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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by RoxFC

  1. Wow you guys are all doing so well. I'm so pleased at how this thing has grown and I hope next month is even better. I hope you all stay in it and try to top this month in October. It just goes to show you....goal setting really works. And not just vague "I'm gonna get in shape" goals. But specific, measurable goals that you can reach for....it's helped me and I'm inspired by all of you for reaching for this goal.

    Keep it up.

    It's like you're talking to me! I was just thinking last night how I'm going to take it easy next month...but, why??? Why am I trying to sabotage myself? So, here I am committing to the next challenge. And, I will definitely do more than 100 miles next month!

  2. Rode my bike for over an hour today. A lot of up hill riding. I did not calculate the mileage. Can any of you give me an estimated guess as to how many miles that might be????

    Sent from my iPhone using VST

    When I do my exercise bike, it tells me that 30 minutes at about 18-20 mph is equal to 8.25 miles. Going up hill probably slowed you down a bit but I would say it's safe to say you probably got in around 15 miles (??)

  3. Hi all! I've been getting my miles in...over the past two days I've done 10.25 miles..walking and biking. My total now is 83.71. I plan on going over 100 miles by the 30th. I am so grateful to have found this challenge..thank you, Butter and everyone else that has joined this challenge. You all keep me accountable!

  4. Hi all:

    I haven't checked in but I have been busy! I did take off on Friday and yesterday but I managed to meet my personal goal...I now have a total of 73.46. I have done my usual: walking, biking, and hiking. Good job everyone! We're almost there...I have to do a minimum of 3.7 miles/day to meet my goal...I know I will do it!

  5. Hi all! This past Wednesday and Thursday I got in 8.87 miles (hiking, walking, biking) for a total of 60.21. I plan to get in a lot more miles this weekend! Everyone is so inspirational to me! This challenge has really kept me on my toes...keep up the good work everyone!

  6. I had a rough Monday so I decided to not do any exercise...But, yesterday I made up for it with a 5 mile hike. It was great!!! I'm glad to see everyone is doing so well..we have 12 days left people! We can do this! My total now: 51.35

  7. I am advised not to eat 15 minutes prior and 30 minutes after. It definitely has to do with filling up. When you eat, you want to be able to get in as much nutrition as possible and if your stomach is full with Water that won't be possible. Also, I notice that if I drink right before I eat that I get a feeling in my throat as if food is getting stuck and I have general discomfort. i find it more uncomfortable to drink right after I eat. If I drink before I eat it's not as bad.

  8. I haven't checked in but I have kept busy! I went on a great hike yesterday. It was only 2 miles but it was 2 miles up a very steep mountain. It took forever to get up the mountain...coming down was a breeze! Prior days I did my usual biking and walking. My total milage is now at: 46.34

  9. due to very bad storms rolling through the northeast, I was only able to exercise on my stationary bike at a moderate-high resistance for a half hour for a total of 8 miles today. So far my best day! My grand total is now 36.86 miles toward my goal. Thank you all for keeping me in line...I love a good challenge!

  10. Here's mine after 110lbs lost and post baby. Pretty minimal on stomach - wee bit on arms and thighs but still tightening up. Boobs whole other story! But I think thats from breastfeeding more than anything.



    Amazing! I can only hope that I'm as fortunate as you. So far, I've only lost 40lbs and I don't have much sagging going on but I have 62 lbs to reach my goal.

  11. I'm into my 7th week post-op. I have been eating regular foods for about 4 weeks now. My doctor only had me on liquids 1 week and pureed the 2-3rd week. The 4-5th week I began soft solids and since week 5 I've been introducing solids. My doctor wants me eating 2 servings of fruit and two servings of vegetables per day. I'm still eating greek yogurt for the Protein. But, I am eating my protein now rather than protein drinks. My doctor also wants me to have one serving of carbs/day. I can have one slice of whole wheat toast or 1/2 of a potato. I'm still not eating any regular bread, rice, or Pasta. I recently started eating salads again. For example, today I had a slice of whole wheat toast with two slices of melted muenster cheese (13g protein), mid-morning I will eat an orange, For lunch, I will have about 1/2 cup of salad with 3oz grilled chicken (24g protein), around 3pm I will have a few baby carrots. For dinner, I will have 3oz of lean steak with 1/3 cup of string Beans (24g protein), and before bed time I will have a greek yogurt with a little bit of granola (12g protein). For today, this will give me 73g of protein but it'll probably be a little closer to 80g because I drink about a 8oz of skim milk throughout the day. I see so many different doctor-recommended eating plans after this surgery on this site. I'm very pleased with my progress. I am losing about 5lbs/week on my plan. I have lost a total of 38lbs (32 lbs since surgery). I don't feel deprived and being able to eat real food keeps my head hunger under control. Don't get me wrong, I have tried eating things that I shouldn't eat. I have had candy, a piece of chocolate, oreo Cookies, and popcorn. Not at once! But, I have sampled these over the course of the past few weeks. For me, the days that I don't plan out my meals and stick to my eating schedule is when I am more likely to eat something that I shouldn't. It is getting easier and easier. I went to dinner with friends on Sunday and I had no desire to reach out for the bread basket! I was so pleased. I just ate my salad with grilled chicken...and I had left-over for lunch the next day! i also had a bite of mushroom appetizer. I felt very satisfied and not deprived at all. Oh..and I had about 3 glasses of wine! I won't be doing that again any time soon! If you can, definitely look into a nutritionist in your area. Every time I go to my NUT I get invaluable guidance. Best of luck to you!

  12. I have been doing cross fit for about 8 months and am fairly competitive in nature (at least against myself). Love the sport. My question for you, as a former athlete: what constitutes an athlete? This is purely asked for my own benefit. I have never been an athlete before as spent most of my life obese.

    Does being an athlete mean:

    1. It is a profession?

    2. That you have a coach and train almost daily?

    3. You participate in sanctioned events?

    4. ?

    I can run 5k and 10k with very respectable times ( 18 min and 45 minutes, respectively), although not in sanctioned races. I run on my own.

    I can Rx the cross fit WOD consistently.

    I have a personal cross fit coach / trainer.

    I train almost daily ( am training for cross fit regionals next summer, cross fit games after that and American ninja warrior after that))

    I can squat 300 lb, bench 250lb and deadlift 350 lb. lifting heavy is not my forte, but I have been working at it as part of my athleticism in cross fit training.

    Yet I am a software developer for a large multinational company for most of my waking hours.

    Should I consider myself an athlete? Just wondering from someone who is a former athlete.

    I'm going to jump here and say that you are an athlete! I think if an athlete makes his/her living from a sport or from being athletic then he/she is labeled a "professional athlete." I looked up the definition of athlete and you fall into it:




  13. I had wanted to get in 4 miles today but I came in a little short. I rode my bike for about 12 minutes at 15 mph for a total of 2.8 miles. I intended to take my dog for a two mile walk but a friend of mine invited me over for dinner...oh well! My pooch was so disappointed...So, with last week's 12.5 miles of walking and today's 2.8 mile bike ride =15.3. I really have to do about 4 miles/day for the next 21 days to reach 100 miles. I will do this! No doubt...

  14. I'm a little tardy for the party but I think this is a fantastic challenge! I want to join in...I have been walking 2 miles/day since last Monday. Today I walked 2.5 miles. So, for this past week is 12.5..that's monday-saturday (today). I have to get in 88 miles over the next three weeks to catch up. That's 29 miles per week...I figure I will have to do about 4 miles per day. I'm going to walk and bike to reach these goals...I hope I can do it! :wacko:

    Oh..and I hope it's ok with Butterthebean...I'm posting a similar challenge on gastricsleeve forum...I look to both this forum and gastricsleeve forum for support and think this is such a grea idea to share with them. I hope nobody minds :D

  15. I'm 6 weeks post op and I have lost about 34 lbs. I'm still in my same size clothes. I think I may be down one size but I haven't checked. The way I see it is that, as we get smaller, we should see the sizes come down quicker. I was just telling my best friend how I have lost a little over 30lbs...she is so amazed by this. However, she' seeing this amount in reference to her weight. She is under 200lbs so if she lost over 30lbs it would be a major change in her size. But, for someone like me, who was 264lbs at the time of my surgery, 34lbs is great and quite an accomplishment...but, it is not drastic enough to drop a significant amount in clothes size. It's all relative to how much weight we have to lose. I have no doubt that the weight and inches are coming off. I know I have to be patient before I see a shift in my actual clothing size. I was a size 20 for awhile. I was also able to fit into a size 20 even if I went up a few pounds. Hang in there! The NSV will come for us all!

  16. This is a very honest blog about your experience. I'm sure you have expressed things that many others in your position probably experienced. Our expectations sometimes are not in line with reality. Mexico is a foreign country...where the primary language is Spanish and not English. Many of things you point out are all part of the Tijuana/3rd world country experience. I am not knocking anything...My parents are from Colombia...but, the comforts and certain things that we are accustomed to in the U.S. are simply not available in these countries. I'm glad that you did have some positive experiences with the people that you came across. I think your blog is a cautionary tale for those who don't know what to expect when going to Tijuana for surgery. I'm glad you're ok and got through it!

  17. My doc's guidelines were to wait 4 weeks post op. I did have some wine around week 3. I'm now 6 weeks post op. I've drank a couple of times...can only have 2 or 3 glasses of wine now over a two hour period. I feel the buzz much quicker. I did go to a baseball game last saturday and I had two beers. They went down fine. I know it's a big no no...I'm not suggesting you do it. Just remember all the empty calories in alcohol...don't over-do it!

  18. I didn't need pain meds after day 6 post op. Maybe you can ask your doc for a no-opiod pain medicine such as Toradol. I know i needed the dilaudid pump when i first got out of surgery. I did have a little problem with oxycontin about 6 years ago. But, the dilaudid made me feel so sick that I didn't want it! I did get some hydrocone from the doctor but i only used it a couple of days. I hope you are able to not have a relapse...make sure you have a strong support system...it sounds like you already do! Best of luck to you and keep us posted.

  19. I can't believe that it has been a month since surgery. After the first two days of post-op hell due to nausea from anesthesia and pain medicine, I would have never believed that I would feel as great as I do right now! As each day passes, I understand my sleeve more and more. I learn something new every day about how to make this a successful journey. I have lost a total of 32 lbs...24 post-op and 8 from the pre-surgery diet (I only did a week of it..barely). But, when I logged back into myfitnesspal after months of not using it, I realize that my weight back in November was 276...So, I guess with the pre-op diet and surgeryI have actually lost a total of 36 lbs! I was in a stall for over a week...as my surgiversary present to myself, when I got on the scale this morning, I lost 1 lb since yesterday! Hopefully, this means that I will start losing weight again. I feel good...I'm now eating about 4oz/meal and I can see the difference in my body from the weight loss.

    I think that my greatest tool right now is myfitnesspal. I started using it again a few days ago and it really helped get a clear picture of what I'm doing with this sleeve. It keeps me accountable for my choices. I saw that I was getting a little high on the carb count and have decided to tweak what I'm eating...not deprive myself at all..just make better choices. I'm excited for things to come! I hope everyone is doing well and thank you for all the support and wealth information that is offered through this forum! I will post some pictures at the end of this month...

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