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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by RoxFC

  1. Hi all! I love everyone's posts...I'm battling a cold right now. I haven't been sick in the longest time! ugh... So, I took a break on Wednesday and yesterday I got 5.07 in on my bike. My total for the month is now at 63.77. I have 61.23 to go for my 125 mile goal! Looks like minimum of 5 miles/day for me! Keep up the good work everyone!

  2. Couple diff things going on. The RA wants to come flare on me so I'm fighting that. My thyroid meds were too high now that I've lost weight. So I was almost strung out and hyper and therefore short of sleep. As soon as that was figured out I had to go off them for a bit and I crashed hard. Depressed, exhausted, worn out. So now on new dosage which hasn't kicked in. Everything hurts, feel like I have the flu and work is insanely busy, so worn out that way too.

    All the things you don't think about when you blithely run off to get WLS.

    hang in there! I hope everything starts to normalize for you...

  3. Yesterday I walked two miles at lunch time and two miles with the dogs at night. My total for so far is now: 58.7. miles. Everyone is doing great! Thank you all for being inspirational and keeping me on track! We're just about halfway through this challenge...time is flying!

  4. Spent 6 days on a ranch with no cell or wifi, walked 2 miles a day, a lot of uphill and stuck to my post op diet. Lost 0 lbs..... Frustrated, but trudging onward.

    hang in there! It sounds like the dreaded third week stall. I actually didn't stall at that point. I'm going through a stall right now that has lasted over two weeks. The scale will move again!

  5. I am almost 10 weeks out and have only lost 33 lbs since surgery 7/31. It is 3.3 lbs a week which should be considered good but not by my hospital! However, my new NUT (the old one moved) said due to my 42 lb pre-op loss that I was probably plateauing as my body adjusted. 29 she said anyday I should start seeing more rapid loss.

    I do need to exercise more but my work hours suck and I can only workout on days off whish is 2 days a week. I want to get a more fixed schedule (why I am looking for a new job) so I can exercise more regularly.

    I have had to buy new clothes though. Out of 30/32s and into solid 26/28!

    I've hit a plateau for what feels like an eternity. I have been going up and down the same 3 lbs for about two weeks. I had surgery on 07/22/13. I've lost 48 lbs total... 40 lbs post-op and the other 8 from my pre-surgery diet. My weight loss averages to about the same 3.5 lb/week. I am very happy with that because I in the past it was impossible for me to stick to any kind of weight loss. But, I did expect to not plateau for as long as I have been the past couple of weeks. I'm very active (currently doing 125 mile challenge for the month of October), I eat well...lots of Protein, good carbs, plenty of fluids. My downfall has been the weekends. This has always been my problem pre-surgery and I know I have to get it under control. I like to drink wine on the weekends and that is packed with empty calories! Also, I indulge a little on the weekends with dessert or a treat. I don't go crazy but I also don't get enough Protein or drink enough Water on the weekends. I'm back on track today and hoping that the scale starts moving soon. I go to my 3 month post-op visit on Thursday...let's see what my NUT says! Good luck to you....your weight loss is great! I wish I would've stuck more strictly to my pre-op diet...

  6. I got a little more motivated this weekend. Between Friday and Sunday I did 21.5 miles on my bike. I didn't get to walk...my poor dog is not happy! My grand total so far is: 54.7 miles. In order to reach my 125 miles, I'm going to have to get 4.14 miles/day.

  7. Dang this was my last post days ago :P

    I did 2.2 quick miles on the bike tonight just to got something in :P

    The human slug has

    33 miles...

    I'm the human slug too...I'm stuck at 33.2. I can't motivate myself this week at all!!! It's so frustrating. I just want to go home after work and REST. I've also gotten off track with my eating...especially yesterday. However, today is a new day! I had a protein-packed Breakfast (egg,turkey,cheese,& 1 slice of bacon) and I'm going to the gym today to see if I can break out of this funk. I've been exercising at home (bike) and walking. I think it's time for the gym in order to mix things up a bit... :unsure:

  8. Today was a great day!! Felt great all day! I started early this morning with a 1.46 mile bike ride in the cool morning air. I walked 2.75 miles today as well and just finished a great 2.19 mile bike ride. One thing is for sure...mileage on a real bike is harder than a recumbent bike...lol. I love the challenge...feel the burn! So, my ending mileage for today is 6.4 miles which puts me at 40.34 to date.

    Oh yeah...I almost forgot! I finally broke 300lbs! I was 298 this morning. My lowest in 20 years! Needless to say I did a happy dance this morning!!

    So happy for your under 300 lb milestone! You are definitely on your way to great success!

  9. Thank you! Unfortunately i have a bad flare up today. Not sure if it's the three 18+ hour days back to back, too much walking, too cold in Boston or what. but lots of pain today. Wrists, fingers, feet all whacked. Can't wait to get home and collapse tonight. No walking for me today. Oh well.

    Sounds like you are definitely in need of some much deserved rest! Take it easy and you can get back on track tomorrow. I'm not one to speak about getting on track...I took a break for absolutely no reason for two days! smh

  10. A little early for the combative stage (that usually hits 4 weeks post op)

    This surgery is not a cure.. (Duh)

    In fact it can be a major head game sometimes. As for bad choices? I guess you can call us all idiots because that's what got us here..

    I cannot wax poetic like you, so I won't try. But falling off of the wagon eating a carb laden food is the beginning of the end for some.. It's really hard to know by just reading a post and forming an opinion about it.

    Power. I felt I had none when it came to food. I am not an idiot, but no matter what the diet or the therapy my food consumption was beyond my control most days.

    Control, I have a shaky grasp on it now.. My hands are tired and weak at the moment..

    One taste, one bite.....taste, comfort, relaxing, friend. The hole is there, it is waiting to be filled. I am ( inset months) I am not cured the draw is strong.

    I'm happy for those of you that have it all figured out though...

    The thing is that anyone that has it all figured out would not need to be on this site at all! I don't have it all figured out.

  11. so...my weekly goal was 31 miles/week this month. It didn't turn out that way this week! I took off on Sunday and Monday. I'm having such a hard time with motivation this week but it certainly has helped to read everyone's posts. So my week rounds out at 28 miles. I rode my bike 5.25 miles yesterday and walked 2.75 miles. This week my goal is 33 miles so that I can reach my 125 mile goal for the month! ;)

  12. I am somewhat shocked to report that I walked 3 miles today, bringing my total to 20.6 miles. That doesn't even sound possible to me. I had hoped to hit 40 miles this month and while I still hope to hit 40, I also realize it's the 8th of October and I've hit 20.6 miles already. How is that even possible?!

    Loving this. The challenge and my fitbit both urged me to walk back and forth to the client's office, and then back and forth to dinner.< /p>

    Which by the way was TWO delicious lobster tails! I can not believe I was able to eat them both with no problems. I hit 101 gms of Protein while a)on the road and b)without shakes. happy day!

    You are doing so well! You will definitely make your 40 mile goal...you will more than likely make the 100 mile goal + at the rate you're going!

  13. Ok..so this weekend was a bust for me! i was excited to get in a lot of miles but it didn't quite work out that way...I felt blahhh! I only got in 4 miles on Saturday. I took a super quick walk with my dog (.5 mile) and rode my bike for 3.5 miles. My total so far is 20 miles. I have to get in at least 11 miles by tomorrow to be on target for my goal...So, I intend to bust my butt! Everyone is doing so well...I'm so glad I found this thread...

  14. I have been doing the October challenge, but not posting back so much any longer. This month I am going to reach new distances through both running and rowing. I am averaging about 1-3 miles of fast Sprint running outside on pavement daily and about 2000 m of rowing every other day, both for time. I want to start dong some rowing at home (we have a concept II b; it is a tank!) in the mornings to compliment the cross fit conditioning workouts I do in the afternoon. Need to get back on my treadmill at home again also to do some 5-10k running.i miss doing the longer slower runs, enjoying the less frantic conditioning of timed runs, perhaps watching tv or listening to music. Lately have not been doing at home working out at all and feel guilty about unused equipment. I am a slacker. :)

    No way can you EVER say that you're a slacker!

  15. Hi all! I love reading everyone's progress...even if I don't comment on everyone's posts, please know that I'm reading and smiling at everyone's awesomeness! So..yesterday I got in only a 2 mile walk. This brings my total to: 14.13 miles. I have walked 6.3 miles in 3 days. The rest has been on my bike. I wish I could do more walking and running (can't run for my life!) but I simply don't have the time to do this challenge by just walking. I love my bike for this reason. Plus, I can really ramp up my intensity on my bike. But, now that the weekend is upon us, I plan on doing a fairly intense hike (for me)...the hike has a 314 ft gain from the lowest point. I start at 280 ft and max at 544 ft. I love this workout! I hope the weather holds up....good luck to everyone! Let's get the most out of our weekend workouts!

  16. I'm sticking with both, Butter. Chugging along! I hope I start to see some changes in myself. Specifically, I'd like my butt to be in the general area in which it should be!

    My trainer put me up to it; someone started a page on Facebook called 'Squatober', and

    The challenge is:

    4,000 Squats (Beginner) (~130 Squats/Day)

    7,000 Squats (Intermediate) (~225 Squats/Day)

    10,000 Squats (Advanced) (~323 Squats/Day)

    I'm aiming for 100 per day; so far, so good! Check it out, I think anyone can join.

    My stats:

    Today - 2.2 miles, 105 squats

    Total to date: 4.6 miles, 305 squats

    aahhh...ok! Got it! Well, I'm going to join the squatober challenge with you. I'm going to do 71-100 squats/day! Thanks for the info!

  17. I had total buyer's remorse on days 2-5 post op. I felt lousy from the anesthesia the first three days and when I got home from the hospital, I was overwhelmed by having to keep to sipping schedule. I just couldn't wrap my head around what I had done to myself at that point. I also had major head hunger for the first week. But, by the end of the week things began to get better each day. I feel amazing at 10 weeks post op. I'm thrilled with my weight loss and I'm thrilled with my sleeve. It is a magnificent tool for weight loss. At this point, I only regret not having done it sooner. Good luck to you!

  18. 1.1 miles yesterday, for a total of 2.4. A lot slower than most folks on here, but I'm movin'! Trying out the bike this weekend, so hopefully I can put on some miles that way.

    Also up to 200 squats for my Squatober challenge; thinking that maybe doing both challenges in one month wasn't the best idea - the legs are purty sore!!

    The bike will definitely help you get the mileage in and it's good to change up your exercise routine. I do the stationary bike at home and every five minutes I increase the resistance and I lift my butt off the seat for one-minute intervals. I'm not a runner so it would be very hard for me to get in the 125 miles (my personal goal) this month! What is the squatober challenge? I'm intrigued..is it 200 squats/day? I need to do something like that!

  19. Hi all! I'm off to a good start (for me) since last challenge I started a week late. My total for Tuesday & Wednesday is: 12.13 miles. I walked 4.3 miles and rode my bike 7.83 miles. Today I plan on getting in a 2 mile walk at lunchtime but not much more than that since I have plans to meet up with my friends for dinner. I love reading everyone's posts! They are very motivational...Keep up the good work everyone!

  20. I have to say that I wish I would've listened to my parents in the past about the type of men that would be good for me. I wouldn't have wanted an "arranged" marriage but I can definitely appreciate the wisdom of my parents now that I'm in my 30s. I think it's a great that you realize that you probably need more time after ending a long term relationship but that you still choose to humor your parents and meet some of their prospects. Hey! You never know! You may meet the perfect man for you...All I can say is just have fun with it...I'm sure your parents will wind up supporting you in whatever decision you make. You are still very young! Good luck to you!

  21. Hey folks. I survived thanks to some really good drugs. They are working wonders at the moment.

    Thanks for offering to do my miles but Mrs Butter wants to do them for me and I'll log her progress here.....if y'all are good with a non sleever participating.

    Thanks for all the well wishes.

    Glad you're doing well! Take care of yourself and I'm glad your wife is joining in the fun!

  22. Hey everyone! Great job on your totals for September and a huge thank you to Butterthebean for starting that post and challenging us all to challenge ourselves. We all wish BTB great success and a speedy recovery from his surgery. We know you will be watching and cheering us on. October is among us and with that comes a new challenge. 100 miles in 31 days! Walk, run, bike, whatever you do, log those miles and drink that water! Anyone who has been lurking in the shadows and watching last months challenge, now is your time to join us! It doesn't matter if you do 1 mile a day or 20, just go at your pace and have fun! For those of us who participated in last months challenge, I want to issue a personal challenge to add another 15 miles to what you did last month. After all, there is 1 more day in this month.

    On a side note, this group has become very motivational for me as well as others. If you don't mind, let's let everyone know your real first name. If you would rather not and just want to go with your username that is perfectly fine. I will kick it off...my name is Ted. Good luck everyone and log those miles!!

    Thank you, Ted for starting the thread. I will commit to 125 miles this month. I plan to log in at least once per week with my numbers. I'm planning on at least 32 miles per week. I love these challenges and it really helped make a difference for me this month. My name is Roxana and I'm so glad to have you all as an inspiration to me... I wish Butter a speedy recovery and can't wait to have him back in the challenge! Good luck everyone...we can do this!


  23. I barely made it!!! I had great plans to get a lot of miles in this past weekend but so many things got in the way! I only manage to get in 4 miles over the weekend. That meant that today I had to get in over 9 miles...I walked 3 miles and rode my bike for about 6.8 miles. My grand total is: 100.09 miles. I will definitely be doing the October challenge and I'm going to give myself a minimum of 125 miles in 30 days. Thank you all for inspiration!

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