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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by RoxFC

  1. At my 3 month post op check up, my surgeon asked me if I was eating more than a fistful amount at my meals. To me, my fist looks to be about 4-5 oz. I can definitely eat about 6-8 oz at a time depending on the consistency of what I'm eating. My surgeon told me to really try to stick to the fistful rule when eating in order to avoid stretching. I have made more of an effort since that appointment to stick to only about 4-5 oz at a time...even though I can definitely eat more!

  2. Yes, that is true, it's good to just enjoy the conversation and the company. I would usually sit down and grab the menu in the same instance. Then count the minutes until the food arrives. I would drink so much I could only eat half my food anyway and then eat so quickly that I would be done and asking for a to go bag before anyone else even made a dent in their plate....

    I'm so looking forward to these changes and as I can see, the complications experienced are truly patient specific but still always outweighed by the successes I've heard.

    It is so worth it! It's difficult at first and takes a lot of time to adjust...I'm still adjusting after 3 months. But, I would do it all over again!

  3. I really LIKE that I can go out to restaurants and focus on friendship, camaraderie and conversation and not worry about the food.

    I really enjoy the feeling that I am in control, rather than feeling the food controls me.

    I love these two things you said in your post! I do crave food still but I love the control that I have now. I enjoy what I can eat and I try to make the best out of each meal since I can't eat huge quantities. When I go out with friends or family, I'm no longer in such a rush to get my food and to drink as much as possible. I like to sit back and really think about what I can or want to eat. When the food arrives, I like to take my time. I will eat even slower than usual and I just enjoy the experience so much more than in the past. When I think back to how much I could eat and how full and uncomfortable I felt after eating out, I just can't believe how different it is now! And, I LOVE that I save so much $ on food and eating out!

  4. Hi all! Even though I thought I wasn't going to be able to hit my 125 mile goal, I am right on track to finish up by tomorrow. Over the past two days I walked 7 miles and rode my exercise bike 9 miles. This brings my total to 113 miles...just need 6 miles today and tomorrow...woo hoo! This challenge is paying off...last night I had to buy a dress for my friend's wedding. I was able to get into a size 14...I haven't been a size 14 in 8 years! I can't wait to push myself even more in next month's challenge. Everyone has done so well...you all are my inspiration :)

  5. My favorite soft foods meal was meatballs with homemade sauce. I seasoned the meatball the way I always do: salt, pepper, lots of fresh garlic, parsley, egg, parmesan cheese, a little bit of bread crumbs. I also let my sauce simmer for a long time in order to get the most flavor. I would measure the meatballs to be exactly 1 oz. I would also just make sure that I could mash the meatballs with a fork and douse it with sauce. It was the best thing for me at that time! It was packed with Protein and easy on my stomach. Also, some people make a ricotta bake. Which is ricotta cheese with sauce and baked in the oven for a few minutes.

  6. She is right though- some people make some dumb ass comments and silly statements/questions on here- I choose to scroll past those threads though. Everyone doesn't have the same level of intellect and it's each of our choices to hit the button to respond- you don't have to. At the same time the thread title was a bit punchy, but I still think everyone needs to relax a bit- and realize too you're dealing with people who can't eat for comfort anymore! A bit touchy to say the least. I know I am at times.

    {)i(} Sent from my iPhone using VST {)i(}

    I like to be positive and if I don't have a positive response to what someone has written I usually refrain from giving my opinion. It's not because I don't like to express myself but because it is so darn difficult at times to know what the intent or what someone is trying to convey through a written format. I think that's what happened here. I have gotten to know some of you so I understand the tone and style of written expression. I get the gist from the original post. We can't take everything we read on here as 100% truth. My NUT swears that Biotin has no effect on hair loss. My surgeon assured me that I shouldn't experience any Hair loss whatsoever. I feel like my hair is falling out. I have so much hair anyway that it's not the end of the world. But, I do notice more hair comes out in the shower and when I brush my hair. I'm still taking biotin...just in case! I think the suggestions that we get on these forums are very helpful to many but do not apply to everyone. We all have to do what works for us as individuals.

  7. I was sleeved on July 22.

    HW: 272

    CW: 218

    GW: 170

    I've lost a total of 54 lbs. I'm more than half way to my goal. I know that i can do better. I let my old/bad habits get the best of me sometimes. Also, weekends are rough for me. I go off schedule, don't eat enough Protein, or drink enough fluids. I also indulge on things that are bad for me on the weekends (wine, sweets). Ughh...

  8. I'm in again this month! I'm going to aim for 125 miles again this month. I would like to increase my mileage/month but the October challenge was really difficult for me to stay on top of meeting my goal. BUT...I am going to start the couch to 5K program. I have never been a runner. Even when I was in high school and in great shape, I couldn't run a single mile! I want to push myself and make November about starting my goal of being able to eventually run a 5k. Has anyone on here tried the couch to 5K?

  9. HI all! I've been MIA for a few days...I have been really under the weather for a couple of weeks. But, my total as of Friday was 92 miles. I'm determined to get to my 125 mile goal for the month. I will give it all I got over the next four days! Good job everyone. I can't wait to set a goal for November.

  10. When I was still relying on my Protein Shakes, I made my own as well. One of my faves was almond milk, skim milk, one or two scoops of unflavored Unjury Protein powder, a little bit of Torani chocolate Syrup (no fat/no sugar), and lots of ice. It tasted like an almond joy. I would also do almond milk, skim milk, a drop of Peanut Butter, and about 1/4 of a small banana. It was the easiest way for me to get in my protein. They were so good my daughter even liked them! I'm glad you found something you like as well!

  11. I received a call from regular doctor that my blood work was back and I can STOP taking my cholesterol medicine. My numbers were awesome!!! This was one of my goals and I am SO happy, I was dancing around the kitchen and had to call my husband at work. Today was my three month anniversary from surgery and I couldn't be happier. Down 62 pounds, exercising five days a week and making myself a priority. Life is good.

    That's fantastic! Your weight loss is impressive and the fact that you're putting yourself first will guarantee that you have continued success. :D

  12. Great job and happy anniversary. I'm almost half way to 3 years and I feel like I've been at this forever. Can't imagine doubling that. You're a true veteran.

    I agree whole heartedly with all the bullets you listed. I'm curious about one thing though....your husband lost 70 pounds and is maintaining it (which is great news).....what weight did he end up at? I have heard of a few others talk about setting more modest goals and finding quite a bit of success and peace of mind in maintaining those goals. I think so many people get caught up in unrealistic goals that can never be reached or sustained....particularly because they are so determined to fit into the ridiculous BMI categories. I cannot imagine being in better shape than I'm in right now....and yet I'm 30 pounds away from the "normal" category on the BMI chart. If I tried to reach it I'd to mad.

    I have always had an issue with the ideal weight for me. About 8 years ago, I was at the highest weight range for my height (144 lbs). I'm 5'6" but I'm not on a small frame at all. I don't plan to go down to my ideal BMI. I know I look and feel my best at around 170-180 lbs. Plus, I know that's a weight that I will be able to maintain and, hopefully, not fluctuate much.

  13. Okay celebrating 3 years being sleeved TODAY!!! Woo hoo!

    (if you want before/after pics, etc.)


    So in honor of my 3 year anniversary of the sleeve I went to women & weights and did a 1 hour lifting workout, followed by my beloved spin class BUT I was sporting these bad boys:



    They have the little clip on them so I'm "locked" in when I spin. LOVE THEM!


    They were expensive but a MUCH MUCH MUCH better reward than cake:


    Miles so far are 119.8...150 I'm coming for you!

    Congrats on your 3 years! The shoes are awesome...you deserve it!

  14. Every mile I see posted is such a great motivation. No matter the totals, every mile is one mile better than sitting on the couch. LOVE these challenges. I really do not like exercise, I always found it boring and had to force myself. I was motivated to buy a bike last month after the September 100 mile challenge started and my bike arrived mid way through. I never believed it would be something I would enjoy so much. I look forward to it, and am counting the days to daylight savings time so it stays lighter a bit longer for me to get my rides in after work. You are ALL a huge inspiration!!

    I added 7.2 miles last night for a total of 121.76.

    You are doing so well! People like you and so many others on this challenge make it worthwhile to commit to this. Keep up the good work. I also have an exercise bike and I absolutely love it! I like to walk and hike as well. But, the walking and hiking depend on the weather. I can ride my bike at any time. You have to do whatever works for you!

  15. Well it's Monday and again my weekend was a bust as far as getting in my miles. I'm still under the weather but I did manage to get in 9.6 miles on my bike on Friday and Saturday. I slacked yesterday...This brings my total for the month to: 73.27. My goal is 125 miles...I have to get in 5.2 miles/day. I will do my best..not sure if I can do it!

  16. So two more miles today and I'm not even home yet. But that puts me at 40.2. Original goal met, going for 60 now.

    Also going to cancun tomorrow with my darling, much-loved husband whom I have missed lately due to work, house guests, kids starting school, and more work. I plan to snorkel every damn day I can and hang out with him as much as we can. I plan to come back next Thursday all rested and happy :)

    Oh how nice! A much deserved break for you...I hope you have fun! And, congrats on meeting your goal. I knew you could do it!

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