. I only vomited once because I ate 2 ribs instead of one rib. I was so hungry when my food came that for about 3 minutes I forgot that I had been sleeved. I scarfed down those two ribs and boy did I pay for it! I had to vomit from the discomfort. But, other than that, I have had no problems. I'm almost one month out and I can almost east 4 oz per meal...wtf?? I thought it would take longer to get to this point. I also had cheetos one day. I was able to eat like 5 of them without a problem! I had to walk away because I could've kept going. I have to remind myself that this sleeve is a tool and not a solution. If we are going to be successful, we have to know that we still have to practice self control. I agree that we can't deprive ourselves of everything we like. We just need to make sure we don't overindulge.

  3. Not to get into a sad story but food was the only thing I could count on when my parents split up when I was 12. That is until I met my wife. I just feel like I lost a big part of me by not being able to eat and feel normal doing so. We went to the 99 on Saturday with my brother in law, wife, and two year old son. My wife got the burger I once loved, my brother in law got the boneless buffalo wings and potato skins which was my go to menu item and my son had mac and cheese. I ordered chicken noodle Soup and had two sips of the broth and then felt nauseous. Everyone finished their food except me and the waiter brought the manager over to ask me if there was a problem with my Soup because I barley touched it. This was just awkward because people were looking to see what would have caused this to happen. I explained my situation which I am not ashamed of but this was a first that I never thought I would have to deal with. I just wish I could fast forward to me living normal again or rewind and undo what has been done.

    I also had some regrets until recently. I can eat a little more and I am enjoying my meals again. It just requires more planning. We will be able to eat the things that we love but in very limited quantities. We are still healing and it's a process to get back to our (new) normal. I went on vacation on day 19 post op. I brought plenty of cheese, yogurt, and cottage cheese. I made sure that I ate every 3 hours (only about 2 oz at a time). I even got to enjoy a few bites of lobster (chewed very well). I ate frozen yogurt and had a couple a bite of cotton candy. Luckily I had no problems with anything. I just took a bite and tried it out. The past week has been very different. I can eat just a little bit more. I got this sleeve to control myself and as a tool for my weight loss...I don't plan to deprive myself at all! I hope you can figure out why you are unable to keep anything down. I really believe that it's just a matter of time before you come around.

    Roundy: I just realized that you were sleeved a week before me...don't despair! I see people on this forum and other forums that have also had difficulty trying out new foods for the first few weeks. Get on top of your doctor and NUT to check you out!

  4. Is it possibly the amount that you're eating? When I started on pureed foods, I could only eat 1-2 ounces at a time. If I would anything more than that, it would come back up (thankfully only happened once). It is so important to only take a small bite, chew thoroughly, swallow it and wait before taking the next bite. Also, I can't drink anything 15 minutes before or 30 minutes after I eat. I find that most people that get sick it's due to the amount and not what they are eating. I'm 4 weeks out and I can now eat 3-4oz at a time. It does get easier but when I over-do it it feels crappy! So, how much are you eating at a time?

  5. At least that's how I feel right now. I am on day 6 of my pre-op "warm up" diet. I am only supposed to do it for a week, but I started early because my BMI is borderline for 2 weeks, just cutting carbs and sugar. I suck at it. My hores are moaning and I am so PMSy and hungry. I've made some good decisions and done better than usual, but I am still eating too often and too large of portions of the "allowable" foods. This is why I'm in terrible shape to begin -- if I could diet and stick to it, I wouldn't need surgery daggumit. I start the REAL diet, two Protein shakes and a light supper of chicken and salad, on Tuesday. I'm feeling out of control and hopeless about sticking to it. I get almost frantic with hunger, and everyone said it would get better, but it is not. I'm so discouraged. AND ready to gnaw on anything in sight. Hungry now and can't relax to sleep. How do you people DO it? I have so much respect for those who are doing it and doing it well. You guys rock my socks. I hope some of your willpower wears off on me.

    I couldn't do the pre-op diet! I wound up cheating all the time. I did stick to the diet religiously the two days before surgery. I managed to lose 6 lbs anyway. If you can stick to it for the week, it really is best for you..especially because it does get your mind set for the first week post op when you're on a liquid diet. Best of luck to you!

  6. I asked my surgeon at my first post-op visit and she told me that it can happen up until 9 months. The symptoms are high fever, nausea, vomiting, and a constant pain in your left shoulder and left side of your torso. I was worried because I had pain in my back on the left side whenever I moved about 10 days after surgery. But, my surgeon assured me that the pain wouldn't go away with movement and that it would be almost excruciating.

  7. I'm 24 days post op and I feel great! I'm still trying to get the hang of what I can eat and how much I can eat. I try to stick to a schedule and eating routine..2 or 3 oz every 3 hours. The first week is the roughest. You will get better soon! We were all there. The gas pains went away for me around day 6 or 7. I barely have any pain in my abdomen anymore. It's just slightly sore.

  8. I have to eat every three hours...just 2 oz at a time but if I don't I feel very hungry! I'm hoping that now that I just started soft foods that the hunger will subside a bit. I'm not one of the people that never feels hungry. The head hunger and wanting to eat things that I shouldn't be eating has gone away...the empty feeling in my stomach, however, is very real.

  9. I was having greek yogurt with just a little bit of the fruit at the bottom. I didn't want all the extra carbs. I saw my NUT today and she said if I have one greek yogurt/day with the fruit that it's fine. Our calories are already so low that there's no way we aren't going to lose weight if we consume some carbs. She told me to aim for no more than 50-60g of carbs/day in the beginning.

  10. Your question is probably best answered by a nutritionist. But, I do believe that increasing your calories and drinking more Water will likely help you to get over the stall. Since you are now burning calories, your body may be going into starvation mode and not burning fat. I'm 16 days post op and I noticed that my scaled didn't move yesterday or this morning (I actually gained a couple of ounces!). I go to see my NUT tomorrow so I will be sure to find out what to do at this point.

  11. This is a great post! Thank you for sharing your story. I'm only two weeks out and my goal weight is 160-170 lbs. I have been between 130-144 lbs in the past and I don't look good that skinny! I love how I look in the 160-180 range. Your post gave me encouragement as I'm trying to figure what the future will be like. It's good to know that I will be able to increase my calorie count and eat (very little) some Desserts and treats. Right now, I'm just focusing on getting as much weight off as possible because I know that we experience the most loss early on in our sleeve journeys. I hope you continue to enjoy your life and congratulations!!

  12. wow! congrats on the baby! i'm only 2 weeks post op but one of the reasons I had this surgery is because I want to improve my chances of getting pregnant and of a healthier pregnancy. I would think that after having the baby maybe you can do the 5 day pouch test? Also, possibly do a modified version of the pureed food and soft food diet...a few ounces of food (primarily protein) every 3 hours and lots of liquids and exercise. That's just my opinion...I'm not really sure if this is the best option. Best of luck to you!

  13. good job! you look beautiful!! I have a question about how many ounces can you eat in one meal at this point? I'm only 11 days out and I'm eating 2 ounces every three hours..about six little meals per day. But, I am curious about what point will I be able to eat three meals (more than just 2 oz) and maybe one or two small Snacks?

  14. I was supposed to do a modified liquid diet for 3 weeks before surgery. My diet included one regular meal/day. I only had to do clear liquid diet 24 hours prior to surgery. I cheated. I did my best on my pre-op diet and about 3 days before surgery spent the day at the beach and fully enjoyed myself (drinks and food). At my pre-surgery weigh-in before i went to the O/R, I had lost 7 lbs. I am now six days post op and have lost another 10lbs. I think it's best to follow your doctor's recommendations as closely as possible in order to avoid complications. The liquid diet will prepare you for the first week post-op. It is a huge adjustment. If you have a moment of weakness, just don't let it sabotage your whole effort...and, definitely, stick to the clear fluids the day before the surgery so your system is as clear possible. Best of luck to you!

  15. I'm only six days out and I am happy that I'm tolerating everything that I have tried thus far! Everyone has a different experience and tolerance levels. Each doctor also has their own technique. I know my doctor used the biggest bougie possible (size 4) when doing my sleeve. You will know if you are doing something wrong..you will feel terrible if you are eating too much. One egg is not a lot to eat! No matter what you are going to lose weight if you eat healthy and exercise. The sleeve is a great tool... I agree that you are still healing and should take it easy. But, don't for a moment doubt that you're ok...as long as you are feeling ok. I have managed to increase my Fluid intake to 6-8 oz in one sitting (I sip about 2 minutes apart). My fluid intake is at about 40 oz and my Protein intake is at about 34g. I have to improve on both. But, I have also included about 4 saltine crackers per day to help me feel more satisfied. I chew each cracker until it is mush in my mouth. I make sure to wait before I drink any liquid before and after the cracker. This is something that I probably shouldn't be doing the 6th day after surgery...but, I feel just fine! I actually feel great... My doctor told me to find whatever works for me as long as I don't over-do it. Best of luck to you...

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