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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MsPris

  1. MsPris

    E G D (esophagogastroduodenoscopy)

    Had one about 2 months ago along with a routine colonoscopy. I even asked to stay awake so I could watch the cameras. He also took a biopsy when he did my endoscopy and determined that I had Barretts Esophagus. Didn't hurt. No pain. Piece of Cake. - better yet make that 2 ounces of tuna fish or another protein.
  2. MsPris


    Hey again: Okay so here goes. BP controllable with Diovan. Cholesterol controllable with Lipitor. Can't prove sleep apnea (been for two tests) because I never went into rem sleep long enough. Has to be 6 hours. Longest period I was able to sleep was 2-1/2 hrs. Consequently, don't have the CPAP, but I do become hypoxic when I sleep, so I need two (2) L of oxygen to sleep with. I am "pre-diabetic." I have COPD, and stress incontinence. Also am on pain pills for chronic back pain caused by the weight, Flexeril and Tramadol. Medicare part D pays approx. 1400. per month in prescriptions for me. I'm surprised they haven't sent me a letter before this telling me to go for the surgery. How long did it take you to get a response from Medicare? My documents will probably be submitted early next week? Thanks again, and good luck to you.
  3. MsPris


    Hello there: I have medicare also and live in CT. I just completed my Dr., Dietitian, and Psyche evaluations. I have to attend a seminar tomorrow evening (mandatory) and then I was told I call my Dr.s office on Thursday and then it will be submitted to Medicare. I'm 53 years old, 5'2" and 238 lbs. I have a whole slew of comorbidities. The Dietitian told me today that she couldn't forsee any problem with Medicare approving my surgery. I hope not. Keep me informed as to what happened to you and I'll do the same. Priscilla
  4. MsPris

    Feeling Great

    Congrats on your achievement. I also need to lose 100 lbs, so I know what you are going thru. Hope to be banded in late July or August. Keep up the good work.
  5. MsPris

    More Appts. Next Week

    Greetings Diary: Here's what the upcoming week is like for me. Monday, June 18th: Appt with the dietitian. Tuesday, June 19th: 2nd appt. with the Psychologist Wed, June 20th: Required Seminar I thought I would get a head start and make a second appt. with Dr. Barajas - my surgeon at St. Raphaels in New Haven, CT. But, when I phoned I was told that after the above is completed - I phone in and they send out my info for insurance approval. Once approved, I get a date? Can that be. I guess/hoping that is so and then I will find out about any other preop requirements. Can't wait for this to get moving. TTYL
  6. MsPris

    More Appts. Next Week

    Greetings Diary: Here's what the upcoming week is like for me. Monday, June 18th: Appt with the dietitian. Tuesday, June 19th: 2nd appt. with the Psychologist Wed, June 20th: Required Seminar I thought I would get a head start and make a second appt. with Dr. Barajas - my surgeon at St. Raphaels in New Haven, CT. But, when I phoned I was told that after the above is completed - I phone in and they send out my info for insurance approval. Once approved, I get a date? Can that be. I guess/hoping that is so and then I will find out about any other preop requirements. Can't wait for this to get moving. TTYL
  7. MsPris

    surgery changed to the 15th of June

    Congrats on your upcoming surgery. My nutritionist date is set for the 18th, as is my second appt. with the psychologist. I'm so excited, too! I've been heavy and I've been thin, and I can tell you that thin is much better emotionally and physically. Good Luck to you. I hope all goes well.
  8. MsPris

    1st Visit with Psychologist

    Hello again: I went to see the psychologist today and much to my dismay - all I did was take a true/false test of about 150 questions and then a circle the most appropriate answer of about 20 questions. My next visit with him will be on the 18th of June and that's when we'll sit down and talk. Nothing else new to report. Just getting more excited with each visit. - to anyone.
  9. MsPris

    1st Visit with Psychologist

    Hello again: I went to see the psychologist today and much to my dismay - all I did was take a true/false test of about 150 questions and then a circle the most appropriate answer of about 20 questions. My next visit with him will be on the 18th of June and that's when we'll sit down and talk. Nothing else new to report. Just getting more excited with each visit. - to anyone.
  10. MsPris

    Sleep Apnea

    My friends brother-in-law went off his CPAP within - I think she said - two months of having been banded. He did really well. Don't know if he's the exception or close to the rule.
  11. MsPris

    I broke the 180's!

    Congrats to you! I know from dieting any 10 pound milestone is quite an achievement. Before you know it, you'll be breaking the 170's. Keep up the good work.
  12. MsPris

    back from doctor

    Carol: Hi! I read all your journal entries, and it seems to me you are way too hard on yourself. If you need someone to talk to, you can write to me. I'm new on this adventure - hoping to be banded sometime in August. I'm not sure what the dietitians recommend for caloric intake and protein intake, but there are great paperback books on the market that include Carbs, calories, fat and protein. Maybe you should pick one up and start reading it to see what you could do to minimize your caloric intake. - Just a suggestion - . I also phoned for tickets for the View about 3 months ago. Said it would take about 12 months to get. I can't wait. Good Luck to you and think thin - and you will be. Pris
  13. MsPris

    First Entry - First thoughts!

    Greetings Everyone: I am so excited I can't stand it. If you bear with me - I'll tell you why. In the spring of 2003, I was out of work on LTD - suffering from depression. Mostly depressed because I hated myself, and primarily because of being overweight. I'm 5'2" and 232 pounds. A friend of mine from childhood named Peter had been making headlines because after gastric bypass surgery he'd gone from 853 pounds to 227. Peter and I spoke about the surgery and he recommended I see his Dr. I made an appointment and saw another Dr. in the office, thought she was great, and then I saw the psychologist and the dietitian and did the ketosis resulting diet. However, while out of work on LTD, my supervisor phoned and advised me that a promotion I'd applied for was opening up and if I wanted to be considered for it, I had to return to work. So I did. Got the new job and like most of my jobs, I loved it at first. Then hated it. And, unfortunately still depressed because of my weight. From the spring of 2003 until 2006 I just sort of muddled along losing and regaining the same 45 pounds over and over. Last July 19th, I wasn't feeling well, went to see one of my doctors, and he immediately called an ambulance for me. Went from the doctors office at 12:00 noon to the ER and was in the IC Trauma unit of the ER until 10:00 pm. WIthout getting too dramatic, and into particulars, I came very close to dying at age 52. It caused me to have an epiphany though. I wanted to live. But, not only did I want to live, I wanted a better quality of life. Because of my weight, I have a slew of comorbidities. Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Barretts Esophagus, GERD, Hypoxia, Enlarged fatty liver, Sleep Apnea and test as 'pre-diabetic.' So, once again I phoned the same Dr. I saw four years ago, and had my appointment on May 31st. This time we decided that we would do the Lap Band - which makes me happier since it's less invasive - and because of the Barretts Esophagus, the band may cause me problems and have to be taken out. My appointment with the psychologist is June 9th, with the Dietitian, June 11th and the mandatory meeting is June 20th. After that, I should be ready to have my second Dr's. appointment and get a surgery date. I can't wait.
  14. MsPris

    First Entry - First thoughts!

    Greetings Everyone: I am so excited I can't stand it. If you bear with me - I'll tell you why. In the spring of 2003, I was out of work on LTD - suffering from depression. Mostly depressed because I hated myself, and primarily because of being overweight. I'm 5'2" and 232 pounds. A friend of mine from childhood named Peter had been making headlines because after gastric bypass surgery he'd gone from 853 pounds to 227. Peter and I spoke about the surgery and he recommended I see his Dr. I made an appointment and saw another Dr. in the office, thought she was great, and then I saw the psychologist and the dietitian and did the ketosis resulting diet. However, while out of work on LTD, my supervisor phoned and advised me that a promotion I'd applied for was opening up and if I wanted to be considered for it, I had to return to work. So I did. Got the new job and like most of my jobs, I loved it at first. Then hated it. And, unfortunately still depressed because of my weight. From the spring of 2003 until 2006 I just sort of muddled along losing and regaining the same 45 pounds over and over. Last July 19th, I wasn't feeling well, went to see one of my doctors, and he immediately called an ambulance for me. Went from the doctors office at 12:00 noon to the ER and was in the IC Trauma unit of the ER until 10:00 pm. WIthout getting too dramatic, and into particulars, I came very close to dying at age 52. It caused me to have an epiphany though. I wanted to live. But, not only did I want to live, I wanted a better quality of life. Because of my weight, I have a slew of comorbidities. Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Barretts Esophagus, GERD, Hypoxia, Enlarged fatty liver, Sleep Apnea and test as 'pre-diabetic.' So, once again I phoned the same Dr. I saw four years ago, and had my appointment on May 31st. This time we decided that we would do the Lap Band - which makes me happier since it's less invasive - and because of the Barretts Esophagus, the band may cause me problems and have to be taken out. My appointment with the psychologist is June 9th, with the Dietitian, June 11th and the mandatory meeting is June 20th. After that, I should be ready to have my second Dr's. appointment and get a surgery date. I can't wait.

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